I don't even like RE or Horror shit in general but the level of interactivity, tech used to make it look more real and the whole game in general is absolutely amazing.
It says a lot when something as small as this in a triple A title can amaze me
I don't even like RE or Horror shit in general but the level of interactivity, tech used to make it look more real and the whole game in general is absolutely amazing.
It says a lot when something as small as this in a triple A title can amaze me
Other urls found in this thread:
video games
What did you even mean by this?
This is nothing new
How many games have you seen where this happens that aren't Heavy Rain?
It is absolutely a small thing that shouldn't matter, but the fact that it's in a triple A game released by a dev that is known for not innovating that much is pretty amazing.
Hair tech, destruction physics, the fact that pretty much every single item decorating the environments can be fucked with and reacts to being hit.
Again this shit is so basic but I hadn't seen it being used as much as this since probably HL2.
I'm just kind of amazed, sorry for making a shitty thread
No you aren't
No you aren't
I am though, are you actually telling me what amazes me and what doesn't?
I agree, my friend, amazing tech indeed! As a hardcore gamer I can confidently say this is the best Resident Evil to date!
Incredible graphics and gameplay follow a really superb story xD
Everytime I think the danger is over BAZINGA! Another monster right behind me. I scream like Pewdiepie everytime LOL!
Don't listen to the haters, go buy and enjoy this masterpiece fellow nazis! Nerdgasm guaranteed! ^^
No you aren't
this is why you should put more effort into your OP, OP
I think you might even see more of these threads now, tbh.
This is Holla Forums, friend.
No one here actually likes or plays games.
(RE7 was really fun and I'm glad you liked it too.)
What the hell OP that isn't RE2 or RE4, the only two RE games anyone is allowed to like, what are you doing?
I've heard the gane is pretty linear, is that true?
RE7 is pretty decent but not 60dollars for 6h decent, Everyone should jsut pirate it tbh
No more linear than literally every RE after the 1st one.
That's funny, because the first thing I said to myself while playing the youtube version was "that hair looks fucking awful"
See Red Faction Gorilla
I'm just kind of amazed at how shit this thread actually is.
Aye, thanks
The water looks really good. That's really the only thing special.
The game itself is really weird. No one ever dies, and it's like a poorly written tryhard horror game. I actually think I hate it. It's clearly just trying to one up the gross and shock factor of popular horror games for no real reason. Now I know RE isn't exactly the most honorable of franchises, but this seems shallow even for it. They just tried their hardest to rip off Outlast, and it really shows.
It's basically just a less interesting version of the first RE in first person.
It's rather obvious the game tries to be like classic RE while also pandering to today's casual audience. Not to mention the game tries to be the scariest one yet, but there wasn't a single moment in the game I thought was actually scary. REmake is actually scarier than this.
6/10 at best, worth a pirate but I'd be fucking pissed if I spent $50 on this.
We IGN now.
What? I don't think it's an outright bad game, just a very neutered version of the RE I used to know and love.
I think 6/10 at best is pretty fitting for a game that is "ok" but nothing more.
That shit was disgusting in RE4
Why even add fucking typewriters if you're just going to go full checkpoint bullshit?
Inventory management is still pretty important for most of the game. By the time you've got two backpacks strapped to you, it's pretty much right at the end, and that's just to allow you enough ammo and weaponry to trudge through the final fight that leads to the last 'boss', which isn't a QTE but is still railroaded to fuck.
The manual save system is basically only there for Madhouse. Checkpoints become a bit less forgiving there, plus you have to use items to save again. I honestly think the Baker 'estate' was more interesting than the RE1 Mansion though, if only because there's a lot of personality to the disrepair the whole place is in. RE1 was a B-movie, it had a really silly setting. RE7 was a slightly less shitty B-movie with hick horror that got every bit of atmosphere it needed. It's a shame there weren't really any puzzles of note, but that could be seen as Capcom not wanting to alienate the casuals they roped in with previous entries just yet.
Well whoop-dee-doo, it's like someone doesn't know the whole point of RE7, except you stated exactly what the point of it was, so you're being rather silly. It's trying something new while mildly indulging in a not-quite George Lucas level of "It's like poetry, it rhymes." They had the shotgun puzzle for god's sake, and saying that it progresses similarly to RE1 for a while is such a petty complaint that I'm almost willing to believe you actually write for IGN.
overall, RE7 deserves a 7/10. Might be higher if they didn't lock interesting shit and goofy bonus scenes behind DLC, but Capcom is Capcom.
You have to unlock the difficulty where it plays like the old resident evil where you have to manage your saves for the cassette players.
1/10 Shovelware
2/10 Terrible
3/10 Bad
4/10 Below Average
5/10 is something thats painfully mediocre.
Nah, once you get your first backpack inventory management is pretty much already invalidated. Unless you equate not being able to bring 5 fully loaded weapons to a bossfight to inventory management.
And I'm really fucking tired of this "hey guys, remember this older, better entry in our franchise? Well, let's make an entire meta reference to that in our newest entry!!" trend that seems to be hot shit in basically every form of media right now, I think it's lazy and that's why it's a complaint I'm gonna stick to. It might just be my overexposure to all the hick horror that has spawned over the years, but I wasn't particularly invested in the setting to begin with, but I will admit it's a more unique setting than the original RE, not that that's hard to do. Mansion was boring as fuck to navigate and explore though, can't agree there. Might have something to do with the game being too easy, which makes exploration not even remotely as tense as it should be.
Glad to hear there's a difficulty setting that makes save rooms actually matter, but locking it behind game completion is fucking retarded and I doubt I can bear another playthrough of this, so I probably won't go back to it anyway.
I didn't find the game to be very atmospheric or challenging, and there's so much scripted sequences and linearity I reckon repeat playthroughs are gonna be a fucking slog.
Well, like I said, I doubt I'd be willing to play this game more than once, which is actually a first for an RE title that isn't RE6 so I guess I was being too nice with my score then.
Check the fucking catalog, we already have 3 or 4 RE7 threads
Do you suck dicks?
I got the CPY release. Graphics look nice and all on max settings although some textures don't look "Very High". Anyway, does the game get good?
Who's this supposed to be?
Yes, RE 7 is indeed a video game. Thank you for pointing that out, user.
I'm enjoying how angry autists are getting about this game being discussed. Is RE7 destined to become the new Undertale?
You shouldn't actually pay money for video games in the first place. Buyfagging is the choice of plebs with poor personal finance knowledge.
This is actually a pretty well thought out criticism of the game, unlike this faggot:>>11827179.
It gets marginally better later on when it's a bit more like classic RE and less hide & seek simulator.
I would
if it weren't for
The game is already cracked mongoloid, its fucking garbage made for youtubers tough
Shill are around, duplicate threads with OPs self-bumping.
I don't buy horror games since theres not rely much gameplay usually and watched a youtube play through with no commentary, but compared to other horror games it looks and seems to play pretty good. It's pretty wierd too which is kind of neat I guess.
The problem with this game which is in every horror game these days is it goes way too off the rails towards the end environment wise. Like a huge as fuck gigantic ship, wot?
Outlast had that problem as well when there was a fuckhuge underground modern lab full of state of the art technology, like nigger what are you doing that wasn't necessary at all and makes things retarded, up until that point the game seemed pretty legit to me.
Welcome to the code copying, premade engine using, lazy developing, nepotistic, full of itself, twitter/facebook/anything begging, kickmygogofundscam, western development. It just works very differently than in merit based companys. Merit produces quality, with some shit, nepotism produces shit with some good ones. Couldn't find the "ArtorNot.webm"
I'm on the first Baker fight and so far I'd give this game a 6.5. It's definitely above average, and better than RE6, but it still has its issues. It plays a lot like Outlast with weapons, which is not bad, but the irony is it suffers from the same issue Outlast did… your fucking health. Even if the Bakers are more intimidating than I thought and move quite a bit faster than the footage let on, you can still take four or five hits from them killing a lot of tension. It might be better on the harder difficulty, but they locked that behind a completion. Also, the aiming is pretty shit. If you run your reticle disappears meaning you may have to waste a bullet just to see where you are shooting, and if you aim you can barely move the reticle at all. I think they tried to do this for balancing reasons?
Still, the atmosphere, mansion exploration, item management, and puzzle items are all welcome returns, as well as the close quarters combat.
Turn up your mouse sensitivity and there's also an option to have your crosshair always visible. I had the same issue with the aiming and you're probably right about it being that way by default for balance. Just like when tank controls were removed, when you fix the thing that's gimping you the tension melts away.
I've been wondering if theres a secret ending where both Zoe & Mia live.
That newfunk version sounds way better than the original.
I made like 3 posts
I can't believe all this fucking shitposting because someone dares liking something
Yep, turning on the reticle helped a ton. Thanks.
Also, here's to hoping that DLC adds some replay value. It would be nice if they bundled it with a mercenaries mode.
The last year brought a massive influx from Reddit and cuckchan. A lot of them are trying to drive off discussion of Japanese games under the guise of "Holla Forums hates everything XD." They seem to have decided that it's time to go beyond derailing threads about just niche games like Senran or Atelier and have now moved on to anything Japanese. It's become taboo to like even good games at this point.
Uncharted 4 did it first look up some random event like a car chase or something.
I don't think the game's style of gameplay would lend itself well to a mercenaries mode (at least not a good one). I think that RE7 has pretty shitty replay value outside of the difficulty that you have to unlock, and I'm not sure how it can be remedied.
I look forward to the butthurt when they find out that mark won't ban VN discussion.
Is nobody going to mention how RE7 doesn't have QTE's?
I remember a few click fast to not die bits
We all know that it's impossible to use a board that allows discussion of things you don't like (for completely retarded reasons). If you don't like something, the only answer is to create an entirely new board and spam it constantly on the board you hate for allowing anons to like things you don't like. I thank God every day that I wasn't born on the autism spectrum.
That actually sounds good man
as expected, these gooks simply cant make anything with good gameplay
It's because they got hack-writers, usually from Japan writing that shit.
I'm bumping it up to a 7.5 in my book. It's not to bad. It's hard to compare it to 4 or 5 considering those went way off the formula, and to say it's better than 6 is no big feat.
I'd say it is a good sequel(or more of an offshoot) to the original 3 games though. At the end of the day the biggest issue is how small scale the whole thing is, and feels. It's a 30 dollar game being sold for double that price. They desperately needed to do something to increase the replay value because, in a lot of ways, it even manages to feel smaller and shorter than the original game. Still, it brought back a lot of old school RE elements, mixed it a bit with Silent Hill, then just made it in the first person view.
I'm happy with it.
Underrated post. All it needed was a Felicia Day reference.
Explain what moment exactly? I think I'm just gonna youtube the ending.
Nigger fuck you, if a horror game is not about supernatural horror then it absolutely needs a big ass underground lab or it is officially shit.
It did kill the atmosphere though. They probably could have fucked with the lighting and made it a bit more rustic like the asylum. Also, the enemy at the end wasn't intimidating in the slightest and came off as more of a sci fi predator.
There's a bunch of flawed stuff with Outlast though. Still, it was a decent game. I'm just hoping the sequel adds some form of combat.
I don't usually say this unironically but you sound like ab easily impressed normalfag moron or a shill. Eat shit, nothing on this game is new or surprising and has existed for years.
The first hour or so of RE7 is pretty great. Decent atmosphere, very unsettling setting and characters with a good splash of that hammy horror movie vibe with an overall sense of one's vulnerability.
And then it starts being all Resident Evil-y, losing its way slowly but surely until the penultimate chapters where it completely throws everything out the window.
The cracks show early on with the guy getting his hand lopped off by a chainsaw, screaming for five seconds and then just carrying on like nothing happened. He even gets a gun and doesnt even pay matter to the fact he has only a single hand so how the fuck does he plan to reload it? No sense of urgency to the whole affair.
Also that entire chapter dedicated to basically ripping off Saw. Why.
I saw a video of two guys repeatedly chopping at body bags with chainsaws, to no effect.
OP is baiting or retarded.
Especially when you get the shotgun that can OHKO every non-boss enemy
Doesn't it also rips off The Texas Chainsaw Massacre?
It was fun but it was too short
but that's wrong. into house>mansion>courtyard>other house with bugs in it>completely different location that you haven't seen yet>revisit first house from the intro
The cracks showed earlier than that. He jumps down into some murky ass water to crawl around under a house and is totally unfazed by the dead body that surfaces right in front of him. He's totally indifferent to all the shit in plain view that would scream at any rational person, "Get the fuck out of here this is a murder house."
I wouldn't say ripping off but it was clearly a big influence on the game.
ethan might have had ties to umbrella or even been trained by them. i agree that the chainsaw-to-the-hand scene is pretty retarded but we just don't know about ethan yet, since literally 0% of the story was about him
Is there an actual way to prevent your hand from being chopped off early game or are you talking about something else in the game
Thanks for the heads up
Except the game shits out cassettes so that unless you're a massive retard you never feel like you don't have a save point.
Not to mention it's the only difficulty where you've already had to play through the game so you already know what to expect and when is best to save.
The point of all resident evil games is that you gradually become a badass throughout the course of the game like ye old action movies they're based on.
I like that the guy holds the shotgun like the cover of resi 1.
Game is shit though, I lived long enough to see resident evil become a spook house simulator first person shooter.
There are no quicktime events. I checked online to verify what he's saying and no, the game does not include QTE. Getting grabbed by a monster and spamming the attack button doesn't count as a QTE.
Theres something i dont understand, why would you cure zoe instead of mira?
Ok, mira is a lying bitch, but shes the only reason why you came in the first place, and you dont know shit about zoe so theres no reason to choose her.
What the fuck were you expecting from the dumbest board on Holla Forums?
Yeah but Zoe tried to help you escape, meanwhile Mia tried to kill you, has memory loss, constantly needs saving, and is overall just an enormous burden.
Capcom thought the same thing, which is why Zoe immediately dies if you cure her.
what i don't get is why the re team proves capcom has competent modelers and yet the sfv team still manages to do shit like this
and you haven't even seen the haydee threads.
didn't you get the memo? you're not allowed to like videogames on Holla Forums. this board is for random content and webms.
Modeling has nothing to do with. Modelers are essentially your construction crew. The art director is the architect. Look up who the art director is and you'll have your answer.
My thinking was Zoe was the only person who'd know the way through the swamp so it would make the most sense to cure her and come back for Mira
What parts of Resident Evil 7 are actually technologically impressive?
Well, there are a few nice tidbits I noticed, like the fact that skin and clothes slash accurately based on your swings and that the facial animations beat any other game I saw out of the water.
Other than that, nothing really out the ordinary from what you'd expect from a AAA title in [CURRENT_YEAR+2]
Even Douguras?
man, Team Silent were fucking wizards. Hopefully some of them were able to move on to good things instead of getting thrown into the pachinko factories.
To be fair, the classic games had enough ribbons to save every time you walk past a typewriter. Dsp proved this when he had almost 40 saves in every game
Yamaoka went on to make the OSTs for most of Suda51's games and recently did the score for Let It Die
Toyama just released Gravity Rush 2 and there's rumors that Siren is coming back soon too
Ito recently worked on that NightCry game that was pretty poorly received
As far as I'm aware Owaku and Sato haven't done anything since finishing Silent Hill but most of the CGI team left to join Kojima Productions after SH3
People behind SH3 must be in retirement by now
Theres nothing like that in game you cant avoid that arm cut off except for the leg severment which isnt a gameplay changer at all
at least they weren't thrown in the factories then. Shame that NightCry didn't do well… though it didn't look all that good admittedly.
The lighting in the game is pretty good.
And it feels nice and responsive, the physics and animation are done with a lot of care.
Its got decent atmosphere(shitty voice acting and some modern horror tropes aside) but they had to go and ruin it with a "run around like a chicken with your head cut off while being chased by le boogeyman"-section in the first hour.
No thanks, Amnesia was enough.
Anyone know if there is any hidden creepy shit like the ghost sightings in the demo?
I just watched the DLC tapes for the game…. Capcoms kikery fucked us out of a good game on release yet again. The tapes are actually game modes. Ones a Mercnaries like mode, and one is more along the lines of the tapes in the game, but feels like a whole section. Then you have an actual game mode called Ethan Must Die that feels like the only one that could have been DLC instead of just cut content from the game.
I have a feeling that by the time everything releases for the game it'll be a solid 8/10, but of course it still isn't worth the price of entry, or the price to make it how it should have initially been on release.
Can anyone run this without freezing on 2GB of VRAM?