Holla Forums Friendly reminder

Why does the American comic industry look like a parody of the gaming industry?

Nobody reads American comics so it literally doesn't matter.

It's still funny

How long before even comicfags stop buying their shit and they're stuck making movies and games?

What if Marvel is trying to trick us into watching movies instead of comics because comics are gay lmao

I'm not big on comics but from what i'v seen it's pretty much accidental self parody at this point.
Old Character comes back and thinks all the New Characters are shit. It's pretty funny.

Capeshit are buying D.C. Stuff instead of marvel.

didn't marvel create a reason why they can retcon shit? something about the timeline being forever changing but not really, that's like the biggest middle finger I have ever seen.

How long until gamers stop buying games? Most of them are full of SJW propaganda

Roses are red,
OP like men
Check my digits,
Sage And n

milo is a tumor. they can paint him however they like.

Normalfag nintendo shit isn't really corrupted. Especially when they had cow-tits representing Zelda at E3. Normal-fags also probably don't think anything of the antifa fags in Watch_Dogs 2, or the kangz in battlefield. I said comics specifically because normalfags don't typically buy comics.


In the Marvel universes, time is apparently 100% fluid. Any can of happened in the past, and if the past interferes with the present, then there's an event in between the two that makes it plausible.

It literally just means all their hires straight from tumblr and deviantart don't have to read prior issues, just check the Wikipedia intro paragraph.

Their new comics are selling like canned turds. I remember the quote from the Marvel executive who claimed he couldnæt understand why since the "community" was alwasy asking for diversity in their comics, but when they added just that, sales tanked. You'd think you would have to have an actual brain to rise to an executive position, but apparently not.

It's almost as if power fantasy escapism doesn't sell if the characters themselves attack while simultaneously fulfilling power fantasies

cognitive dissonance isn't fun

I used to work with a white socjus girl who liked the ms marvel so much that she framed her first edition of it.

Trump's victory triggered her so hard that she was screaming and crying for days.

that's not the picture I meant to choose

Film her nigga

and that's all they can do, I don't even like Trump that much, but this is soo-o good

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>>>Holla Forums

Nice video game thread OP.

For some reason that makes me nostalgic. Gonna do this from now on and see it catch on. Gonna Make Gay Gay Again.

Well i don't know about you but i can't wait until they get rid of THE FUCKING WHITE MALES in the avengers movies and make a USAvenger movie instead.

jesus christ

so has like everyone been niggered/female/niggered femaled/diversity now?


Marvel is the gift that keeps on giving.
Come to Holla Forums and get weekly reminders on how shit they've become.

I can't even recognize half of these deviants.

Fat shaming!


Uhm excuse me but what the frick is wrong with you? (no bully)

I mean the characters behind the identities. Or are all of them OC Donnutsteel to make more progresive superheroes?

The only ones I truly recognize are squirrel girl and maybe Red Hulk and Niggress America from some Modok Trump shit.

Beloved by who? American comic nerds?

I do like comics my friend so it's great you informed me of this. The board name is "Holla Forums - Comics" after all so it's also very relevant and the reason why I come here.

To be fair, it takes a two second google search to churn out dozens of articles and videos, with ducking white capeshitters rallying against the socjus infestation in comics. Issue is, and this goes wholesale for all art mediums, is that the medium will continge to fill with libtards until the entire thing collapses under the collective ineptitude. I think eventually the American comic companies, or what remains of them, will look at how well Japanese Manga companies are doing, and start emulating them. (For reference One Peice sold something to the tune of 10+ million copies last year, while both Batman and Super only sold 2 million copies combined.) Ostenstivly, this would lead to libtards leaving the industry, due to the insane schedule that a Manga artist has to upkeep, and as we know their is nothing a Marxist will do less, than working.

Also, vidya gaems I guess

Holla Forums will soon overtake you.

only western millennials and gen x read that crap.

Everything about that picture makes my cock hard.

ho can like imge on 6can

These 8 years of salt will be delicious

remember this?

3.5k vs 900

Holla Forums has grown by 1k active users since I last went to Holla Forums around 2 months ago. While Holla Forums seems to have lost 300. It seems your constant attempt to recuit from reddit is backfiring…

I don't know why they even tried to get the image board crowd. Aren't we supposed to be the villains?

I don't think they know who they're trying to appeal to. Imageboards are supposed to be their villains, but they don't seem to realize that dubs are a meme that pretty much stays on imageboards outside of occasional screencaps on reddit. I know reddit is at least somewhat familiar with gets, but do they even give a shit about regular dubs? There's no post numbers on reddit so I don't know why they would care about it as much as they would their shitty image macros.