FFXIV: Heavensward General
Banter Edition
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Current Patch 3.5
Patch Archives - na.finalfantasyxiv.com
Useful resources:
List of Commands(used for macros) - na.finalfantasyxiv.com
Gamer Escape - ffxiv.gamerescape.com
Garland Tools Database - garlandtools.org
XIV Database (It's good now)- xivdb.com
FF logs - fflogs.com
ACT (but don't tell anyone you're using it) - advancedcombattracker.com
Guildwork - guildwork.com
Ariyala (gear build simulator/hunt-&lighttracker) - ffxiv.ariyala.com
Mithrie's guides(should cover a lot) - youtube.com
1. Do all of your Main Story Quests - REQUIRED TO GET TO HEAVENSWARD AREAS
2. Do all of your class quests and get yourself a job - ffxiv.gamerescape.com
3. Attune to Chocobo Porters, Aetherytes & Aether currents ASAP - it will save you a lot of time & effort
4. Unlock your challenge log, gives great exp and some gil - ffxiv.gamerescape.com
5. Do your daily roulettes - all of them are great until 60, except guildhests, which is great until around 40-50
6. Level crafting & gathering - free dosh
7. Cooking has an amazing crossclass skill at 37 you need to get.
Primal Data Center
>Exodus / Concentrated Smug
Original 8ch FC. No gay or autistic shit. Whisper Rab Bbit, Aurora Soulwood, Balkius Hyorsyn, Charr Moddo, Claws Furalarm for an invite. They're a tightly knit group. Glad to help you get through the hard content and the deep complexities. View their company profile then send an application. Remember to mention Holla Forums in tells and applications.
If you're on Exodus and not in the FC for some reason, send a /tell to anybody with the tag to get an invite to a linkshell.
Final Fantasy XIV
Other urls found in this thread:
First for Yshtola
Literally the worst scion waifu.
That's not Minfilia
Fair enough. Literally the second worst scion waifu.
Which do you think is faster, PotD or spamming Levequests?
I hear POTD is the quickest method. Wouldn't hurt to break it up with some Levequests though to mix it up a little.
Missed opportunity tbh
[email protected]/* */ are for love
I'll have to find the text font
Open Sans semibold seems pretty close
I used to think Felbot was the worst potato avtarfag, but congratulations you've topped even him.
Sure makes you wonder about chan FC's, huh?
I'm in neither of these FCs but if you could spare us the gay internet slapfight that'd be nice. Thanks in advance.
So anyway not related to XIV, how's the other SquareEnix MMO, Dragon Quest X?
Is there no way to actually extract what font they're using?
Not really. Just nWo.
Remove NWO, remove potato.
Lemme fug that blind slut
Just use Open Sans
Reminder that potato posters are halfchan crossposting shitters.
N-No, you.
Like fucking clockwork.
Go figures, fucking niggers always ruining the thread. Just fuck off already
How did you know that he was cross posting? Unless… YOU ALSO WENT BACK! DIRTY, HE'S DIRTY!
Don't be dumb.
The recent spat of FC "drama" we had prompted me to see if there was a concerted effort to stir shit in our threads. Lo and behold the search rooted out a potato.
For the record, I have nothing against smug :3
At least try to make some actual posts.
Where do you get these glasses anyway?
I wasn't talking about you, you dumb nigger, I was talking about the faggot in the picture
I bought them off the market board a long time ago. I'm not sure how much they're going for now.
Cool thanks.
It seems obvious this Qojon cross-poster is the one who's been stirring things up recently regardless.
what happened to nWo? did it die after i stopped being guild leader? this is sanjo btw.
i started playing again a few months ago, but seeing these threads i wasn't going to bother with the cancer and just started a new character on a different server.
Nothing. Smug is a group of tera refuges who are trying to shit stir and bully nwo, they even tried to dox one of the owners of nwo which back fired into revealing the owner of smug is a full on furry.
I guess after everyone got tired of their shit stirring they're trying to be more subtle about.
oh, that's funny. I played in the 8ch tera guild for a bit just to check out before nWo got started and if it's the same people they're a bunch of faggots yeah. more so than you guys, and that's saying a lot. :^)
Yeah, last I heard some tumblrite 4channer took over and then threw a huge autistic bitchfit when it was revealed his wife (who lives on a different continent) was arrested and convicted for CP.
Then SMUG showed up and they had a nuclear meltdown that someone else dared have a guild on the same server.
Oh yeah I forgot as part of their meltdown they google searched some random member's name they didn't even spell it correctly and found an unrelated tumblr, they went around bragging that they doxed him. The leader of nWo also tried offering people gil for dox and or switching from SMUG to nWo, which he damaged controlled as "just a joke" when people laughed at him
at the time I gave the guild to dankmaster dave and his gf/wife/whatever. I don't remember her character's name. people were upset or something about me not being around all the time (i had personal shit to do) and i figured it would either be the worst thing or the best thing. i don't know if it's the same people in charge, but yeah. they seemed nice at the time though, and they were from Balmung and would show pics of the autistic shit that happened in the 4chan guilds and said they didn't want that so idk. that was a couple years ago now i think though.
either way, everyone in these threads seem pretty cancerous to me and that's funny.
The TERA group was forewarned of the nWo groupthink autism and made their own FC. nWo had a sperg out when SMUG advertised in the FC. The leader of nWo refused to handle it like an adult, leaving Lyfon to set up cross FC shit which Dave proceeded to ragequit from it all. Buncha shit from Dave trying to buy IRL dox info with gil and a bunch of other autistic shit. Dave also moved his alt to another server following the bitch who has him on a leash and spends most all of his time there whilst still refusing to give up any power in the FC.
Also I'm still mildly irritated and insulted that you cut all contact with me after you quit pokket you son of a bitch.
Literally everything about that smug shit stirring is wrong. The wife was v& by shit Australian laws for loli in some comic, she is stormfront, and smug had no melt down over the Holla Forums fc already existing. They openly know about it and claimed their reasoning for the second FC was because they wanted to specifically play with the group that abandoned tera, but now here they are highjacking threads trying to recruit.
Smug are a bunch of shit stirring degenerates who want an internet retard fight. I sympathize with the people who want to filter all this FC drama but it's simple fact and needs to be said.
Cocksucking nigger you didn't link in the other thread and I kept it open for 6 hours thinking it was still not recycled
(((pure coincidence)))
i cut all contact with everyone after a few months jolene (right?)
i did it again with all the people in the 4am cytube (i was flesh ¯\_(ツ)_/¯). it's just something i do. i am schizo after all.
i'm just curious, i'm actually Sanjo Ueda the original leader of nWo.
Oh shit Sanjo whaddup?
We miss you
Reading comprehension is hard. The poster is saying "nWo had a meltdown at SMUG" not the other way around.
Forget that stuff though. It only happens because you keep responding. Do you guys like crafting? I think it's lame that they pretty much require you to get level 15 and 37 in all the classes to craft properly.
Now I see why her cat is a nigger
Hey Sanjo, hope you're doing well. Ignore the drama autist in the thread. It's not this bad in game.
t. Nimue
"They" refers to this "nWo", friend.
In the act of shaming those who avatarfag and attenion whore. Aren't we also just shitting up the thread. We need to stop shitting on each other constantly and just talk about the actual game itself like we were a few days ago before the furfaggotry and potato jewing started to derail the threads.
This. It's the work of like 5 total people shitposting across both FCs.
Hard to do when smug is still trying. Notice they left nwo out of the OP, and some of the first posts.
Indeed. They saw my guild tag and everything sort of spiraled out of control.
The faggots causing the problems need to be identified so they can be properly ostracized by those that just want to talk about the actual game.
I barely remember anyone tbh. but then again, i wasn't around enough to get to know anyone anyway. it is strange you miss me honestly. i was barely there. i'm still a casualfag now even. i'll probably stop playing again soon with this fc i'm in on a different server.
pic related
also, somewhat related to me also being flesh in the 4am cytube (before it died and i shat on the other mods lololololol) there was someone (want to say it was Yozanon but i'm not sure) that was starting to get into xiv. I told them to check out the 8ch fc but I didn't know there was two fcs at the time. I wonder if he posts here, seemed like a chill dude.
do you still play as a nigger?
( ̄^ ̄)ゞ
i assume you're asking me, and no i don't. Still play a highlander though.
I think fishing is the most fun, but it doesn't really have any payoff.
You seem like kind of a fag.
you guys should've used /xiv/ when i took ownership and banned all the avatarfags and shit. joke's on you i guess.
i had a friend with benefits that would jerk me off and he had long fingernails and his fingernails would dig into my cock and scratch and cause my cock to bleed. he worked at a fish hatchery delivering eggs and shit. always had to count them and write down the number. one day he was driving his fish eggs up a narrow winding mountain road here and hit some black ice and spun out. truck tipped over, eggs all over the ground broken and shit. what he gets for counting his eggs before they hatched i guess.
Y-you too
Sanjo hasn't offed himself? Small world.
Fucking potato posters. This is why no one likes you.
I don't see you talking about fun fishing is either.
My favorite fishing is the one that uses potatoes as bait
Just another day of immigrants trying to destroy perfectly stable countries.
They could of gone literally anywhere else that was available or integrated into the society, but no. Even better is when there are cucks in this very thread who expected nwo to welcome the rapefuges with welcome arms.
it's been a couple years y'know. I can't remember every person who pretends they're a catgirl in a video game cause their life is shit. that's a lot to remember.
i'll dissapear again soon. Been fun seeing what people are up to though.
you got me there chaim.
Whoa, user. Dial back on the anti-semitism? Your new President likes us, ya know?
Isn't that only in Dark Cloud? I haven't found any Potatoes you can use as fishbait in this game.
Would your board have threads without original posts somehow and not be on this imageboard or something?
Aaaand here they go, at it again. Fuck off you smug pieces of shit. Go to balmung where every cancer on exodus comes from.
who cares about that, the reason i took ownership of both /xiv/ and /xivg/ was to fuck with people in nWo at the time. didn't matter where i was doing it. I only thought the irony of you being as much of a cuck as the nwo members was funny.
Fucking kike
Please call us this for the rest of eternity
Oh yeah? How did owning two boards to fuck with nWo go?
I'm just posting funny OC man. Why do you people have to keep shitting up the thread instead of talking about fishing, or crafting, or the game at all? See now you're dragging me into it.
Has there been any indication they they're adding a similar amount of classes as HW, or could it be just RDM and SAM?
Signs post to just two classes.
POINT TO damnit
Didn't they mention that is was way too hard to balance 3 new jobs and that they didn't want to do it again?
Oh you mean like the current nWo leader and his tumblr pedo wife?
Making video games is hard. Hopefully they don't realize this so we keep getting patches and more content.