Your final length was 9361!
I wish the mods stopped excessively banning.
Your final length was 9361!
I wish the mods stopped excessively banning.
Your final length was 10363!
Your final length was 2658!
Your final length was 4454!
Your final length was 317
Your final length was 73
OMG shut the fuck up!
I don't care you got dubs, you are fucking new.
I already did, bitch.
dubs, hurr durr
Your final length was 3571!
This is just sad and pathetic. Go away.
I am the only one in this thread that is not being cancer. So sad.
This is sad, we're reaching 4/v/ levels of shitposting.
It would be even worse but i know the mods won't delete this shit thread until it gets (200)+ replies from OP alone because muh vidya related.
I know IDs exist. I just don't give a shit when unlike most of the people on this board I post quality content.
This is a joke that's only funny to you
How can it be a joke if it is true.
I cannot tell if you are trolling or really retarded to the belief that console gamers are better.
both me
Your final length was 5704!
I love you OP, post more of the good stuff
Nice dubs, but your spamming of highscore screenshots is still retarded. Nothing to do with consoles here m80.
You really are fresh off the boat aren't you.