This is the Age of Wushu thread

This is the Age of Wushu thread.

Age of Wushu is a very esoteric, mechanically rich sandbox MMO. This is a PVP MMO through and through, with bitter rivalries between guilds (which tend to be divided along national/racial lines) underlying every aspect of gameplay. It's the closest thing you're going to find to a wholly original MMO, so give it a shot.

Current events on the server

Other urls found in this thread:

Mmos are time wasting garbage, that will make your brain rot, and that's a fact.


second for raddest jacket in town

Do pills make you a big guy?


Does this game still severely limit Free to Play accounts?

Yes, you basically are a third class citizen unless you have a pay account

interesting happenings; harper has paid up, giving us 1D ,a t1 loom and a t2 chopping block.
I think he's about 500L short though; i'll see what I can do about that.
regardless, let's stop bullying them for a little while, and bully another guild instead

This could literally be said about any game, i don't even play this.

wtf i love not having people to kill now

harper couldn't handle all the gassings and folded huh? sounds about right

at any rate, we can just give them a few days and start demanding payment again

May be quitting soon.
Despite all the inherent shittiness and chinagaeminess, I'm having a lot of fun. But the simple fact is that I cannot keep up with this game. If I did nothing but eat, work, and play age of chinagame, I could probably build a respectable character with a few meridian breaks and maybe my full 5th set. To get properly stronk with at least 4 fully opened meridians, all my sets maxed out, some other jianghu or class skills, and battlefield gear, I'd have to quit my job, go full NEETmode until the guild collapses, then kill myself because I run out of money.
So what I'm saying is it's been fun and I love you guys but whether or not I'm going to log in again is up in the air.

who is this?

So, about the phantom issue, what do?
because i'm still undecided

It's Kirb. Thanks for all the fun, and in less than a month, but I don't know if I'll be back or not.

come back any time, if you choose.

who needs meridian foods? i've been p lazy about it but if you trade me (in person) all of the mats and really bug me about it then I'll do it

also, worthwhile to spend unbound on extra EJ manuals? please discuss.

Here, have a picture, and know that there's a few things it doesn't mention, like non-vip being unable to do the companion minigame or, if you already have a companion, being unable to summon them.

With EJ, you have three options: spending no money, spending a little money, and Whale Fandango.

No money is you go through them as normal, ideally A-ranking them if it's not too much trouble for EJ points, and using those EJ points on T3/4 challenge orders to be spent on bonus mode. If you're really feeling saucy, you'll start bonus mode and wait for the days to change in the hopes your target will be on the wanted list that day; this, however, involves getting one run done the first day to set it up, and doing all the rest in a hurry at the end of the week if you haven't burned through it by then.

A little money is all of that, plus you buy the 3L orders throughout the week and use them on T2 bonus mode for maximum gains.

Super hyper ultra faggot whaleocity mark-7 is all that, and also you blow all your money in buying bonus manuals as the challenge starts. It's definitely not worth it, unless you're the child of a fucking saudi oil baron.


I'd argue that it's worth it to pay the 3L for T1 manuals when they pop up, as it's the most efficient manual-to-liang ratio and it's not atrociously expensive in the long run. It can net you a decent manual gain out of the normally useless T1 runs.

gimme the meridian food fam


Well, i'd only use them for T2, myself, but it's your money and also i suppose your haste to get more free damage in you. Also, if i recall correctly, weapon manuals are capped at 192 damage until fourth inner event.

it costs 7L for the T2 bonus manuals but they only give 2 points, so it's less cost-effective in the long run

OK, i see where the mistake has been made; in the EJ exchange menus, you can buy T1/2 challenge orders, one per day, for 3L. That's the thing i'd save and use for bonus mode, where i thirsty for weapon manuals. Also, now that it comes to mind, the weapon manual box from the spy store; however, you may want to save your school certs for second inner 31-36 and/or third inner quests, whenever they launch.

Age of Wushu sucks.

I don't think you can buy the boxes til T3 anyway, but they are definitely worth it. You get a random grade of manual from it, so you can sometimes get the superior manuals for an ez 5 to your weapon, or even get multiple manuals.

There is nothing wrong with going full NEETmode

holy shit

Yeah, i realized as i re-read it how much jargon is in that. Reminds me of people referencing the King of the Hill MMO after playing Wushu for a few days.

help me plan my toon m8s

what do?

also: where to get beardless sucking bard?

betray to tang

1. Don't call it a toon, that's what WOWfags call it.
2. Go Wudang; breeze for DPS, taichi sword for life/energy swap. Wudang's second inner is also yin/soft, if you're married to an inner type already.
3. Pump manuals into single sword and stick to that one weapon type like fucking 30% of the population of this fucking game.
4. ghost shadow sword never ever

Good news: i recall fishing them randomly from the pong in south-west Yanjing. Bad news: p sure you gotta be the river king and get lucky besides. If it's for some esoteric quest, you should try your luck; if it's for an actual recipe, maybe don't bother.


All right, i'm thinking of playing this piece of shit again but before that I need to make a game plan. Which 5th sets are actually good? How long has the server been in 2nd inner? Is 75% of the guild Royal Guard like usual?

Also whats the verdict on Changfeng sets

i'unno; they all seem to have their good points i GUESS? I'd say scholar, beggar, and RG off the top of my head, but all the fifth sets have damage that's head and shoulders above the normal sets. It's been second inner for two weeks-ish. Most of the guild seems to be tang at the moment, actually; i'm sure it'll switch to mostly beggars when dog beating comes out.

Pretty good, i guess? I don't think it's the level of bullshit that half the cash shop sets are, but if you're married to staffs it's probably more competitive than body staff. Also, there's no cash sets on WT2 and subsect second sets aren't available until third inners come out.

2nd inner has been out for a few weeks. the guild's toon distribution is pretty even, wudang is probaly the most popular.
wudang/tang/rg/shaolin fifths are the best

we have some spare accounts if you're a returning player and need something to work with

so, recent happenings:
What do? he was our best (and only) chance of winning hua, among other things

Remind yourself that A. he's a faggot B. he's a normalfag C. he'll probably quit as soon as he either gets bored or faces the slightest adversity (which may be why he stopped playing Black Deset, which he actually came back on GP to yell about in world chat at one point) and D. he wont fight shit if he cant get an easy win, which makes him worse than Hitler. Beyond that, have everyone else in the guild do school wars to get hua ranking points and then win by sheer numbers. Maybe designate a whale of our own to blow a lot of money and top the meridians board; i propose Shino since the faggot already has two vip accounts.

Interesting. He was still in when I logged off, what happen?

i have three vip accounts, but that isn't really enough. I won't have a really great set going until like t4, or t3 if i go for hua second, but that set isn't good for mass pvp i think

Well, good news: Hua is 1v1, and if you make it to the finals you'll get a crack at 18 dragons rape fist. Unless, of course, it's not active on WT2; can't see why it wouldn't be, since every fucking thing else is.

no, I'm saying that I wouldn't have a good enough set to have a shot at taking hua until like t4 or something (i doubt I could win anyway)

if you stayed WV you could probably mess a lot of people up with your ping and lethal 13

A spare account might be nice actually, if its external. Probably going shaolin or RG, maybe beggar.

By the time you have a good enough set, everyone else will, too. And by that point, odds are they'll have paid more money for more meridians. Fucking push yourself all the time forever to beat every motherfucker on the planet, especially in hua. Protip: better being your wudang healing skill since every top-tier viet faggot uses it; that or some way to counter it, like a well-timed ranged attack.

most people are already using very good sets, like tang fifth

So why aren't you using those sets, yourself? Why aren't you trying to find a counter set? Why aren't you leveling anything half-decent to make it full-decent? If they can beat you, surely you can beat them; you already have ping and money, so all you really need is direction and effort.

because i'm going full single sword internal and my good sets are looking to be wd/ats 2nd/wv fourth.
i can't go wd right now because betray cd, so another 25 days and i'll have wd fifth
the others aren't unlocked

Any word on when 3rd inner hits?

Well, i mean, you could have had scholars fifth by now, and also Hua first. Then maybe trained away to ATS, and script stolen for breeze sword; i imagine it'd be cheap since everyone REALLY wants taichi sword. To say nothing of the whole rootless/PBI/ghost sword options.

Man, they didn't even announce when SECOND inner was out. I'd wager at LEAST another two weeks, but since it took a month for second to drop, it wouldn't surprise me if it took another six weeks to roll out third. My only regret is they didn't lock fifth sets away.

had it, don't like it. it's decent but not really my style. good for pve and mass pvp though

have it, that's my main set

i'd have to level their first inner which would be a waste of cult

why? i'm going to wudang in less than a month


not going through a grind like that, i have other plans for my char. that's a mass pvp set anyway.

unreasonably expensive

Just giving you options for what you could have done instead of betraying, you know what with fifth sets being a fairly sizable damage boost over any alternatives. Which i think is dumb as fuck, but hey, that's chinagame.

Also, i'm FAIRLY SURE the betrayal timer is for leaving again, not joining another school. I say this having betrayed exactly once and having not joined another school yet.

ha… and who the fk asked u for advice… i make my own way… always have…

Heh nothin personnel.. .kid

This is the sage of wushu thread.

ha… u have a point…
but this…? *holds up her hoof*
is pain… *clenches into a fist*


who's still waiting on meridian food subsidies from me?


a shame you dont have the xu set

Yeah, I once played game called Voyage Century Online that was made by the same company.
You just cannot even progress in the normal game without paying microtransactions all the time.

Truly feels like some cuckchan tier garbage over here.

that's not the case here tbh, a couple in our group have never paid any money into this game

Funfact Penglai island was theorize to be Japan before it was officially discovered so the dev probably make loli mode intentional.

Is there any point in playing this if I'm going to get fucked for not paying to play?

Now, are you including VIP, or not? Because nearly everyone has succumbed to the sin of a pseudo-subscription.

For the joy of playing something new and different. I find, when a game is fresh and everything you do is novel and interesting and the levels you gain come fast and feel rewarding, is when a game is sincerely fun. Once you keep playing, once those levels slow down and those quests and events become routine and even repetitive, is when the game turns to ash in your mouth and it's time to quit. Play it for the joy of experiencing a game you've never played before, bail once the joy of traveling a land you've never seen before turns to the doldrums of walking a path a hundred times over.

including vip, yes

don't really know how to handle this anymore tbh. I want to keep the whole gang together but it's getting difficult.

Rage and Bo are both normalfags; while it's a definite loss of firepower, i don't expect any sense of unity from two lone wolves who just happened to be kicking around for fun and murder. They may come around again, since most of the other guilds are full of retards and viets, but i certainly won't lament either of their absences.

That being said, if Kaora Blackcat shows up again, i demand we keep him; normalfag and fuckin' internet anime idol or not, he was a chill dude who i trusted to bit be a thrillkilling smacktard. I think he may have been a habitual liar, though.

well yeah, but they have freedom of movement whereas we don't

they've been part of our crew for nearly 2 years now, and I like them about as much as anyone from Holla Forums.

I'd much rather have all the chucklefucks from Silver Viper that haven't shown up since, like that one gender-confused Junko-fag or Pain McTushy who i barely talked to but he left me with half his loots.

Kind of a shame this thread has gotten worn down to a point that nobody wants to join, but that's just how shit goes; i'm sure the other MMO threads have hit that point, too.


all is fixed
marshall law has been declared, lead has been passed to bo
I did what was needed, it can't be helped

cant wait for the guild to be flooded with randoms not like america with wetbacks

how ironic for a guild named for something to stop that

We have reached loom levels of brocades and I have snagged a chest recipe, so we rolling now bois. All I need now is an actual loom and 6 xuanhe hasps and I can run us a loom of chests

bo has a loom I think
so we just need the xuanhe hasps

The place where men or boys are made eunuchs is just outside the inner Hsi-'hua gate ([char 108]) of the palace, and within the imperial city. It is a mean-looking building, and is known as the Chang-tzu, [char 109], the shed. Within this building reside several men recognized by government, yet drawing no pay from it–whose duty consists in emasculating those who are desirous of becoming, or are sent to become–eunuchs.

These men are called tao-tzu-chiang, [char 110], "knifers," and depend entirely for their living on making eunuchs. They get a fixed sum–six taels–for every operation they perform on boys sent or brought to them, and for keep and attendance till the patients are properly recovered.

Grown up men desirous of becoming eunuchs, but who are too poor to pay the necessary fees, make arrangements with the "knifers" to repay them out of their salaries. But in any case the "knifers" dare not operate on them unless they (the candidates) have securities to vouch for their respectability.

The "knifers" have generally one or two apprentices to learn the profession; these are almost invariably members of their own families, so that the profession may be said to be hereditary.

When the operation is about to take place, the candidate or victim–as the case may be–is placed on a kang in a sitting–or rather, reclining position. One man supports him round the waist, while two others separate his legs and hold them down firmly, to prevent any movement on his part. The operating "knifer" then stands in front of the man–with his knife in his hand–and enquires if he will over repent.[24] If the man at the last moment demurs in the slightest, the "knifer" will not perform the operation, but if he still expresses his willingness, with one sweep of the knife he is made a eunuch.

The operation is performed in this manner:–white ligatures or bandages are bound tightly round the lower part of the belly and the upper parts of the thighs, to prevent too much haemorrage. The parts about to be operated on are then bathed three times with hot pepper-water, the intended eunuch being in the reclining position as previously described. When the parts have been sufficiently bathed, the whole,–both testicles and penis–are cut off as closely as possible with a small curved knife, something in the shape of a sickle. The emasculation being effected, a pewter needle or spigot is carefully thrust into the main orifice at the root of the penis; the wound is then covered with paper saturated in cold water and is carefully bound up. After the wound is dressed the patient is made to walk about the room, supported by two of the "knifers," for two or three hours, when he is allowed to lie down.

The patient is not allowed to drink anything for three days, during which time he often suffers great agony, not only from thirst, but from intense pain, and from the impossibility of relieving nature during that period.

At the end of three days the bandage is taken off, the spigot is pulled out, and the sufferer obtains relief in the copious flow of urine which spurts out like a fountain. If this takes place satisfactorily, the patient is considered out of danger and congratulated on it; but if the unfortunate wretch cannot make water he is doomed to a death of agony, for the passages have become swollen and nothing can save him.[25]

In semi-recent news, Don (saudi prince) and Jokerz are on the server, and are laying low in bape (our ally).
In essence, we've become the viets and joined the pod

forgot my image, whatever
have a selfie

Also had a strange feel the other day, apparently I'm flat-out the strongest player in Beggar's Sect. Feels weird, on GP I was eternally playing catchup and using a gimped set and had no idea how the game worked. Being ahead of the curve here is real, real strange.

But it feels good.

Enjoy it while it lasts; once dog beating staff comes out, everyone'll pile in for that and the fourth inner. Maybe Van can relate the tales of his boners over having beggars fourth inner while using FMS.

why? dbs isn't that great. they'd pile in for fourth inner alone

Toon has been in use since Everquest at least.

Interested in this from always seeing the thread on the front page, as a complete newcomer to this shit how hard would it be to get into it and how much time would I have to invest grinding shit up?

not so bad, we're still on the second tier and we have some max level accs to recycle and hand off to players who are willing to use them

we're on a non p2w server and very early in its life, it's literally like a week and a half of passively leveling to catch up with everyone else

meanwhile you can just hang with the people who have already done that and help gank normalfags

Doesn't sound too bad, how's the gameplay in terms of PvP and builds? Is this WoW style shit about just following dumb preset rotations or is it more active?

Also a question to segway into from this: do you guys have any decent guides for starters? I don't know much about the game but like to be autismal and read about stuff before I get into it.

the pvp is very dynamic and strategy based, the combat is the best of any mmo i've played (isn't saying much, but this is the first mmo where i've actually liked the combat).

you can do rotations for max damage in pve though, sure. i think that's a happy medium, because pve is dumb anyway

So how do the classes work? The game is supposed to be martial arts based right? So do I just get to level multiple things or is it like Blade and Soul with actual classes and shit?

First three made by a rad dude named Huj well over a year ago, rip in piece. I assume it's still accurate, Pizzadog mentioned doing up another (>>11850807
), but he hasn't busted out a revised version yet.

no classes, there are schools, factions, and subsects (very similar to factions).
whoever you join decides which inners and sets you have access to, but you aren't really restricted. You can level other schools sets/inners through script steal (but you can't level them as high as you could if you were in that school). As for factions/subsects, you can graduate in order to keep the inner and sets that they give you. Each school also has a meridian associated with it, and by leveling that school's inner you can break accupoints for that meridian, which increase the meridian's maximum level. Meridians are passives which give you stat bonuses that improve with level. This is a very basic summary, it's more complicated than this.

that infographic is fucking retarded and completely irrelevant

(in reference to the one on the right)

really though, all of the schools are currently good due to fifth sets, but tang and wudang are most especially good. tang is currently a tier above everyone else in terms of sets and inners

Aight, so which server should I join? I'll probably play on my own for a little bit but if the fun of the game is in joining people up I'll beg for an invite here sometime later

White Tiger 2. Blue Dragon is the p2w viet controlled shithole.

i'd caution you against it

we're on white tiger 2

I just mean to get acquainted with controls and shit, I don't expect to play a very PvP and gank centric game on my own for THAT long, I just also don't want to be an ultra-scrub in the guild chat n-no billy

don't worry about that shit man, we've got you

just find someone from greatwall and ask for an invite when you're ready

DBS has some major ass-kicking properties to it, especially the knock-up. You'll definitely see more people using that than the emei fourth set.

That doesn't mean that WOWfags aren't the reason it's a common term.

That last one is ancient, like pre-fourth sets. I still think is has some good points, though, and also it's meme-tacular.

shaolin fags btfo

we love ultra scrubs, seriously, just don't be a jackass.

oh and you have to pass a couple of tests but you should be fine

Sure, it's more fun that way anyway

I will behead every single last baka on earth

They will come to fear the unarmed autist

How many hours of leveling does it take to be useful to your guild in terms of PvP?

To be honest you can join instantly and begin using any set to CC players it's still very early in the server and each "Level Cap" is increased slowly as time goes on typically once every 1 1/2 months maybe 2 at tops. You may not be able to 1v1 but you can help gank anyone from just beginning the game. If you use a supportive set that even further increases your usefulness. Especially in big PvP fights.

a few days will get you to the point where you can get your 5th set, which is some OP shit that shouldn't really be out yet

I forgot to mention this too. But each school has a different 5th set and only the 8 original major schools have 5th sets. I would suggest Tangmen above everything at the moment. They are retarded strong right now. Shaolin is a good alternative. Or Royal guard if you like to kite around and deal massive ranged damage.

you shut your whore mouth

I've been looking for this for ages, thank you. For those that don't know, this is a crusty, ancient piece of memery. lodesadings-era stuff. I just wish I knew who made it.

If you have the right sets, zero. Emei's twin sting set has a yellow armor AOE stun which can fuck people up, Wanderer's Valley's twin blade set has a few pain-in-the-ass disables and a knock back, and Tangmen's first dagger set has a ranged stun which can fuck a person up from a distance. Wudang and Scholars are probably the worst off for immediate PVP assistance, but they're damn good schools otherwise.


beggars has some p mediocre sets tbh

tbh I'm glad you didn't tell anyone to be a beggar, the whole sect just lowkey pisses me off these days, I have no idea why the meridian is internally focused or why the sets are 100% just about fucking with people and doing weird stuff instead of actually dealing damage


Beggar 5th is ALL about the damage mate. I think hit per hit, its the strongest 5th set, but the set up for combos is utter shit.

tbh tangmen is the dankest around and will be amazing all game so if you're in doubt come roleplay with NarutoUzumaki, all the guys from HattoriClan and I.

i didn't mention lotus for the same reason i didn't mention the RG rope or wudang breeze sword: those are just knock-around moves rather than disables, and require some actual leveling and such to be a formidable force.

beggar is suffering; you better train away and go Xu or script steal hard for dat eagle claw

Yeah I actually wreck shit with beggar 5th but you're right the combo setup is difficult 1v1, it's extremely strong in group settings though, when we dickwave in Chengdu I just sit on that roof and spam the AOE target knockdown on people, it's excellent. 1v1 it's just got that counter, the low CD charge and then the insane fucking freight train that is the rage, the knockdown attacks have a setup lag between .5 and 1 second that makes them really difficult to get off without baiting people. That being said I've had some great success using them as area denial or as tricks to get people to put up their parry for an easy feint.

Also while the beggar sets are shit, there is a revamp coming up:

Notably a lot of nice quality of life changes for Lotus Palm, such as yellow armor on the knockup, bodyslam damage upgrade + no need for lotus chai, and some weird shit for the knockback.

If raw damage is what you want fampai you should be going Scholars, or RG if you love you some external sets

Nobody gives Beggars enough credit, I rike em. Lotus Palm is the dankest set in the solar system

Alright I'm in, I hope the engrish only gets better from here.

What's the best out of 2nd pic related.

Yanyu Villa gets you a cool-looking rough permanent outfit, Jiming Posthouse gets you a useless but unique inner; haven't done the others to see if they get anything, but Chengdu and Qiandeng Town are close to the action if you wanna get right into the game. Beyond that, your choice doesn't really matter.


Nah fam, easily being able to suicide is legitimately useful in this game

Personally I'd do Jiming Posthouse if I ever fucking remembered that it gave me the inner, but as the quoted poster said, it really doesn't matter

I'm no stranger to drowning myself; the Jiming inner (lucky skill) has five breath, where as a level 1 Tangmen, Shaolin, Beggar, or any of the nado inners only have two breath, as does, if i recall correctly, self-recollection. I'll admit it's easier to get than most of those and you'll never level it, one level of icy heart code should serve better, and is probably the easiest of the nado inners to get since nobody likes it.

the main use of lucky inner is being able to put it on in a fight and die almost instantly to feed someone infamy when they're trying to avoid doing last hits.

holy shit where were those buffs three years ago

Again, low-level inners, especially the nado ones, work approximately the same way. The only REAL benefit to the lucky inner is you can't level it, so you'll never be tempted to level it past it's throwaway status.


server maintenence time, SO

current events:
it'll be interesting, because I'm honestly not sure who will win (in both cases)

should bape take chengdu, our base will be in danger very soon


What's the source on this? Is this guy with snail but his account doesn't show up with a special nameplate because chinaforum? Is he some Chinese dude who has access to the Chinese version of the game? And what's CN, anyway?

how can I get extra days for power redemption?
just don't cult anything?
I have nothing to cult for 18 or so days (the time it'll take me to join wudang, at which point my suffering will end), so I'm trying to at least get the power redemption out of it


Who do I talk to for an invite? Internet's shitting up today but I want in on some PvP ganking shit, actually having fun with the game this time around

I've actually seen this dude kicking about at reset on BD; he's a mystical japanese hermit who likes Perfume and has like 4k TP button presses; he also doesn't have VIP, for whatever reason, so he always starts up a 10r. I assume, like ixthUA, he's just an ordinary dude who likes the game and occasionally drops infobombs. CN is shorthand for Chinese.

shit i dunno; just fuckin play the game nigga. Ask Honshu for random shen herb locations; i dropped a bunch of vague areas they show up in, and i assume he wrote them down somewhere. Build a tornado inner up; you'll want to get several of those bad boys to 75 eventually, if you're aiming for godhood.

Walk around Chengdu until you find someone in the GreatWall; nine times out of ten they're just slav-style squatting around the TP area at 900 400. If that's too slow, look through My Jianghu - Rank - Life to find anyone in the guild on the list. Or, you know, post your god damn name so THEY can find YOU, ya shyboy twat.

Oh shit I didn't even think about it, I goofed. Name should be Melissa, not sure if you guys need anything else like actual account name or whatever.

I'll pm you when you're on.

yeah, the power redemption menu lists the formula they use to calculate how many boxes you can buy. it's really unfavorable though, you need to have culted less than 50% of what you would have been able to do over the lifetime of your character just by TPing every day or something like that. at least cult DHCH.

why bother? better to save my cult for meridian breaks and power redemption for when i actually need to cult something

kkk so how many certs is it to max my t2 school inner?
wondering whether to bother before t3 drops

I swear you asked this before: 100 certs per page from 31-36. 1-30 are free from quests, but if you're feeling real saucy you can buy them piecemeal for i think 15 certs a pop.

i asked about the # of certs for t3

posted this in the discord, but if someone can, get azoth's acc details so we can have him farm during SW tonight and tomorrow. we need more fucking gear.

Ah. Well, in that case, T3 is 15/20 certs a quest, as i recall. And for posterity, i say you always max everything; maybe you can get some martial youngers out of it, but if nothing else it'll give you a few more betrayal pills when you fuckin' bail again. Of course, i also think school certs are borderline worthless with as many as you can get over time.

Stop trying already Vigne

Well, i mean, i don't disagree with him, but i'd say the same about most video games, really. Especially ASSFAGGOTS and/or anything popular.

have decided to start leveling tailor on orange, since we badly need more tailors who actually farm SW

also still need someone to play on orange's acc


some screenies of an old token

a selfie

It begins

The saga of the kawaiiest buddhist monk to ever study the sutras

And yet in his heart of hearts, he longs only to behead bakas


Didn't Kotaku shill this game a long time ago?

how did this even happen?

Mistakes were made, I'm not sure they can be undone.

not likely, it was removed from steam for featuring rape (in one of the twilight village cutscenes) and kidnapping, i assume

why is that so bad? aren't goons super smart and super helpful all the time?

it would be pretty funny if they did.

it was removed from steam because of the castration quest line. steam wants companies to submit any updates that change the mature content of a game significantly for approval and snail didn't bother.

yo this next hua is going to be hype as f*ck
between yeezy, prisc, and bo, I think we might actually have a shot at winning
and prisc/yeezy have said that they'd buy ancient dragon palm if they got top 5, so we might actually start winning after that point

I don't trust Prisc as far as I could throw his fat mexican ass

I played this marvelous game when it was released for the english market, for 3 or maybe 4 months, then I quit for various reasons (mostly a ban that made me fall behind everyone and I couldn't not get groups for the rep dungeons).

How hard is to catch up starting from scratch now? Has the game changed a fuckton? I might get VIP, but nothing else. And I don't want to multibox or juggle a ton of alts, I already did that and it drove me crazy.

I just don't want to get cucked from progression, I had a really hard time getting groups once my old clique moved on and then had to painfully pug everything with people that drop the group after the first wipe and stuff like that.

is there any place where I could find up to date info on the game? I logically tried the Snail forums, and like browsed the Wanderer's Valley board, and the newest player post was from 2015…

am I missing something? I just wanted to see what people are playing and how they're performing, but all I find is stuff from their mobile game or in Chinese.

Because we love the liberty of saying nigger and kike, and most goons get all pissy about it; i bet if we told Bo to behead his kid if it turned out to be a faggot, he'd quit the game and go back to Black Desert.

The only real benefit to goons is they have rules and shit, so they force each other to not be completely terrible posters, when they aren't busy trying to tone police each other.

At the moment, not very; the inner period on WT2 is only second inner. If you get into a school and find an elder, you can start cranking out the levels and be mediocre-decent in no time. Hell, with as slow as the inners seem to be unlocking, you may even be able to get close to all the whales and their meridian-gobbling.

Having not played the game at it's release, i dunno how much has changed, exactly, but i'd firmly imagine it's easier now than it used to be.

i'unno; if you're gonna use the Wushu forum, just stick to the New World Inn. I'm fairly sure there's a fifth set and sixth inner thread somewhere along there. If you got any other questions, i could try to bust out some info eventually, maybe.

As a side note, if you really wanna see how much Snail doesn't give a fuck, there's still a Silver Viper forum.

didn't t2 come out in less than a month?

no, you aren't missing anything.
there's very little information about this game online. The vast majority of the stuff you'd want to know will have to be learned ingame/from other players

tyrant is the mexican, prisc is a qt asian grill

If prisc is a real girl I will eat my shoe

When GP rolled out, T2 took about two weeks; for WT2, it took a month. I believe T3 took another two-ish weeks to bust out, as well, so i'd definitely say it's going slower. Which is a good thing, of course, since any newbies can play relative-catch-up more easily, while the harder players just keep leveling shit forever.

Pretty sure Blue Dragon took a couple of months but I certainly don't remember now.

Buried in your My Jianghu menu (G button by default), there's a list of what skills you learned and when. From that, i can take an estimate of when the various GP tiers unlocked. I learned shallow kung fu skills on 5/20, ice chi on 6/3, joined RG on 6/30 which i recall being a few days after the third inner actually unlocked since i was fussing about to graduate Xu. So, i'd guess three weeks ftom T2 to T3, more or less; how long has T2 been up on WT2, exactly?

The more things change, the more they stay the same.

saturday guild war update:
our greatest ally, Bape, has taken Chengdu from Wrath, and our worst ally, Phantom, managed to lose Suzhou in only 20 minutes (the fight was even, but they had no organization)

Staying as a vagrant is viable? or complete shit?


Short answer, no. Long answer, if you have shitloads of money and can afford to stay on the cutting edge of jianghu inners, ancient sets, and meridian unlocks, then yeah, sure. Fact: whales buy all of those in addition to power-leveling school sets and inners.

I will say that, as of second internal, being a vagrant won't hobble you TOO baddly, but once third inners comes out you'll start to struggle. Unless, of course, they finally release Flower Mental or raise the Self-Recollection cap to 180.




it's fun garbage


You know, we had a guy that was all hype for BDO, then he went to play it. Came back a few months later after he was all played out and the grind got him down. He's not playing Wushu NOW, if that makes you feel any better, but my major point is this: people who played BDO for the game itself are all grinded out by now, where as people play wushu for the other players. If a new server weren't released, the masses wouldn't be playing it again and this thread wouldn't exist.

That being said, i'm the one person playing Wushu for the game and the grind, and i'm not doing it because it's "fun". So, if anything, maybe BDO focused too much on the hated and loathsome "fun" you seem to think you desire.

-50 GBP, all of you

Redpill me on farming EJs. Should I just take off my tael inhibitors and smash that motherfucking buff button?

the armor breaker buff is very, very nice


If you're gonna blow cash on anything, blow cash on the armor break on the boss; remember to wait for him to fully activate before you drop it. If you really wanna fuss with the rest, maybe take a round in First Time In Jianghu mode; your wins won't count towards unlocking the next tier, though.

how does this keep happening?

Because viets are numerous, wealthy, really like this game for some reason, and can't compete with the elder gods on the ACTUAL viet server and/or live on top of the Wushu servers so they come here. Hell are constant viet sycophants and will always suckle at the teet of the mongol horde because it tends to goes well for them. No idea how the Xue/Div mash-up plays out, but i assume they're just [OTHER GUYS].

Also, you know, the chinese largely have BD on lockdown, and the viets have a fucking neurosis about being the ones in charge. The real problem is, quite simply, they have far more autism and money than we do; all the rich autistic americans are busy with EVE or maybe some furry shit. We're just the wrong fucking demographic.

Wait, seriously? Are there that many rich Chinese-burgerstani or are there actual Chinese people connecting from China when they have a perfectly good domestic version of the game?

To be COMPLETELY honest, i don't got a god damn clue; most of them don't speak in their horrific gutteral chingchong tongue like the viets used to do on GP. But i can tell you from their extensive world chat dick-waggling that they don't speak perfect english, and i'm FAIRLY CONFIDENT most of the big chodes, like StoneSea, Bach_Xa, JingEr, and 13mei, are chinks. As for their actual location, fuck if i know; i always assume it's slants who moved to SoCal to get away from their filthy kinsmen, but i dunno exactly how good of an internet you can get if you have unlimited money to pay for it.

More over, as i think you'll notice with WT2, some people prefer to be big fish in a small pond. And having said that, the BD pond has been around for a while, and the minnows that have been there for years are now the kings of that particular fishing hole.

it's mostly chinese americans

rip muha

that reminds me i had saved this at some point and never got around to posting it while you were all running around on Wulin

so a few of us are leaving the guild for a few days to help Bape take suzhou, and supposedly Yeezy (bape lead) is going to hook us up with some dirty dings for the assistance
muha is supposedly getting 10D for the effort

m8s r8 my plan for character progression:


shit i dunno; i think any path works since eventually it all comes down to using perish for anything even remotely difficult and also maxing jianghu inners

also you need the perish stacks to get that god damage; maybe put the 15-cert books into storage before betraying since i know the one-cert books dont fuckin work

oh also page one and two of WV third needs a shitload of pills and poisons respectively so heads up for that; i swear another school is like that too but its not one ive been in

t3s are literally always doable; they require no particular optimization or sustain efforts. I still use Shallow Kung Fu and Ice Chi 36 to dps my way through t3s, solving my sustain issues with hp pills and arena pills. Some of the Phantom Manor bosses will require the usage of purchased buffs, however, such as Fu Hu. Some of the Cloud Villa bosses heal themselves so you'll need especially good DPS. But they're all doable without purchasing buffs.

t4s will prove troublesome until t4 inners unless you have a good pve set, more than likely. They're all giant hp sponges with different sorts of gay tricks that will make you rip your hair out, or fucktons of DPS.

Either way, sounds like you know what you want to do. Stick with your plan, fam; the only time people run into trouble is when they start second-guessing themselves in this game. Even United kicks ass with Xu set and inner just because he sticks with it.

Also don't forget to abuse allies if at all possible. t3s are just about always worth somebody's time because they give a solid chunk of rep which will help them hit t4s, and worst comes to worst bribe them by letting them loot the jackdaws and other shit. It shaves minutes off your run time which let you get more runs in which lets you hit t4s faster, and once you're in t4s, they have all the more reason to help you, since they'll get even more rep to let them hit t4 too.

Oh yes, and mind you, this is all with daxia gear and unarmed weapon styles. If you put literally any effort into your gear at all, you'll have an easy time with t3s. I figure between Battlefield gear, a good pve set, and arena pills, t4s will be doable, possibly without purchasing buffs.

I still have trouble with a couple of the Nangongs, myself; Nangong Yu has a massive self-heal that needs more hits than i can deliver alone to knock him out of the charge-up and Ye Cuilan keeps spamming a bullshit shield.

They also get half the EJ points, which means more challenge orders.

I find that WV third is excellent for staying alive, especially if you already have impressive damage and can align the highest damage-per-hit skills with the lifesteal. Beyond that, time is the biggest worry, although i suspect you can beat all the T4s within limits; of course, i have a habit of not realizing how strong i've become.

thanks brob

Joke's on you, i don't use stings. Eagle Claw for mobs and, before i got the rage to 13, Defeated Scholar for bosses; BBC first set and WV third inner in case i needed to not die. I actually stopped using the First Time mode when i got to about 800 fist manuals; probably could have done it sooner, but i was lazy.

And hey, PVP is easy when you got zero ping, but i don't see you busting Van's balls.

what i do in private is not your business ok

one of our major chengdu herbal fights

yo what is this set at 1:16:56?


JinggEr is using ghost shadow sword; i don't ACTUALLY know what the other is, but i'd GUESS flying cloud sword.

why can't I make a loli character?

Lolimode was recently added, is, unless there's a bit of info i'm missing somewhere, temporary, and only has one outfit for whatever school/faction/subsect you're in. You gotta level enough to get a mail prompting you to the eastern seas, go through the quest and shit, and then grind identities forever for the pill rewards or grind herbs to make your own. Outside of lolimode, the only benefit is energy cost reduction and some skill changes for fifth sets.

On a related note, there's four eastern seas skills. Three are on Wuji island: you get level one from each of the T5 identities (Samurai, Swordmaster, Senior Ninja) and level 2 and 3 from the tea master Sen no Rikyu for japanese contribution points (500 for level 2, ??? for level 3). The last is on the Hero Islands: level 1 is from Hero Island Voyager (T1), level 2 is from Reclusive Fisherman (T2, need Leisurely Fisherman to unlock), and level three is from Jianghu Constible (T2, need Jianghu Detective to unlock). If there's a level 4, i haven't found it yet but i also doubt it exists.

Any hot erp here? I want to fill my mouth with cocks

You can

I barely understood half of that including the replys… fuck why is this game so complicated

how long have you been playing?

Because fuck the casuals.

If it makes you feel any better, you can keep playing and take things one-by-one, just like most people here have. And don't be afraid to ask about shit; not much point knowing about this obscure shit if the knowledge can't be passed on.

hanging out with our greatest chinese allies from Bape (light from SV) inside the bat cave (used a secret technique to glitch into this building)
mostly just pking people carting and fucking around

The bape dungeon was lots of fun, the other day yinzhiping yelled over scene chat he was reporting us kek

post ITT if you're the best beggar of all time


you aint even in the top ten asshole

Jesus christ I do damage now finally

how does this post foster serious discussion? you didn't even make the context clear

A post my garner replies by being something that people might react to, either in amusement or in interest. This post, in particular, lends insight into building hax for raiding carts and also Orange's inventory; i see he still hasn't handed out all of the Mingyu 1 pages i gave him, the shitbag.

Besides, at least he posted a screenshot; that's a lot more interesting than some pissant complaint via text alone.

sorry, meant to reply to

*blushes* *covers her face with her tail*

ayy how much suffering is that POMF grind? i had heard that it was really tough to get the levels later on, so i'm not really sure whether i'd want to go long-term with it

I love being a flute wielding murderous homeless man. I will play them all the song of my people.

Dunno; everyone we had in POMF is lost to the ages. Maybe if that kraut Daji shows up again, you could get some info. I don't think it's worse than PBI or Rootless, though.


the fact that we don't have anyone who's graduated from pbi, ever, scares me
but the same could be said of pomf


Well, i mean, we had people who were IN PBI; Sociopath and Toirneach on SV and Yuhei on GP. I'm sure they could have graduated PBI at SOME point, to SOME tier. They never maxed it, of course. The only people who have that kind of autism is me and Honshu; i don't have VIP so it takes me forever, and he left for Wulin with the rest of the flock.

Now, if you REALLY wanna go for the Beijing gold, you should push Honshu towards becoming the flower prince, and then pray the set doesn't actually cost dings to obtain.



I'm hurt. You don't think my supreme autism can withstand the grind of PBI? I will show you, I will play you my song.

No, i doubt your attention span to play this game for that long. On the other hand, of course, the server is still young and the bullshit is layered thinly as yet, so it's entirely probable for you to get the tootset to a max for an internal period or two. I'm not sure i'd recommend bothering with the PBI inner; it's effect isn't impressive, and sooner or later you'll be getting all the subsect second inners to max or close to it for reverse merids. That's when the bullshit starts to layer thick, by the way.

As a side note, i miss simple, effective, and impressively small file size flash loops.

Someone redpill me on progression once your inner is maxed.

I don't want to follow the reclusive/subsect meme because it entails a lot of grinding and I honestly don't really enjoy the flavor of any of the subects. I realize this is a dumb reason but I don't care. With that in mind, what should I do? All the sets I use are external memes since I'm beggar. At this point though I have literally nothing left to cult and I'm feeling scared.

I was considering training away to Tang for the hell of it since a few of their sets are fun and I like the school flavor. Maybe beast villa? Or even Rootless, idk. I'm not really sure what is entailed by hopping schools though. You can abandon, obviously, but how is that different from training away? And is this worth losing my elder martial bro potential in beggars?

I suppose I could just farm pearls and level up 5th set instead.

now you work on meridians, sets, and gear. trading second inners with someone else is a good option.

you can't train away to another school, you have to betray. you lose all your school inners and sets but you can get 80% of the cult you put into it back as pills at the martial arts shifu in suzhou.

Funny story: once reverse merids are active, people will flock to subsects to lay hands on those; the second inners will also double as their primary inner, since it goes up to school max and is arguably easier to level than school inners. Definitely easier than leveling the school fifth inner, since that needs He Jade Fragments to max.

I'd say the smartest thing to do would be to join a subsect and grind tokens in preparation for future use. The second smartest would be to sit on your ass and martial bro whoever passes you by, while leveling a jianghu inner or maybe keeping the boxes in your mail so the pills don't rot. The third smartest thing would be to train away and join a faction for an alternate set; i'd personally propose shen for a taichi ranged option. The least smart thing to do, especially at this moment, is to betray, join another school, and basically start over with a gaping hole where your levels used to be; this will be much smarter to do once more innners/meridians/inner upgrade scrolls become available. And if all else fails, you can always level M A N T I S F I S T.

This is what I was wearing when Empire ganked me. Tell me I was asking for it, I dare you.

*whinnies giggoliously*
you can't train away to another school, you'd have to betray.
tang is yin soft, you'd lose the 16/20% damage you'd have on taichi/yang hard sets if you were using a yang hard inner with a yin soft set.
The primary reason I chose to go yin intneral single sword was the number of sets they have available. Playing RG in t6 on BD felt like pure pain, yin soft just has soooo many very good inner and set options, while yang hard external has very few. How many good external sets does yang hard have access to? 1, if you count chanfeng second (it's decent, but i don't think it can compare to the likes of tang fifth, nianluo second, mt hua second, and so on). I'd only go yang hard nowadays if I was planning to do joined finger/adbs/sea demon blood blade/etc, there just aren't any sets that i'd consider good enough to draw me in.
I would highly recommend that you betray to tang now before it's too late and you start accruing yang hard gear (or you could go internal, and then you really have your pick of wv/wudang/scholars, with many great subsect set/inner options).

I mean, the smartest thing to do is go taichi, because a 4% damage loss is much more manageable than a 20% drop if you wanna use a different-element set. Which i think is bullshit, i'd like to add, but that's chinagame for you.

I will say, to it's benefit, that yin/soft has internal schools (emei/scholars) and external schools (tang) to choose from; the only yang/hard inner that has superior breath and spirit is Sunset. Poison Toad comes in second for breath, and Xu comes second for spirit.

why though? yin soft has like the best inners and sets atm


At the moment, sure; i always have my head in sixth internal, though, and you'll feel like a right ass if you suddenly want to change inner types because all the good ones dried up. For the record, yang/hard inners get good around fourth, at least, which is also when subsect second inners go hot; speaking of, only the as yet unreleased WV subsect has taichi inners.

Ah yes, welcome to the true hell of any MMO, just lurking in the corners: waiting for content. If you're lucky, T3 will break out like a rash within a week, and if you're super lucky the last two subsects will launch so you can become a double-shaolin.

Oh well, see ya guys on the next server launch.
Also how is AoW2 shaping up? I hear that they dropped the whole stats thing in favor in combat a la skyrim. Sounds retarded.

why dont you save yourself the effort and just move to new zealand already

At least if AOW2 removed the MMO grind, it'll mean you can just jump in and play it like any other shitty action game. Hell, i can't even think of any online fuckaround game that isn't either an MMO or round/stage-based; my first comparison was going to be Overwatch for maximum kneejerk spite.

I can't sadly invest my time in the grind of AoW, you know how that game works. But damn it's really unique. The leveling, the combat, the player interaction… Everything about it is awesome.
But to progress in this game you need to spend 8 hours a day playing if you want to catch up…

Loops are fun.

Niedan MMOs need to be more common. The grueling nature is simply part of the experience. I find the actual content of AoW to be lacking in some aspects, the reward of all that dancing and pill-popping should be more fun and impressive. I've read enough Xianxia to know there's some things they could be doing but aren't.
That being said, AoW is still my favorite martial-arts based MMO. The new one looks the part of an incredible progression based on what Snail has learned over the years. AoW 2 could easily be my favorite survival game as long as they deliver on some of their major concepts.
I still haven't found a single MMO where your character's creations are based on your decisions and your character's aptitudes and practices, rather than the 'recipe' you click on, but AoW 2 has lightly hinted at some level of unique contribution by the player.
If they can make the combat rewarding while also delivering a beautiful and user-led Jianghu, color me both impressed and excited.

you are everything that ever was and will be wrong with gaming

Join a subsect, do the dailys and weeklies, wait for t4 to unlock, and power-level that. Spend the rest of your time dueling and shit, which is really all you want to do. It takes everything to be the best, but you can still be damn strong if you focus on one or two things. What pisses me off is you keep claiming you love the game, but you don't play it half as much as me, ya Sydney hipster faggot.

This game has a surprising amount of costumes, to be honest. Nobody ever wears them because they're all too busy sucking the cock of lores, but there's enough to keep things interesting, at least.


Fuck you faggot I was on the fence but now am about to start the download. Browsing this thread while listening to gave me the itch.
Now I have a question: Is the ping still terrible for those playing from europe? I remember sitting at around at yellow/red threshholds and if it's still a case, I will probably have to pick a school that's not too ping dependant, any suggestions?

You poor bastard.

But if you insist, personally my suggestion would be going Tang. 5th set for GPVP and likely helping you dumpster in 1v1s, and Vertigo Dart for situations where the fact that you're so outpinged means your best option is to run around in circles and throw darts at a fag until he goes away. Eventually, you can also build Demon Soul Chasing Blade, which is a solid upgrade from Vertigo Dart that absolutely dumpsters people unprepared for it. Seriously, I've seen Spiritually Balanced bakas utterly demolish Peak of Power people with it.

we have spare max level accounts to give to newcomers

no, i was talking about the long term
ATS second, pomf, scholars/emei/tang 6th

yang hard t6 has good inners but the only sets that i think are good enough to use them with would be like shao 5th/rg 5th/chanfeng

Ah, you're the wrong asshole; i was honing my insults towards Kackem, who once claimed he'd probably be the last person playing like two years ago.

The server's still in california, which is pretty much a death curse for yurop. I have no idea what constitutes a good set for bad ping, though. If it's just AOE, RG's eagle claw, Shaolin's bodi staff, and WV's wind blades have them prominently.

The problem with soul blade is it's the only set that uses throwing knives. Tang's GSS uses darts for one move and SCS uses pellets for one. Getting DSCS would mean fidding with an entirely different weapon type. There needs to be a pellet-based set that's just about dropping AOE damage or some shit; not like there's a proper pellet set to begin with.

chain, golden snake sword

long boxing is going to be good again sooner or later

absolutely not
you'd get much more out of tang fifth/nianluo second/mt hua second/various good internal yin soft single sword sets than you would out of gss, especially in the time it'd take to farm it

So am creating a character and what's this about being a loli/shota? I saw that it was a locked option in the chargen.

Invite MeiMei to the guild please.

Basically, you can get a potion that will turn you into a loli/shota from the islands. I don't do the islands much so I can't give useful details; talk to Nulia or Yinyue ingame, I am fairly sure they are some of the more knowledgeable people regarding island shit

Basically, you can get a potion that will turn you into a loli/shota from the islands. I don't do the islands much so I can't give useful details; talk to Nulia or Yinyue ingame, I am fairly sure they are some of the more knowledgeable people regarding island shit

we chinese samurai now

At some point in your leveling, you get a mail-invite for the Eastern Seas, the newest content booster. The shorty potions come from two sources: you get them from either gaining enough identities to get the big reward bag, in which there's some potions, or you collect a shitload of dank herbs to trade in for more potions. The potions are temporary, so have fun with that; in my experience, Wuji island gives the most herb rewards, but VIP can also spend eastern seas experience to buy them from the NPC near the tower on Penglai island.

As far as i'm aware, Toirneach is on Koroto for the most part, now. Son of a bitch doesn't know how to focus, i swear to christ.


He says, posting siberian ice sculptures.

But yeah, i ran out of identities to get on Wuji island and stopped grinding at 6k spying/japanese. If you get anything past the fifth tier, let me know; i'm doing Hero Islands in the downtime.

YYTB for $600 on the BD server; grab your wallet and do-si-do.


What's the site for the game?
Or are you guys playing the snail one?

The snail one is, in fact, Wushu; the Webzen one is Wulin., yes

as an update, we've been decced on by BlackLotus. We'll have a guild war this saturday (during hua, unfortunately, so bo won't be able to attend).

doesn't want to attend*


he's playing in hua.
and he's guild lead, he collects our rewards, why wouldn't he want to keep collecting them?
*wondering* hmm….

So? It's not like he has to go.

I mean, I'm not exactly scared of BlackLotus of all guilds, even their strongest players get dumpstered on by our weakest. But it seems pretty silly to try to say he can't come when the reality is he doesn't want to because he'd rather win Hua.

He can kill niggas inbetween Hua rounds, probably. No idea what the limitations are in warping to Hua.

He doesn't have zero ping, of course he's not going to get first place.

well so would i, if there wasn't any reasonable expectation that we'd lose the base

Sure. It's just disingenuous to say he can't, is all.

he can, why would he? why would any of us who had a shot at hua?

Am considering buying VIP for this gay ass game. Problem is: I have a 200ish ping because europoor.
Should I just go to wulin and have 50 less ping? I would rather play with you fags but am afraid I will miss most guild/school fights because of the time zones and be useless at the ones I can attend.

If you're only getting 150 ping on Wulin, it's hardly an exceptional advantage; if it's 50 and that's a typo, then it's worth considering. That being said, the whole point of downloading this shit is to play with us on a relatively-new server; going to Wulin would defeat the purpose. Maybe if you wait four or five months, BigBo will convince Rage to jump to Wulin again and everyone else will follow, except Honshu won't be able to get it running and Van will brick his pants again and it'll all fall apart in a month anyway.

the fable of the bricked pants: a cautionary tale

I don't even care that he prioritizes differently but the deceptive phraseology you're using to disguise his selfishness actually kind of pisses me off. Please Van, can you just go twenty minutes without gargling your husbando's semen?

jesus christ dont sage this thread we need all the posts we can get

admittedly the boards slow enough that the thread probably wont die for another day and were almost at the bump limit anyhow but its the principle of the thing

well we don't risk losing the base by bo not being here, bo knows this, and he has a shot at winning hua. i'd do exactly the same thing if i was in his position.

important question: is ATS gear yin soft or taichi?
and do any pieces give useful effects for ats second set?

ATS itself is yin/soft; only the WV subsect is taichi. I don't THINK subsect, and for that matter school and faction, gear has a natural inclination towards a specific type, but i don't have any experience with it so who knows. I can't answer that without looking up the ATS gear, and i'm fairly sure i can't access the menu without being in the subsect; with how school and subsect gear works, though, i doubt it's worth it compared to the armor buffs you can get from normal gear.

Huj here. Someone actually posted my shitty guide!? I feel touched.

Hope the Chinagame is still treating you (poorly) well!

Also, never forget that once, a bunch of penniless chanheads playing this game for laughs BTFO a guild three times our size that was funded by an oil baron.

We blew them the fuck out so hard they spent real money to put a bounty on our guild so they could try to hunt us down and kill us with their cash shop martial arts.

The salt was glorious.

subsect specific gear can give damage buffs and such to specific skills. it could be worth it if there's a piece that gives me like 15% damage to the ats second set rage

What i meant to say is, i don't think upgrading ATS gear will guarantee yin/soft stat boosts; but, as i said before, i've no experience with it and i don't recall anyone else's attempts with them, so who knows.

Okay I have a general question about how to build a stronk character in this game.
Do you first look through the sets then choose the school with the inner that makes that set stronker?
In example: If I want to be a flute fighting PBI bitch, do I look what kind of damage/stats that set uses (for example: internal damage/breath) then when making a character, I choose a school with the inners that focus on internal damage and on breath?

There's two major axis to focus on: internal/external, and yinsoft/yanghard/taichi. Ideally, you should make up your mind to be one of the two and one of the three, then start building equipment, treasures, and meridians along those lines.

I tend to think in long-form building, though: school inners keep switching with every tier, so i wouldn't put TOO much stock by them, outside of building meridians. Faction inners and subsect second inners go up to max, and keep raising as later inner tiers go up; jianghu inners, too, but those are costly as fuck since they're a limited resource and everyone wants them to 75 for the jianghu meridians. It'd probably be best to go full autism with a faction inner and keep it close to your vest for much, much later.

Of course, all of that may be far too much detail for a simple question. If you really wanna go PBI, i'd suggest going probably wudang just to get their fifth set, graduating a martial bro for all the bonuses, and training away. Assuming third inner doesn't break before then, anyhow; may as well get the meridian for that, if it comes out.

you don't want to be pbi nearly as much as you think you do
that being said, yes, that's more or less it
if you want to use a taichi internal set, probably best to go for a yin or taichi inner with decent spirit/breath. yang hard also has options, but i don't think i'd recommend going yang hard for internal for a taichi internal set, that will be awkward. There are many great yin soft internal sword/flute sets, so going yang hard would really limit your options. The only yang hard internal single sword that i can think of is western fencing (which is a really good set, but still, that's the only one).

Why? Is it shit?
I like the gimmick of fighting with music. Are there other schools with gimmicks?

PBI is one of the most soulcrushing grinds that exists in this game. Many have tried, none have succeeded. The inner is also shitty (but the set is good).
If you really, really want to use a flute set, then go scholars. Scholars fourth and fifth are both flute sets. I'm a little unsure about how good scholars fourth is, but scholars fifth is very decent.

Alright thanks, I guess I will just go with scholars then. Also, just curious. What do you mean by soul crushing grind? Do you need to grind for items or something? And are all jianghu schools like that?
Which sect/school/whatever do you recommend after taking scholar?


Everything, eventually, is grind; PBI largely requires rare faction drops to complete their quests, and i believe the quests are random and timed, too. Rootless and POMF also have equally annoying quests, i'm given to understand, but i'm not sure they need the same type of stuff as PBI. I think the lesser factions have more generic dailies, but, as with everything, you'll ultimately going to do the same shit a thousand times to pile up tokens for levels.

Ideally, after you feel like you don't have anything else to do in scholar, you should either train away to PBI for even more toot-roots or join the scholar subsect to grind there forever. In terms of long-form planning, both are acceptable; in the short-term, PBI will be a major power boost, where as you only really need to fuss with the subsects in fourth-plus internal periods, unless you really want those sets.

rootless daily asks for random pills, food, materials, and recipes, quests are timed and if it gives you something you can't get you have to wait out a 20 minute timer before you can abandon and reaccept. i ended up spending ~60L a day skipping quests and that was on BD which had a much more active economy.

what's up faggots




Scholars 4th is actually a sword set

Stop pretending to be alive and get back in your coffin baka



Invite Lullwy to the guild, please.

y'know i was always going to join pomf, but then emei subsect came out so i went to go learn about magic water instead
related, anyone know how emei sixth inner/fifth set is?

5th set is pretty good, but there's almost no Emei on the server so hard to really judge it. It's no Tang meme set but it seems to have all the basic elements of a good set (some cc, some yellow armor, decent damage)

How powerful is control in this game? I usually like to play lockdown play styles and saw shaolin specializes in group stun, but I know some games water down stuns.
BDO's berserker's only defense was stunning enemies and it meant nothing because everyone had a stat that reduced the chance of a stun.

That depends on three things: how accurate you are/how dodgey your target is, how good your ping is and conversely how bad your target's ping is, and if you try to combo/stun them when they're blocking or using a skill with yellow(knockaround immunity)/red armor(everything immunity), as appropriate. Under ideal circumstances, you can lock people down into long combos; certain sets, most of which aren't available as now, have combos that're virtually impossible to get out of. More importantly, though, the more non-NPCs you fight, the worse your chances are of Lu Bu-ing your way to victory, and they'll be able to combo you between themselves if they're smart.

As a side note, i'd say the emei's Departed Stings may have the best AOE stun of the common sets, since it's instant in mid-air and has yellow armor regardless.

Thanks, I might check this out when I get the time.