#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: ESA Sucks Dick Edition



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pastebin.com/V2eFA9GE (Last updated November 29th, 2016)
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5. Defend Free Speech! Anti-Internet Censorship Database Operation:
6. Dig for info regarding the ESA, (also ECA, IARC)
7. OP ESRBusted! Expose the ESRB for being against developers and consumers.


- youtube.com/watch?v=7AL__CptUSQ
- reddit.com/r/KotakuInAction/comments/5qva0e/deepfreeze_deepfreeze_291_update_five_new_entries/
- youtube.com/watch?v=KcDVvqv93CM
- imgur.com/gallery/X2w49
- archive.fo/y5mGL


youtube.com/watch?v=wy9bisUIP3w - #GamerGate - If It's Not About Ethics;
youtube.com/watch?v=ipcWm4B3EU4 - #GamerGate in 60 Seconds;
archive.is/23Fde - GamerGate: A State of the Union Address.

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• History of #GamerGate: historyofgamergate.com/
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Good luck on love, Good Luck on Surgeries, Concentration, Smugness, a better PC, the ability to spot shills, Orchestra instead of Dubstep, an easy guide to mememagic, faster Japanese learning and Salt of your enemies will come but only if you post a pic of your Waifu followed by the words “FOR HER, THE WORST NIGHTMARE OF GAMERGATE”

Remember to always be a big guy



OLD BREAD: archive.is/EeTVl

for her

This needs to be edited. Replace the caption with "Don't Believe ESA's Lies" and ESA's logo on the blank picture. A perfect OC that can be used on every ESA related matter.



The founder of Namco, Nakamura Masaya, has died at the age of 91.


At least he doesn't have to stick around to see Bamco continue to destroy his company's former glory.

Rest in peace. Mr. Nakamura Masaya. Please say hi to Satoru Iwata, Gunpei Yokoi and Ralph H. Baer for us.





never EVER be a passive aggressive "im neutral to GG and antiSJW" type on twitter
its super gay

This isn't true. The ESA don't run the ESRB, they created it but it's an independent non-profit group.

They don't have any power to allow or not allow anything like that. One of their functions is to lobby against government censorship, but obviously they can't dictate what developers/publishers/translators do.

Via the VGVN they explicitly condemned the UN report that Zoe and Anita spoke at the UN for. I think I remember cases where they lobbied against calls for government regulation based on feminist justifications. Statements like this are a huge exaggeration, their actual orientation is mixed.

This is bullshit, they're people from gaming publishers. Not everyone in the gaming industry is a gamer, but that doesn't really have anything to do with their political demographics.

This seems like a gross exaggeration, being able to find instances where you disagree with stuff they gave money to doesn't mean they have "failed" in their mission of helping game publishers.

Seriously, the only thing they do regarding censorship is lobby against it.


So how do we actually hurt the ESA? Their funding comes from companies we have no method of convincing to do otherwise

When we dies we die trying nigga

The only thing we can do is go after their public image.

But how do you know that this is super gay, are you an expert on gay?

I know where you live.

Remember everyone! Get an Ouya and give her a good home! It's up to you to be the big difference in her life! She needs you.

Rest in peace Nip guy and those fucking journo shits better not disparage his memory to virtue signal.

damage their public image and spook em into damage control. Every time these fuckers do damage control they only make things worse and bring more attention to their fuck ups

I wish I had an Ouyaa that I could use as a cheap Tv box.



Previous thread recap

Here you go!


Who is the problem?

The Entertainment Software Association (ESA) is an extremely powerful political lobbying group. They have a bigger budget than the N.R.A. and have been involved in Washington for many years. These are the people who once defended videogames and gamers from Jack Thompson and the "videogame violence" crusade in the 1990s. In their own words, the ESA "is the trade association representing the U.S. video game industry."

What is the problem?

When the ESA stood up for gamers years ago, we assumed that they stood for the values of free speech and respect of our gaming hobby. We were very deeply wrong. The ESA has now turned against gamers and all but openly endorsed the false "sexist, misogynist, racist" label forced onto our hobby and the gamers who participate in it by our current media. Worse, they are allowing unprecedented levels of videogame censorship to take place because of this.

Why did this happen?

The leaders of the ESA are not gamers themselves, but largely supporters of the Democrat political party. When they opposed Jack Thompson and others like him in the 90s, they did so not out of love for gamers and gaming, but because Thompson and his ilk were their enemy: Conservatives. Gamers reaped the benfits of their conflict back then, but now the crosshairs have turned to us. The ESA is chiefly a lobbying group and rarely engages with gamers directly, so few people noticed what they have been doing until now.

What have they done?

They have deliberately ignored, and even occasionally supported, the current crusade against videogames and gamers by feminists, politicians, media pundits, and so-called social justice warriors because this crusade agrees with their own personal politics.

The ESA has made broad and vocal endorsements of "progressive" political issues in gaming. From criticizing the false "lack of diversity" in the gamer demographic to offering special game developer scholarships to only women and minorities. They have blamed gamers for "harassment and threats" against feminist critics of videogames without evidence. They've gone so far as to host politically correct "diversity summits" at their official game industry events and spread articles written by anti-gamer critics on their official social media pages, including the likes of Anita Sarkeesian.

The ESA has been involved with the Department of Homeland Security, and in 2006 used them to conduct armed raids against dozens of alleged "copyright violators."

On top of all this, the ESA spent vast sums of money lobbying for Congress to -pass- the so-called "Stop Online Piracy Act" (SOPA) the "Protect IP Act" (PIPA) and the "Trans-Pacific Partnership" (TPP). These three acts were globally condemned as hugely detrimental to free speech, artistic expression, privacy and consumer rights worldwide. While the ESA eventually relented and dropped support for SOPA and PIPA, the ESA was initially in favor of them and continued to support the TPP despite the public outcry against it.

Why is all this so bad?

The ESA has the power to decide what games get made, what games get imported, what games get sold, and what games get censored all through their control of the ESRB; the Entertainment Software Ratings Board that all gamers are familiar with. The ESA also own the Electronic Entertainment Expo, better known as E3, which is the prime showcase event for the biggest videogame projects from around the world. If the ESA is against gamers, then gamers are in big trouble.

What can we do?

The ESA has failed in their responsibility to the videogames industry, and it is our job to let them know it. Whether you yourself are a Democrat or a Republican or an independent, we should all be able to agree that censorship in an artistic medium and vilification of its fans are not things that anyone should be okay with.

Hey faggots, Trump unofficially is running for office in 2020 which makes it so that NGOs cannot "campaign" against him without losing tax exempt status.

Basically Holla Forums wants to run IRS reporting squads and FemFreq is apparently an NGO that HAS criticized Trump repeatedly. Expect a resurgence of shills, happenings, and libcuck tears as Holla Forums gets drawn into GG2.0

That is not ok. You protect the Ouya, not hollow out her insides.

Reddit needs to die like gaia did.

That indirectly raises a good point. With Trump in office the IRS will have its house cleaned for that targeting Republicans thing. Should start trying to report the various fake non-profits again?

Wouldn't be a bad idea. I haven't followed these threads in over a year. There's a sticky on pol if you want to coordinate ideas

Expect heavy shilling from now on since Holla Forums have an Op called "Gamergate 2.0" which is heavily triggering the resident revoltards.

Also, happenings in Cuckanada >>>Holla Forums9051270


Now this is something I can get behind.

Can't I watch Youtube on and stream videos to an Ouya?


This kind of thing doesn't happen in other countries.

Also on the subject of guns, rate my new ejection port cover.

What the hell happened to Gaia? I remember it was a thing and nothing else.

671 years too soon.

Trash their public image and make the neutrality of the ESRB suspect.

There's no reason we can;t do a multi-pronged attack. We can email ESA sponsors with complaints about the ESA while also ragging on the ESA publicly and emailing them directly.

Tagjacking E3 could be the centerpiece.

Remember this little piece of strategy advice:

If you can't make someone do something, you can fucking make them WISH they had done it.


Sorry I don't read moon runes.

They both look awfully simillar



They don't run the ESRB and they're more mixed/neutral than bad.

Evidence on "vast amounts of money"? All that was shown last thread was a generic statement on their website.



looks very chinkey, nice job


Remember, we are the ==INTERNET HATE MACHINE==

Webm related

They're completely separate from the ESRB.

And they don't have "sponsors", they represent all the video game publishers who are members. There's not really any real way to "attack" them, at best you can try to convince them that a different policy or something is more in publishers best interests.


That webm is the cutest fucking thing.


Say hello to your series' gatekeeper, Livers.

There's a reason why I publicly quit the Love Live! fandom, and idol fandom, and all of anime fandom back in 2015.

The saying, "I don't hate the franchise, just the fans" is half-true: the "fans" deserving of hate are those opportunistic scam artists that lord over the community as the self-proclaimed manager or voice of authority.

We actually used to follow each other and occasionally interact. Then he turned aGGro when Gamergate broke and went on an unfollowing spree. I decided trying to extend an olive branch is not worth it as he refused to acknowledge the GG side.

Bonus: Reposting anitwitter users eating each other alive.

STOP POSTING THAT PIC without source




Here's a big list of their contributions to the ESA's Federal candidates during the 2016 cycle, people in the House of Representatives and some in the Senate as well


Not even anywhere near done going down this list. Help appreciated

Here's Barbara asking Trump to drop out of the race

And Don Beyer pussyfooting away from the inauguration

Suzan DelBene proposes a bill to counter-act Trump's "Muslim ban".

And they even gave money to Debbie Wasserman Schultz, who was implemented in the DNC fuckery earlier this election

Leftists deserve to be gassed.

is the gildafag gonna start RPing as the ouya also now?

thats the tranny that got fire emblem censored

I just posted that because it's the only Ouya pic I have and also because it's funny.

Contact the FTC about Patreon failing to abide by its own terms and conditions. CON members, despite being shown to harass and dox others are still able to hold patreon accounts.
Contact Disney as well as Square Enix to inform them of Nyberg's piracy.
Contact Boston PD and FBI to inform them of Brianna Wu's fraud (that of obtaining funds through deception). There is no proof of life for the existence of Brianna's twitter safe space provider. Because the crime crosses State lines, the FBI would also be a relevant authority to contact.
Brianna Wu side quest : Contact the Boston PD about seeing video footage of Brianna riding without a license. A Kiwifarms background check shows that Brianna Wu does NOT hold a license. Even though Brianna may have used the footage from youtube.com/watch?v=1snH-omMTi0 , it could also be claimed that it was Brianna that gave them the footoge to begin with. As anons are not the police, it would be prudent to let them discover the truth.
Contact the IRS and California's Franchise Tax Board because of Feminist Frequency's expression of political views which is in direct violation of their charity status.



Along with Gilda and Alunya, are we just going down the list of literal abandoned trash? Have some standards, user, sheesh.

It's sad that this is as close as we'll ever see to John going full Big Boss.

My last post for the night.

Drawfag or someone, please finish and color this wonderful Viv. I would but I have the artistic talent of a palsyfag with a power sprayer.

See you guys tomorrow.

her thighs are pretty thicc

A lot of censorship–no, "localization"–in the Love Live School Idol Festival game can be traced back to him and his anitwitter friends raising a stink, like obliterating any hint of a male presence in the game ("THE GIRLS HAVE NO BOYFRIENDS IN THE GAME!" lesbians are ok).

If it wasn't for Scamco still supporting the main franchise, the game itself would have folded a year ago. Right now it's barely squeaking by, as the top juggernauts Puzzle & Dragons and Granblue Fantasy are towering over them.

when is eltonel gonna make a Viv daki

Yesterday's board is a dream
Like a archive that runs through my mind
Made of memes and the dank oc draws
That I knew as a newfag
Australian posts in banlist
Taught me all that I needed to see
For they sang, sang to my heart
"Oh look at me, oh look at me"
"Shitpost the thread, shitpost the thread"
"That is the way you should post"

Meme was the dream of my life
And I saved it the best I know how
So it always brings tears to my eyes
When I think of it now
Gone like the banhammered days
And the newfag I once used to be
But my heart still hears a voice
Tellin' me "Look, look and you'll see"
"Shitpost the thread, shitpost the thread"
"That is the way you should post"

There's no regret that I feel
For the countless bans of it all
If you shitpost, there's a chance you may fly
If you banned, well you banned
Rather the shitposter's life
To have lived for a day and been free
For my heart still hears that voice
Tellin' me "Look and you'll see"
"Shitpost the thread, shitpost the thread"
"That is the way you should post"
"Shitpost the thread, shitpost the thread"
"That is the way you should post"


fuck off commie


What is Tweeted Times?

Sooner or later, protesters are going to try to punch the wrong guy, whether they're on the right or center of not even the "correct" left.

I'll post what I damn want.

Something for next time

The way he went out was shit. Cotton deserved better.

Whats the fucking source goddamnit

Isn't that how it normally works? They donate to either the candidate they think is better for videogame publishers, or possibly just throw money around so they'll listen to ESA lobbyists next time someone proposes a law affecting videogames. Looks like they donate to both parties, are you really going to cherrypick the politicians you don't like and complain about them?

Talking about them wasting money seems pretty silly when a big part of their reason for existing is trying to influence politicians on matters that might affect the profitability of game publishers. You can find groups representing the cheese industry doing the same thing. Also it's $44,000 total, which is chump change for the publishers funding them.

Forgot to post proofs: This is from Cyberagent's 2016 fiscal report. Cyberagent is the parent company of Cygames (Granblue Fantasy). The one labeled KLab is the company running LLSIF.

Source (archived, with apologies for the redditphobic):

before anyone asks, I checked sadpanda and the only doujin with her on there is one where she produces a penis and pegs her papa

Looks like a Twitter aggregator that's been improved to cut out the whole social part of social networks and also to inject more marketing. Parasitic business concept.

I am not an idolfag but I vaguely remember that instance, I remember a shitstorm about how the yuri was removed by the localizers. Your telling me this faggot lied about that to get the game censored like he did with FE?

Wish avs would stop jerking me around with file sizes and black edges.

Di.. did he actually draw it by himself?

Unfortunately, any possible evidence that can be used to prove this is long gone now, as at that time I was not really in GG but as a bystander. And as I am no longer following the LL franchise, I don't really know if the alterations were detrimental in the long run. As the thing is, the characters use gender-neutral pronouns to address the player and each other. It's possibly a case of "seeing what only they want to see", and the problematic instances were with the terms that imply the masculine. Sadly, the developers gave in, so we can no longer say for sure what was the original intent.


Then again, knowing what we know know, he's more likely flat-out lying, and the language barrier prevented any close scrutiny to the claims by outside parties otherwise.

This is veering into speculative territory now, but have you ever read blogposts by localizers justifying the changes they made? Read between the lines and you can clearly see the self-righteousness of their reasons.

It's a tool, after all, that can be used to spread the message to a wider audience, especially if the aggregators are not in the blockbot.

Is this like Dina complaining about her higher ups being sexist and how she personally made the androgynous Mighty No.2 and Ray girls with her pressure and Call in Re:ASH brown, but she's not really working on the games?

Pretty much. Like I mentioned earlier, this guy is friends with a lot of industry insiders, and may actually have some influence due to it despite appearances to the contrary. That's what gatekeepers do.

I recall now what triggered him to be a vocal enemy of GG–a GG supporter way back in 2014 mocked his Nico crossplay, driving him to tears. I don't have the pictures saved, but they should still be floating around the internet as he's active in the convention scene.

Didn't one of the japaneses devs hold a neutral-pro gg stance and talk to mombot?

Wew, things seems to be ramping up even more with the digging into ESA. BUENO
daz eet mayne.jpg

And Platinum Games has a cancerous PR guy. This is a common occurrence in the industry.

This is the cancer that is impeding Western gamers' relations with Japan.

wasn't he somehow the creative director for scalebound? How?

I remember when GG first hit I got blocked by an account dedicated to posting caps from h-manga. Anitwitter is fucking retarded.

I dug around a few days back and it's just a bonus page from an urnelated one
Anyway, I found a few bottles of Smirnoff Ice in my front yard so I'm going to drink them. If I don't post for a few hours they were probably poisoned.

Before Scalebound got announced, his job amounted to a glorified community manager, and was known to get on online spats with PG fans. From that to "creative producer" is quite a leap. "How?" is a good question.

Also, Scalebound got cancelled, but Kamiya ended up getting the brunt of the blame while he got off scot-free.

If they're politicians who are anti-vidya, yes.

Something something "I am an american pr who can communicatwe with microsoft better than you japanese mongrels" I imagine.

So he's a reverse Kamiya? Greaaaaaat, this is exactly what we need. A guy full out shit telling off foreigners. Perfect.

Throw Acid Man on the heap.

ye he was

Even here on Holla Forums Kamiya gets shat on while the real cancer gets a free pass

Not saying Japanese devs are perfect gods, but at least identify what's wrong with video games, and the ways to make it right.

Poor guy. He's made mistakes from time to time, but he just wants to make great video games. I still get a laugh from the way he handled Bayonetta porn. He told porn artists not to make her the sub because she would definitely be the dominant partner

I spread a lot of information about that JP cunt
Ive seen people post archives of me in it of him being a massive faggot

Most of the people here shitting on Kamiya are probably infiltrators.


That's true, same as anywhere else on fullchan, even in Holla Forums and Holla Forums.



What other popular western children's cartoons are pushing degeneracy?


Can you think of any that push for interracial?

Then we need to fucking fix that not just for our anime tiddies, but for the very future of gaming.

Show Japan they have our support directly and raise a storm that completely outnumbers any retarded excuses of "fans".

star whatever pushes mexican guy + white girls. Then there's furry shit that uses interspecies relationships as a metaphor for interracial, like Zootopia.

Ben 10 reboot has plenty of that shit.

dude, i actually like star vs evil
gravity falls should be ok, i haven't watched yet.
can you not bring up those series with steven universe please.

Sibling incest is only remotely degenerate while there's the risk of birth defects. It produces an offspring and a pure blooded one as well.

And those lesbians aren't even human. Literally alien. Completely different culture and biology that is inconsequential to human society. I'm not going to defend either show, especially when I've never even watched either, but there is absolutely no liability whatsoever having literal non humans be gay.

Something I've always wondered considering the push for interracial and Africian garbage, what if whenever a game comes out that has a black protagonist, someone clever could mod their skin and make them look more white for salt. I mean hey, they think Battlefield 1 is a great depiction of WWI with the French that were major players of it as DLC while some dumb nigger gets advertised as the the selling point because "It's the current year guise!"

wakfu is pure with no generate fetish shit
just hips for days

Or another example
But they are, they just don't put up with your shit.


gravity falls incest is only pushed by the fandom. the show itself is familial love at most.

Only Japan has the balls to do actual incest.

Interspecies is straight up something completely different from retards demanding you be attracted to niggers or mudslimes and doesn't even exist while we haven't met aliens yet.

And we've literally had black characters for major titles for years. It's so disgustingly tryhard and pretentious.

You're just being a moralfaggot. There is no definitive relationship siblings are supposed to have unlike parent and child. Literally just another male and female.

When the consequences of inbreeding are finally addressed through the evolution of science and medicine there will be 100% no argument against it. Just pure asshurt over absolutely nothing and triggering.

Nothing wrong with 2d incest. It only get fucking weird in 3dpd.


I see no reason whatsoever to care as long as birth defects aren't an issue. The only thing to worry about is retarded faggots trying to exploit a right for sexual abuse, which is infuriating.

val put your name back on

dont fuck your siblings

Fucked my cousin once. Was bretty good.

That retarded nonargument shuts down itself.

Marche, I've crushed every retard that's ever tried this long before GG.

maybe you should stop fucking your siblings then

Pretty much, same thing with female protagonists (At least in western media with how much they have a fixation for them in marketing and advertisements.) They pull all this "Shortage of women & diversity" all out of their asses anyway, I don't understand the push for getting women into places or that they're somehow still oppressed (At least in America) when they have more rights than ever & they still have the gall to bitch at people because she sucks at the job. I'm still angry at how the ESA wants games to be made to tackle social issues and not about, oh I don't know, just fun shit. Want to make a game set in the American civil war? That's fine, but don't go overboard with propaganda that it gets in the way of gameplay, find a way that both sides will like the game like in Counter-Strike where people want to be good and be the SWAT officers and on the other end people who want to be bad & be the terrorists.


Oh dear what monstrosity have I created?

Don't you mean Hack&slash?

Yes I did meant that, but I have a tendency of typos getting in the way.
Wonder how a hack and flash would work anyway

Every time I hear some retarded bullshit about oppressing women by using insults or even just sexualizing drawings while mudslimes get completely ignored or even get you bitched at for I know I've identified a shit that isn't to be respected at all.

Remember that by completely reducing the retarded shit, most of all oppression and "objectification", spewed by the cultists to complete disgrace and ridicule you'll make everyone else sick of it much faster. I, of course, practice this exact long term strategy myself whenever possible.

Reminder that the ESA is a lobbying group whose first priority are to publishers, and the ESA's own continuing existence. Anytime they say they are for devs and gaming customers, always compare what the ESA says vs what they do.

Pic and archived link related

Great. What do I do with all this information? Make everyone hate them?

Pity the game is cancer t. faeren

Friendly reminder that fun is a mental trick.

Gonna watch more of pic related tomorrow but so far it's really eerie how very parallel this is with video games, all you'd really have to do is replace a few words.

well ye
but cartoon still good


I loved the Ogrest and Nox specials the most, Season 1 was good. Season 2 wasn't quite as good as 1, and the Throne of Ice thing was an abomination.

dofus movie was nice

That works! You can come up with anything fun, even in the most controversial setting without the use of propaganda! (You would probably have to change them to black creatures or make it look like E. Lee's army got infected by evil space alien goo that makes them black)

Damn I completely forgot about that, I'll have a look sometime this week.

Other parallel I noticed.

Make a list with example when ESA served themselves or the publishers and against the interests of developers and customers.

Then we have a source for infodumps.



I thought of "flash" like "Flashbang". Guess my mind still has some purity.

Good evening, faggots!

Great job, anons! These OC's are awesome!

I know it's low hanging fruit. Look OP's avatar, they don't even hide it anymore.



Just let things continue the way they're proceeding.

Never forget. Repostan


They keep this shit up, they'll be instantaneously identifiable when the RWDS starts up, kicking doors in and doing a manual exterminatus on this godforsaken nation.

Guys, people on Reddit selling used panties, keep this in mind the next time you talk to a redditor. Those cucks pay a woman money to their used underwear. And who knows, maybe those girls had unprotected sex with their partners! Very disgusting and also SAD!

If it was just moist, I would get it.
That's just fucking disgusting.

Holy shit, if they're that desperate, suck it up and play an anime tiddy porn game.

Who knows what diseases are on there

ayy! you would what? How dare you! You should be very ashamed of yourself!

Why the fuck do they all look the same?

Is her boyfriend or husband also a cuck since he's allowing her to whore herself out for dosh?

The full speech. Truly an inspirational speech from JFK. This needs to spread around.

I've seen horrors, but this will haunt me in my nightmares.

A normal guy would surely not allow a random guy to suck his girlfriends pussy juices off.

But honestly if I had to chose between buying the guy who whores his gf and the guy who buys those dirty panties I would chose being the guy who whores his gf.

Are they ironically shitposting in real life?

to be fair it's just a pair of dirty panties, it's not like physically having sex

Even the Japanese weren't this fucking degenerates with used panty vending machines, now there's websites for the North America and Europe with "pantydeal.com"

It seems Alex Soros, son of George Soros, is responsible for huge support of hipsterish thick black rim glasses and nu-male fashion.

Black plastic rims have been popular since like 2005.

you have brain damage

ohh no! how HORRIBLE! I must bookmark that website to make sure I don't accidentally click it in a the future.

Then have a blue one.


This is some next-stage Kardashian shit.

I agree with this user, you need to stop posting pictures of that weird guys face, he really does look like a shitstain.

That looks really retarded, no wonder it's not popular.

Watch out for GamerGate
The public enemy of the world #1
It is the main hashtag responsible for…
☑ Being on the wrong side of history
☑ Fondling 55 eggs by surprise
☑ Molesting people in VR
☑ Plays DOOM better than Polygon
☑ Safeguards vagina bones
☑ Are the LOVELY, horrible people at 8E8ightC-han
☑ Told God check my quads
☑ Seducing AVGN to the dark side of history
☑ Turned waifus into Gamergate's worst nightmare
☑ Turned Notch into a woman hating MRA rapemonster
☑ Cuntfuses a lot of ovary-acting womyn
☑ Captured all goon territory in EVE
☑ Delivered the final leg drop on Gawker
☑ Corrupted Milo into an internet super villain
☑ Called a jew a nazi
☑ Bullied Reddit's abandoned daughter
☑ Memed life into Liru
☑ Refusing to ban Liru
☑ Uses celebrities lives as fuel for the meme magic
☑ Leg dropped gawker into bankruptcy
☑ Filled up Codemonkey's disk with shitposting
☑ Made Mighty Number 9 fail
☑ Attempted to kidnap someone at E3
☑ Hired 5 fictional toads and a fictional conman to gangrape someone
☑ Using a time machine to harass innocent localizers
☑ Gave a toddler meningitis
☑ Made it rain in London
☑ Causing the UK to leave the EU
☑ Casted the original ghostbusters as all men
☑ Keeping the MN9 booth from being set up
☑ Refused to play with Stephen Tortilla
☑ Playing Pokemon without fear of repercussion
☑ Not watching Grillbusters
☑ Talking to girls who play Pokémon Go
☑ Waging war against Ghostbusters and Leslie Jones
☑ Got Milo bampersanded from Twitter. Again.
☑ Leveled up on the DNC
☑ Barbecued worst Korea
☑ Chasing topkek from kotaku
☑ Appropriated and augmented a group of racists
☑ De-funded paranormal investigators by linking them to a suicide group
☑ Channeled the powers of love and death into misogynistic flowers
☑ Komm Süßer Troll'd
☑ Surviving for 2 years
☑ Ejected a fascist nicktator and toppled his dishonest empire
☑ More effective than New York Media, Silicon Valley and Hollywood
☑ Being Gawker's biggest enemy
☑ Celebrating their daughter's birthday
☑ Continuing to be the #1 hate group online
☑ Forced aGGros to spend christmas and new years whinging alone
☑ Owned some bitch
☑ Caught the Arby's killer
☑ Became a verb
☑ Made Pepe great again
☑ Inspired Trump's campaign
☑ Seduced the Occulus Rift founder
☑ Hacked the DNC
☑ Forced Pepe into the American school curriculum
☑ Bought 4chan
☑ Defended Devin Faraci
☑ Forced the UN to gather 800 gigabytes of white supremacy frogs
☑ Marketing of Nintendo Switch
☑ Infiltrating the emoji selection committee
☑ Hiding millions of anti-Semitic tweets
☑ Virtually raping a woman under the name BigBro442
☑ Unintentionally prepared all of us for the 2016 election
☑ Made halfchan go bankrupt
☑ Bullying a comic writer off twitter
☑ Turning S.Korea into a chinese girl cartoon
☑ Using free speech to undermine the freedom of the press
☑ Triggering Blizzcon
☑ is actually the FBI
☑ Making alternate earth great forever
☑ Creating fake news
☑ Ordering pizza without pineapple
☑ Genesis of the alt-right
☑ Outliving Castro
☑ Corrupting communist mascots with glorious capitalism
☑ Laid the groundwork for online harassment and conspiracy
☑ Glorious Winged Faggot Extraordinaires
☑ Funded the most diverse game in history, eliminating racism, sexism, and the game/animation/whatever itself from existence
☑ Being associated with white supremacist groups
☑ Spent Christmas with Liru
☑ Actually had fun for Christmas
☑ Destroyed the alt-right
☑ Became meme warriors
☑ Toxic gamer culture
☑ Weaponized nostalgia
☑ Shutting down every woman who tried to even have a forum
☑ Causing Battleborn to flop
☑ Carrying meme associations with the presidential inaugural speech
☑ Made Antifa shoot itself in self defense
☑ Set a limo on fire
☑ Taught the right wing to collectively target sponsors
☑ Sent the head mod of Holla Forums to attack Chia The Beef
☑ Revealed their leader to be grand nazi Jonathan ARYAN Jafari



When the toxoplasmosis hits hard.

Yes. Also examples when ESA went against vidya and it's preservation.

ESA Says Preserving Old Games is Illegal Because it's 'Hacking'


Anyone wanna buy my panties

To be honest I like /cuckquean/'s take on star. It's pretty funny in a schadenfrued kind of way.

It's pretty weird but /cuckquean/ is a very comfy and even cute board.

Found Huey talking about Education and vidya, webm is sadly too big for me.
Only problem with that is that with places like Google Play, Mozilla, Nintendo eShop, and Windows Appstore, require IARC to be used for selling products whereas with Steam, as heavily flawed as it is, has the right idea with user-made tags (This game has [Japanese], [Male protagonist], [Beheading], & [Cannibalism] tags instead of vague shit) and the fact that IARC is being pushed to be used as a recommended tool which on digital distributions is pointless (And begging for someone to make an alternate store where they say "Fuck you." to IARC and allow unrated games to be sold)
As much as Huey is wrong, I sadly agree with him on this.
Oh god pls no
Also I see Huey has inherited the "If-if-if-if-if-if" from King Nigger

Makes sense. They don't want old games to stick around, they don't want competition for "education" games.

I would love to grope her butt and watch it jiggle in my hands.


Not finding anything on this, what happened?


I know it's pretty much a big-ass ad for his 2012 Kickstarter, but it was a thing that he bitched about.

I wasn't able to sleep well.

if you do nothing else tonight, click this link and read!


This is a confidential memo just leaked from the left-wing SJW rag Media Matters on how they're planning to take over the Internet, social media, and traditional media to both stop Trump and strangle us in our metaphorical beds.


Man, how many people is my debauchery going to claim?

I don't like Trump and I'm baffled by the fact that his opponents are doing their fucking BEST to keep him there for eight goddamn years

Share this to Sargon of Akkad, Acid. He'll make a great use of this. I'm currently reading Kevin McDonald's Politics of Guilt so my hands are on deck right now.


This is scary shit.


So, the Hewillnotdivideus thing still going on? anything new since yesterday?


Wow. Is it just me or this is straight out of Goebbels's playbook?

It's like a lighthouse. Constantly looking far but it can't see its own feet.

Wall is still up, they've got shills watching discord, IRC, streams and the threads. Everyone who gets called /ourguy/ in any of them gets banned no matter what they do.

Something I've been thinking too is that the question has probably been asked many times here but I think it's worth making something out of it, with digital distribution on the rise, is the ESA really needed? Like Huey said in the video, there are platforms that allow people to develop and reach an audience, some won't take their game but others will. Not only that, but we've also asked if the ESRB was really useful when it comes to digital market and I thought not really because my reason is that unless they update themselves to be more modern (Not in the diversity or politics bullshit), they're only doing more harm than good.
Like I mentioned above, the general theme that can be summed up with inconsistency, vagueness, and to the ESA, dishonesty.
You look a rating the ESRB assigns, what do they tell you?
But then when you let user-tags come into play, they can get into more detail like…
Of course you'll have smartasses who type tags like "Not a game" and companies (At least the shitty ones like Gone Home) will be sweating bullets because "Stop misrepresenting our product!" but really, user-tags can blow the ESRB's vagueness out of the water.

Forgot to add
User-tags also seem to make IARC redundant. Instead of filling out questions just to get a stupid rating, leave it up to the people who play the game and make the tags so that newcomers can get a general idea of what to expect.

So, salt harvesting is getting hard?

Not really, they can't ban people from the sidewalk and keep shooting themselves in the foot. People are reporting them to the IRS now for banning people over politics on a tax funded exhibit.

They banned an actual jewish autist musician who wasn't /ourguy/ but everyone thought he was because he was such a stereotype everyone thought he was deep undercover.

This. Absolutely fucking this.

And this initiative is funded by GUESS WHO

I hope they retire any fund from this shit and actually demand any money given to be paid back.

jews dont create

True enough, though the vagueness of content descriptions is an issue for movies rated by the MPAA, not to mention ratings boards across the world. In fact, Hollywood didn't start adding descriptors until after vidya did, like "intense scares" or "some nudity". We had discussions like this on the Zelda thread how the Japanese CERO has symbols for some of the more recent titles sporting the "Crime" warning on the back.

You do get into questions of what constitutes the difference from "Mild Comical Violence" to just regular "Comical Violence"

How can this fucked be everywhere!?

Gonna go get some rest, I'll talk more on user-tags when I awaken…

Money, like tons of money. This evil incarnate sold many of his kin to the Nazis and claimed ALL of their riches for himself. This guy is an absolute symbol of evil. So as his sons, relatives and associates. Just ask Hillary Clinton.

When he dies would he leave his meme corrupt the world?

Every day, every time we find something, he shows up.
We absolutely need to take him down.


I assume so.

because old white men really do run the show and keep everyone else down. its just that the message has been twisted

Holy hell the language in this is repulsive. What is this authority they claim to have?

Val will defend this


That is the question that I'm guessing, the ESA fears. It fears it because if it's honest with itself, it knows the answer is likely to be: No.
Isn't it funny how the ESA, ESRB, IARC cocksuckers and apologists, and those who wants to worm their way into them all beat the drum of "but if we're not around, the big bad gov't would come in and censor all of us! So gib money please, so we can schmooze and give monies to politicians who may or may not hate vidya but at least we have access to them amirite? So about that monies, publisher san."

The push for IARC. ESRB, their resemblance to the MPAA and RIAA, nearly everything related to it that you've been digging around. Technically at least IMO the technology and the digital infrastructure is nearly there or already here, for a tipping point to occur where it's not just devs or customers going
ey yo hol up, why the fuck do we even need you around for again? you say you're for us but you've been talking some shit behind my back.
The tipping point will likely happen when publishers decide the ESA may not be worth paying the membership dues for, or decides that the ESA no longer serves their best interest.

Defend? It looks more like Val's own profile

Moral authority. The same thing the evangelicals claimed to have back when they made their moves on vidya in the '90s and early '00s.

literally who ?
Marche, "she" is australian. She's your own problem.

This shit can't end fast enough.


That, and the old white rich jewish men run the show for the rest of the old white men.

That reminds me, wasn't there some liberal show or sketch or something from back then where a woman was waving her massive tits around while wearing a shirt that said "Moral Authority"?

What a retard

I've Tweeted it to Sargon and alerted Holla Forums.

Kek help us all. If they manage to buckle the big companies like Twitter and Google all the way, they could effectively run all their opposition off the Internet.

If we're broken down into tiny isolated pockets that can't communicate to the masses, we really might be fucked.

This is what Justin Trudeau have to say after Muslims shot their fellow Muslims in Quebec. Really. Fucking. Disgusting.


Is this a thing now?

Anytime Castrodo says the phrase, "On behalf of all Canadians", you should really discard it. He doesn't speak for all the syrupfuckers. Anymore than King Nigger speaks for all clapistanis. Pretty much anytime the cuck puppet opens his mouth, just discard anything he says.

Reminds me of

Equality is racism.
Success is privilege.
Diversity is strength.

Equality is Racism
Success is privilege
Artistic freedom is meaningless

youre pretty good-ocelot.mp4

OH MY GOD! That can be a perfect OC against the ESA! Acid, just sleep and call this a day, you deserve a break!


No one can sleep

I never understood this. All you need is a single picture of a pantie and all of a sudden thirsty betas will gladly believe that it wasn't worn by a 300 pound bear-man. If I was someone selling panties online that's exactly what I would do.

Wait, they think facebook, zuckerberg facebook is an online bastion of the right wing? I dont use fagbook, but why does that sound crazy level wrong.

I can make you actually. Now, goto sreepu!

You're sitting on a potential gold mine. Who knows, maybe knowing that they were worn by burly men would get a dedicated set of customers, just like furry fetish artists.

Tweet this to AlphaOmegaSin. He'll really spread to the masses.

Also you're doomsaying by insinuating all this shit would just be ignored and Google and Twitter wouldn't be hit hard for blatant propaganda and attempts to outright control.

Makes you wonder how many cunt-starved dumbasses are sniffing some fat dude's crusty jizz-stains and don't know any better.

What's worse is this isn't even hyphenated Canadian. It's hyphenated Mudslime.

Are you a dummy? Because you sound like one.


you can bet your ass it happens
workout my ass, those girls are fake as shit.

These people need to claim permanent victim and underdog status. Their worldview of permanent revolution demands it.

Already know you're full of shit.

Guy has a wife and kid and actually looks up plenty of shit other than videogames.

And I wasn't talking about the ESA.

I'm fairly sure they're anti-Soros protesters in Macedonia.

This sounds like a crime and people aren't going to be happy about it.


It's perfectly legal, just like selling users' personal information for advertisement purposes.


I think it's like 'cultural christians' or 'atheist jews'/reform jews.

So a bunch of loophole bullshit. Again, it's going to piss plenty of people off who aren't okay with it.

so it's really OLD MEN running the world?

Hello guys, Angler user here,

It'd been a while I know, I was gone most of the summer and been busy with work since I got back.

It seems there is an issue with Bad Angler, looking at it quickly it looks like journos have found a way to block archiving. Wouldn't surprise me, they were incredibly salty about people using archives a while back.

I will look into tonight when I get back home, I have a good idea of how to correct it, it's a dumb logic error I made. I miss programming.

Anyways, the next best thing would be to have a gg dedicated archiving website but this is beyond my meager skills right now. I'll read up on it on the plane if I can get past those retarded leftits blocking the airport.


Welcome back Angleranon.

I think anyone who actually cares about privacy and social engineering already has a minimal social media presence.

Welcome back! It's been a long while since you last posted here!

This is terrifying. This is some straight up 4th reich shit. The media is backed into a corner, and it just fucking leveled up. Is this for real? How active is this group?

Absolutely great idea. Only thing that could make it better would be an entire gallery of quality Danielle lewds to piss off feminazis.

People are already pissed for other reasons, but people keep using it. I mean, its not like they weren't trying to pass of sites that were posting more truthful information about the election as fake news so they could publish lies unabated.

Seriously, all the headlines on the news ticker at work were about how much people were pissed about Trump's ban. Mother fucker was telling people he was going to do it, didn't do as much as he should have, and all that jazz. If you want to get people pissed at him for, don't choose the thing that was part of what got him elected, fucking retards.

To be fair, I think some of this will be CTR's dregs, and people are seeking better information rather than what is given to them, or else Breitbart and Infowars would not have any success given them already trying to put the squeeze on them.

Calm down and get a hold of yourself.

If anything, this is it spasming violently close to death. People just have to keep being discouraged to trust any of the propaganda.

You might see if the nice guy who owns Archive.is would share his source code.

Already thought about this but he already answered this in his FAQ with 'the code sucks so no'

I never really left, posted a lot during the elections and after, now with the hwndu circus too.

I just don't use names or trip but I read the threads.



How old is Sorors and when he finally croaks will we have our country back again? All the riots and divisiveness, all the craziness the left has gotten itself into, it's all because of him.

Shit, did you guys hear? Peanutbuttergamer has proclaimed JonTron is no longer his friend. Why? Because he has different political views. Our country, no, the world, is literally being torn apart.Families destroyed. Friendships ruined. And it's all being driven by Soros.

And then there's the victims on the left, the people being manipulated into this shit. Just look at Movie Bob. He's slowly being destroyed by this shit. He'll kill himself, I just know it. He wasn't mentally well before all of this, let alone now. He's been ranting on twitter nonstop for 3 months now.

Eben bigger question, if Soros dies, will it be over? Or will he have kids to take his place?

Glad to have you back Bait-man.

Lest we forget.

I wish a nigga would. Time to curb stomp some blue haired land whales. Tbh you know they've had it coming for a long time.

If punching a nazi is becoming trendy, how about gassing a communist?

Well, his entire opposition just went to work overnight and revealed themselves real fast, and he's not backing down to these fucks, but oh boy, they really shouldn't have overreacted and revealed themselves like this.

There was a communist on twitter bragging about how punching Nazis is american as it gets, and then someone said punching nazis is as american as it gets and he flipped out.

You don't gas commies, you nuke them.


I gotta hand it to Trump, he's pissing off both Soros and the Kochs.

Shitman and the other big name cultists in particular were always shit. This just shows what pathetic monsters are really there.

Explain. I've never seen the show.


Trump continues to be the guy who pisses off everyone I hate and I will always love him for that reason.

Woah, this is crazy shit. I do hope Trump is aware of all of this, i assume he does and is playing 6d chess with them.

I hope he visits Ottawa some time. Trudeau could use to see a real leader in action, not that I hate Trudeau, he is a victim of his party.

PBG said they stopped being friends a while ago for different reasons, not because of Jon revealed his powerlevel.

He's pissing all the right targets off, and people who declare themselves as the "Resistance" to "Inequality" are still thinking he's part of the One Percent or Hitler, real useless fucking idiots they are.

It gets worse zerohedge.com/news/2017-01-29/color-revolution-under-way-america


Real men throw them from helicopters

There's the thread.


Why do people attending those marches always look like they belong in an asylum. I don't understand their motivation, well-balanced individuals don't have the time to waste to go there.

Kys tbh

Wow, that's pretty explicit cuckqueaning. I thought this was going to be some subsubsubsubsub-text or yaoi-goggle bullshit, but that is some straight up reverse cucking in a kid's show.

Soros has children. Competence is not necessarily hereditary, however, and given the way things are going I question if he was ever competent or just riding off of being one of the biggest evil bastards around.

We also seem to be going through a bit of an end time that is not going according to plan. Nationalism is supposed to be dead in the parts of the world that the elites care about. Even at the best of times, though, it would be a mess of people who just hate each other because they have been told to.

Didn't those fuckers make money off of the soviet union, which was doing far worse shit than Hitler? The constant attempt to make nationalism the great evil to be avoided really make me suspicious.

Oh joy, my suspicions are well founded.

Evacuate the children.

Don't lie to yourselves, you know you want it


we should meme the meteor over Canada, and SanFran


That was a Nickelodeon live-action show. Which I believe got the axe.

Nickelodeon….not Disney

Virtue signaling and because everyone is so fucking equal, we can show off our degeneracy! And gotta love how the (((MSM))) omits all of the fucking loonies who participated on these marches and protests! can't let people know you're backing lunatics!

hat is a fag

I'm amazed, everyone.

Look back, two years and half. Most of us were still on cuckchan, eating shit after shit and hearing every day how much we needed more womyn in our games, while seeing how shit games turned.

Then, look how Gamergate began, and what were its immediate consequences. We left cuckchan for this new home most of us never left since then. We were smeared as misogynists, as haters who don't have to be the devs' audience. Every word from us was met with disdain and heavy critics telling us how wrong we were.

But we never stopped. We only kept fighting and going forward. And, slowly but surely, victories were met. Enemies were laughed at and ridiculized by their own actions. Alternatives to shit games media were created, found, and became popular on their own. And while it wasn't without co-opting attempts, we kept advancing and discovering new things.

And even now, things are far from over. We have groups like pointed out, organizing themselves to build a resistance in the name of their last sockpuppet, trying desesperately to restore the status quo that brought them so much fame. We have diggings showing how ESA and, by extension, ESRB, are rotten to the core, and pointing out each and every mistake in their doings.

I'm certain we will keep going forward. So keep it up, everyone, because I believe in you all.

Ah, well that's not as bad then. I assumed it was because of the sargon stream.

Their granpa got the family fortune from Stalin, yeah.

Not really.

…Is that an important detail or something?

I mean, he was still being a fag about the whole stream.


I fixed Bad Angler, though it will initially show 0 articles in the initial timeframe. I'll work on a better startup logic tonight.


Sweet. Now I no longer have to say
in every thread in a vain attempt to get your attention.


Sorry, I might have missed it even though I try to come in at least once a day. The threads have been going fast lately.


Its over


This is true. And it's a good thing.

Do you faggots wants to be tied to a Tesla coil and get shocked to death?

Im not gay sir

I believe the ripples of our actions had ramifications far beyond just the vidya industry
Not five years ago, the biggest happenings were mostly relegated to fucking with lolcows or the occasional news story about hackers on steroids, but since GG blew up, meme warfare has escalated to the world stage, reviving dead gods and motivating political change most people would consider fucking ridiculous- even something that would have been a big deal a while ago like fucking with AAA celebrities is now a near weekly occurrence
Basically what I'm getting at is, Mars soon, comrades

SJW moved too fast with vidya belieiving their success with AAA publishers would be easily replicated. Add to this journos starting to look down on their readership and you have the gg pushback.

They were prepping indie devs to become beacons of their ideology but Quinn's five guys blew up in their face. Their plan was rushed and they decided too late to drop dead weights. The journos influence got a big hit too, I doubt they can recover in time from this. SJWs are becoming a liability and they will be dropped soon, they sperg out too much and too quickly on social medias and are mudding the message big liberal interest try to push.

Why do you fear and resent womyn goobergays?

Think of GG as a microcosm of what is happening in the world of politics today.

Imagine if say Notch got the CEO position of Activision and suddenly made a bunch of wide sweeping changes, like ignoring the ESRB, translating Japanese games with no censorship, releasing 1990's style T&A shooters and stuff like that.

Imagine what the games media and industry would do. And you have whats happening right now.

Reads like a classic case of projecting

Honestly, that seems like it refers to any group SJWs deem to be undesirable.

Include the fact that we were the bulwark, the one thing that those faggots could not shatter, let alone simply break through, their speed became their undoing. Now it's trench warfare and we're the ones who grind.
They used their ultimate technique far too early, combined with the fact that not only did we weather that storm but we pierced through it, making them look like loud-mouthed imbeciles at the same time.
They thought they had the advantage, being able to move swiftly, make quick accusations and cash in before anyone else was the wiser, but we held the line. Constantly, consistently battering against them when they thought they were "safe" in their little circle jerks.
Their only response was to cut themselves off from what they perceived as the tainted end of the political spectrum because, like all good leftists, they listened and believed rather than questioned and investigated.
The media followed suit, lie after lie, and it all came tumbling down by the previous election.
Nobody cares about their bullshit.
Nobody gives a rancid fuck about their constant harping of "social problems" that are either exaggerated, nonsensical or non-existent.
The people, on the other hand, they cared about certain things.
Their jobs. Their homes. Their money so they can expand not only themselves, their belongings and their skills, but their projects and families. What leftists can't figure out is that there's a great number of people who don't want to live in some retarded-ass commune where everyone just sits around all day and socializes with each other while eating bread that belongs to the state.
A great many people want to do a great many things, a lot of which are really cool and interesting. Some want to build. Some want to create. Some want to scavenge. Some want to destroy. But overall, the want to do something and contribute to something greater than
is what motivates these people to keep going forward, despite not having all the infrastructure advantages or entertainment options available to the slum-living parasites.
We will win. We will be victorious and they will fall like the desiccated husk of their political beliefs, hopefully, once and for fucking all, left behind in the annals of history, remembered only for their stupidity.

no benis, thread saged

Part of this reads like the introduction to an action movie.

Not so fast miscreant.
The Grassroots Truth Squad is here to protect the womyn and crush your fake news.



didn't sage REEEEE


Welp, shooting in Quebec by a moroccan muslim and white guy yelling allah akbar. This will be a fun week of mental gymnastic to explain that one.

They'll ignore it.

Your taste in waifu is still shit, you shinji in a red wig loving faggot. However, a good action plan is a good action plan. Judging by the goncern trolls, the apologists and the increase in distraction and d&c shills lately, as the ESA digger correctly warned about. Something is riling them up, and that usually means GG is on to something.

Though one of the apologist shills is technically correct. The ESA does not really have sponsors. The ESA is a lobbying group. They mostly have publishers as paying members. :^)

"toxic masculinity"

The damage control's already fucking idiotic.

Zelda Torrential Downpour potential discussion:
The original link- Breath of the Wild can switch to any language when you change the Switch's language- yet dual audio is not an option.
1. Get clarity if this is true (Disk has multiple languages on it- both text and audio. You could even ask NOA- but phrase it in such a way so it isn't obvious you're fishing for dual audio potential info.
Don't copy what I've written word for word. Multiple people asking the same thing in the same way will raise a red flag.
2. If Dual Audio is basically there bar the menu option- meme how bad the VA work is on release. It's a major AA title that everyone will talk about, and Nintendo can "win" good PR by patching it in later. If not, NOA becomes a little more synonymous with bad VA work even amongst normal fags.
3. Debate whether writing to Nintendo Japan is possible (translators needed) or even worth while (will they reject all foreign letters and emails- even if they are large in number or in Japanese?)

So it's not quite a gatekeeper as they have no control over the product itself, so much as a shithead squatting on a twitter account.
Still a dick, though, so that should be taken care of.

I think writing to Japan is a good idea.
I bet they'll accept foreign letters because the Switch will be region-free.

Yes, speaking of that. It's should become more obvious to more people on the reasons why there is such a push for the shitty "gamification" trend, as the dig mentioned in fields like gov't administration, health care, large enterprise and institution. Because it can be sold at large volume, and outside of a few exception, those "gamified edutaining" games tend to be low craftsmanship that makes the crappiest Newgrounds flash game looks like masterpieces in comparison. They may fare okay if viewed through a lens of "general apps" but they fare poorly when judged as games. Similar thing on the faux indie push. Quality stands the test of time, a good game that is old will still be good, and a crappy game made in current year will always be crap. There is no contest when it comes to fun, I can play Gunstar Heroes even today and enjoy it. I doubt the same could be said about Battleborn or Mighty#Better Than Nothing even at clearance aisle prices.

I expect nothing less than a tooth and nail balls to the walls drop all nukes effort from the ESA, IARC and it's like, if it ever dawns on them that their existence as a lobbying group might be finished. Because the technology and infrastructure that makes that possible IMO is very near. There is a hope for a potentially better future for vidya. A future where devs can communicate and sell their craft and product more directly to customers, a marketplace less restricted by people and warped ideologies who don't play vidya, do not love vidya and do not consider it a freedom of expression issue, but wishes to control and be vidya and content gatekeepers.

I think the ESA digger can say whether or not most of the bulk of the digging and recon phase is completed, at least for his part. An info dump over at gamergatehq is in the OP text.
6. Dig for info regarding the ESA, (also ECA, IARC)
Speaking for myself, I think there is enough now to shift to more concrete planning of tactics and strategies. Such as , and .

The timing seems right, I don't know how to say it. There is something in the aether, look at what has happened 2 years in counting. I think it's time to let the ESA know that customers and patrons of Vidya, are aware of the ESA's incosistencies. It will not be easy, and the future is far from certain or a happy one. But nothing truly valuable is ever easy, or achieved without some form of sacrifice.

>mfw I know Japanese and could write a pretty mean letter but I don't give a single microscopic fuck about Nintendo and actively want them to continue immolating themselves for no apparent reason

I'm sorry, I just can't find the heart to participate in anything related to them. Watching them either shoot themselves or get torn apart by shitty VA work or SJW "translators" from the inside is just funny at this point. Fuck them. Good luck though.

Replying to myself because I'm a sentimental faggot at the moment. I see that possible future as a brighter one and worth fighting for, because in the ancient days of vidya something like that did happen. A more direct transaction and relationship between developers, content creators and the customers and patron. The vidya that really spoke to you and seared great memories into your brain, there was a person or group of people who crafted a great story or concept or fun gameplay mechanic that was responsible for that. Not a soulless commitee milquetoast groupthink who wants to turn vidya into a regressive ideology propaganda, social indoctrination machine.

It was a person or a group committed to crafting something to the best of their ability that created that great memorable vidya. Not the middling manager or some marketing drone PR fuck who treats vidya as no different than a can of beans.

I run in "liberal" circles and from what I've heard. Most of them think Trump is the literal anti-christ and Pence is Satan, because of their anti-immigration, anti-muslim terrorist, anti-abortion stances.

Secondly Spencer and Bannon being appointed positions in Trumps Government is basically compared to Hitler appointing Nazis to cabinet.

The problem is there is so much spin I can't find out whats actually happening atm. And forget talking to them about it. Reddit and Buzzfeed are literally gospel to them atm.

It took one dude with a truck to kill 86 people and injure 434 in France.

That's fine. How about a memetic curse on current year nintendo. Didn't you wish for Justice this year? A nice hot load of Justice that tells nintendo both the jap and us offices, that the SJW localization is making them bleed money and interest faster than a [insert bawdy analogy here] would be great.

Are you talking against the peaceful vehicular demonstration?


Part of the problem is that the spin by now is applied by both sides. HuffPo says Trump is Satan, Breitbart says he is Jesus.

Or to make a different comparison: Compare Reddit's news subreddit to Voat's news subverse.

Nuh uh, it was the truck that did it. Just like it was the gun that killed all those fags in the orlando gay club. And the truck and gun never said aloha snackbar PBNJ, it clearly shouted: Heil Hitler. :^)



I'm not gonna say Ghostbusters, but…


inb4 Neofag shits all over him like they did with Iwata.

Because there is none being produced and the demand keeps getting higher?

No, that can't be right. It must be because hostile marketing against potential customers and accusing them of being mysogynerds, was not hostile enough. Maybe doubling down further will work, this time.

Someone call Sony pictures about it and make it a movie.

Spilling money and interest like it was BP's oil
Bleeding money and interest faster than Bud Dwyer's nose
If bad decisions were maggots, Nintendo would be a rotting deer's carcass
Nintendo lets their own shit burn like they were George Bush
Nintendo is killing their fan's interest faster than OJ on date night
Nintendo is gonna start seeing their earnings shrink like a hoe that can't suck no more
Nintendo is putting down their own series like dogs sent to PETA
Jesus fuck, Nintendo is more dense than Zelda's eyebrows
They're almost as limp and useless as Scooby Wu's dick
I've stuck my pinky in asses that were tighter than Nintendo's grip on reality
I've seen a tighter grasp on reality from paralyzed boys that thought they could walk again on Christmas
I've seen a tighter grasp on reality from orphans that thought their parents would come back for them on their birthday
They're trying to kill themselves more than Nicholas Chamfort
They're about as good at fucking up as the French are at surrendering
Look to Nintendo the next time you wonder why God has abandoned us
I've seen pornstars fuck themselves softer than Nintendo
Why couldn't Nintendo read the road signs? Because they were in Japanese
Why didn't Nintendo cross the road? Because that would've been the smart thing to do

"No words. They should have sent a poet, so beautiful, so beautiful"

This fucking killed me

Admit it, how happy are you that Fish is still alive ?

Here we fucking go.

Also, in regards to your question:
Unless he suddenly spasms out and loses his shit all over again, I'm not happy to see him. It's like waking up to a beautiful sunny day, having a warm shower, a hot, delicious and filling breakfast, and the second you open up the door to leave there's a pretentious, degenerate faggot right fucking there about to ring the doorbell to ruin your day.

So… how did people react when a some actor said to punch "people against peace" or some bullshit?

Isn't ironic for the people that call themselves peaceful are the first ones to use violence?

as happy as having a cyst under the armpit

Irony and self-reflection are lost on these people.

Anyway. I'm just waiting to see all those artists leave america like they said so many times before.

They won't. They would rather screw things up for plebs than leave.

Someone bait the fish, I'm too kind to think of insults.

Well, then let's just wait to see how middle america react to those elitists and also to be screwed by the president they go against.

like "fishes like you should go back to swim in shitty waters near a sewage"?

I thought of talking about Fez II, or the fact that they just copied an old puzzle game, but I can't figure what to say exactly, nor do I remember the old game's name (but there was definitely one, I'm sure of it.)


See earlier. They are trying to start shit with Trump, with intent to aid the beginning of a coup or revolution.

Christine Love mentioned a while ago she had went in front of the camera for CBC, so here it is.


How big was his dick?

is this a "loss" edit?

Isn't the Trump's side the ones with the guns? Are they that stupid or do they have any weird hebrew plan?

Just seeing those those two together, I already know its fucking trash.



This conflict is tearing me apart

The guy from the Quebec city shooting sounds like a Holla Forums autist. He was anti-feminist, called them feminazi and completely disregarded women during high school refering to them as whores.

All that according to the (((medias))) :^)

Take it with a grain of salt.

Heard conflicting accounts on this. Right-wing media says both shooters were Muslims so it might be another Shia/Sunni drama, while the left says there only was one shooter and the other guy was taken as an eyewitness.

Oh, are they still running with that source that was actually a parody Twitter account?

Fucking hell, that title sounds like his game is a AAA or some shit.

Imam said there was footage of everything, they released two pics and then arrested two completely different looking people. One was a white faggot and the other was a mudslime and now the mudslime is a witness and the white faggot is the supposed lone wolf. This is the guys liked pages on facebook. Theyll probably go with the it was a right wing extremist trump supporter

At first it was 2 shooters, one morrocan and one quebecois. Now it's only one, the quebecois with practically no online presence except some old facebook posts.

According to people who knew him he was your standard shut-in autist disreguarding whores. They have built a profile of him anyways mentionning anonymous imageboards.

Careful with that shit user. The guy's facebook hasn't in the slightest been confirmed. Every time one of those killers gets their identity made public, you have several people with the same names that get attacked and showcased every fucking where even though they're not the actual shooters.
Nothing's proving this is the actual attacker; it's entirely possible it's just some dude who sadly happens to share the same name and is being insulted by journalists and facebook idiots even though he hasn't done shit.

How long until they "find" he loved to play Cowadooty and GTA?

I forgot the word supposed, oops

Depends, How long did it take for the media to accuse COD for Breivik's shooting?

Chess players confirmed for racist misogyterrorrists.

Don't worry; every time garbage like this happens, every retard out there cries out on social media to state it's totally proof that their favorite guy/ideology/whatever is totally right and the people/ideologies/meh are totally evil and guilty. Whether from infowars or the guardian, people just go to facebook and twitter to pretend they care instead of fucking trying to gather what happened and feel bad for the victims. It's just another sports match for those people.
So I don't blame you from getting something from the mess, as it's, again, nothing but noisy for a day or two, until we fully know what happened.

We quebecois care a little about our identity and catholic French ancestry. Disregarding the separation bullshit we have distimctive laws protecting this identity, some more retarded than others. This make some people uncomfortable with Trudeau's policies. Expect attacks on those values soon.


Just goes to show that the french, no matter whether they're canadian or not, are horrible hate filled and garlic smelling people.


Antifa, no!

They failed to halt a lecture about Free Speech featuring Dave Rubin, C.H. Sommers and Peter Boghossian.

Will nobody think of the triggered psychotherapy dogs?!

Bill 59 I presume


there is a reason the stereotypical NEET originated in Japan.

Hey val, were the Filles du Roy prostitutes? This is what I learned in school but now feminists are throwing a fit about this saying they were respectable French women.

I'm sorry, you'll have to be a bit more specific. Which king's daughters ? Is it a specific name for a specific king ? I know that one of our kings (that amusingly lived for like three months I think) had "beaux" as his personal assistants, and it was obvious to everyone they were just hot cocks he could fuck, but I don't recall a "filles du roy" thing, sorry.
It's nonetheless very, very likely the closer court members of the king, if specifically of a certain gender, accompanied him to relieve him of any sexual urge he'd have. So, yeah, technically, prostitute, but with a much higher standing.
Still, again, not sure what you're referring too hun.

You mean Hikikomori, in this case.A NEET is just somebody who doesn't have a job or go to school.
Hikikomori are what you'd describe as socially anxious. Many are NEETs as a consequence, but this is not always the case. Some go to work/school/whatever else they have to do, but are asocial otherwise.
Many Japanese NEETs are fully-functional individuals who've experienced first-hand how society gives people the shaft, and as a result they choose not to participate at all and instead indulge themselves however they see fit in a "I'm going to take my ball and go home" approach.
The horrid mismanagement of the japanese economy coupled with antiquated social norm around how you are expected to work led to the rise of the NEET population.

Okay, just looked it up a bit, had never heard of it. Well I'd say they technically weren't prostitutes, but in a way… well, they received money to go to places where barely any woman lived so that they could marry and somewhat colonize the place. It's not really prostitution since they're meant to pick a single guy and not allow anyone to rail them. Supposedly, your feminists are right : they're respectable women the king himself financed to get married.

It's kinda funny how these attacks seem to fade from public consciousness quickly, isn't it?

Isn't there already an old game like this? Like, exactly like this?

wew lad, the peasants can keep it with my compliments.

They were just called filles du roy, when Louis XIV found out his colony sucked compared to the english. Since it was mostly men he decided to send women called filles du roy, mostly prostitutes and other undesirables, at least thats what I learned and my sister too but they seem to have changed their tune recently.

It was just out of curiosity, French king were notorious degenerates.


Bravo, Schreier


They definitely were; my research is very limited and I doubt french schools would really teach that shit anyway. So it's not at all impossible you're right… sorry I couldn't be of more help, dear.

Its been a couple of years since I got history class. We english colony now anyways. No biggie, thanks.

I don't know if they were prostitutes or other undesirables, but they definitely were poor, sometimes came from orphanages, and had a low level of literacy, so perhaps some of them were prostitutes back then.

You're thinking of the WiiWare title ThruSpace, and its 3DS sequel Ketzal's Corridors.

This is old but amusing.


OK back from my sleep.
The question of whether or not the ESA is really needed continues to get stronger as we get closer to the digital infrastructure because as I mentioned before, if they don't update themselves to be more consumer friendly, then they do more harm than they do good because while having a E, T, or M rating is noticeable to people, the content that describes what to expect in the games however is vague as fuck.
And then compare it to something like Steam's user-made tags…
And with the evidence that's been collected on how they want to enforce gender/race quotas because the diversity is "Not good enough.", the fact that they've supported politicians who are anti-vidya along with bills which would fuck up vidya like SOPA, PIPA, & the TPP (And how much some are shown to be biased towards Democrats), and want to push gaming to education because they want games to be made to solve social issues (Propaganda) instead of for fun and the child-like nature it brings of fantasy that books and movies don't have.
I could see their cause if they were doing physical releases but digital distribution as much as I find many faults in it, is taking over the market and the fact that they think they're still relevant with IARC by "Solving the burden publishers go through by going through our totally not exploitable automated process" when again, user-made tags blow them the fuck out, they are a danger to vidya.

And remember


Meanwhile, Polygon advertises a video game where you can "punch Nazis in the face".

If only the developers were honest enough to add a disclaimer stating that Nazis are everyone you don't like.


But this is totally different from that punch anita game from 2007 because nazis.

Oh God, I get a boner every time I see those fucks write disclosures now. You just know they did it through clenched teeth and puckered-up asshole.

Are they connected to any journos?


Since you've done the bulk of the digging and recon. And the general pattern and terrain seems to be fairly clear by now.
What say you, the digging phase is mostly done now, and proceed to planning for ops?

I wouldn't know. Time to get the shovels, I suppose.

They don't even try to hide that they're butthurt about it, that's the best part.

Yeah, I'm sure theres other hidden stuff the ESA has done if one were to do some additional digging on them, but I think for the most part it's done. I still need to find a way to present Dirty Dan Hewitt who said in the thegg.net interview "I think that if you look at our materials both online and our social media and our printed materials as well. You’re going to see that we’ve always had gamers front in mind." as a great deal breaker because as evidence has shown, the ESA NEVER had gamers front in mind and thats where I got the Dirty Dan Hewitt idea.

You really feel the butthurt.

He claims he's a writer or journo of some sort. And he can't find the word for it. Fucking vidya journalism (or journalism in general in current year as well) everyone.
Oh boo hoo. He's so anally ravaged that someone else can at least tell the truth that something is shit, that now he's clutching his pearls and mewling about sensitivity regarding an AIDS joke.


I think that Kern tweet pic about the ESA are for the publishers, they never had the gamers back, may also help. Their dick move along with the MPAA and RIAA to try to shut down the preservation of old games as haxxoring and piracy, that might be of help as well.

I would bet that the ESA will try to spin it as "it's piracy! and piracy hurts us all, especially you, go- I mean beloved vidya consumers". And there will be apologists, and cucked shills that will defend it. But there might be an opportunity to judo throw that shit. The market for retro vidya and nostalgia is not small. Likely why publishers have no problem with the ESA doing that shit, because publishers may not want old games preserved. Many of them increasingly see or want to turn vidya into a disposable commodity or subscription. But it can cut both ways. There are still people or at least I hope there are still people that will not stand for that kind of double dipping. It's one thing to knowingly buy a subscription based game. It's another to say even if you paid money for it, you don't own that.

What the fuck is that? Looks like something out of Slav mythology

Also the ESA changed their pinned tweet!
Article in question (For some reason their link goes 404 when you go on their twitter)
Also found this while I was checking
ESA applauds @WhiteHouse's #RaiseTheGame campaign. RTG seeks to empower women in the game industry. joinrtg.org/ #csforall
ESA also retweeted this, more context on the NY senator vetoing a certain bill
.@SenMartyGolden calls on @NYGovCuomo to sign legislation giving tax credit to music and gaming industries pic.twitter.com/9yh0R9wZj8

its the furry that murdered her parents

Yeah. Cheaper imported labor first, quality secondary. That's what the ESA and publishers are trying not to tip their hand, and failing.


…How long do I have left before the Mossad shows up on my doorstep?




I'd recommend investing in secret cameras, microphones and firearms.
And poisonous gas detectors.

Start posting Holla Forums holocaust infographics.

I don't know whether or not I found this on the ESA's site or their twitter page, but I found an article they posted.
The Health Benefits of Gamification
Now if I remember right, China or Korea has a Gamification system going on where you get awarded points for doing things and deducted points for doing bad things, in a way making your stay there like a video game.



Huh, guess both the site and twitter have them

Uzi induced heart attack



I guess Usher's looking for contact info on the dev who got caught faking awards.
This seems to be the guy, but I think he would probably want more than a Steam profile.
Though it might not even matter since he took the fake awards down. Not sure if it's worth continuing to pursue anymore.

Literally fake news.

I don't get it.

Remember this Kristen Sobel retweet of a HufPo article you found?
My guess is the ESA and publishers has a yuuge boner for gamification in previously considered non gaming space because of potentially yuuuge and easier monies. With gamification for larger institutions or enterprise, they usually don't have to deal with "entitled gamers". They may have to deal with committees and more bureaucracy, but the amount of dollars for gov't and large enterprise contract is buku huge.


Matt Forney and Davis Aurini.

Man, the OP post explains it.

That's a pretty obscure and cringy reference, but okay.

Come to think of it, I just looked on Twitter on how the comments regarding the ESA are…and something just gave me an idea!
With the evidence we collected, we already know that the ESA never had the gamer's back when they got slandered by the media or they only took advantage of it to look like the good guys fighting against the big bad meanies who were trying to take away video games. For instance "Look guys, we stopped Jack Thompson!", "Look guys, we stopped the UN!" "Look guys, we made the supreme court say that video games are protected by the 1st amendment!", and it all ends with "See? We really love you gamers, we know how much you like video games! So we stood up for you! We know video games don't make you violent! Huh?! You want us to talk about games not making you sexist or racist? Umm…"
Lets add even more irony to that paragraph by the ESA honoring the late judge Scalia! Even more irony with Scalia talking about how video games still have the right to free speech like any other medium, yet with all the censored games coming to America, the ESA wanting to take the propaganda approach of encouraging games made to solve social issues, and endorsing Anita Sarkeesian who hates games and doesn't play them…I don't think Scalia would agree with the ESA's approach! They clearly lack self-awareness and need a taste of their own medicine, own up to their words!
We also know that the important thing of business is to make a lot of money. With how digital distribution is on the rise (Huey says it himself "There are platforms out there for distribution that allow peopel to develop and reach an audience, you don't have to compete for space at Gamestop anymore."), publishers and developers don't need a middle man like the ESA to advertise or rate their games! As I mentioned before, user-made tags can fill in the place of the rating system and is a far better alternative than what the ESA is pushing: IARC.
And considering that SEGA left the ESA in 2015 due to budget cuts and how expensive membership for the ESA is, the publishers don't need to be confined by them! They won't have to waste millions upon millions of dollars to an organization who has shown their bias against gaming! Time has proven that those who complain about sexism and other hot button issues in gaming DO NOT BUY VIDEO GAMES and if people catch wind of a product being censored IT MAY SELL LESS COPIES THAN IT WOULD IF THEY LEFT IT ALONE!
So what about developers then?
Developers don't have to worry about getting slapped with the horrible rating that will force them to change their game or risk losing sales due to the stigma perpetrated by politicians, social justice warriors, and others! If they're owned by a publisher and they leave behind the ESA, then not only will they not have to worry about pushing boundaries without cries of "Change this!", but they also have their chances of being foreclosed slimmer due to how expensive membership is! And again with digital distribution on the rise, developers can make whatever game they want to an audience they think will buy it and that audience will be there so long as it's good and they don't spit in their faces!
Which leaves my final point in question…

Certain people are so thirsty for a scoop they jump on retarded shit people feed them, like how sam hyde is behind every terrorist attack

Oh I thought the names were a joke or something as well as the fake Reuters.

You have to be special kind of stupid to fall for that

In the article or in their dumb video? Because the article one's pretty obvious.

The video is cringy.


Not stupid, willfully ignorant. The Daily Beast is nothing but a shit-stirring rag, they don't give a shit about facts. I mean, just look how many hitpieces Arthur Chu penned for them.

twitter.com/Karabas_Studio/with_replies there's the studio twitter, at least. Cursory searching only lead me to a google+, which seemed to be used primarily for shilling and talking about Trump and Putin in vodka runes.

Nice. I don't know why I didn't think to check for a Twitter. Probably because I'm a fuckin' idiot.



Haff we started the fire. Is it time to find a hammer to nail that post on the door of the cathedral. Draw up infographics. Get an operation going. Gas the news infowar now.

Here's an idea: Are all the ESA's members USA-based, or are some of them situated in other countries outside the US? Would it be possible to nail them with the recent ban by Trump on lobbying groups representing foreign interests?

It is when they have more pull and influence that the actual official account (which may just as well be non-existent).

delet pls

this thread will never get 700 posts


This is the ESA members page, not sure if that's all of them but assuming the ones listed are the big ones anyhow.
I'm not up to date on some of them, example activision-blizzard. I thought at one point Vivendi (european or french iirc?) owned them but maybe something already changed and I missed that. Some I've only heard of them when I looked up that page. 345Games with the comedy central games and spike games? I didn't even know comedy central and spike had a games division, or maybe outsourced games division. Konami is jap, Nexon is south korea iirc. Though from a minor dig I did a long time ago, many of the larger ones are multinational and sometimes have an office overseas for tax purposes.
See: double irish with a dutch sandwich.
If you want to skip to the end.

What the fuck has /k/ done now?

A music video from the 70s, if memory serves.


This guy is actually pretty good.

the ONLY time you ever need to grind is like the first 5 levels
thats basically it, kill 10 or so slimes and ya done

Good morning, faggots! Updates on the ESA? Anything from their PR guy, Dirty Dan?

Why does this shit never get old


I was looking up some of the people who worked for Germany's USK on their Linkedin…there might just be an interesting lead if others wish to peruse into this, whether it leads to the ESA or they have a ESA of their own!
Marie-Blanche Stössinger

It's beautiful.

Need 2nd or 3rd party 3ds games to play

showed hwndu stream for my mom, she wondered why they did it.
showed videos of people messing with them, she thought they were great and funny because the "normal" protesters were boring and shit.
sheis not a Trump fan btw, this art shit turns people away from them.

Reddit's founder made a big abloo bloo on the front page about immigrants.


There's a good distillation here

There's enough info to get things going to the fire up the next phase IMO.

Sadame and Kokuga are extremely underrated

Well think about it

You show a bunch of angry, bitter, humorless people chanting at a wall and compare it to a bunch of people laughing, joking around, and generally having a good time being goobers and the choice of which group you'd like to be a part of is obvious.

Humor is our greatest weapon in the culture war.

these breads have been weird lately
bursts of activity then fucking nothing
is the gate closing?


Found this one for PEGI.
Jürgen Bänsch
>Leading the EU government affairs and public policy agenda on behalf of large international video game publishers such as Microsoft, Sony, Nintendo, Ubisoft, Activision, … and national European trade associations.
>Jürgen is accustomed to operating at the highest levels in a fast moving growth industry while advocating complex business and policy issues towards regulators on the national, European and global level. He is engaged in the vibrant Brussels policy debate on how to adapt European’s regulative framework to the new digital challenges and innovative business models. In addition, Jürgen has strong skills in political and strategic communications and the management of international EU funded projects.
I suggest anons outside of America to look into their rating boards and see if they have any juicy connections!

Wait a fucking minute. I think I know this source.


I think most people are digging


twitt er.com/ashly_burch/status/826230843311992832
holy fuck, why does she keep getting work?

What was that one ESA vs some Canadian group mentioned a few threads back called again? I'll try to look into that

Probably because she outbids literally everyone so she can half-ass everything for a quick buck.

more importantly, why did they keep it a secret so long? The game releases in a month and she's the main character.

cause she has connections and is cheap

Entertainment Software Association vs. Society of Composers, Authors and Music Publishers of Canada

thanks bro

Kemono is cash but you're still a furry

wasn't she on strike?

Probably the same reason why NoA didn't tell anyone that Abraham Lincoln was going to be voiced by Wesley until a week before release: Because they know their names are toxic, but they're cheap.

we already knew she was since the first time the game was shown at e3
how is this fucking new and why is she announcing it fucking 2 years after we already knew


Voice actor union probably.


that aint me
not even the file name is correct

isn't this the one with the stronk independent womyn hunting robot dinosaur that was showed off 2 e3s ago? Burch voicing her is probably why I found her annoying as hell in the gameplay they showed off two years ago.






but you still took it

That's not me, you dingus.

Australia might also have some connections, look into the Australian Classification Board for any kind of juicy info!
Richard Williams
I can't find anything on Japan's Computer Entertainment Rating Organization (Or I haven't looked hard enough since my moon is weak)


Serious ownage.


Kojima is the grand wizard.

Kojimers knows all

Hideo knows how to play both sides.

The supposive shooter is a huge isreal fan too on she supposive facebook page. So he may be a jew.

Yes. I called the scabbing months ago.

She may be a virgin, sges shrill enough.

I recently got my Pol 102 teacher interested in the situation happening in Korea, anyone here have the screen caps from Gook user with the links? I want to show him the crap going on there but I need a little help with sources and also that picture of the crazy gommies throwing themselves out of the window.

Previous thread is barely up but heres the image of the latest one, my folder is an unsorted mess.

New hashtag up, with Google employees supporting it. You know, because virtue signaling is so much more effective than actually fixing shit.

Lots of potential here. #GooglersUnite

Would IRL Baneposting be considered Rakugo?

Release the OC's of Anita Sarkeesian supporting the censorship of the internet on the UN!

Not joshiraku enough.


Sony never fucking learns

I save a couple when they pop up. To be honest I thought I would have more, but I only got these 5

Nothing in text form, at least the links. Im grateful but it'll be a pain to retype everything at least the links.

Found pic related on Germany's USK website
Their FAQ

Oh look at that he has a douchebag peircing under his lips.

Someone remind them of the time they allowed a landwhale threatening arsonry on others.

I'm not sure how this is supposed to be a monumental thing. Given their politics, Google could easily be paying their employees to not do their jobs in this case.

Found pic related from PEGI's website
Theres also PDFs of Boards & Committees which should help those digging into PEGI.

Help the ESA digger out!


Remember who participates in IARC and dig into those for juicy info.


Send this to Mombot! Pronto!

Ronin too if he's still on twitter.

Also someone that speaks moon needs to go alert 2ch.

>the organization who rates your games, advocates for diversity & gender/race quotas, who represents the US game industry, who runs E3, who has influence, and wants games to be made for propaganda don't matter

Anons, you want to do something fun? Edit this picture and replace everything under the intersectional feminism ladder of oppression.

We should meme this.

Kotaku in Action was a mistake..


anyone wanna hear about the time I fingered hex at a Sydney night club?

Is there some kind of otaku hub I can use to try and connect with them? Prove I'm not some kind of pathetic gaijin that pretentiously bitches about their culture and encourage them to strike fear into any shitty western targeting devs?

Is this mod new? How could he have been with gamergate at the beginning? The whole point is the games media was breaking their ethics codes because shoving their politics down the throats of their readers was more important. Fucking reddit.

Not reallyGo on though

I don't have a Japanese proxy, gods damn it.

Someone just stick "your game rating system wants to join an international rating organization led by retarded foreigners" through a translator.

I doubt you

Nonetheless, I want to hear your yarn. Spun or otherwise


Keep forgetting they were the precursors to 4chan autists.

Yes, someone please head there and do this immediately.





They are smug as fuck that a white guy killed muslims in Quebec. Because it validates their narrative. They don't give a fuck about the lives lost, and they don't give a fuck about the lives lost by terrorism, all that matters is that they were "right".



These fucks would always be at PAX Melbourne bitching about Gamergate and telling people "We aren't welcomed in the gaming community, because it belongs to them." I told them on youtube I was gaming before this fucks were born and still would be when the paycheck stopped coming in for them.

My tax dollars ain't going towards this shit anymore! Time to bust out the Champagne!

Insomniac, don't be near the ESA, they're a bad influence on you.

There's 85 people still in the #burgersandfries IRC channel on Rizon.

Do they even do anything anymore?

i was too scared to go in.

Looks like Twitter's about to drop the banhammers.

Hoo boy. I'm excited to see whether or not they ban the camsluts, because that will produce one hell of an outcry.

Unrelated to the ESA, but real grade A journalism.

They are so fucked.

We can do it guys, let's contact all of Gawker's advertisers! Rev up those emails!

One of the twitterfags should hit up that VoQn guy as well.


You're some special kind of stupid, are you?

what that penis feminine?


Remove shill.


They became cancer with sunset overdrive.

Did you see the nose? He is a jew, and I want to see him invoke the holocaust defense.

some good news.

At least im sending those emails, lmao losers

I see someone is salty

And what a coincidence it's happening during the major ESA digging, I was even told to stop the digging because it was wasting my time.
It's afraid.

A new strain of shill, perhaps. It might be Dan Hewitt doing damage control and wants the ESA dig to be derailed.

S-surely just a coincidence!

Dirty Dan Hewitt, wants the ESA to continue playing dirty with us.

A youtuber has a moment of introspection.


Meanwhile, at Patreon…

Isn't that the CEO?

Just when I thought theres nothing more to dig on, I find other things
Entertainment Software Association crackdown?
Stop pirating games, thats bad goy behavior! Be a good goy and buy them with no hesitation!
#267: Violent Video Games & Ratings: Protecting the Frontiers of VR with ESA

Oh this is just wonderful!

Well, well, well. What do we have here. From the looks from this dig of yours, the ESA already have plans in store for VR(it's dead in the water before it even hit the ground running) on how it can be manipulated to their feminist and social justice agenda. Now that the late judge Antonin Scalia's dead, they'll now find ways to reinterpret the 1st Amendment and how it will not apply to VR games so they can have every means to subvert it as a tool for indoctrination. Really makes you think, huh?

Thanks ESA digger. You're indeed doing god's work for us all.

Did they miss the part where Obama banned immigrants from certain countries on six different occasions? Trump's thing isn't even a ban, it's "hold on, we need to make sure you don't have financial or personal ties to ISIS."

Hate to be a No-No-Nancy here, but this is in the best interest of all game developers (which the ESA should -theoretically- represent)

Again, I hate to shit on your dig, but how is this negative? Unless the ESA uses its powerhouse in the industry to dictate which contents should be banned/ get an AO rating rather than just protecting the growing VR industry from moralfags, I need more evidence to see any wrongdoing.

The propaganda media wasn't opposed to Obama, though. I doubt most of these people are even aware of anything Obama actually did in office.

More good news gal gun sold 100k+ units nichegamer.com/2017/01/30/gal-gun-double-peace-worldwide-sales-break-100000/



they premoted tweets on twitter and so much salt in the replies to them
was so good

How about the fact that if they stood up for gaming, they wouldn't endorse Anita's tweet, they wouldn't support SOPA, PIPA, or the TPP in the first place, and still remain tight lipped on the whole racism/sexism issue while advocating for "diversity" & gender/quotas? They want to talk about honoring Scalia's word of giving video games the freedom of speech, yet they've done nothing to say that to Anita or her kin. It's always the "Violent video games" crowd because it's easy for them to defend.


Speaking of Wil Wheaton, SHUT UP WESL–oh, wait lmao.

Good point. Them supporting Sarkeesian alone probably will result in a bitchfit over any and all tiddies in VR games (not that Americlaps haven't always been autistic about this while turning a blind eye to violence).

Ironically, this stance itself may lead to "standards" in which the bloody dismemberment of another human is a-okay but nudity (of females, men are okay) results in a ding-dong bannu.



I am enjoying this schadenfreude.

Oh god, they totally are pushing him to fall back on apologizing purely because of his race. But hey, reap what you sow, Wesley. Maybe you should have followed your own rule and stopped being a dick.

And thats why I'm not trusting the ESA's words on being the defenders of vidya when the evidence that's been dug up shows that they think like Hillary Clinton: They show one face to the public about how "We're doing this for you, we like you!" and then behind closed doors they're like "Fuck these people, they're the worst! Why should we make video games to straight white males? We need to talk about the gender gap & push for accepting women into video games and remind people the wonderful world of diversity."
It's probably old fashioned thinking, but when you say you represent this or "We care about you and your games!", I expect you to keep to your word & not break them. But the ESA has been guilty of doing that for years and only now is there enough evidence to not deal with them. Why waste your money on an organization who is very hypocrticial on video games, gives money to people and organizations who also hate video games, & wastes your money by subscribing to their membership? We know E3 is a fucking joke.

It's time to smash this retarded nonsense of shaming absolutely nothing harmful like idealized sexuality once and for all.

anyone got any recent updates on how much nyberg owes the IRS?

Reminder that the ESA changed management, started its Pussynigger scholarship, and cut E3's balls off all in the same year.


Derek Smart tweets about Entertainment Software Association joins other tech companies in issuing statement on Trump immigration ban
ESA is totally non-partisan, y'know!

Collect those tech companies and the names of the big wigs in it!

Why are retards still given any credibility spewing "hurrassment"?

Good. Let's pour salt in any pathetic "wounds".



Why is this so difficult for game companies to understand


The narrative has to be completely crushed.

Forgot my air quotes. "Narrative".

You got it


So then spread this exact wording and fact as hard as possible.

Raise fire in their hearts.

Is the ESA listed as a non profit. I find it hard to believe that this global censorship ring is private.

I remember finding the pre-trans name of Edwards. I also remember how quickly any and all references to it were deleted once it posted them in an early GG thread.

Like why do ANY tech or gaming companies need to make a statement on what Trump is doing.


The funny thing is on various polls and shit, most people are for the ban, probably because they understand its a TEMPORARY BAN so better vetting process is taking place, but everyone acts like sand niggers are banned forever.

Nobody that plays vydia, or builds PCs or whatever gives a shit.

If Insomniacs goalt is to make me not a give a shit about their future projects, they succeed admirably.

They don't rate games, the ESRB is a completely independent organization. How do you still not know this?

They're not supposed to be apolitical, they're supposed to support whatever politics help the profitability of big publishers.

They don't endorse Anita's tweet, they specifically deleted it and said it wasn't approved.

I've read all the attempted ESA digging and honestly they seem better than probably the majority of the big publishers that fund them. They throw money at some transparent virtue-signaling with "diversity" shit, and of course they support anything they think can reduce piracy, but at least they seem genuinely consistent in the anti-censorship stance. That seems quite a bit better than EA or Ubisoft or Blizzard.

They did this with that manufactured controversy of Assassin's Creed Unity not having female characters, of course they have to get in there.

KiA plebbitors still say that the ESA having a shit load of partisan shit is off-topic politics.

Dirty Dan Hewitt spotted.

Don't you get it, user? It's been clear from the start that fans of any kind have been mislead and peer pressured into going along with whoever makes what they like.


The only thing listed as non-profit is the ESRB but even then, they're established by the ESA. The word you're looking for is "Non-Partisan"

Thank god I have Nioh and Tales to keep me busy cause holy shit, what is hapenning, Trump hasn't even been in office a month

I got my manga in the mail today

Oh I got a good one of the ESA wordplays, hear me out…

I don't think they're really supposed to be non-partisan though. As a trade group they're supposed to push for whatever will help the profitability of their members.

I laughed harder at that than I should have.

You know what's sad about what became of Rowling and a decently classic stepping stone to better literature for children like Harry Potter?

Order of the Phoenix was entirely about the government and media literally lying their asses off just to make everyone and most of all themselves feel safe and harshly discriminate against, mock and outright condemn everyone speaking against the propaganda.

Doesn't sound like something that she would write or would go over well today, does it?

Not to mention that Umbridge was essentially the perfect example of an SJW. They put on a cutesy appearance, but only to hide a sinister, authoritarian demeanor and outright racist viewpoint underneath. But no, instead of referencing the themes to that book and the antagonists involved, let's just call Trump fucking Voldemort for the fiftieth time.

All right, which one of you did this?

How about anyone who's read all 7 Harry Potter books start accusing those retards of being Umbridge?

I would love to see that happen.

I love how those idiots like to imagine they're some version of Dumbledore's Army. I'm sorry, but if there's any group that has to stay under the radar under fear of persecution, attack and torture and find secret places to meet and discuss the way things REALLY are then it's us.

I must not tell lies

user, we're sitting on a weapon.


He made a lot of really stupid mistakes…plus he was super self-conscious about everything.

If theres a good picture of Voldemort and Umbridge, I'll get that polished

Is there seriously no way to shut off likes on twitter? I am sick of seeing libtard shit on my feed.



The ego on this whore will never not cease to amaze me.

Playing vidya is an illness now.

Is an "addiction" always a blanket mental illness across the board, or does it depend on the severity of the addiction? I don't know anything about this. And if it is, why make a new distinction for gaming? Addiction is addiction.

We already know we have autism though.

The nanny state that the UN is trying to creating is one of surprise and disgust and yes the World Health Organization is a United Nations run department.

Wonder if the ESA is gonna jump in again and say "Nuh-uh! Studies say video games are good for your health!" :^)

Well the UN got Saudi Arabia to lead the Human Rights Council, WHO can get China to lead the way to solve this problem.

I don't have an archive for the guardian article but saw several people talking about it and posting caps; and didn't find an archive for Jed's tweet but I know it's out there… note that someone DID tell him it was for a skit comparing bad guys to nazis, and Jed still swore that it changed NOTHING


Mister, please restrain yourself.

Google yields me nothing jap name?



Also fresh memes!

gad dayum


firing up oven ready at 700 or page 14
title: Night Trap Edition
vid embed:
Published on Dec 14, 2015

Nigger img search does nothing


Also is there a way to meme this?

He really is the One Cuck to rule them all.

There's covering all bets by donating to more than one political side, there's having a bias to one side by their behavior (which the ESA seems to have), and then there's oshitniggerwtfyoudoin tier of supporting politicians tacitly or otherwise who are against the thing you are lobbying for.
Did you really read up on the ESA dig. If that's the only thing the ESA said and nothing more, it would at least be honest. It's not, they have tried to claim they are also on the side of devs and vidya customers.

"Obama's drone war is -like- a vidya game. And he sure loooved to drone on and on." Badum tish.

Mombot: …What book?
Bringing the bantz on a super saiyan level.

Another meme for the retarded faggots that keep doing the Trump is Voldemort comparisons.


Doing Kek's work, user.

How about Order of the Benis?


We're the ones in their position, right? And we're primarily shitposters?


Here you go.

Why Order of the Phoenix though? isn't that Dumblegay's organization or are you referring to the movie?

The movie.

It's VoldemOrt, not mArt.

fuck off commie

He's right, though.

No, no, he's got a point. My tendency of typos slipped in.


I kind of understood it when Umbridge is literally an esjaydubya and how GG doesn't have an official HQ or anything just like Order were literally just a resistance that moved in secret.

I guess it works well with hypocrisy, but something seems a bit off. Props to him, though for those grueling hours in MS paint.

The problem is how do we know who's just a retarded cultist and who's actually been tricked into believing Trump is actually racist and sexist?

Pic says voldemart, but it's funny and might be funnier if it's Drumpf is Valdemart. But that's probably just me.

(I only read a few pages before I went
nope, not for me. And most of what I know is from a relative who's a big fan. Iirc isn't one event or plot of the story how even the name voldemort is verbotten to speak. Maybe referring to the idea of saying the true name of something has power etc. Funny because the anti Trumps tried so hard with the Drumpf meme, meanwhile Trump named out loud "the false song of globalism" and the hidden enemies rushed to out themselves.)

Also could the ESA make themselves look more like fucking idiots? Especially with that stupid Muslim Ban comment that many game companies are losing their shit over?

Thought it was to point out they can't distinguish reality from a fucking fictional character, also where the "Good guys" the Media and Government do all they can to stop Harry Pothead while advocating censorship, totalitarian control, and pretending the problems they face aren't there.


If it's not obvious before, they're very two-faced.
Some time later…
Another time later…
Pure insanity.

Didn't even realize that. Son of a bitch.

There's definitely more I can think of, but I don't know what exactly. This is a golden opportunity to really sting. The author is literally on their side and we can literally claim while shitpostin they've become as bad as everyone in the fifth book.

I wouldn't have a problem with it if the ESA is consistent and honest with things like STEM education. If you really want more women and minority as programmers and STEM fields, then the best way is probably to invest in STEM education for everyone, preferably at an early age for ANYONE who shows the interest and basic aptitude for it. Not just having discriminatory quotas of women and minority only, no cis white het male please.

No prize for guessing that their VR shilling has little to do with akshual VR, but let me guess anyway. Is it something like "the gender\race gap in VR that needs to addressed"?

How many hours before this smug is a meme?

I wouldn't mind either, but boy does the ESA make it sound unappealing by acting very unprofessional.
"I'm so encouraged about the diversity, but that's not good enough and we know that's not good enough. So I say we have our foundation push for quotas and talk about the gender gap."

Man, they thing that T-logo thing is really clever, huh?

All this shit over mudslides.

Leftists once again lack self-awareness.

Autocorrect, that's a fucking insult. How dare you?

That's pretty clever actually.


I like how they didn't even try to hide that it's propaganda threatening people who commit wrongthink.

That's the biggest clue how hypocritical they are.
And that shit when huey talked about iPad for kids for education. I think it might be a mutated cancer version of One Laptop Per Child, but the Ipad per Child is such a shitty meme that needs to die off. Saying a tablet format computer for a child is one thing. But the Ipad is a shitty choice when looked at the bang for buck and practicality for a kid's computer, at least in the context of providing it for education.

new bread
new bread
new bread

new bread
new bread
new bread

And so continues its downfall.