Let's have a thread dedicated to the worst PC ports ever made.
pic related, what a piece of fucking shit.
The worst of PC ports
Onimusha 3, keys can't be rebound and are all in the lower right punctuation range. I still finished it but fuck.
MKX was fixed awhile ago. I don't think anything can top Arkham Knight on this
Has any other game been pulled off steam for being so bad?
MKX is OK now, at least performance wise
Ride to hell retribution
That one is shit on every platform
Here's a classic.
Best PC port, tenouttaten.
Ed Boon is a hack, the early mk games had the worst AI that you couldn't even play it properly and had to resort to tricking and cheesing it.
Is the HD re4 version any better?
The funny thing is that it eventually ended up as the best version with the right mods.
RE4 HD PC port is ok. I don't remember it crashing even once for me.
Dunno, haven't tried it.
It's got a mostly positive user rating on steam (6,359 pos / 1,195 neg), saying the game is poorly optimized and controls being shit. Sound pretty much the same as the original port I had played back then.
Dark Souls had a pretty shitty port from what I remember. There's some easy fixes for it, but it still counts.
doesn't the widescreen mod mess up the way you would crowd control? (video not related)
Those poor bastards probably tried playing it with mouse & keyboard instead of using a controller pad. 360 and xbone -controllers work without any need to config. Don't know how well the ps3 or 4 controllers with with the PC port.
Saints Row 2.
It's much better, but the part with the support helicopter will crash when you try to go through the door/exit at the end if you go through it while the helicopter is shooting. Then you'll have to redo the whole section.
That's the only crash I remember but it fucking sucked because that part took like 15 minutes
Yeah, who in their right might would possibly want to play a TPS with mouse aim ?
this game is still fucking broken
See, RE4 is an interesting beast in that regard. Normally, I'd agree with you wholeheartedly, but RE4 would be way too easy using KB+M. It's still stupid as hell how they don't let us use KB+M normally.
I don't think you can use kb+m at all.
I played the game years ago with shift as ready weapon button and arrow keys to aim because i couldn't be arsed to fuck with trying to set up mouse controls.
Its impressive how hard some people can fuck up a port
This one was pure garbage when it was launched. Even today it's still plagued with slowdowns, even on newer hardware.
And I thought I had a shitty pc at the time. Played it on lowest settings and still enjoyed it.
The closer you are to xbox 360 hardware the better the port works, so it probably turned out well for you.
I used to think GTAIV had bad performance because of Euphoria physics engine. Star Wars The Force Unleashed had Euphoria too and had bad performance as well.
Or, has any game been taken down for being broken, customers being lied to on how long it will take to get fixed, then put back on the store and was still broken
Wouldn't that mod make DMC3 a lot easier since it gives you a moveset that no enemies or bosses are designed for?
I think it was just a shitty port. There's a mod to enable GTAIV level Euphoria physics in GTAV and even on max settings it runs much better than GTAIV does.
Dark souls.
Most pc ports are shit. I think an iconic one is halo in 2003.
halo on PC wasn't too bad
not great, but not that bad.
The game has a lot of charm because it's like a low budget b-horror flick in game form but you gotta play it on a console because this port crashes like crazy.
I still dont get why GTA4 runs so bad while 5 runs great, I thought Rockstar would eventually patch the performance problems eventually. It's especially infuriating because GTA4 never ran great on 360 either and had loads of pop-in.
Halo was missing a lot of shaders and has framerate issues
It was human error, they got another one of their studios to do PC ports.
Give me a timestamp on that shit, I aint watching that whole video
I don't think any other AAA release has remained broken, in such a degree, for so long
I tried playing it like a year ago and it ran like ass, nothing i could do to make it be playable
Reinstalled recently and runs perfectly
I don't know what the fuck's going on but i'm glad it decided to stop jerking me around because there's not enough twin peaks in the world
the only issues are shaders and framerate issues, the game in itself works fine and is a functional product.
that's very different from other ports that just don't work or have serious major issues
R* have always been terrible at porting games to PC. GTA III borders on unplayable sometimes (control scheme in particular is ass), Vice City has control issues and San Andreas is missing lots of PS2 graphical features that need to be fanpatched back in. All three games also have fucked up physics if you turn off the 30fps frame limit but that's more to do with lazy programming than shitty porting.
Max Payne 3 and GTA:V are much better than their previous attempts only because they dedicated an entire studio (R* Leeds, iirc) to do it for them.
As this user points out the further you are away from 360 hardware the faster the game runs to the point where driving is fucked up to unplayable levels. I'm reasonably sure it's only CPU speed that matters and there are, as usual, fanpatches to fix this shit but it is an amazingly incompetent way to release a game.
Seemed like a cool game, but goddamn did they screw up mouse sensitivity and all the controls
Also the few QTEs in the game felt extremely out of place.
Saints Row 2 is tied to clock speed? Is that what you're telling me?
More or less, yes. Unless you luck out and have the exactly same clock speed as a 360 it'll run at the wrong speed without a fanpatch.
this user is right. I still enjoyed the game, and I would say that it's overall better than sr3.
Also guys, UT3 was also very bad at release. They fixed all the shit later on, but the release was just crap.
The new HD port for RE4 has mouse aim. It's a perfectly fine port. QTEs are tied to framerate so they're all twice as hard if you play on 60 FPS (You can switch back to 30 FPS cap so they're how they should be) and mouse aim isn't really right in the Del Lago when you throw the harpoons but otherwise the port is good. Mouse aim (as well as a dedicated quick turn button in addition to down+sprint) definitely make the game easier but I don't really think it's a huge problem.
Mouse aim is fucked up in two sections with huge turrets that are supposed to turn very slowly so you end up having to drag your mouse repeatedly. Roll and cover being on the same button sucks. Reload and Boson Charge being on the same button is partially beneficial and partially detrimental and it rarely gave me problems. Menus are typical console menus where you have to use the keyboard. The first issue the only significant problem I had, everything else about the game, including aiming while normally playing, felt fine.
They actually patched it about two months ago. It can finally run at 60fps now.
The Windows Live overlay is still there though. Can't undo the cancer that's hardcoded into the game.
Which mods? I am still waiting for the right setup to play it on pc.
They never fixed butt-ugly graphics so UT3 forever will remain the worst UT.
What's so wrong with it? Choppy frames?
Didn't Gentlemen of the Row fix most of the port issues for SR2?
It's just shitty for the PC control scheme. The port is still superior to the original console versions.
probably late, but when sr2 and sr3 were released/ported to linux last year, they worked great. I played it on linux, and didn't have any problems at all running it at good framerates, controls were fine etc. Don't know what the windows version is like now, if they changed or fixed that at all, but it might be worth a try. This is/was the steam version btw. Maybe gog updated their version.
At launch, the port was a shit show, bad framerate, bugs up the wazoo, basically your average AAA PC port release at the time. Its been since fixed to a rather impressive degree by someone who apparently took over the port, but for the longest time it was really fucking bad.
It's got some issues but it's not a "shit" port, the increased resolution more then makes up for the missing shaders.
Well then good thing I bought that cuntroller recently, I'll be able to play all these games I'd missed out on. Dark Souls, Binary Domain, RE4, Strike Vector, Renegade Ops, Starcraft 2, Marlow Briggs and some other stuff. Just sitting in my steam library, reminding me of how easy a fool is parted with his money.
You thought that was bad? Watch this
That studio needs to burn in hell. Every GTA port up till V was terrible. It's a fluke that SA became what it was but then again mid-2000s modders had a ton of patience.
well at least he's not charging money for it. Right?
They brought back the lighting too.
But now it looks like Sanic '06.