133 days until E3
single-handedly the best episode of spongebob ever made
how much worse than last year will it be. the event not the 8/v/ stream
E3 was a spongebob episode?
That's not the magic conch episode.
that episode is spongebobs Frank Grimes. definitely not. that episode is garbage. its one of the episodes that most resembles modern spongebob where the joke of half of the episodes is torturing poor squidward.
Plenty of time to brush up on those buzzwords.
It's going to be shit. The switch will have no third party games dspite their promises of Todd and friends, and I don't think anybody on this board genuinely cares about ps4 or xbox one. Maybe PC will have some good games if we're lucky
nintendo very rarely has good 3rd party games.
the ps4 is already winning the gen senpai, nier, nioh, kingdom hearts, FFXV, let it die, gravity rush, Digimon cyberslut & next order, and i haven't even named bloodborne yet.
pretty much a piece of shit with overpriced online. nobody cares about microsoft first party games.
hopefully some more ports of legit games, from a console as usual. like the dragons dogma port, that was great on PC.
If you're not into JRPGs the PS4 is still lacking. I know a large portion of Holla Forums is into JRPGs, though, so I guess the same people who bought visual novels for the vita will eat up the PS4's offerings.
that'd be nice, but I hope there's some more PC single player games that aren't walking simulators or shoehorned "esports" casual garbage
oh right, i forgot the yakuza series and the tales series.
i'd rather have a ton of "action jrpgs" than mario and a whole bunch of nothing.
I agree the nintendo switch is going to garbage. A bunch of unimaginative platformers and a bunch of one gimmick meme games because nintendo still thinks the NES zapper is what the kids want. However, action JRPGs are not good in my opinion due to many of the same reasons; unimaginative gameplay (either turn based, hack and slash or a third person action game), bad characters/story, typically more emphasis on shallow action than the RPG elements and pandering really hard to an easy target demographic who enjoy grinding for levels and waifu bait. I am not excited for any console at upcoming E3.
Of course it's going to be, why do you think we're waiting to see that trainwreck?
PS+ is not an obligatory service you retard, unlike cuckbox and shittendo who charge you for using the online. PS+ is likea "pro" membership while the "free" membership is available for all. PS+ benefits aren't even worth it 90% of the time.
If you're arguing about the PS4 then yes it is if you want to play nearly any online game. The only thing PS+ has over XBL is that F2P games don't require it.
Didn't 360 defenders argue the same about XBL Silver and it's pathetic excuse of a "service"? I can't recall, but your argument is as full of shit as that one is, PS+ hasn't been just a "pro" service since the PS Quad.
what online games require you to have PS+ obligatorily?
On PS4? All of them. Every current-gen console uses a paid subscription service for online play except for the Wii U, and the Switch is in the process of changing that as well.
Are you lost? PS3 doesn't require PS+ but the PS4 does.
Get your shit right, its been more then 3 years since these damn consoles were released.
Fuck off to halfchan you cancerous subhuman