Playing some tooie tonight

Playing some tooie tonight
Whatchu guys emulating?

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How intimate do you think that Banko & Kazooie are?

Street Fighter EX2+

Enough that Kazooie lets Banjo backpack-cuck her.

Kazooie have me a thing for spunky girls with attitude, tsunderefags can get fucked

Amazing how I didn't turn into a furry, now that I think about it

I don't know how to emulate, I have VisualBoyAdvance and Dolphin.


It Just Werx

Considering that they often foil each other, I'd think they have hate sex every now and again.

I was playing Hyper Metroid, but I stopped before the end. I want to save the 10 minute escape sequence from Zebes for a special occasion.

They're probably married, to be honest.


Nintendo DS

The last game I emulated was Battle Network 3

Protip: shoot the exposed electrical panel to make the Star Spinner slow down.

Playing some Bengay-O on mupen. Is the slowdown when you blow up a bunch of stuff normal?

I remember the latest game I've emulated being Viewtiful Joe on the Gamecube but I've taken a break from emulation to play games I actually bought.

Atelier Iris 1


Upvoted xD

There is literally nothing wrong with emulating.

Just beat R-Type III on SNES9x. I've also been emulating Metroid Prime, which outside of some frame drops every half hour or so runs fine.

Enjoy dropping 2 grand on the out of print framecuckster

Echo Night for playstation. Echo Night Beyond for the ps2 has slowly become one of my favourite games, I highly recommend this series.



I was playing Banjo-Kazooie on Mupen64Plus via RetroArch just fine. I'll agree N64 emulation has a long way to got, but it is at least playable.

Real hardware for old consoles should be played on a CRT anyway, you can get one fucking cheap instead of upscalers.


Is your computer old?

Was playing it on a little Intel box running Lakka. i3 chugging away as best as it can. GLupen64 and ParaLLEl are for my real PC.

Hmmm let me think about this.


You're right it won't look as good, it will look vastly superior. RGB, YPbPr, and S-Video on a CRT are all excellent choices.

Last time I tried to play Tooie, it ran like shit on my emulator.
What are you using OP? Does it ran well?

The two big names are Project64 and Mupen64Plus. There is also GLupeN64 which is a different graphics plugin for Mupen. Then there's ParaLLEl which only works well for a handful of games, but the ones that it works with end up with pixel-accurate emulation. For example, Star Fox 64 works great, but Rare games are pretty terrible on it.

All so commonly supported on $20 garage sale CRTs too. Boy you sure are informed.

I have a crush on kazooie
I'm going to ask her out at SGDQ on a date

My parents used to have a CRT with YPbPr on it, and it was just an ordinary consumer grade CRT. I have a CRT with S-Video on it, again just an ordinary consumer grade CRT. If you think you need a PVM to get anything better than composite, you are the one who is badly informed. In fact, you're probably not even old enough to have ever used a CRT.

Yeah, that's totally what I was saying.
Man, you desperately want to fight to the death over how great CRTs are don't you? Keep trying so hard, I'll keep enjoying my framemeister.

OK kid, enjoy your extra latency and poor black levels.

Look out everyone, we have a tough guy over here. Don't deviate from the way he says you should play retro games or he'll call you kid to death.

Why on God's green earth would you go to a garage sale for electronics? They're recommended sometimes on the internet, along with swap meets and estate sales, and they're all worth shit if you're looking for any halfway decent games in any condition that would be considered acceptable.

Ask b09006. It's his words, I'm just repeating what he suggested.

It doesn't matter what top of the line HDTV you have, they all are completely inferior in latency and black levels to any CRT. Including the $20 garage sale CRTs with YPbPr in the back (which, by the way, were there due to a demand for better video quality from DVD players back in the day, but you wouldn't know that because of how underage you are).

My little user can't be this retarded. Some people actually do take care of their stuff, or sometimes they sit unused in an attic for 10 years before they finally get rid of them. The same logic still applies to eBay or whatever though. You can get good CRTs with good video input for fucking cheap. It's not hard.

Whatever you need to tell yourself. Keep acting like a consolewar fag over a dead technology.

So tell me Holla Forums, why does he wear the mask?

Yes goy, you can't get a good experience on those cheap old CRTs, make sure you buy our premium upscaler direct import from glorious Nippon, only two hundred and ninety nine US dollars plus shipping!



if you don't already know, you don't want the spoiler


Is it extremely painful?

You really should do some more research. There will ALWAYS be extra latency with your setup, and black levels are never even close to CRTs.

You still lost the argument about input types on consumer CRTs, and you lost the argument about the cost difference, and you have no other arguments to make. You have plenty of reaction images though, that's for sure.

for you

Of course!

Yeah, I'm done, you're pathetic though. Keep telling me that I don't know what I'm experiencing and keep acting like you know everything about set-ups you couldn't touch in your wildest wet dreams. It's been fun, but I've really had enough of you acting like a child. Have fun telling yourself you won though.

Shin Megami Tensei 2, I'm dreading playing SMT 3 though, it doesn't look very good.

They are probably going to make another circle jerk thread now, thanks a lot.

I haven't touched 64 emulation for years but I've seen goldeneye being played at 60fps, can this be done with many other 64 games?

Oh what a fucking bargain!

before of you just suck dicks and get it over with

God do I really have to spoon feed you basic info about fucking input latency from upscalers and your HDTV?

And I already showed you an example of how shit your black levels are on an LCD. The picture was a Dell Ultrasharp monitor, which are IPS panels that pride themselves on high levels of color accuracy. A fully black image in the dark still shows plenty of not-black color on the screen. Absolutely disgusting. No way in hell your screen is doing better than it does. It would now be up to you to prove otherwise.

But go ahead and run away from the argument, gotta maintain that sunk cost fallacy on your $300 Nippon upscaler.


Can't you do this outside of the he will not divide us exhibit

the difference is so miniscule that in every situation the gain from going from an lcd to a crt is negligible in terms of gameplay. The gain however to ones epeen is enormous and CRT fags are the Vegans of the gaming world..

If you go back and read my posts, I clearly outlined that there are two components, one is the upscaler, and one is the display, with me stating that the display has more of the latency. Latency adds up though, one frame more is one more frame too many.

You can post your display model and latency tests for it any time you like.

And paying $300 is still somehow better than paying $20 for a consumer CRT with YPbPR inputs in the back?


Oh no, I never demanded that you play games this way. I simply stated that it is the optimal, logical choice. $20 CRT over $300 upscaler. You are the one who assumed that I was some how making a demand on your life choices. I of course have no such power to force you to do anything, if you want to give your money to glorious Nippon then I can't stop you.

SMT3 is fucking awesome dude.

Is that why you derailed the thread and started calling me a kid over and over again? If so you have a funny way of showing you're fine with anyone playing any way they want.

I hope so.

Sure pal.

Just because you own an LCD doesn't mean you should then spend three hundred butt fucking dollars on an upscaler when a superior and cheaper alternative exists.

You should really look hard at these two posts and their order.

Yeah, I'm not going to play any part in you trying to save face. Have fun replying to this and telling me how you won some debate you dreamed up.

>No you're the one being childish who started! Don't call me kid!
Maybe if your first reply instead had been "I rather enjoy playing real hardware via my upscaler, since I don't want to own CRTs anymore" then maybe you could have had a more friendly conversation, but no, it had to be le wacky reaction image dump.


CRTs are cheap.
They have high quality analog inputs available.
They have superior image quality (black levels, color reproduction, oh and they natively support interlaced formats to boot).
They have effectively zero input latency.
Like spending $300 for an inferior experience? Fine, go ahead.


I still own 2 LCD tvs with RCA ports, both of them having ports for composite too, why do I need an upscaler? The cheapest upscaler I could find was $8.

RCA is composite video. Did you mean you also have component video (YPbPr)? If you are using Component, then that is a high quality signal, and the question is how well your TV is doing the upscaling on its own. Some TVs are flat out god awful at both quality of scaling and not adding a shit ton of input latency. If you can upscale it ahead of time, then send your TV an HD signal, the TV doesn't have to do the work of the upscaling. This is what the Framemeister is doing.

Composite video means that all video image information is being sent along only a single wire, which degrades quality significantly. Even a good upscaler (TV, Framemeister, or otherwise) will have trouble making any good use of such a poor signal.

Yeah, component, the video is 3 cables by itself, I haven't used it in years though.

Yeah there you go, YPbPr, which is just slightly lower quality than the original RGB signal. So if you plug in a PS2 for example using YPbPr and you think it looks fine and plays fine, then you don't need an extra upscaler like a Framemeister. If the result is a disaster though, then it's either get an upscaler or a CRT.

Oh and I just remembered that some games like to change their resolution on the fly, which can really fuck up external upscalers. Common example would be Silent Hill on PS1, where the gameplay is 240p but then the menus are 480i. On a CRT you don't even notice the change, but on an HDTV or upscaler you usually end up with a momentary loss of signal as is tries to adjust how it interprets the new signal. Pretty annoying, but I suppose not a total deal breaker.

Figured I might as well actually answer the OP in here. Ace Combat: Joint Assault. It's not that good compared to everything that came before it.

Do Rhythm games have a problem in being emulated or am I just shit at playing them now

Emulation does inherently cause input latency too. Some systems have it worse than others (looking at you, N64). So if you have emulation latency + LCD screen latency, you're gonna have a bad time.

I see. I just wanted to play some Bust a Groove on the PS1, and I was having trouble playing it.

Been playing F-Zero X Expansion Kit

Emulating pic related. Runs well so far.

Oh good an emulation thread.
How do I emulate Metal Gear Solid? I've tried the Win95 and PSX emulators but nothing has worked. Maybe it's the fact that I have a shitty laptop or maybe I just set it up wrong but no matter what it won't work.
Pic unrelated, or maybe it is,

Playing Code Veronica X on PCSX2
Pretty fun if a bit ugly.

Whatever PS1 emulator you are using will require a PS1 bios file to run properly.

original hardware works pretty good, or one of the re-releases on ps3, for example.

You niggers deserve to have your dying monitors, consoles and scalers.

emulation is about as laggy as it gets for playing games. There is so much basic overhead with windows that you're going to be experiencing several frames of lag, even on emulators that attempt to minimize it as best they can. There are hard limits in windows that prevent this from getting better.

you thought a framemeister would cost 2 grand, shut up retard and enjoy being mocked.

Oh right, instead it's sold for a bargain price of a new console with just the scalpers selling them in the thousands, yeah what a fucking bargain. Make a hardware thread and kill yourself nigger.

you won't stop being a joke, and I'm going to be loving it

You hardware cucks will always be financially retarded and move goalposts, and I'll always laugh at you.

are you emulating zsnes on a $300 pc too or something

When's Reicast going to be ported to retro arc for the Vita?

I did.
It still fucked up.

Do you mean you've tried emulating Win95? The version from the share thread worked for me on Win7 64-bit with no fiddling.

Oh sorry, didn't know you were using your state of the art 15 inch PVM that will die eventually

What are you talking about? Is this more goalpost moving?

Nope, I use a bunch of them on a computer I've spent 800 bucks on upgrading over the course of 4 years that also serves for a bunch other purposes besides.

In other words, I'm not a retard who spends thousands within a single endeavor on dying hardware that will require even more money to keep running with only a handful of enthusiasts who manufacture shit in limited quantities.

What emu?

how plebe can you be? Do you always sperg out when someone changes the subject or is it just about playing games on consoles

You have two choices
Mednafen or PCSXR-PGXP
Mednafen is practically drag and drop to play as long as you have bios and PCSXR-PGXP requires some fiddling to install and run but allows hardware accelerated emulation.

How about posting an actual argument then champ instead of changing the subject for like the fourth time. You post like a nigger.

Stop replying to the retard

I'm waiting for you to start son, why do you think framemeisters cost $2000? You posted a video that said they weren't. You wouldn't be so dumb to intentionally contradict yourself in the post where you deliver your original point, would you? $800 sure is a lot to spend. I wonder how you could afford it as a jobless neet.

Anyone miss Humba Wumba?

Because the video showed it you retarded nigger

Over the course of four years and having different jobs, it's not much. Especially considering I don't just use my PC for vidya.

Go make a hardware thread and enjoy justifying your wasted money there.

Liked her tits in Tooie but the redesign launches her into waifu-tier

Perhaps I'm failing to understand something, but is the purpose of a Framemeister to make your old games look like you're using a CRT, but on a modern TV?
Why would anyone buy that instead of just getting a nice CRT monitor?

I prefer full native tbh. I've never been a fan of country attire and I can't help but feel like they redesigned her because they thought they might offend somebody.

It's supposed to reduce input lag and properly scale old 240p games to 1080p (as most HDTVs have poor scaling for video below standard definition and the scaling technology for analog inputs introduces lag) which I'll admit is a nice feature but it will cost you.

Seems to me like it appeals to a very particular market of people who want their games to look nice, but who can't afford the space requirements of multiple TVs/monitors and are willing to pay a premium for a solution.
In other words, Japanese people. Seems like the only reason Americans in American-sized building would want it is faggotry, since CRT monitors are definitely cheaper.

Just looking it up now, I've been able to find them in the range of 300 dollars in multiple places but ebay has prices in the thousands, where the fuck did he get those prices?

Because they're either too lazy to pick up a CRT, don't have the money to buy a nonshit PVM, or they're hyper casuals that only have it hooked up to their most current television because they're trying to cash in on the nerd craze and want to look like they know more than they actually do.

and it also showed $300 ones. You may want to reserve the calls of stupidity for yourself, considering your own "proof" isn't working for you.

I'd really hate to be so poor that spending $800 over the course of 4 years is "not much" rather than something I did in a month.

Wow what a steal

That my proof being the framemeister being a waste of money? Yeah, I think I've prooved that

I wonder what its like to be a poor slav like you, im glad im not such a dumb faggot as well.

Gonna try this first thanks for the suggestion.

And if that doesn't work I'll try this thanks.

You sure type like one.

Is retroarch easy to use?
Im looking to play some ps1 games while i have my laptop hooked up to my tv.

The UI and settings might take a moment to get used to but Retroarch is largely painless.

If you can figure out how to use a computer you can figure out how to use retroarch.

Stop working at McDonalds.

While a framemeister can make it look somewhat like a CRT, what I prefer it to do is make the games look emulation quality while still coming out of the original hardware. For the record I own a CRT and a PVM too but I still say most games look better on my old 720p monitor coming through the framemeister (and the lag really isn't noticeable, at least not on my monitor, and I say that having played Shenmue 1 & 2 recently and never missed a single QTE).

Sure is if you're doing anything post 5th gen not including PS1

KEK. Sure, if I wanted input lag like a faggot. Who doesn't own a CRT?

There's no emulation thread and I can't find an answer with a search engine, so I'll ask my question here:

When using PS2 BIOS for PSCX2, does it matter which region BIOS I use? I found all 3, but the games I have downloaded are split between the three regions.
If there's no region-free, is it possible to select all 3 BIOS files and the emulator checks each BIOS against the game to find the one that works?

PS2 was not region locked. Bios largely don't matter.

Oh neat.
I didn't think it was region-locked, but I googled to make sure, and someone on neogaf said it was, so I hurried around looking for all 3.

Teach me to not look before I click a link.


>itt buttblasted cuckretardfags

Vita homebrew devs recently got basic access to the console's GPU, so it kind of opens the possibility of N64, Dreamcast and better PS1 Emulation. It will be a long ass time until that happens, though.

It takes some minutes to figure out the cores system. After that, it's easy as hell and you'll love it. Now It has a nice XMB UI with themes


PS2 is region locked, especially between NTSC and PAL systems. Even then switching bios between systems is simple and can be done in 2 seconds.

Sonic Color with 60fps hax

Also to anyone wanting to emulate GC or Wii, get the Ishiiruka Stable version of Dolphin. Works best for me.

Amazing. Can't wait for portable Project Justice.

How well does it handle F-Zero GX on Sand Ocean?

Not sure. I'll give F-Zero a try and post back with a webm.

Ah fuck I took my chipped PS2 being able to play both PAL and NTSC releases as granted.

F-Zero seems to run flawless but I only tried it on Mute City. Is Sand Ocean known to run shittily?

4 Heroes of Life. Just started. I like the turn based mechanic.

this looks like the fucking final fnatasy 3 ds cutscene only a weirder artstyle

Emulating is illegal, retards.

We're obviously playing backups of games we have legally purchased.

You sound new to emulating GX.

Go and see for yourself.


I am new to GX, never really got into F-Zero. Sand Ocean seemed to work fine though on Ishiiruka Stable v740. 1080p 60fps.

Here's a webm. I scaled it down to 720p when converting so the video would be longer and you can see just how shit I am at the game

fucking webm converter gimped out, it wasn't desynced when I was playing

Only time I've had trouble with emulating stuff, was years ago I tried emulating final fantasy since I never got the chance to play it, and I think it froze at a cutscene and there was no way to get past that.
Tried emulating conker's bad fur day some years ago too, no input was detected with a keyboard and I couldn't get my controller detected.
Haven't tried emulating either one of them since, been emulating gameboy games since that's about as fun as my netbook can get, but found a weird bug in the build of the gameboy emulator where it cant handle combining down+right+jump which completely stopped my progress in wario land 3 in the second map, but that bug seems specific to the version of gambatte_sdl in gentoo's repo. Visualboyadvance never works right for some reason, it plays the games sped-up every time.


Is it possible to remap buttons to my mouse?

Use some other controller plugin

Ace combat 4 and some Smt shit.
Any tips for making the textures in AC4
look less like ass?

Playing in software mode, with frameskip set to 1-1 if your PC is too shit to run it. 4 is still not fixed, only 5 and 6 are mostly fixed in the latest daily builds.
Also, if I remember correctly MTVU (on the speedhacks page) slows shit down for AC games, so try turning that off too. Not 100% sure on that one though.

The Amy in Sonic 3&K romhack

Alright, I'll try it tonight.
Thanks, man.