Avorion Thread

Avorion is a relatively new space game on Steam which combines ideas from Minecraft and X. Right now it's in early access and there's also a demo available (a little bit outdated though). It supports server and client modding with lua, too.

inb4 Space Engineers, StarMade clone
no: avorion.net/faq/#q4

Trailer: youtube.com/watch?v=TGY-SatHqDg

Other urls found in this thread:



torrent or get the fuck out

Oh vey! Bad goy!

I think you are able to search a torrent on your own.


Can my ship eat enemies?

Fuck off, commie.

at least link the steam page you mongo

just grab x3: terran conflict and download the xtended terran conflict mod and youre set on spacesims.

I bought it to try it out since i had some money in my steam wallet over and its actually pretty good. Reminds me a bit of Freelancer but with procedural generation. And this game takes the whole procedural generation shtick and runs with it all the way. The ships, factions, sectors, weapons and everything along the way are generated randomly. It even generates fucking colors you can find to paint your ship with. The shipbuilding itself is pretty cool imho it lets you basicly freeform shit how you want. Its not really tied down to uniform blocks and it lets you transform the blocks you use however you want. Im not too far into the game so i dont know its full extent yet but so far im having loads of fun. Pic related, my trashcan of a ship so far.

Theres salvaging lasers you can put on a fixed point to lock them in place. If your ships big enough to engulf other ships you could technically "eat" them that way. With the way the ship building is set up the sky is the limit. Get creative.

Right now being a period between forever and ever

Compared to other EA titles, you can already play countless of hours while having a lot of fun. There were some annoying multiplayer bugs at release, but most of them are fixed now. I've only played single player yet though.

sorry, here: store.steampowered.com/app/445220

Q3 2017 officiallly


I want shills to leave.

Post a link to an updated pirated version or I will start shitting up this thread non-stop until it gets erased or past the bump limit. You have 3 hours to comply.

Fuck I've been playing/trying to play this game for the past like twelve hours. I'll start to get a good run in and then some fucking stupid bug will glitch everything and I'll lose all my progress. There's something very cool about this game, I love the way you can build the ships but I'm going to struggle to try playing it until some more updates come out.

torrent hash: 88B8CB28C008214615B9FFE917EE3D6EA70DFB96

That's not how you spell Litcubes Universe.

My nigger

Get qBittorrent and use the "Search" function retard.
Oh, and every torrent is a potential honeypot. Having said that, I've probably downloaded over 10 TB of shit over the last year and never got into trouble with it.

Excellent game.

If piracy is Communism then call me Trotsky and give me the ol' icepick.

To be fair we are the red anons :^)

And what sets this apart from Empyrion, Space Engies, Starmade, ect?

Demanding OP to post a link to get the game for free is a good antishilling method. Your attitude is simply encouraging shit devs to come here for some free advertisement. Now stop getting buttblasted over a simple and very reasonable request that doesn't even concern you.

This shit thread?

Yeah, not even any dubs, though has some nice digits


The answer to that question is literally in the OP.



Would you care to elaborate why you think so, provided that you really tried all of these games?

I like to look of it but I'm leery of ea shit.


The game isn't ever singleplayer. The "Singleplayer" is still hosting as a server, just you're the only client. I've once disconnected from my singleplayer server through some glitch.

Turn off collision damage until he fixes the movement-through-loadscreens and shit.

The game is actually a LUA script API sandbox with added in things that the developers worked on for over four years. It's only EA because it only just got on steam. So, even if the game never gets finished, anyone can finish it themselves because it's all wide open lua scripts.


Just to let you know this is 0.10.1, not the updated fixed shit. Be wary when hosting multiplayer, as server bugs can either make the game unplayable until restart, or make random sudden frame rate drops. "Singleplayer" recommended for now until the update gets a link

Looks neat from the screenshots. Torrenting it now.
Does it let you walk around inside your ship as a person? Getting off the flight seat to walk around the deck and tend to stuff is comfy as fuck in SE.

Interesting to know. I guess 24/7 servers with like 20 players have a much higher chance of getting one of those glitches than me.

No. According to the developer it won't be implemented because that would require creating a whole new game. You can't visit planets either. To be honest I'm not really missing that. It would be fancy but that's it.

In theory you could make a planetoid by making a gigantic asteroid in the scripts, but idk what the toll on performance would be although everything considered it runs really smoothly.

You can fly a drone outside of your ship, but sadly that's as much out-of-ship action as you'll get. The way the game works is each ship needs to have a "crew" which is basically numbers. You don't see any physical "people", but you need crew depending on how big your ship is and the internal components. Eventually they're going to add boarding, and you will be able to use your crew to board and take over enemy ships.

It would run smoothly because the game doesn't render everything in such a case, see youtube.com/watch?v=G4tTssm1_0A

Call me it's finished,

Its alright, needs a lot of quality of life work. theres a lot of content you have to explore and discover on your own with little in the way of guides on how to do it, so the fun is in the mystery I suppose.
Bought it for me and three others and we played a ton of it so far.

Devs are apparently german jews, and are shit at linux coding. friend of mine offered to get their garbage code up to universal standards for linux for FREE and they seemed unable to comprehend how someone could work for zero monetary compensation.

Maybe they're afraid that some random guy on the Internet who offered to work for free would leak their code? Also who cares if they follow all unix standards or not? Avorion won't be patched into the Linux kernel after all, it's just a fucking game.

from what I've seen of the game, it feels slightly similar to FTL. probably worth checking out, but not for $18

And dropped

Well, they seem pretty honest.
And 18$ is chump change to me, guess I'll try it. At least it looks pretty and that's the one thing that put me off Star Made.
How taxing is it on the CPU/GPU though?
That's the deal breaker that made me skip Space Engineers. I pirated it and any game that doesn't run at a decent framerate on an i3 isn't a good game.

Eh, if you think about it, X3 didn't either and it was a fine game without it anyway.
It all depends on the rest of the game making up for that or focusing on other things.

Last time I played X3 for a decent enough ammount of time, the trader AI went completely nuts. Shit was expensive as fuck in one place and cheap as hell 2 jumps over.
about 40 cargo ships were stuck trying to pass by each other in an asteroid field and got blown up when someone decided to drag a whol spacestation in the middle of them me.

As long as this game doesn't fuck over the economic game in the long term, I'd be happy with it.

What about the other, less autismal part of the gameplay OP?
Can I make a SANIC FAST ship, fit it with 50 diferent torpedo/missile launchers and snackbar other ships?

I will wait for X4

I saw "X" and got interested, but immediately lost all of that interest when I saw "Minecraft".


Egosoft is probably beyond saving. I'd love to see them redeem themselves, but I don't really see it happening. Check out Limit Theory, though. It's the closest thing to another X that I've ever seen. It's probably NEVER EVER though.

what's going on with the development of limit theory? didn't the dev just vanish or something?

they wanted the console shekels and shot themselves on the foot with x rebirth and turned into a vr game, because I guess there is a market for it? lets hope they make a good x4, if not, RIP egosoft

Oy vey, we are but humble traders coming to this sector goyim!

is it like starmade but good?


You poor naive retard

Im gonna make a bigger version of that later, that one was just a starter ship, and a menorah ship trader too, cant wait for player factions too, preorder the game goy

too pricy for me
if it goes on sale to under 10 euro i might get it

Funnily enough, the dev posted the first update in years a week or two ago.
Looks like it's still probably going to be NEVER EVER though, he just sounds too inexperienced, and doesn't know how to properly resolve the problems he's encountering.

welp, guess i can't play

I don't see why not. It may take a while until you can actually build that many weapons on your ship, but it's definitely possible. See wiki.avorion.net/index.php?title=Main_Page and read the pages System Upgrades -> Turret Control System and Weapons -> Missle Launcher.

Unlike StarMade, it doesn't feel blocky at all because you can use different kinds of shapes and transform them. The building mode is nice, but you don't have to use it. You can just let the game generate ships for you or use community-made ones (more intuitive when steam workshop is supported).

Just try the demo or torrent and you'll see. I've read that it's a hit-and-miss.

I'm honestly amazed more people don't know about rutracker. I use that bitch for everything. I don't understand people who rely on kickass torrents and pirate bay

Because the website is not in English. Though my main reason for not using it is that the search requires Google.


Your soul is weighed down by gravity.


He's kind of been popping up then going away for a while now. I think he's slowly going insane.

Not YEARS, but yeah, I think he got in over his head. At least he seems determined and pretty passionate about it, r-right?


does anyone know how I get fighters?

Fucking devs, my ship shouldn't spawn till I load.