Remember when Unreal engine 3 was the graphics engine of choice of Triple AAA Devs and publishers?
Remember when Unreal engine 3 was the graphics engine of choice of Triple AAA Devs and publishers?
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yeah user I think most of us are not zygotes
Yeah, I remember how much almost every single game that used it sucked ass.
I remember when people were wondering if that demo would turn into a game.
I like how everything that comes close to this concept becomes cancelled, first Prey 2, now Cyberpunk 2077.
I remember horrible pop-in and texture streaming.
I remember everything looking like a glossy, shiny mess, with muddy textures.
I remember terrible lighting and shitty shadow maps.
I remember terrible frame-rate caps and stuttering when turning too fast because of poor culling implementation.
I remember, and I try to forget.
And i remember loving the fuck out of UT3 and first Bioshock.
Prey 2 would have been release if Bethesda could have just resisted their urge to be cartoon supervillains though
You get one (You)
Bioshock 1 was on Unreal Engine 2.5 though.
UE4 is pretty good, but no games outside of UT4 interest me Fortnite runs well but the game is pretty meh
Fear has the best graphics, fight me
Arkham Knight on PC was a pretty undignified send-off, but that what it gets for being used well past its expiration date.
remember when unreal supported SLI?
These are more the engine having to be built around such limited hardware while publishers demanding more than what the hardware was capable of.
I meant to say I think that these are, I don't have any definitive proof to say that they are.
remember when Capcom used MT Framework and everything looked good and worked well even on a shit hardware?
Remember when video games weren't made by people who just graduated from a degree mill?
How dare you want skilled, experienced, and qualified people who care about making a good game and maybe because they have passion about video games in general you entitled manchild!
Are you sure ? maybe you should lurk more.
I try not to get my engine-autism triggered with your post.
What is going on in the video's universe ?
Underrated post
Welcome to UK in 2040
I remember really hating the unreal engine but I really dont have a good reason why. I just have a bad feeling whenever im about to play a game on the unreal engine.
definitely the best engine yeah, I am amazed the Lithtech engine wasn't used outside of monolith studios.
It can make some stuff kind of pretty.
Tekken 7 and SFV are both on the unreal 4 engine yet sfv looks like complete ass compared to tekken, is there are reason for this or are capcom just that shit?
I think SFV graphics were simplified and more stylized to have more clarity for the competitive players.
Yeah, I'm sure this simplified and stylized faces really helped the competitive players
Wait don't you mean Unreal Engine 4?
Sorry that you had such a shitty PC back then, user.
UE3 was pretty good but the price tag stopped it getting a heap of use.
UE4 is technically awesome but thanks to the blueprint system I suspect there will be plenty of games that run like shit not due to the engine but because of devs using the blueprints too much / inefficiently.
I also want to give thanks to Unity, while nothing special in itself it's price structure has forever changed the price structure of game engines for the better.
Unreal engine 1>the idtech engines>>>>>>>>>Unreal 2&3>Source
City Interactive made several budget shooters with it
That pic is dumb as hell. Charging entry fees isn't capitalism. Besides, what the fuck else should they do, turn the grave into a coin-operated ride?
Stay mad, leftycuck.
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Yes, I remember characters looking like they were molded from plastic and framerates chugging.
Kill yourself underage faggot.
It uses s hodgepodge of both:
I remember Duke Nukem Forever using an unholy abomination of UE1, 2, and 3.
I wonder if I can pee on it if I pay extra.
Sweet, I remember this morning so do I get to be young again?