What video games do you associate to certain races and ethnic types?

What video games do you associate to certain races and ethnic types?

Mexicans love King of Fighters. No idea why

Starcraft II - S. Korea

quake - europeans, even by map blood run is ruskies 100%

Street Fighter = Niggers
Final Fantasy = Niggers

NeoGeo arcades

Counter Strike is Russian. There, I got the easy one

Do they like Samurai Showdown and Metal Slug too?

Another russian dominated community is Homm3.

I play all games OP even boring games.

Why you play boring games if they are boring? Also what did you mean by that?

The even easier one would be Brazilians and fucking every f2p game

That chart is a fucking lie no one calls it mexican football you fucking nigger


Only faggots play shooters.

metal slug yes, i think in LATAM we only had KoF games, i never saw a Samurai Showdown machine

No one calls it orb chase either. lrn2jokes

And I'm not talking about homosexuals.

Before anyone calls it.

Capcom fightans are loved by niggers and white trash.
SNK fightans are loved by spics.
Anime fightans are loved by nips and weebs.
Smash is loved by autistic white kids.



Talking about autistic white kids.

Black: Fighting games
Korean: Anything Blizzard
Japanese: VNs
Mexican: Shooters
Canadian: Anything Bioware
American: Call of Duty
Brazilian: MMOs
Sweden: Walking simulators like Gone Home
UK: Puzzle games like Myst
Russian: Counter Strike

No, russians dominate Diablo.

All of Europe: Sim games

France is no longer France


Germany and any kind of simulator game

I remember the most popular thing in chinese forums are shitty mods for KOEI ROTK games.


It's as if every German with an imagination either died in WW2 or fled to the US.

That's right.

I swear I feel like I heard somebody refer to this sport by this name before but just about every American I ever encountered referred to it as soccer.

I don't

I always considered that as the universal game everyone liked as a kid.

white people: fleißiger Arbeitersimulator 1939
spics: spicfight
niggers: niggerfight
gooks: gookclick
canucks: blacked.com
japs: pervertread
pooinloos: Hello, this is Microsoft support. How can I help you?
BRs: free shit lMMaORPG

Wait, you're not fucking with me? Someone calls Soccer Orb Chase?

Nigs (US): Party/Normal Fighers
Nips: Weebshit, VNs, Bullethell, Rhythm
Slavs: Valve/PC Multiplayer FPS
Spics: Fighting if Wetback, MMOs and shit multiplayer games for the rest
Krauts: Simulation
Europoors/Yankees/Canucks: Jack of all trades, master of none for the most part


UK for whatever reason likes anything "Mainstream" so shit from Activision, EA and Ubisoft. In otherwords, cucked

echt supi Add-On ^^;;;

Indons: MMOfps, PS2 soccer, & cheap horror shit
Ragheads: They tried their hardest to make jihad vidyas
Slavs in general: Modern combat sims
And please enlighten me about what kikes (diaspora & Israeli alike) play


German laws doesn't favor violent games, anything considered "glorifying war" is heavily restricted.




Whites like shooters because they are always on the verge of pulling off a beta uprising and shooting up a school. Plus, guns are for cowards, so it's quite fitting

Please leave, goon


I have no idea. Maybe I just suddenly got a false memory when Orb Chase was mentioned like Deja Vu. I probably heard it on this website.

Burgers: AAA First Person Shooters
Niggers: Smash/Tournament fighters
Spics: Arcade fighters
Brazilians: Any F2P game ever
Other LA: 2000-2008 PC Games
Japs: Arcades, Rhythm Games, RPGs, VNs, lolis and mobileshit.
Chinks: Literally playing MMOs until death
Worstkoreans: Starcraft
Ruskies: Counter Strike Global Offensive, they're also piracy masters
Ragheads: Battlefield 2

What did he mean by this?


Nice B8, niggerfaggot.
I know your favorite game, Yaoi VN's.

I don't think I have the webm saved but I do recall seeing an interview with fighters in Ukraine who described the battle over Donetsk airport as "just like being in the Zone". So it does in fact appeal to the slavs too.

You Forgot Europoors playing Paradox Strategy games.

the main demographic outside of asia for these are high melanin and spanish speaking ones.

Plot twist, a lot of Americans are actually slavs.

I disagree with the guy you responded too, and I just wanted to say, I love Yaoi VN's




When it comes to games, it's probably because of draconian censorship that rivals that of Australia, especially when it comes to violent content.

Stalker is a niche title in the U.S. and imageboards are the only place where I see it regularly discussed in English. Meanwhile, in Slavlands it is more popular that Metal Gear, Street Fighter, Sonic, and Halo. Every Slav who has at least passing interest in games is familiar with S.T.A.L.K.E.R.

>Latinos - FIFA
Does Mario Strikers count? I'm half German, Half Spaniard with a big or Portuguese

I mostly play kiddie shit like Sonic, Mario, Banjo Kazooie and Pogeyman.
Along with easily accessible shit like Crystal Chronicles for the gamecube.

I'm trying to expand my tastes though, right now I am playing Eternal Darkness. I like cuhraazy games

In games where you can play as a sniper, you'll always see Mexicans and other latin types play as the god damned sniper. They're also prone to shit talking behind a really high pitched voice changer, for some reason.

By slavs game standarts stalker is garbage, because russians got to know how much it got cut down and turned into a complete different game after the beta. The original SOC was so bad at launch, like worse than Xenus Boiling Point. Nobody could play that shit.


He feels even prouder when that blood mixed with master race blood

>RTS starcraft
depressed SJW transfats on tumblr and twitter
white murricans

SAMP - Russians

I take offense to that! I'm autistic and white and have never played Smash!

Or anything Sonic, for that matter.

>tfw superior Aryan-Japanese mix.
Honorary Ayrans, r-right?

Polska kurwa: Tekken


Its 2017, even Holla Forums is not white and that's alright, since having more allies against globalist kikes is better.

The ironic thing is that the globalist kikes probably brought/kept them here in the first place.
But hey, their plan of diversity is backfiring.

The correct term is "Gridiron Football" when referring to the North American sport, and "Association Football" when referring to what Americans call "Soccer"


I'm irish american, and with all the whites in my area being liberals I take what I can get honestly. The fact that my greek neighbor and my hispanic friend are people I feel more comfortable speaking my mind to than my own family sucks. Not saying greeks aren't white, I'm just saying their are few people I feel I can be myself around. I've come to terms with the people moving into my state and ruining it for the locals.

Apparently my grandma is part roman, which is good, until my mom fucked a portugese/spanish guy, who abandoned us.
It sucks having your family be pretty much full white, then your mom crossbreed.

She had my two sisters and brother, sis and bro came out with pale skin and green eyes, the other sis is more spic due to a different dad (First dad got cucked), so she looks more mestizo, and I came out looking like a caramel cookie, even If I came from the first dad, I most likely came this way from previous cross contamination. Feels bad man.

At least my ethnicity is ambiguous enough that people HAVE to ask what I am. My dad used to look a lot like me, but now he looks like my older brother.

Nothing makes you appreciate your heritage like realizing that yours has been shit on.

This is the reason your continent is dying.

Yeah, but with eugenics I can just remove the dirty parts and have a beautiful white child again, green eyes and light brown hair maybe? I am what is know as a "Castizo"

Fighters: Niggers and Spics

Not true, pretty much everyone plays vidya here but they for the most part have similar tastes to burgers but just a tad better

fucking kangaroos for sport is not vidya, user.

Holla Forums was never white tbh


This is not something to be proud of.

drab military or medieval bullshit


You know the Romans haven't been a thing for well over a millennium, right? And that towards the end just about anybody could become a Roman citizen?

you should append "and niggers" to the end of each one, because it's so true

Romans are a part of italy you plebe.

NFL games on Xbone. Nobody else play NFL and Xbone only fare well in US.

Thanks for recalling that old meme

sorry guns take power away from meathead retards like you, son :^)


When I think COD I think Japs, the game is insanely popular there.

Nah, that was mostly in the 90's and early 00's. We usually get everything uncut and just fine.

For some reason middle-easterns love strategy games or games where there are tactics involved.

You could at least use fucking webms when you want to make unfunny jokes like that. Lord knows you'd embarrass yourself less.

I always associate the British with Strategy games and Classic FPS.

Yeah, like the British.

That and CS. PC bangs I visited usually had people playing CS 1.6 or RA2.

here in italy usually people who actually play videogames don't go over the ps2/gc era, with few exceptions for pc games. Unfortunately new generations are getting dumber and play overwatch, shitty indies, generic shooters etc…
I'm guessing soccer games are still popular since it's extremely popular here, but i haven't speak with someone in a long time.

I didn't mention she was part roman, and this

I noticed a shitload of frogs playing Monster Hunter lately. Is that a huge thing there?

Even though I've never played the game, from what I've seen of the design it actually comes across as something the french would like.

Lots of argies still play CS 1.6, PES/FIFA and Age of Empires even to this day.

Do you mean Romanian?


French are weird because they love niggers even though niggers slaughtered them all in their colonies

what a bunch of cucks English were always better at colonialism

The gaming market in Argentina is kinda dead. Shit is either overpriced or you just cant get it at all. There is no way to get nintendo consoles unless you import them, and importing shit was a fucking struggle until recently. Steam is the only way to get games at acceptable prices but not many people bother getting good pcs so they are stuck with toasters running CS 1.6 either way.

your dad - Sierra Bass Fishing or Solitare
your mom - casual bloatware games preinstalled

Spain was probably the best of them all with colonies

Simulator stereotype aside I see a lot of Germans in online RTS (they also tend to be the best players).

I also see a lot of slavs but unlike Germans, the slavs tend to be pretty poor at RTS. They understand well enough not to turtle or simcity, but their overall eco game is generally weak which leads to them getting steamrolled by other players who can supply a better force or sustain more losses.

And then there are the Poles specifically who can't even play.

monhun and wakfu for sure

You posted the wrong picture faggot.


Can confirm. Even fucking periphericals are overpriced, on burgerland e-bay you can get a used Xbox 360 controller at around 10 bucks while in Argentina they're up to 100 american dollarinos after conversion.


Most people in Canada are blizzcucks, especially Asian immigrants.

They don't, but they sure as fuck like to pretend they do. So many gay ass pop vinyls.

I'm french, and me and everyone around me hates nogs.
Don't base your opinions on our game companies agenda and other big mainstream media, leftists have invaded our medias as much as they did in burgerland.

I wonder what happened to Spain. They used to be the richest most powerful and successful country in the entire world and then they just became shitskins.

Mayan curse.

"AYOO FAM *licks lips* yo fam *grabs crotch* you uhh you got dat new madden on deck?" t. Every nigger who walks into a game store

How's it like being a nigger?

FIFA. Not PES, just FIFA. Also CoD, but thats about it
all the singleplayer games that the yanks play, and overwatch

actually, quite a lot of left wing thought was home grown in france, I wouldn't say it was an invasion at all.


>tfw French Canadian from my mothers side. I'm an Acadian French and retain aspects of their noble bloodline too.
I thought I was just a plain Yurop. Of course I'm not.

Blacks: love Harry Potter.


How autistic do you have to be that someone only posted in a thread once?

Shooter genres: everyone
RPG: whypipo, asians
Sports: everyone
Stealth: whypipo
RTS: asians
Fightan: blacks, asians
Anything DBZ related: blacks and mexicans, especially mexicans

Are you trying to be funny or something? Or just underage and dumb?

He's from reddit and thinks he's funny.

why do blacks like it so much

Figured. I want these reddit transplants to get surgically removed already.


Well at least Europeans can try to take some comfort from the fact that the nips still seem to believe in them.

What's wrong with the western one at the bottom?

It's a man

This is all probably way off.


Special Black


Special Japanese

South Korean

South american

Special W.A


Middle Eastern


Do they sparkle or something?

I don't know what makes them special, they just are.

Do they drop extra loot or something? Are they special because they have money?


That's the Aborigines and they only make up 2% or so

I think he means Ben Carson

Here is a picture of 6 black people.
One is a special black person.
Hint: It's never the easiest answer.

Very close.

Damn it is hard. They all just look the same to me. :^)


German Simulator Games (Wait… G…S…G? Coincidence??) are actually really comfy.

kangaroos are hard to catch, only trackers/bushbashers can get em;
only autists become trackers, so in effect, kangaroo rape is our national take on competitive Smash

they're all special in their own way, user

Bottom middle because he doesn't look like he has a career in the music industry.

It is a problem for the Japs, they have some idealized version of France in their minds that when they go there today some of them actually have a mental breakdown.

good old mad thad

Burguers love military shooters

I'm getting tired of all these fucking white genocide memes, fuck off already.

he was arrested for pedophila or something.
also he's defiling my waifu.

Die early then if you're tired, its not going anywhere.

asians play mobas
niggers play point and shoots

what the fuck does that mean
there isn't some huge chunk of europe somewhere in the middle of the thing that doesn't belong to a country

what the fuck

GTA - BRs and cheekibreekis
STALKER - Anyone but the people the games were fucking made for
Need for Speed (fast n furious era before the franchise became irredeemable garbage with mostwanted and carbon) - Anyone from a 3rd world country
Original need for speed games - Eurocucks
Call of duty/modern sports games/battlefield - NIGGERS
Anything 2d made after 2d was the only viable thing - Sanfran hipsters

'Sup newfriend.

Chile plays a lot of LOL and Hearthstone.

General Americucks - AAA trash
Dad/Middle-Aged Americucks - Strategy games and WRPG's
Redneck Americucks - FPS and sports games, weird PC shovelware
Numale Americucks and girls - Indie trash and "modern" JRPG's, shitty modern WRPG's
Suburban Mallrat Americucks (a dying breed these days) - Rythm games, racing games, platformers, survival-horror
Street Trash Americucks - PS2 games and shovelware
Little Kids - Smartphone/handheld shovelware
Canacucks - Indie trash and racing games
Black People - Fighting games and open world shit
Gooks - JRPG's, MMO's, VN's, seizure-inducing action games, etc.
Ausfailians - FPS and steam early access survival shovelware
Britbongs - WRPG's and platformers
General Eurocucks - Simulators, platformers, puzzle games, adventure games
Slavs - FPS and weird simulators, open-world games, WRPG's
Latinos - Rythm games, fighting games, sports games, survival-horror