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Thanks slowpoke.
Well that's a pleasant surprise I suppose.
DRM is a scam.
Good, hopefully they get Berseria next. I'm not giving Namco a cent for it either way.
why should I care?
Sometimes I seriously wonder what motivates crackers to do the things they do. There's no profit in it for themselves and with the kind of talent they have, they could earn six-seven euro figures. Not that I'm complaining but still. Are they pirate Jesus or something?
God Eater 2 Burst on PC got recently cracked too…
Anyone knows if you can play multiplayer with that crack?
1. some do it for e-peen
2. some do it for a challenge
3. some do it just because they can.
Lets hope denuvo goes the way of starforce and securom and fucking dies forever
Nah, there has to be something
Not everyone is motivated by money capitalists pig
Get fucked Denuvo
any good games cracked yet?
They do it for
It's like Majima sudden realization that he helped to tighten the taxes.
People who pirate games generally never intended to buy the game, or will buy the game if they deem it good enough.
For those who played it, how is it?
Pick one, and just one.
8chon, it seems I have deleted my copypasta. Now would've been a really good time for it.
Good, the first hour is spooky haunted house, then it turns into classic traditional resident evil for the rest of the game.
Because they can
Fuck off, shill. The game is trash made to appeal to streamers who shriek for 12 year olds
I'm not adressing the issue of: "if pirate will buy games". I'm adressing the issue of scaring publishers from PC again (remember mid 2000s, when faggots were telling that PC gaming is dead, cuz revenues were lower than on consoles?; then steam happened and we got many ports of console exclusives). We only got Dark Souls series after a fuckin petition. From Software can't even code properly on PC (vanila Dark Souls anyone?).
Yup, PC is open platform, from choice of OS to your expansion ports for graphics cards and shit.
Worth a pirate.
That's something someone who had only seen the first hour or 2 would say.
The game has the same power creep 1-3 have, with a very similar atmosphere.
Who says they aren't? Many of them likely do it for the simple challenge of it, others to prove they're the best in their field, and some because they want free games and want to give the kikes the middle finger.
Those are the same guys who tried to install rootkit with a SFV patch. I can understand scaring them from publishing on PC, but what about them scaring me from buying their games?
Pure trash. It's a Rob Zombie shitfest movie in first person with Skyrim-tier combat and puzzles.
Yep. Shill.
Jokes on them then; they're going to lose a massive player base, and I won't be buying their shit one consoles if they're not going to even bother with a PC release for such an outrageous reason.
Why does it only work one way?
Consoles are a dying market though, so it's not like they have much choice other than releasing on PC, unless they think the mobile market is where it's at.
The game is free, shut your retard piehole.
It's worth a play but not at new game price.
Pirate or wait for sales.
I'm a shill because I like it?
Pirate it if that's how you want to play it, I don't give a fuck how many sales it gets.
Stop strawmanning.
Money? They are always thinking with their wallets. You would be doing the same if you had their jobs. Capitalism 101 (still better than soviet Russia).
You're a shill for lying and saying it's good when the game is worthless shit.
Subjectivity cannot be objectivity.
Your opinion is worth as much as mine.
Why did some people spend all night spray painting in the train yard during the 80's knowing full well that the cars has been coated with anti-aerosol paint coating and would be sent straight to the scrubbing station as soon as it left the yard? Cause they can.
Jesus you're a grade A+ moron.
Either you don't understand my question or you think I'm supposed to just hand over my money simply because they released a product, regardless of quality.
Hell yeah, man. Fuck that guy.
They can't both be true, so who is telling me the truth?
Fuck off with this marxist shit
>>>Holla Forums
The fastest way to get shit done is to tell people that something is impossible
Back to strawmanning.
no one
Actually, most don't know that because they are dumb niggers and wanted to feel like they did something that people will remember.
Those actually can both be true.
not an argument
Hi there shlomo.
This isn't debate club, faggot. Pack up your shit and go somewhere else if you don't want to participate.
You're correct, strawmanning and calling me a marxist is not an argument.
You've run out of worthwhile things to say.
You're literally saying marxist shit. You're a leftyshitter even if you don't realize it yet
what's with this buzzword/phrase? it has NOTHING to do with the first resident evil
story is more "lol, physic powers" than "t-virus and experimentation gone wrong"
Im more inclined to believe the faggot crying shill is desperately trying to get this thread deleted.
Don't Denuvo have to give the money back if it's cracked within the first 3 months?
What? There's no physic powers, hell even if there was it wouldn't even be the first game to have them. Code Veronica did that forever ago.
If you're gonna criticize the game at least know something about it.
You're dead. Go back to your grave!
Oh right, you don't have one.
the hate about this game comes from you people hamfisting it on the "le classical resident evil" may may
this was clearly a game made to copy PT, that's why you don't have any mention of Resident Evil lore until the last 2 minutes of the game
i can't understand how you people can be so critical against some things but not against this trash that is defiling a good franchise
yes they do. This is gonna be fun.
But that's just factually wrong.
Yeah because RE6 didn't do that.
But they can be. The overall market might have declined but Sony have gained a much larger share of that declining market.
I've only played through remake,re2 and re3. Do I need to play through any of the other games or is this barely related to the previous games lore?
Anyone downloaded it ? Are the crack and port playable ?
You've yet to play RE0 which is the best one.
Code Veronica is the other worthwhile one. Some say re4 is worth it but I really can't get more than 30 minutes into it.
Jesus is the first pirate, hackers are just good Christians
Resident Evil is just tacked on for brand recognition. It's a shit game trying to capitalize on PT's popularity
Wasn't PT a Silent Hill thing?
You wouldn't download a loaf of bread
I would 3d print it
lmao no
I was playing Code Veronica today. It's terrible. Still haven't finished it after 16 odd years. Hard to bring myself to play it for more than a few minutes.
Is Jesus one of us or are we one of Jesus?
Nothing past 4 is mentioned in the game.
When should I expect this on IGG?
well fuck, its already there
why would you want to download it using 20000 parts ?
I'm an idiot and haven't kept up with piracy. Is kickass torrents still down, or did it come back? Is pirate bay good anymore? Where do I actually find this? I'm sorry I'm asking to be spoonfed, it's just been a long time, and I wanna see how badly they fucked this up.
read or
Or maybe they do it to piss people off.
*tips fedora*
Thanks, I'd actually completely missed the share thread. Appreciate it.
Good but flawed. Initially the game is a 20-minute walking simulator before the game finally opens up, then it's very reminiscent to a classic Resident Evil game, albeit modernized. The last 1/4 of the game does pale in comparison to the rest of the game yet is still entertaining in its own right, until the cinematic ending… God, what a shitty ending.
Just pirate it you filthy niggers.
Well, there goes the rest of my Data Allowance for the month.
Resident Evil has been trash for a while now dude. Pretty much everything released since 5 has been utter trash. If you're seriously saying that RE7 isn't a step up from that then you must be seriously delusional.
Since we're on the topic of piracy, how much money has piracy saved you over the years, Holla Forums?
how's the speed there?
A majority of the people here haven't played it and are just echoing sentiments, but now there might actually be more discussion without autistic screeching. Of course, I'm not saying this out of defense for the game, it's just common place with Denuvo games.
Ok i'm going to go past your racial slur to answer the question, the basic stuff like eating or breathing are out of necessity obviously but i personally play games because i like them, and i get autismbux because the system was made for the purpose of being abused, and i can earn a lot for doing nothing.
A fuck load, probably thousands by now.
I get that DRM is shitty and all, but now that Denuvo is getting cracked relatively quickly with each new release does it really matter?
Like Ace Combat 7, for example, will probably release with Denuvo as DRM. While Bamco is retarded for pulling that shit, why should it matter when we'll just crack it anyway?
$1000's, but I don't bother playing 99% of the shit I download for more than 15 minutes.
Finished downloading the game. Can confirm it's legit. Though it doesn't have the madhouse difficulty to start with.
thats because madhouse difficulty is an unlock all arong and you preordered literally early access + easy+ mode
Who the fuck came up with this idea? The faggot who did this for the first time should be taken to a dark room and beaten.
They do it for her.
it's 2018-1
Who's not a cuck anymore
Should be any day now.
A bit but not that much, since I probably wouldn't have bought most of those games otherwise.
They probably figured how to crack faster or probably RE7 was around in their circle for long
Saved and sent to my pastor
I enjoy to see him squirm and cry like a little girl and I cannot hide it
So I have tried the new Resident Evil. It reminds me so much of the original games. Starts off with a super filmic walking experience to the house, this is something they fully intended to do with the first game. Then we walk around until we finally a way into the basement which we get to cinematically explore. Invisible walls are back in full effect to make sure we don't go anywhere we're not supposed to as we are immersed in the motion captured acting, just like RE3. We see the return of our much loved QTE's but don't worry you can fail them just like the old games and the game will do it automatically for you. I made sure to not pick up every item I passed just to make sure I'm managing my inventory properly. Your character runs at the same speed as the old games, it's very satisfying. They added all these features to make sure we will be watching speedruns of this game for a decade to come, can't wait. But yes, this nongame is god fucking awful and we have no shortage of full retards who would pay for it and tell me otherwise when I had already watched the game streamed for hours. I'm sorry that you enjoy eating shit so much.
Get that shit outta here. For every good change like droppable items that can be tracked on a map, there's bad/lazy decisions like having the animal kingdom as 4/5th of your baddies, tedious switching and overlapping items added to inventory management, and even more crate puzzles. And it also taints RE2 by retconning the Spencer estates to being a stone's throw away from Raccoon City.
The train section proved the concept, but the game fell apart after that, despite ignoring the improvement of REmake adding crimsion heads to the monster list. Hell, just bringing back Chimeras from RE1 would've been an improvement.
post magnet link
Try reading the thread, also I dont think layer13 is a torrent site.
I've never understood the people that like RE:0 for all the reasons you posted user. It starts off so strong and spooky and then goes to crap. Not to mention I fucking hated having two playable characters simultaneously. Clunky and annoying. And the story is retarded even by resident evil's semi-ironic b-movie standards
Did you even try to make it to chapter 1?
They do it for competition from the other crack groups.
It's just like all the other good Resident Evil games, where we have 20 minutes of nongame to get through in the beginning. It was my fault for not seeing the similarities.
'Take this big publisher cock in the ass or get nothing' isn't a valid choice. WE'RE the customers, WE pay the money, WE call the shots. If they want to sell in our market, that can meet out standards and PC is profitable enough that publishers can and will do that if people would just grow a spine for 30 seconds.
Bad goy, this isnt what ive been training you all these years for.
If the crackers improve their skills up to the point where Denuvo can be cracked in a matter of hours, that will become a reality
Its getting Ninentoddler tier in these threads.
Between movies, anime, software(especially Adobe software), games and music. The dollar value is probably somewhere in the $35,000 range. Enough to get a nice new car(and I have)
Hope Ace Combat 7 and Tekken 7 get cracked just as fast
Jesus Christ I'm just now realizing that all my pirating has saved me so much money it's the reason why I'm not driving a barely functional 280k miles POS anymore
B-but denuvo is uncrackable and will be the end of piracy.
Good job, CPY better be ready if Ace Combat 7 comes with Denuvo so they can crack it quickly.
I miss video games.
I used to pirate in high school, but now that I have a job and have a better idea of how the world works, I hate piracy in games. You need hundreds of people to make most games. Some shithead can make a music album alone. Gaming piracy is entirely different in my opinion and has single-handedly fucked the industry into the money grabbing shithole it is today.
It's gonna suck, my negros.
TL;DR I'm just pessimistic about the pirates winning. The game publishers are just going to fuck up games to the point where they are uncrackable.
I think you mean they're just gonna fuck up games to the point where no one wants to even bother
Denuvo was "uncrackable", yet it got cracked
The next cancer will be "uncrackable", but it will get cracked.
Companies already tried always online and they got a massive backlash and workarounds were made easily
The can try to stop piracy; but they will never fucking win.
It's the CPY torrent with the same trackers, so expect 5k leechers with like 30 people actually seeding. I'd rather download it in parts off a file hosting website than this fucking shit.
Sure blame it on the pirates and not the companies
Well shit that was fast. Hopefully they've learned how to speed up the process lately.
I know you're joking but with this generation of kids it won't be long.
Hi there ubisoft.
God forbid a company try to profit off of something they put out. It's almost like that's how business works or something.
Profit motive and capitalism in general are jewish constructs. That's why National Socialism is the only correct system of government
They can do that by actually putting out a good game thats DRM free.
>>>Holla Forums
No shit, there is a huge difference between selling products that people want and shit like denuvo and season passes.
Come on man, at least pretend to not be a jew.
Wasn't there something about if a Denuvo game is patched within the first week the company that purchased DRM for their game would get a full refund?
There is.
If they crack 40 games with the highest level of DRM known in the industry right now, they can chuck that on a resume to show how good they are with encryption.
Many formers crackers and hackers do exactly that, and go white hat (though that's a shitty term for it)
>inb4 Capcom helped CPY crack their game to get their Denuvo shekels back
I wonder how CPY will react to this. Theyve just been shown up hard and their reputation has taken a serious hit.
stop posting bait nigger
If we go with the 70 bucks per game (((standard)))? Around 14.000 bucks.
First 6 months actually. Doom was cracked after 5, so I guess Bethesda also go a refund.
It's the best Resident Evil since 4. The bulk of its inspiration is from 1 and 3. For lorefags who claim the only connection with the rest of the series is only at the ending, they don't look far enough into the game. For example, a character from Outbreak is actually the author of a newspaper article you can find. Regardless, why the fuck are you so invested in a B-Movie plot?
The last 20% of the game and the first 5% are both pretty bad. If you want to buy it, $40 seems alright. But the better option is just to pirate it.
Y-you do realize that National Socialism is socialism in name only right?
You say that, but companies wouldn't be doing shit like season passes if it didn't make money. Sure, WE hate that shit, but the majority of people either don't know or don't care that they're getting fucked over. Pre-orders and season passes still make money hand-over-fist with relatively little extra effort on the company's side, so what incentive would they have to stop?
Give me one good reason why (from a business perspective) any company should choose to devote a large team of developers to make an awesome game without DLC that may or may not sell well, rather than devoting a smaller team to rehashing a formula that is known to sell well along with DLC and season passes to keep long-term profits high. We all hate this shit, but lets be real here. Companies are always going to go for the option that guarantees the most profit with the least amount of effort. It's almost exactly like natural selection.
The socialism in that case refers to society, not the watered down version of communism.
they would buy it. Most pirates aren't regular consumers, regardless of what those flawed studies told you. Those are outliers, and there are a decent number of them, enough to consider them lost sales.
A centralized economy that coexists with a highly regulated private sector, aiming for economical justice and development guided by the government, regardless if its successful or not? Seems like socialism to me, but with a nationalist closed-borders flavor.
I saw an article on TorrentFreak in which Denuvo Cheif assured everyone he was winning the piracy battle and that they never offer refunds.
Are you retarded? Why would CPY react badly to what CPY did?
But user, Outbreak isn't canon.
See, I think Season Passes are fine, provided you're saving at least 30% off buying individually, and provided they tell you what DLC is planned IE just 50 reskinned assests, new quests, new weapons/items etc.
If I know what I'm getting, I'll pay for a pass. Like with LEGO Batman 3. Bought that pass for $12, DLC is worth a fair bit more than that, and I knew what I was getting.
The Soc in NatSoc refers to making sure everyone in society has the ability to get to the top of the food chain.
It means everyone has access to education, food, water, housing etc. It doesn't mean handouts and $20 wages for everyone, but it means there's safeguards in place so people aren't stuck in poverty.
kill yourself
RE 7 most likely made most of it's money already. If a game is actually decent, it will continue to sell even if cracked.
Cry more.
National means loving your country, Socialism means loving your people. If you love your people and your country, be a National Socialist.
Fascism puts the country has priority and then the people, that's the difference between the two.
Is that really a thing? Even in a shithole here in South America we have unlimited data for a fixed price per month.
it'll continue to sell on consoles. PC version hit 200K, and will likely hit 300K by the end of the year, my bet is no more than 450K. If sales happen (I expect one for summer, fall and winter) - it'll probably get 550K. Everything post that will be a trickling, PC games do not sell very much, which is why delayed releases are so common, less work put into them. RE7 has already shipped 2.5M units, will likely hit 4M by Summer, but PC will be stagnant and continue to be that "other platform" that developers and publishers are reluctant to support and invest in.
wasn't denuvo made by ex-crackers?
So, it's made by the fuckboys that made SecuROM.
More proof Italy should join the rest of Pompeii.
It is now fuckboi
So does this mean that DLC will be cracked as well?
If you want it cracked form your own crack team and learn how to crack denuvo from CPY
Denuvo must be on suicide watch now that people know how to crack this, it's the same reason newer versions of repair software for car companies stopped requiring hardware ID keys on USB sticks, it just wasted money because crackers could crack their hardware in hours so they just went back to the old basic copy protections to save themselves headaches and a tech support nightmare of it blocking use on legit owners
You know, how like Denuvo kept blocking legit users from playing the games they owned because something was strange with their hardware ID's
Just because it mentions a single character doesn't make it canon.
That's like saying Wesker from the films is Wesker from the games because they're both called Albert Wesker.
3/4 is good and last 1/4 is meh. Enough variety and replayability. I like it
thats similar how Window's Store denies your game if your hardware is too weak or looks funny I think it's checks after purchase and installation, but don't quote that on me
Download the fucking pirate and play it.For fucks sake,what are you a cuckchan "refugee"? Seriously, I am getting sick of this crap, if anything it makes people like you sound like shills. Just like the libtards and feminist you keep yelling "he will not divide us"
it was pretty alright, its nice to see them actually attempting to make something worth while. The boss fights were pretty retarded though, it might just be me preferring nemesis over spooky hillbillies though.
It checks your hardware ID, your windows key and you have to be online in order to play the game, but the real reason is to make sure your hardware ID and windows key match their database before it lets you play it
That's just a simple ID and Key check, denuvo wouldn't run without that block of code, as the program can't run period without it
It's like how steam does pre-release downloads where you download 99.9999% of the game, and it excludes 1-5 key .dll libraries so the game can't run without them because nobody knows how the game is structured
Which is why breaking steam DRM is fucking piss easy in comparison, once you get the 100% game there is really nothing from preventing you from copying it other than some piss weak steamID code
It's a walking horror simulator and it has literally almost nothing to do with RE, they were trying to make a horror game and they slapped the RE label on it to make a quick buck
It's Fatal Frame + Amnesia except now you get to fight Twenty or Thirty enemies over 6 hours
Hell you don't even get to kill much of anything for the first 4 hours
it's far closer to PT than anything, I don't think that's a bad thing though. I don't think combat is important in RE games since it's far smarter to just avoid the zombies. Besides, RE7 did have a decent amount of combat, there was just less ammo than in most of the other games.
fixed it for ya
and calling it a walking simulator is fucking retarded, there is a lot of mechanics going on, it's survival horror.
Be sure to pick up and put more cassette tapes in VCR's before you can Go Home
Not vital/obligatory.
Oh man, 2017 is going to be a good year, I can feel it. President Trump is making America great again, now the game industry's darling anti-piracy solution is beginning to crumble.
did gone home have healing and item management? What's next are you going to tell me the original RE is a walking simulator because you spend most of the game walking?
Which is why I said it's a combination of Fatal Frame + Amnesia
I actually feared RE7 would be far worse than what we got. It's not really a bad game, it has the the classic stuff like herbs, puzzles, BOWs, but it could work without the first person and could use a few more diverse enemies, though they wanted to push VR.
Yeah it's not bad, it's just bland
better than RE6 in just about every way tbh.
There's the REmake 2 for that anyway
I don't know if I should laugh at you for liking RE6 or just be impressed that someone liked that game.
Nigger I had over 70 rounds of handgun ammo, 20 rounds of +handgun ammo, 40 shotshells, 90 mg rounds +60 in the mag, 7 grenade rounds, and 5 remote bombs before the final mine fight. And this was on made madhouse, hell there's probably even more handgun ammo but I turned a lot of it into +rounds.
RE6 may not be a shining beacon of gaming genius, but at least it's fun and you got shit to do
Thinking RE7 is "better than RE6 in just about every way" is completely new game syndrome in effect
Favorite resident evil because I don't feel like I have a buffalo strapped to my back trying to do anything
The RE stories/gameplay was never good, RE6's sin is it strayed away from the original gameplay/formula too much and fans threw a bitch fit the same way they did with Fallout 3
So yeah I'll be "That guy" and say RE6 was the most fun I've ever had with the series, I mean christ Parasite Eve 2 was a better RE game than RE ever was
I was just fucking joking, I didn't think you actually liked it.
Wew lad, I wasnt even a fan of resident evil when playing 6 but even I felt insulted.
6 is a mess of ALL THE PLAYSTYLES that tries to please everyone but actually does not + padding
Riddle me this Batman
If RE7 is a return to RE's "Roots" of the series, how come you fight more enemies in the first hour of RE1 than you do through the entire game of RE7?
The story isn't great, but neither is the rest of the entire fucking series
There's more horror than 4-6, so I guess it's a kind of return.
It's not really hard to understand why they went for first person because every indie horror game is like that and those are the ones that are popular now. If I was in charge of one of the most famous horror game series I would have probably been inspired to do the same thing.
Exactly, it's not bad it's just boring
Like I said it's Fatal Frame + Amnesia
Atleast the other games made sense inside the universe and werent just a shoehorned string made to tie all the CUHRAYZEEEE.
Ugh god I know, RE7's connection to the series is, quite literally in game even, a footnote piece of paper
It's not even explained why they drop off a kid for the project even when simply not giving the kid freak her meds results in a far more effective bioweapon
Depends how far you get in RE1, it takes about 30 minutes to clear the small house, and about 15 to get to and beat jack in garage. Honestly RE7 it kinda reminds bethseda DOOM a bit, it's not a true 'return to roots' but it's clearly better than the shit we got before.
Im talkiing about resident evil 6.
What on earth are you even doing now m8?
I played the demo and found the deaths to be completely bullshit. Are they still unfair bullshit in the full game? Am I going to open a door to be greeted by "welcome to the family son" and get insta killed?
no, but they are motivated by food, shelter, and basic utilities.
all of which cost money.
christ, you people are as bad as SJWs.
No, that was something made to put an end to the demo.
The bosses can pull off teleporting bullshit some times though.
That wasn't a death, that was just one of the demo's endings. I'm pretty sure the only place you can actually die in the demo is in the basement
Tell me how RE7 ties into the series outside of abandoned bioweapon that has no effective use?
Is this some meta shit or are you this autistic in not recognizing a joke? Or perhaps you're just eager to start shit, either way you're a faggot
It is about old umbrella's bioweapons and research and atleast makes sense inside the universe.
Im not saying 7 is great, but it is, withouth adoubt, better than 6.
You haven't been paying much attention to the AAA-sphere, haven't you? In spite of all the double dipping and price gouging that the companies are doing, their games are failing. Customers are becoming increasingly wary of preorders due to previously being burned, more companies are reconsidering withlocking content behind paywalls, and many titles are failing to hit their sales expectations.
Meanwhile the games that don't try to wring their customers for money have found their little niche and are making modest amounts of money more gradually, as opposed to the bloated, big-budget failures pumped out by AAA publishers. Practices like Denuvo are those made in desperation, attempting to secure as much potential revenue right off the bat from perceived lost sales.
Ohohohoh, oh wow. Probably thousands, not that it matters, if I can't pirate something I'm not gonna buy it either.
the game is shit, play Medieval 2 TW with the mod call of warhammer beginning of the end times.
You'll save 500 bucks, and get a full better game.
But now you've saved yourself time, really.
That's a funny statement because Parasite Eve 2 is a worse Parasite Eve game than the first Parasite Eve is. Your first Resident Evil game was Resident Evil 4, right?
Maybe you right. I'l go now marathon wizardry 8 instead.
But Parasite Eve was an isometric top down RPG, Parasite Eve 2 played like RE 1-3/Nemesis did
Which is why I made the comparison that PE2 was a better resident evil
And yes I've played all the older RE games, but I get fucking bored and the tank controls make me want to punch the everythings
RE4 I play up until enemies literally hide around corners, and because you can't strafe and shoot the game ends up with you moving forwards and backwards till you trigger their attack routine
But I never played RE5 if that helps any
Nigga, the landscape is completely different now. Consoles are on a downward slope. Japanese gamers are flocking to mobile, so japanese devs have to either go mobile or start developing to sell in the global market and in as many plataforms as possible.
Meanwhile, many nip devs are slowly getting redpilled on the profitability of the PC plataform. Look how many weeb games we have in the PC now - Senran Kagura, NISA cancer meme games, a ton of Bamco stuff, Tekken and Mahvel incoming, a shitload of Visual Novels, plenty of Vita ports, Tales series, Atelier series, even fucking games like Gal Gun are there as well.
Seriously, at this point, it's been proven to the nips that the PC is the future if they want a stable income. PC sells less in the initial months than consoles, but remain profitable for a lot longer and have much less overhead costs associated with its release. Also, no one tries to be a dick and prevent you from selling it on other stores. They can put their games on GOG, Steam or what have you if they want.
Hell, even Microsoft, who hated PC gaming for the last 6 years, is now making renewed efforts towards the plataform.
And guess what? Most of these nip games do not have Denuvo.
The whole piracy thing is a myth, anyway. There are plenty of studies showing that piracy does not hinder sales, and some showing it can even boost sales. The piracy thing is a meme given to shareholders by companies such as Ubishit to justify underperforming titles. Its a scapegoat so they can keep their jobs - and now that they spent so many years dropping mad cash in DRM solutions, they can't just back out saying to their investors and shareholders "you know what, guys, we were wrong. DRM actually makes less people buy your game, so we essentially wasted money all these years for nothing. Woops!".
It's not in first person so it cant be a walking simulator. :^)
you don't really get a say on anything RE related if your background is:
-no i didn't play 1-3
-i play almost nothing of 4
-i didn't play 5
-but 6 is fun therefor bet game in the series fans don't know shit
Good, DRM is bad enough as it is but DRM that damages my hardware can fuck right off along with devs that use it.
I've played all mainline games starting with the original back on PS1, except RE3. Guess I'm not a fan. Not that I'd want to be one in this day and age
I played through most of RE 1-3, Nemesis. Boring
RE4 is frustrating and boring
You're like one of those faggots who insist tank control Lara Croft games are the best in the series, when they've aged horribly
Whats frustrating and boring about RE4? Or are you talking about the tank controls
Tank controls, aiming, shooting, using melee, spotty hitboxes
How was RE4 boring? What the hell are you looking for in a action/horror game anyway?
I have Resident Evil Giraffe Blowjob, but I've never even touched it, or the series as a whole for that matter. Is it even worth a play?
Reminder that the director for RE series explicitly kept the controls terrible because he didn't know how to make tension in a game if you could control the character well
This is why you can't move and shoot in RE games until RE6
Its worth a play just to see how crazy shit gets
Chinese government pays them to.
never said that faggot, let me spell it out for you: speak your mind all you want but you don't get to challenge anyone else's view on the series when you have almost no knowledge of it, makes you look like the faggot you're
just out of curiosity, what's "most of" to you? 15 minutes?
ah never mind you're a sperg, go on and flip out for me, make it fun
Oh, get it. You're a faggot and a shitposter. Okay
I think 5 has the best controls for the series. 4 is fantastic, and 5 is just 4's but tighter, but 6 takes it a bit too far and kind of fucks everything up, especially with the dodging and shit.
But he's right. Remove the shitty controls and camera angles that are designed to jump scare the player, and 100% of the tension from RE1-3 is gone.
And yet people still like 1-3 even 4 far more than 5 and 6. Maybe people like it for more than just that.
Games pull that same shit by not letting you fight, making you play hide and seek with the monsters all game and tell you that you cant fight. Even in Alien they let you fight, but the fuckers keep coming back.
And we're talking about 90s games here. No shit they play that way. System Shock 2 did horror pretty good and in that game a crowbar broke after a few hits. That's a way to add tension, that your shit will brake.
I think the thing is: 1-3 were survival horror games. 4 and beyond were action games with zombies in them with less horror as each game went.
And it was by design, by having clunky controls it made the gamer scarier
Which is why RE4 did away with the terrible tank controls and put in better controls, but even that was incredibly slow by design so you couldn't pop off villagers like an arcade game
And like other user said, RE5 made you even more agile, RE6 you now have full mobility and can shoot, but because of that all the enemies had to be sped up and now it's not a horror game anymore, just an action game
And I'm fine with that, restrictive controls and terrible camera's being the only reasons I feel fear as a zombie comes at me is terrible design
Remembe Dead Space 1 did the same thing and limited your turn speed even with mouse controls because sluggish aim made the game scarier
Sounds like you have a terminal case of shit taste.
Technically 5 and 6 sold more than any other game in the series, so if you're going to bust out the ad populum fallacy and use that as the basis of your argument, you just blew yourself the fuck out right off the bat.
Now, what you don't seem to understand is that good controls does not a good game make. This isn't a difficult concept. You can have a good game with shit controls, or a shit game with good controls.
But you can also have a good game with good controls.
As has explained, the shit controls were a conscious design decision as a really lazy way of creating tension.
You would have to define survival horror. For you, does Survival Horror = Puzzles + Horror theme + Shit controls/Camera?
Yes, that's the non-(((pozzed))) core concept of it.
reported, piracy supports terrorist groups like hamas and assad
Fuck, this kafir is on to us. Shut it down
is there a link that doesn't require a membership to download? Doesn't look like it has been uploaded to TPB yet?
Are you retarded?
So I downloaded, extracted, and installed the everything, but when I run the exe it just takes me to the Steam page for the game wtf
Legit questions
Why do normalfags defend Denuvo?
How has Denuvo become so prevalent?
guess so, I followed the link from OP's link which had a link to TPB and it had no results, so I assumed it wasn't there. Just typed it in after reading your post and found it though.
also, I'm not going on a lot of sleep at the moment.
This is where you are wrong. You should use private trackers already.
No one defends DRM. It is just trolls.
How new are you?
No one here unironically defends DRM, but he's right that defending DRM is the default normalfag position.
They're fucking everywhere. Though I've not seen one regular person defend it. Anyone got some good ammo to use against them?
Same reason why they defend government sanctioned espionage of its citizens: "doesnt seem to affect me, so who cares".
In other words - they love denuvo (and DRM) until it fucks up their experience somehow, then they dont anymore.
I've been posting on chans for over a decade.
It's like you don't even play video games. Fucking casuals.
there is a readme. the crack is hidden inside the .iso, use 7zip to open and extract
Based CPY
When will devs fucken learn? Ask their customers to please buy and support the game if they like it–the customers almost always will if they do.
I wish the edgy fags and meme machine would leave.
It allowed me to save up for a new pc
With this new pc I can actually play modern games Which I've started paying for if they're really good, as well as going back and buying games I previously pirated that are worth it
In the end it's turned out for good, tried alot of games I wouldn't have if I had paid all along, and suggested many to friends who did pay, so the piracy ended up helping the good game developers and me as a consumer
jesus user
try asking that question in a contry that games are over taxed
it was a lot of money
Hitler said his version of socialism is totally different than commie socialism
What are you talking about? What part of this post
was edgy or 'meme machine'?
Berseria next please. I'm giving my carefully budgeted wagecuckbucks to gust instead.
A lot, but I don't use piracy as a way to just get everything for free. For me it's a way to get a real demo out of a game I'm interested in. If I really like the game and want to support the devs, I'll end up buying it.
bad. its a terrible game. shit combat comparable to fallout 3. shit puzzles comparable to skyrim dungeons. shit enemies comparable to being chased around by a wailing retard.
before the enemy shows himself it is really legitimately spooky though.
its a good way to judge if somebody has shit taste in games though.
Recall that moot was denounced as a newfag on 4cuck back in the day.
I haven't set a god damn foot in that site since the "I am not a Robot" jewgle captchas, how is it?
Its not
I don't know, I haven't been there since 2013 or so.
I still have faith that Hotwheels will return, on a nuclear-powered wheelchair, and lead us on a physical raid of Moot's hideout.
But sometimes my faith is sorely tested. Such as when I hear people lisp. That always triggers me for some reason.
Very little considering 95% of what I pirate is just old shit that is no longer being sold. If I'm mad enough/a game's shit enough that I'd only play it pirated, I just won't bother playing it. Not like the kikes release anything worth your time (free or otherwise) these days anyway.
Hotwheels is dead user; there's only Fredrick now.
How about hatred of those who would hide something behind a paywall?
How about to do it because you can?
How about you get your head out of your economic's professor's ass and recognize that money is just an agreement between two parties, and that it isn't everything.
Moot lives in the heart of hell, he's surrounded himself in delusional, uncaring people.
Destroying his little website would reduce his tiny usefulness to them, and he would be ejected from that scene.
That's a kindness to him. I don't have that sort of mercy in me.
Sounds like shit game. Why even waste time on this shit?
Nice mental gymnastics there retard, the Outbreak and Chronicle games are canon, just suck it up.
Kikewheels sold us out to bigger kikes. He's a irrelevant nobody now.
From the first glance it doesn't look much different
Fuck that shit, I'm happy to stay here
All Tomb Raider games before the nuRaider ones are good, even AoD
You know I really wanted to give this game a chance. Because it was an actual effort to go back to classic RE and because it had a nostalgic feel to it. And the first couple hours of the game really did deliver. The first boss fight with Jack in the garage was fun because there were several ways you could have gone beating him. But then after that the game just falls off a cliff. That first encounter with Jack as a boss was pretty much the only fun boss fight. The rest suffer from really fucking stupid, super cramped place, point and shoot bosses. Take a look at the retarded final boss fight.
>hold L1 to block any boss attacks (reduces incoming damage for casuals, whatever happened to just fucking dodging? Cant do that it was built around VR thus no room to dodge to)
Several other boss fights suffer from the same shit. Just piss poor AI and the player moves so goddam slowly. Look at this last one:
Are you telling me that the bosses in RE1 were not bullet sponges in small areas?
You guys are the reason why Denuvo exists
As is they should have released it around 30 bucks. Sure the older horror games were short, but they all had a ton of unlockables, modes, characters, costumes, etc.
RE7 has a harder difficulty, and props where they're do, they did make it different instead of just giving enemies more health, but at the same time that still doesn't warrant the price tag.
I'll still probably buy it once all the content is out and its around the 30 dollar mark, but I want to play it now and I'm not willing to buy a full price short game with barely any replay value.
Its not worth anyone's time tbh.
Don't bother. Unless you are normalfag.
Zombies in 1-3 were hard to hit thus you lost bunch of ammo. The molded die in 3 hits to the head or one shotgun shot.
Turn down the brightness, otherwise it's what every modern game looks like due to idiotic shaders.
1 had stupid story and a bit more interaction due to more characters
Frankly this game feels like a budget game to test the waters. I expect the sequel to be two or three times as big and much more sprawling. Fight me
boy am I glad that I downloaded it before buying at a later time because the optimisation on this fucking thing is all over the place.
I was cruising 60FPS and things on medium/high until the family dinner scene and then start to get stutters and slow downs. Not to mention Mia's hair was horrendous looking (another glitch others have come across) and there are issues with like, flickering when looking at certain light sources. I think the rumour is that this thing gobbles vram and is fond of rendering detailed objects not even close to the player for some fucking reason.
Still a pretty good looking game so far and fairly creepy. More of an Outlast clone than RE though, so far at least.
Disable Shadow Cache. Set textures and shadows to Medium. This shit is badly optimized.
why's it not downloading and saying it's only 0.0 kb
This torrent is slower than the slugs in my yard
Seems like it's taking longer since far cry primal. But the cracking method right now is basically brute forcing and finding out you cracked it tomorrow or in a year because you're combing a file looking for markers that aren't in the same place across games