Why doesn't Japan like PC gaming?
Is it genuinely shitty in Japan or is Japan full of sonygger console peasants?
Maybe you're right, but that could just be a symptom as opposed to the reason in the first place.
Why doesn't Japan like PC gaming?
Is it genuinely shitty in Japan or is Japan full of sonygger console peasants?
Maybe you're right, but that could just be a symptom as opposed to the reason in the first place.
PC gaming requires more free time than their culture expects them to have. Handhelds and mobile games dominate there because they fit better into their "work every day until you die" mentality
Computers are pretty expensive over there, so people that do have decent builds are few and the majority of Jap-orientated PC games are indie or otherwise low intensity games like VNs. So its kind of a culmination of various factors.
I hope this thread summons autistic Asian vs Asian fights. Shit's glorious.
Japan loves PC gaming, just not industrialized PC gaming. You don't see them using Steam much, but there are dozens of products shown at every Comiket.
I thought japan had a problem with young people shutting themselves away in their rooms or something of that effect?
Likely because a decent PC takes up far more space than a console.
I imagine they cost more because there is less demand for PCs.
It does seem weird that the biggest PC game market over there is lewds considering how much concentrated autism the Nips tend to radiate. One would imagine them and PC gaming would have been a match made in heaven.
But there are plenty of jap pc games, just check comiket and playism.
Hell a certain series that has mostly been on consoles has a PC exclusive entry and it's the best entry in the series
at least until I get my hands on Lacrimosa of Dana and see what it's like
where would one procure games from comiket? Aren't they all still physical when sold there?
Steam is extremely expensive there and they have to pay extra for the JP localization of western (and sometimes even japanese) games.
Houses are sometimes too small for a big setup.
Nips never cared about top tier graphics so almost nobody fell for the beefy rig meme.
The "buy, play, sell, repeat" kind of gamer is more common there, so physical format is very important.
This is of course if you are talking about pc gaming as it is in the west.
Some anons post repositories of a lot of Comiket games, sometimes I find a few on various turret sites.
You might want to ask the share thread, they might have a more efficient way.
Maybe they have shit internet download speeds, weak hardware, no desk space for a PC, I don't fucking know. Each country has different wants or needs for vidya.
Oh and playism vidya is easy to find on igg and the like.
Maybe, but theres huge taxes on games and electronics as-is which doesn't help. Its often cheaper for Japs to import foreign games that have dual-audio than to just buy native.
because you can buy a PS4 that plays game du jour for like $350 vs. buying a gaming PC that won't even play at max specs for like $800
Imagine you lived in a world where everyone lived in a place that was half the size of an american studio apartment.
You don't have room for a pc.
They also pay high import tariff for a shit load of things, often even stuff that isn't produced locally.
I think freetime (the lack of it) is the biggest limitation for the PC market and the reason behind the constantly shrinking home console market. I seem to recall reading that -relatively speaking- the PC userbase was growing over there… Not sure If it's true though.
The chinese and china are fucking shit though. That guy gets it right. They're cockroaches basically.
Plenty of reasons
That's some poor quality bait If I have seen any…
I don't think it's that they don't like PC gaming, so much as they all already have mobile phones so they stick with mobile gaming. Also, they only use their computer for shitposting on message boards and playing 2hu games.
I, too, want to fuck that toaster.
Truth is the best kind of bait.
how do you fuck that up, you massive weeaboo?
I think that culture is what helps contribute a lot to shut-ins happening
Holy shit, fuck off outta here, fagtron.
Because the japanese are the biggest casuals of all.
we invented rice, books, influenced chinese 2.0/japanese, gunpowder to fire that fucking haun off, built a fucking huge wall before america did, had best culture because red is best colour and japan just stole it lmao, put a red dot on your flag on your white flag? looks like a white grills nip, lmao fucking westaboos and you thought you were weeb. Plus our country was fucking awesome it's way bigger and looks like chicken, i love fucking chicken but not sexually because we need to eat chicken and dog too, like why would want to love japan? we have jackie chan and jackie chan and jackie chan, what does japan have? like some guy who used 2 swords, 2 swords! lmao
Japan is trash, china is stronk
They tend to stick with a piece of gaming tech and not upgrade until they are absolutely forced to. See the Famicom and PC 98. I think most of them still use XP over there.
It's not entirely their fault. Japanese wage slavery is legendary.
You're not even trying
Trips confirm
Because Japan is fucking weird and they have this autistic cultural thing where PCs are for work and video game consoles are for video games. Basically they're uptight spergs who need a different tool for everything no matter how fucking dumb it is
I'm learning
Why did you even reply?
What a waste
I think it might have more to do with the fact that if you walk into the PC section in a game store all you're gonna see is lewd games and VNs.
Fuck off back to reddit, cancer.
PCs aren't folded over 1000 times so they don't bother.
And I have invented carrots. It's called domesticating rice, not inventing it.
In the era of win95~XP you were expected to go through a lot of bullshit sometimes just to run a game, while consoles of those eras had none of modern internet dependency and day 1 patches bullshit.
Even though situation pretty much reversed today, it's hard to let the old habits go.
Fucking this.
Went to Hokkaido last summer, and felt like checking out component prices when I was at the department store.
The fucking GPUs alone are 1.5 times the burger price.
It's really not a suprise the japs only game on their laptops as opposed to a full spec desktop.
Seek help
Like Metal Wolf Chaos. Which was never released in America for some dumbass reason.