I'm looking for western games where you play as a little girl. Already played the Walking Dead s2

I'm looking for western games where you play as a little girl. Already played the Walking Dead s2


Western games are trash. Especially if you want cute girls.

Alice is an adult in both games last I checked


But he right.



Weebshits should be gassed

Got a recent build? I heard they removed 4 player support.

Wild Arms 3

Does Shantae count or is she too old?

Also; Monster Tale

The truth hurts. Western games are anti cute and feminine. Enjoy your multi colored hair stronk dykes I guess.




I feel nothing but pity for you.

What, did Holla Forums tell you they arent good or something?

No not really, but neither are half the games you faggot weebs hype up just because of a pair of tits.


Is it still alive?

not wanting to be a /fit/ little girl


Those girls are not like what OP asked

Dunno, haven't heard a thing for a while now.

Good lord

Not the point I was trying to make.


Where did all these normalfags come from?

You play as a loli at the start of The Last of Us :^)

4cuck was down one week ago and someone spam Holla Forums "invites" before it let down.

Then you have no point. OP wanted games with cute girls.

He said play; not kill.