Games with Customization

ITT we talk about games with emblem/livery/decal customization. Which game has the best editor? What's the most impressive custom job you've see in-game? Do you have the autism necessary to turn circles and squares into something that actually looks vaguely decent?

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Jesus Christ I miss the old APB

Back when RTW still owned it, the game was a lawless wasteland. You could do pretty much whatever you wanted without fear of being banned. During beta there were people running around in Nazi uniforms spraying swastikas on all of the spray points. There were pedo vans, and an entire clan of guys who dressed up like terrorists and drove trucks that said things like "Ahkmed's Halal Food Truck, now with 100% more bombs!" One of the most memorable missions I ever played had me teaming up with Super Mario, a ninja turtle and an 8 foot tall black guy in pink underwear with a dick drawn coming out of it. You could grief people outside of missions all day by ramming their cars into the environment and making them explode, or pinning their cars to the wall at vehicle spawns so they couldn't drive anywhere, and they couldn't do anything about it because if they tried to use the in-game reporting system it would just show them the install directory file structure instead of an actual support page.


also you could customize a "death theme", which was a 5-second sound clip that people were forced to listen to when you killed them. there was a glitch in the game that would allow you to extend the length of that sound clip indefinitely. my friend made a 5-minute-long audio clip that consisted of a series of horrible and abrasive high-pitched noises. the funniest part was that the sounds would actually stack on each other if you killed them multiple times within that 5-minute window.

Dude stop, you're hitting me in my feels. I've put close to a thousand hours into APB, haven't played it in years but I know that its probably a ghost town now. I wish a proper studio could acquire the IP and make a sequel to it that would be a proper MMO and not F2P garbage


Forza games.

The amount of autism needed to design an emblem. Wish the gaym community was large enough to warrant it.

APB was a dumpster fire, but it could be a fun dumpster fire at times. I wish more games would offer the same degree of creative control that APB did, but I guess between the risk of our beloved Jewish friends being literally holocausted by mean ol' swastika-posting Nazis, and the potential to charge people for sprays and skins, we'll never see something on the same level as APB again.

That sure is a lot of time for one man to waste on such a terrible pony.

So… how is the 2k17 edition? Can you already customize your own league properly and have unlimited characters to create?

Is the game already dead? the game was a nice idea, it just had horrible gameplay.

Not dead, but it may as well be.

Since it went free2play, APB has essentially had nothing but more and more absurdly broken, cash shop shit piled onto it with nothing but the barest minimum of content given away to the general populous in an effort to give the illusion that the game isn't just a glorified money extractor. Add to that the weird, frankenstein'd Unreal 3 monstrosity of an engine it's running on, terrible netcode and a laughably easy-to-evade anti-cheat system and you're left with a "game" that just exists to milk as much money as possible from the last few whales still sad enough to continue playing.

Shame. I wish there was a game with the same customization but with some actual good gameplay.

Wouldn't it be possible to make a private server for Holla Forums or something?

If someone were to reverse engineer the game engine/server software or get the game's maintainers/Epic to F(L)OSS it, sure.

Pro Evolution Soccer has it, both if you're a no-fun-allowed sportsball fan who wants to have the perfect rosters or the Bhutanese National Soccer team in it or if you just want to go wild with it.

When is the next infinity cup?

I wish there was an infinity royal rumble.

I wish we still had Wacky Races

You can play as literally anything, as long as you get how to make character pictures.

I was into the original committee as an announcer, but I sucked balls so I just had two appearances. I don't think there's going to be another one anytime soon unless either some board owner organizes a team of skilled artisans and creates the exports or someone with enough autistic skills does all the job for himself and adds a bunch of other unrelated boards.
There's also the problem that barring some regional boards, this place is basically dead if you don't count the major 10 boards. The only active ones are those were you just dump pornography and downloadable content and they don't really have regulars so to speak.


I like the one in Forza, although it's a pain in the ass to understand how it works at first.

I also like the emblem editor in CoD AW and BO3 (I wish the emblem was shown in-game and not just the calling card).

Are there beautiful cars in Forza? like trucks or other non racing vehicles.

I'm an absolute sucker for customization. Seem to use gasmasks/giant goggles a lot for some reason. Pity I'm on a toaster right now.

I rarely touch MMOs, but it kills me when I've spent ages trying to make characters that "fit" in the world, then someone else strolls past with all the mis-matched high-tier gear slapped on. DCUO was worst offender for this.

How is this game?
Is it worth playing through with custom characters first- or the defaults?
Does even the default character art have that sharp "cut off" around the edge?
Full anime style graphics or the more realistic setting?

What anime is that?

It's like Gran Turismo in that it has a really big list of cars. Here's the list for Horizon 3;

Technically any game if you manage to inject textures

Vector shape emblem creators are honestly the best middle between being able to use icons straight from pictures and using icons the dev jews you into unlocking through crates.

anime is something something Nadia

i played Champions online (is shit) but the customization was really fun…until they shitted it with vehicles
Also PSO2

ashita no nadja

Also Soul Calibur 5

I feel it too, bro.
My character was agent 47 and i always tuned my cars to look hitman-y and i had a friend who was a morbidly obese he-man.

I feel like at this point if we have one it would just make reddit curious at boards other than major ones and they would seep into them.

Forza's one is shit though, they just have a bunch of basic shapes and you get those autists doing autistically complex drawings with them but you don't have basic shit like mirroring things unless it's from one side of the car to the other.

so you're basically just putting images into the game files? Not what I was hoping for in terms of "literally anything"

Forza but they release a new one every year and all your progress will be lost.
What a load of shit.

I guess that, besides character creation, there is not much customization in Black Desert Online, right?

Yeah, when I saw that design (the first pic I uploaded) I couldn't believe how that person did it. I managed to make relatively easy stuff like ponies or the Agents of Shield logo but I can't do faces or all that shit.

I think they've added different types of vehicles in F6 and FH3 as DLCs.

You can import your designs from Forza 6 to Forza Horizon 3.

I have Forza 3 and 4. They design these games to last yet release new ones constantly. Forza would be incredible if they toned down on the releases.

SC5 is fun.

Is this a jojo reference

Why, user?

It could be

I ran out of character slots.

Easily APB.
It is a shame we will most likely never see anything like it again.

However second place would be Path of Exile.
Not because of visuals as they are lackluster in terms of customization but building your character. It is only game where you can take fire skill change its damage to chaos and instead of casting it directly use chaos damage debuff to cast it for you.

Gameplay wasn't really bad. I would say it was worse GTA. Problem really was cash shop and cheats.
Only reason I played it for as long with my friends was because we all installed cheats so we had slim chance against p2w weapons.

Only through cash shop with around 8 outfits for each class. Remember you really couldn't customize each class, you always had predetermined sex/age.

Shrekimitsu keeps being my favorite edit because of his plain looking face

dude nice meme characters

While most of my time with For Honor's beta was mostly meh, it's customization was fantastic.

Why the fuck has is this flag still on.

Have you ever heard of jews, user?

Because you're a faggot.




I remember everyone making a penis shooting jizz in Black Ops. That was pretty neat. I'm kind of surprised they kept the emblems in after that, they had a fucking janitor team going around resetting "offensive" emblems, do they still do that in the newer games?

Was SV5 any good?
I played the campaign up to the final boss and grew bored.

The online didn't feel as fun to me, or did I just need to gitgud?

no of course not. Just shit loads of microtransactions. Even in the COD4 port.

Reminds me of playing MTA (Multi Theft Auto) a few years back. Whenever i played on a freeroam server, i would always pick the ones that looked like default serbs without any kind of lock and clearly owned by some spergy teenager because all the exploits where there uncovered even if the admins themselves didn't knew. I would spawn the RC car, lock the doors, change the physics of the car so it behaved like a regular car (therefore easier to drive) and then i would change my character's animation (which was the skin of a guy on his underwear) to the striptease one and since the rc car was so small it looked as if it was just a dude dancing with wheels on his feet. Next step was to set up a micspam of green hill zone (ear rape version) and teleport in the map nearby to people, it was hilarious, some of them got legitimately freaked out and others got angry and would start shooting me but i would take no damage since my character was "in the car" and you could clip through the dancing model or shoot it without doing a thing. The funniest one was when i would teleport to the passenger seat of a car and clip through it while my character danced to the micspam and i spawned hundreds of planes around their vehicle until their car or connection crashed.

Shit like this makes online games fun. It's why Holla Forums is doing so well right now and why anonymous did so well back in the 2000s.
Shitposting makes communities.

What a game?

pretty sure it's dragon's dogma

Thanks never played in this.

How has the lowest hanging fruit managed to sit around for this long? Why does easier design tools usually seem to have lower quality

becuase normalfags get triggered

It's complete normalfaggots that have the swastikas though.

it's the edgy ironic normalfags that do that.

Who have basically become normalfags.

Ironic teenage edge is what drives lots of people to accidentally redpill themselves user

I just said that you fucking faggot

No need to get so mad, lad.

depends on your definition of redpill

creative people needs less tools

Please go back to reddit.



People have done amazing shit with Mii creations. The more limitations you give to a person, the more he'll wonder if he can do something with them. On the other hand, the more you let them run wild, the less likely they are to explore all their possibilities. My reasoning is that whenever you give very few tools to customize shit, the players are left to fully learn how to use them and then how to abuse them, whereas giving them the option to adjust the right cheek's zit distribution rate just forces them to create a single complex product and never look back because the process is so tedious they don't want to bother with it anymore.
And Nazis still trigger people regardless of your political opinion. It's all about twisting as many autists' pants as possible.

its bob ross you shit for brains

Here's your (you)

What is this screenshot supposed to prove?

No, it's a white nigra.

A lot of games dance around SS uniforms, but none allows you to properly dress up as actual SS nazi officer.

The best one so far. Ironically enough it's a fucking sport game.

You can put your own images as portraits in Arcanum, Baldur's Gate games and Fallout Tactics.
It's pretty cool, but doesn't do much since your in-game model obviously doesn't reflect any of that.

My BLOPS3 acc got banned from emblem editor due to me showing my appreciation to Uncle Adolf…