I decided to come back to this and start a new character to go through the storylines again. Is it just me or has a good chunk of the story content in this game gone?
Star Wars The Old Republic
just stop
Quality post user.
I don't remember the character missions being that long. But I haven't played it since it first launched
It was never really there to begin with.
Tried replaying a week ago and yes they have removed about a quarter to a third of content. Yes, literally they are trying to raise the Tortanic just to sail it into another iceberg.
I'll give a list of shit they've fucked up:
>Companions have been made OP as hell and literally all the same they can heal, tank and dps which means with the combination of above nothing is really a challenge anymore and you can literally do the 4 player flashpoints solo if you wish and means you have no incentive to work together with anyone
>Crafting has also been made worse not that it was that good to begin with and now you barely able to get essential shit like color crystals and even equipment mods you want without grinding out crafting skills heavily
So it looks like Tortanic Take Two, funneling players as fast as they can to "endgame" that's only available with a subscription while doing their best to milk their subscribers. This game is not only unplayble if you are F2P, but now offers you next to nothing, even in story now. The game is even more singleplayer focused now and there is no incentive at all to interact with anyone. Pretty much most people who are F2P have left the game and all that exists are the whales who want to be nickled and dimed. I wouldn't be surprised if this game finally dies within a year and wouldn't be surprised further if this was the intention of EA to kill it while milking their final customers for all they are worth.
This is terrible. I was thinking of relogging to finish the story on my old character
dubs check em
You can't stop me from hoping they might one day care again
Can't say I'm surprised its deteriorated as much as it has. Wonder when they'll SONY it.
Makes me wonder who is worse at managing MMO's, EA or SONY?
go back to bioware forums scum
Considering ME4 is close to launching and by all accounts looks to be a complete trainwreck, and with the rumors that EA is about kill off BioWare and merge it and a bunch of other studios into a new one it's not surprising they're trying to clean house and get rid of legacy projects still limping around.
Apparently EA have been bitching about TORtanic losing them money so probably would be a smart idea for them to cut ties and let it die.
There are faggots here that actually played TORtanic? Please stop embarrassing yourselves
Still waiting to start our lives on the stella bellum private SWG server with MUH SPACESHIPS.
Devs have apparently fixed all the issues with the last disaster of a launch but i'm still ready to be let down one last time.
Everyone who likes Star Wars should pay through the Imperial Agent storyline at least once before this game shits the bed again and dies permanently. It's probably the best SW story outside of KotOR2 and it's a damn fucking shame it had to be trapped inside such a shit MMO.
shit's old and i have no clue why board fucks me up asking captcha every second post, but have this
There were a shitload of these once. If you have more please keep it coming.
seconded it. you're basically james bond in space and it feels so good. there are a couple of stupid, retarded bioware moments but they're extremely rare, especially considering how bad some of the other storylines are (smuggler was genuinely, truly terrible, at least the first 20 levels or so i played until i said "fuck this garbage")
another one related, but thats all i had
Ultimate kek
downloading it right now a year after i reinstalled it and the accidentally deleted it the next day
It was fated.
Sounds to me you did yourself a favor user.
Yeah, I've played through every other Imperial class, and I've done the first chapter of Smuggler and Knight. Republic stories are fucking retarded and the other Imp stories were just "meh".
Agent is hands down the best, especially if you tend towards dark side options.
all of the republic classes were just fucking boring, one-sided "lol we wuz good guys and shit". like, all lorefag shit aside, in each imperial story it's clearly a meritocracy and you feel like you're climbing the ranks and making a difference, and the republic? "we must be a thorn in the empire's side for reasons"
They're actually removing story missions? Are you shitting me? I enjoyed the Sith Warrior storyline a few years ago.
I shit you not, they got rid of quite a few side missions, parts of the storylines, removed all interaction from Heroic Missions and pretty much killed off Flashpoints and Operations.
No, OP is exaggerating. All of the story content is still there, they just got rid of some of the lead-in story content to Oricon and Section X. All the class stories are still there, Makeb and Shadow of Revan story content is still there, and flashpoint story content is still there (some of the flashpoints are solo-able now). There's also KotFE and KotET which are both story-focused expansions.
Yes, that's exactly it. In the Imp stories you feel like you're in a politically realistic faction with understandable goals and motivations. With Rep stories its just "Well we gotta go fight the EMPIRE cause they're the BAD GUYS and we're GOOD."
Also I just finished the first chapter for the Jedi Knight last night and I don't think I'm going back to it. It was super shit. Kira: "The Emperor is controlling me" Jedi: "Tell him to stop" Kira: "Lol okay he's gone now"
If you play "Dark Sided" Republic you appear more like a bunch of genocidal maniacs that want to Remove Sith and are desperately clinging to power despite showing no indication or reason why you should remain in power. The Imperials a lot of the time come across as far more competent and more efficient at running things and that's just from the Republic's point of view.
Funnily enough, I think that's how the Jedi treated the first dark side force users and the original Sith
I honestly think that Agent is best played neutrally, or as neutral as you be in a black, and white setting. Really wish Agent was its own game, like a not broken Alpha Protocol would be awesome.
At the very least the new expansion stuff fits the Agent's story like a glove, especially when compared to half of the other classes.
Dark side smuggler is actually not that bad considering you end up with your own drug empire.
What year is it?
Check 'em.
The Sith did nothing wrong.
The Sith did a lot of wrong things but then again so did the Jedi. The Force was a mistake.
it's dead
No they just removed some random irrelevant quests, game has more story after 50
Preordered andromeda ;^)
The more I think about it, TORtanic seems like an expensive experiment to see if people were willing to pay a subscription for a single player game.
You have reddit, cuck chan, and literally everywhere else. You won't get the biodrone discussion you seek you here, so gtfo.
Leave. you can turn the side quests back on in the map screen
what is dudchan for then?
Did you remember to pay extra to sprint?
They copied the wrong MMO.
Shame GW2 didn't copy GW1.
I uninstalled that shit after a day, the f2p restrictions are ridiculous, you even need to play money to sprint
Sith warrior is still satisfying after they ruined everything else
You really can just kill all of your enemies
ebin post. truly your meme magic has scared me back to and saved Holla Forums
Good. After they fucked over Sulik and Revan, they deserve everything that's coming to them.
Exile was fucked but not Revan, he is as edgy as his fans.
He was edgy but not THAT edgy, or made into a farmable boss in some flashpoint. It disgusts me they used Revan for that, especially Meetra, to just fail at the end and be some force ghost usable for their bullshit. Especially with how powerful you become by the time you leave the galaxy to search for Revan. There never should have been a Kotor mmo, only a Kotor 3. Maybe even leave the Exile and Revan as a big questionmark instead.
i agree. there was a lot to hate about tor's story overall but the revan flashpoint really was about as low as it gets: do a half-hour dungeon where you get to meet and kill a character that you used to respect (two if you liked HK-47), and possibly have him drop a pair of pants. that's what really got to me: i realized we were killing the main character of kotor over and over trying to get him to drop a pair of fucking pants
it also doesn't help that 1) the character models looked like total shit, so revan ended up looking like a gawky fourteen year old, 2) the voice actors they chose for him and for HK-47 were abysmally terrible and 3) instead of ending with a sense of ambiguity ("revan's dead… OR IS HE") he just fucking dies
Revan and his fans were always that edgy and Revan wasnt even supposed to be in the game, his entire story of surviving assault from Emperor was pure bullshit and fanfiction tier.
Revan should have stayed dead after Kotor2.
character models were fine and complaining about that is plain stupid.
You mean he looked like his fans pictured him to be ala edgy self insert ?
Yeah, I remember watching a youtube vid on it. I think he becomes a force ghost or some bullshit after, then for their shitty expansion, but between how badly done he was, how he was used as some flashpoint boss, and used as an effort to draw back fans was pathetic on biowares part.
I agree he never should have survived the emperor if he was shown in the game, or should have been left ambiguous. Despite many of revan fans, i've never seen him as all that edgy though. Just a sith lord that was more intelligent than others. It's not like he was the first sith lord to do what was necessary to defeat a greater threat. Just look at palpatine.
Sage isnt a downvote user
nigger you're straight up retarded if you believe that. you were either Buff Manhuge, Fat Fuck, Shitty Manlet or Shitty 11-Year-Old, there was no in-between that looked even remotely human, at least for males
KotOR2 had more and better-quality character development for Revan than KotOR1 ever did, and Revan didn't even fucking show up in 2. I wish Karpyshyn and Bioware had never retconned all the good things Obsidian did with that game.
Intelligent hah, he is typical example of Mary Sue that when you look at his actions from objective side you will notice he did more harm than good.
number 2 and number 3 were fine, i am sorry Bioware didnt include manlet bearmode for your preference
You forgot the part where he was kidnapped, memory wiped, forced to fight his former allies after they betrayed him, defeated them and left, as all his work was undone and he wanted to fight the threat he initially meant to, but now couldnt as the republic and empire were half dead and couldnt survive in an actual battle. He went to fight the sith lord alone because the galaxy no longer could manage it anymore, especially without the starforge.
You mean like Caesar? Is Caesar edgy too?
sounds like somebody never bothered talking to any companions in kotor2
tbh kotor 2 makes Revan seem like this deep character with goals beyond player understanding compared to kotor 1 bioware Revan
i don't think i need to go on. julius caesar was the proto-edgelord
Okay user, how about you explain your metrics for edgy. Because so far it seems like anyone that tries anything remotely unlawful to you is "edgy".
you know what, you're right. he wasn't an edgelord, he was just a pussy
oh yeah the amnesia, every bad writters clutch ability to move the plot somewhere
no matter how much you suck Revan's dick it wont change the fact he is a badly written Mary Sue
It's not beyond player understanding, it's just not explicitly stated. You have to piece it all together from various conversations. The two I posted above were two of the most important.
The Mandalorian Wars weren't started by the Mandalorians, bu by the original Sith Empire. The True Sith were waiting in the Unknown Regions, gaining strength until they thought they could invade the Republic, kill the Jedi and reassert their dominance. They tricked the Mandalorians into invading the Republic first in order to test the Republic's strength.
The Jedi Council sensed there was something unusual and wrong about the Mandalorian Wars, and refused to participate. Revan and Malak could also tell something was wrong, but instead of just sitting and waiting for the true evil to reveal itself, they decided the best course of action was to enter the war and seek to root it out. They discovered traces of the Sith Empire and their influences on the Mandalorians. They realized that the Republic would be unprepared to fight this threat, since it was barely able to fight off the Mandalorians without Revan's leadership.
Revan and Malak went searching for a way to save the Republic. They discovered the ancient Rakata race, and the Star Forge, which was a dark-side-powered factory capable of rapidly constructing huge armies. Revan and Malak made a conscious decision to turn to the dark side, use the Star Forge to raise an army, and then wage war on the Republic to the point where it became a militarized state that was capable of defending itself (by the way, this is one of the major themes of KotOR2: conflict is good because it's the only true path to self-improvement). At one point, Kreia specifically states that Revan left Republic infrastructure intact when he went to war against it, implying that he was attempting to save it for some alternative purpose - that purpose being to later fight the Sith Empire.
While Revan was strong enough to "fall" without losing his free will, but Malak succumbed to it completely and turned on Revan, throwing off his plans. Malak started waging a war of conquest, obliterating the Republic's planets, fleets and armies and attempting to force them into submission so he could rule himself. Revan was able to return and stop him, thus ending the war.
However, the Jedi had mindwiped Revan, so he couldn't remember the threat he had discovered. Gradually he regained these memories, but they were fragmented - he realized the threat of the True Sith was still out there, but didn't know enough to act on it. He traveled into the Unknown Regions on the Ebon Hawk with just T3-M4 to try and find the threat again, but he ran into trouble, and had to send T3 back into known space to find the remaining Jedi (and specifically the Exile).
Later on, Bioware and Drew Karpyshyn would get super-butthurt about the fact that Obsidian can write Star Wars fiction about a fucking billion times better than they ever could, so they retconned almost all of that awesome backstory and character development we got in KotOR2. Karpyshyn changed it so that Revan turned to the dark side because the Sith Emperor brainwashed him, then killed off the Exile and T3 in a duel with the Sith Emperor because "fuck you, Chris Avellone." Bioware brought Revan back as one of the most inconsistent and poorly written characters in TOR and then killed him off for some reason.
TL;DR: KotOR 2 is actually really good, Revan's motivations are explained well enough if you can piece together various character conversations, Bioware is 100% shit and the only good thing about TOR is the Imperial Agent story
revan is alcibiades, not caesar
Yeah SWTOR's biggest sin is their treatment of the Exile. Just kill her off, have her be soulless ghost lady. What? You mean she literally pulled a Zhuge Liang and talked someone into dying? Fuck that, can't have that, that's cool, fuck you, only Revan can be cool. What do you mean my Revan isn't as cool as Avellone's well fuck you, my Revan's literally perfect, HE'S JEDI AND SITH SO HE'S MORE POWERFUL THAN BOTH. NO I DON'T GET MY STORY IDEAS FROM UNDERWORLD FUCK OFF.
Karpashyn can write fine, he was just way too ass mad at Avellone doing a better job fleshing Revan out, he's since said he regretted it and that he was 'rushed' in other words didn't read his source material.
The second biggest sin is what they did to Revan. Just, fuck that. Horrible concept.
The third biggest sin is existing at all.
… and you're smug about that.
somebody never read the very first mass effect novel. i can honestly and without exaggerating say that it is the only book that i have ever just thrown in the garbage in my entire life
what did they do to the flashpoints?
why are they all level 70 now?
Can someone explain why BioWare's animations are so terrible? It's not just in one or two games either, it's nearly every game that modern BioWare puts out. ME3, DA:I, SWTOR, all have terrible animations.
Industry wide nepotism doesn't lead to high quality products
I thought the Darth Bane trilogy was good
I fucking loved KOTOR 2 but shame all your companions die at the end when the ebon hawk crashes and the game ends in a completely unsatisfactory and rushed way LOL.
Darth Sion and Nihilus and Darth Traya were cool as fuck though, really imaginative villains too tbh fam. And Fuck bioware for trying to outdo Obsidian and retcon everything instead of just admitting that what kotor 1 did fucking sucked compared to what 2 did.
But now both bioware and Obsidian are basically shit - although one has a track record much worse than the other, and the other is severely underrated by normal fags and gaymers alike; just like it has always been :^)
Killing off T3 is the worst part of that. Killing off the Exile is understandable because she's weird and disruptive in a way that was probably not part of Bioware's original plan for the story, but killing T3 was pure spite toward Obsidian for making him an actually good character instead of a utility belt that takes up a party slot.
Congratulations, you played yourself.