Hardest vidya

What's the hardest game you've ever played?
For me it would have to be this bad boy or Jet Set Willy, i don't think i will ever be able to finish it.


Shameless bump


Dark Souls

Manic Miner is 60% puzzle, 40% execution. Keep at it, and you'll beat it.

If we exclude meme games that are only known for how hard they are then pretty much all NES games were too hard for me to finish until much later when cheating with emulator. That penquin running game and Battletoads especially.

Antarctic Adventure?

I remember this fucker being hard, only played it a couple of times.

Hardest game?

Probably F-zero GX's story missions on the hardest difficulty without physics abuse or rubberband abuse.

If we're not counting shitty flash games, Battletoads. If we are, Winnie the Pooh's Home Run Derby.

there is a reason all of Holla Forums gained a crippling fear of that kid…

that shit was easy with powerups, you are all just in it for the memes.

T-There were powerups?!?

One of them is supposed to be unbeatable anyway aren't they?
There's supposed to be a game breaking glitch in one of the rooms that makes it impossible to progress.

I wanna be the guy



Especially on 'Hard Mode' or the first time on 'Normal Mode'

Ghosts 'n Goblins, but Street Fighter 2010 is a damn close second.

NES Battletoads is for pussies.

Almost forgot.

Onimusha 2

Also the eccentric demon Gogandantess who will make you look like a total fucking scrublord when you fight him the first time.

I'm a big fan of space games, dropped countless hours in X3 etc…

Then I got myself Elite: Dangerous for christmas holidays, it was the last and biggest mistake of 2016.
At least I bought it together with NepNep.

I still think Mega Man X for SNES was harder than demon souls / dark souls ever was.

If I sucked at demon souls, I could farm until I got strong and dodgeroll my way to the boss with temporary invulnerability.

If I sucked at Mega Man, I had to fight my way through those levels again and had to retry the boss until I got good

Titan Souls is really fucking hard for terrible reasons.

Who else /bucky/ here?



It has shit multiplayer, I know that

Literally 90% of the NES/SNES/MS/Genesis library is harder than any souls game. I want the souls being hard game meme to die.

A lot of games were difficult because if they allowed you checkpoints and saving, you'd beat the game in no time.


The most legitimately difficult game that still manages to be a decent game (instead of difficult because it's straight up garbage) is Gradius III.

Oh you

Top Banana. Here's an edited version of a post I made on an old weird games thread:

A horrifying, hardcore game that's disguised as a pro-environmentalist kiddy platformer. It was on the Amiga and Acorn Archimedes.

When you start the game it looks like a mess of jpegs. The level is rainforest-themed and the enemies are vehicles that I assume cut down trees and sometimes there's a fat man and a really annoying cloud. The controls are actually okay, you can move left and right and jump and also stop your jump at any height. You go up the level and there are many obstacles that sometimes blend in with the background. If you're too slow, water will rise up and take health away from you. There's also this mechanic where enemies will drop hearts that change between frames, and if you collect every color you get an extra thing of health.

Now the main problem with this game isn't the graphics, but the difficulty. It's so FUCKING HARD. You have only 5 (or maybe 4? not sure) things of health and the first level is fine, but the second level will require at least an hour of memorization to pass. And trust me you'll need another 2 to 4 hours to get good enough to not take damage on level 1 and 2, and also memorize 3. And develop a strategy for the boss, which I was able to do. I usually end up with two bars of health left before reaching level 4. Oh by the way, there's 16 or so levels and you always go back to level 1 when you die.

Level 4 is where things get insane. Skip to 13:18 in the video to see, the guy has infinite lives by the way, no way any normal person can get to level 4 without giving up. So level 4 changes the scenery to a place called "Metal City" (as written in the manual), where there are anarchy symbols and enemies are now skulls, robots, and nuclear symbols. Level 4 also has this mechanic where you go underwater, which gives you an extra life which is cool. The Amiga version just represents it as negative colors but the Acorn version actually makes it look like you're underwater. It's very hard at first to get through it without getting hurt, but I was able to do it after a couple tries.

But sadly, I was not able to go past level 4. Even after playing the game for 10 hours altogether and trying to find a way to progress, there is one part in level 4 that seems impossible to pass without intentionally taking a hit. Around 16:30 in the video if you want to look. Maybe someday I'll try to not get hit up until that part and trudge through, but I don't feel like it now.

So yeah, weird as fuck game. There are more scenery changes that you can see in the video, including the "Temple" and the "Mind-scape". And you can even see the ending, probably impossible to achieve in a legit run, where a clown man made out of balloons stares and laughs at you, and shortly after you are named Top Banana.

Add that one to the glacier.

Please tell me someone screencapped that thread.

Dark Souls

That game actually looks like something out a nightmare jesus christ. How did anyone making the game think it looked appealing?

I'm a pussy

I've heard it was intentionally made to look awful as a joke. Never seen a source on that tough

Castlevania Bloodlines. I followed no guides, saw no walkthrough, no save states, and used only the passwords for my playthrough. Which left me with a single REST for the rest of the game after stage 3. I'm still trying to beat Dracula after my 50th + try. I'm almost there, but boy, I died hundreds of times in this game. Even MHFU was easy compared to this.

Probably Double Dragon on arcade. It's strange when the NES version of a game is actually better and more playable than the arcade version. I was playing it on free play a few weeks ago and kept drying over and over getting my ass kicked and I was really trying. I'm sure you can get pretty good at this game, but there is no way a normal person would be able to beat this even with 10 bucks in quarters. There are a few arcade games like that, insanely hard and takes a lot of time to be able to have enough skill to make it even a level without dying.

independance day for PSX.

couldnt even beat the 1st level.

I had a bootleg of that, played through it as a kid.
I didn't know the game wasn't supposed to be a one-hit-kill title, a side-effect of some antipiracy thing.

Not to be an asshole to anyone…but is this game really difficult? I mean I'm no expert in video games…but I find this game pretty easy.

I know people who are terrible at it. That and Super C.
As in, co-op with 30 lives, and thanks to the magic of life stealing, ending up finishing the game with both players alive, but no lives to spare.

The only decent co-op I've had is with my parents, who could also beat it without dying once.

I've heard Helious II is pretty hard. Never played it myself though.

Not difficult if you have good reaction time and can stay cool, and like i said i'm a fucking pussy.

BattleToads. This bit in particular.

Skip to 17:40.

Guess it doesn't look that bad now, but it really fucked me up as a kid.

It's not even in the top tier of NES difficulty.

I got this. Does that count?

dude anyone who can't beat contra or super c without the konami code is a fucking pussy casual. fuck, even if you can't beat contra 3 on normal you deserve to die.

In fact beating Super Mario Bros. without warping is probably a bit harder than NES Contra.

I haven't played this game in over 20 years, and never spent too long playing it, but I seem to remember it being pretty fucking hard. Maybe one of these days I'll emulate it if I'm feeling up to it.

Upload footage of you yourself beating the game or fuck off, dude.

Astroboy omega factor on hard

It depends on your definition of hard, I guess those IWBTG type games could easily take hardest game spot

How can you fail so hard at pattern recognition?

They're not really hard just cheap. It's all memorization.

X1 was easy though
Now X3 was some real tough ass shit
Also, you should check out Megaman X hard type hack
Now that some real difficulty

which one? contra 1?

life is p2w

Catherine's Babel Mode.

This is the hardest flash.

Some of the riddles in La-Mulana were a bitch to solve without a guide. Especially meta-crap like having to "go to sleep".

The only other game I know of which pulls this stuff is Deponia 2, where you at one point have to mute the background music in the options menu in order to hear the conversation of a pair you're eavesdropping on.

I could beat it but it wasn't fucking fun, and i really wanted to like the series

I don't know if harder but it would surely be more tedious

The X games aren't really that hard unless you try to collect the least quantity of shit possible. Except, maybe, X6, and for the wrong reasons

I get sick of hearing about hard these new games are and finding out they're for casuals. I don't play much new stuff aside from fightan so I'm way out of the loop. Every so often I'll hear about a game like Souls begin hard, I'll try it, and I'll find it to be boring/easy. I'm not doubting there may be hard sections but it certainly isn't like begin thrown to the wolves like old NES games or the quarter makers at the arcades.

It is like pattern recognition went out the window and casuals don't even know how to deal with hard patterns anymore when they are presented with them. When Super Meat Boy came out I found it to be more or less as hard as any typical side scroller from my child hood. If people see me play it they assume I'm some speed running God. If anything the game is easier than it would have been 20 years ago because the psychics are tighter.

I'm also sick of meme games that are just unfair patterns you have to grind with shit programming begin half the difficulty. A good game can present hard patterns without resorting to that. Just yesterday I played some SHUMP at the arcade I hadn't played before and felt right at home. Someone was watching me play it and thought I had been grinding it when I said it was the first time I'd played it they assumed I was full of shit.

I guess when you aren't dropping quarters for every continue the drive to get better (and save money) isn't there.

Ghost and Goblins - beat
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - beat

Heavy Nova - beat

multi console
Ninja Gaiden games - beat
Souls games - beat


I get it that there are new games that claim to be way harder than they actually are but come on guys, give credit where it's due. Dark Souls was not easy. Maybe for most people it was because they watched playthroughs, asked for advice in general threads, and simply spoiled themselves by reading about the game online.

I played without knowing anything, got to O&S with the most piece of shit outfit and weapon and died a ton of times. Then I look at all the people saying that the game is easy and they all did something to get them great armor and items, that knowledge either came from a second playthrough or they used a guide. Of course it's gonna be easy then. I'm not saying that's is the hardest game, because it isn't, but it's hard at least.

shit, even ghosts and goblins is easy if you already know the game like the back of your hand.

It does become easier if you read guides. I don't think people should read anything about a game while playing it, no guides, nothing external. And if the game requires external reading it's either autistic or just a badly designed game. There were plenty of DS threads and in those threads plenty of people asking questions and posting advice about the game, I consider it cheating.



I want the SOULS IZ EASY GIT GUD meme to die

I'm an oldfag who grew up playing 2600/nes. Then snes in high school. Many of the hard games ITT I have beaten without cheating

FF6 was my favorite fantasy to the point of obsession that I got 100% on that game, without cheating to speed up getting ALL the rages (or as close to ALL as you can get, there's like 2 enemies that have rage listings but they WILL NOT show up on veldt)

My point is this about Souls games:

In Souls games are ANNOYING and fanboys are worse

hurrrr too hard 4U noob
lol noob no they aren't git gud faggot

Which one is it fanboys?


I have 100% DeS and DS
I'm not playing 2 or 3. I refuse to waste anymore of my life.

Started playing Skyrim recently. Figured what the hell give it a try.
I am enjoying Skyrim unlike all the annoyance with Souls games

Any actual reply other than single worded meme?

Calm down kid


3D Ys games on Nightmare.


I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and say you're just retarded.
Play Bloodborne and all will be understood


BB isn't a Souls game, though.

Soul Calibur is a Souls game

yeah it is

Did you know that King's Field, Tenchu, and Armored Core are also Souls games?

Which one is it fanboy?

I'll make sure not to play those shit games either.


Skyrim sales
every souls game sales combined

stop deleting your posts to hide your autism Mark

I must have a mod on my line

Well it has the same mechanics, it's just not in the same universe

Then why do fanboy constantly include it with DeS & DS1/2/3 in rankings?

hell there's even a few of the same enemies

Why are you talking with yourself, user?

Are you that faggot mod I troll regularly?

Put your capcode back on, Mark, everyone knows you how much you love to attentionwhore along with your rabbit rabbit faggot pal, why even pretend.

I don't think its mark.
It may be LearningKike. I hear he's on multiple boards



keeps deleting his posts

Board log shows it's Mark sperging out as usual and hiding the evidence.
I wish Hotwheels was still around. There's nobody to keep his faggotry in check nowadays.

Actually the board log shows that it's someone deleting their own posts.

Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you a SOULS FANBOY

I feel stupid.

Congratulations you are fucking dumb

Which one is your fav? Lemme guess.




git gud



It takes 30 minutes and it's fun. If anything Contra is the marginally more tedious clear with the point-blank enemies that you occasionally have to slow down for or shit like this. In SMB you almost never have to stop running.

Sonic Spinball

I got this when it was on sale from PSN and have no fucking clue what to do.