Mount & Blade

did i do good?

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damn mofo i bout tah PoP a cap in yuh azz feel me?

No, money is very easy to make anyways and Qualis Gems are very useful.

>get complaints about Jatu this is really the only one that isn't surprising in the slightest


Can someone explain to me why Persino is the only mod that put effort into waifus?

You took the worthless money over a Qualis gem? Nigger, what did you do?

i still have the save with ithiderwatever as a prisoner, i just wanted to be rich for once

What is it that you hate about the game?
I have 3000 hours plus in this shit.

It's insanely repetitive, grindy and takes forever to finish. I have 1400 hours but large amount was spent on multiplayer, now that's actually fun.

He dun fucked up.

One of the devs wanted to fuck a forumite trannie and inserted princess shit and female troops in spades.

This is exactly why the player should be king.

What I really hate about pop though is A: claimant plays are not viable and B: the motherfucking elves are cheap as fuck.

I really want to like Brytenwalda, but unless you cheat to level up it's near impossible to get far in the game. Tier 1 units you recruit from villages are level 15, meaning you need to be 15 or higher in order for training to work. Sure there are mercenaries, but good look hiring any in Ireland that aren't the same units you can recruit in villages. Now even with an army good luck finding bandits to fight, as either they're too fast, too good, or too many.

I'm thinking of going back to Floris and actually conquering the whole map this time, something I was getting close to doing, but by the time only three other factions there was nothing stopping me from winning.

That's not how it works, Satan. One week of grinding jatu will get you around 40.000 and all the men you can recruit. If you wanna do anything fun in the game you need a Qualis gem. You know why you get the option between 100.000 and a Qualis? It's because the gem is worth that much.

Companions with pretenders especially are really strong with some of them being fairly high leveled aka they can train both you and your troops at the same time. Otherwise it's your bog standard mountain blade experience except archers and cavalry suck ass.

I don't play pop, what does the shitty gem do

Gives you access to the best weapons, gives you a potion that gives you +2 str,dex,cha and weapon skill also gives you access to a secret item store.

So many things. Also a secret to get really good troops.

I was thinking of enlisting in an army until I'm in the mid 20s or low 30s. It'll be easy enough experience as all I have to do is wait until the two shield walls clash and start killing people from behind. I'll also get relationship bonuses with the lords of the factions I'm enlisted in. By the time I'm ready to leave the army, both my Persuasion and Training will be high enough to build a decent small to medium sized warband.

For one it allows you to found (custom) knight orders, also so much other shit.

maybe I should give it another try. Stopped playing after getting enraged with rogue knights being ignored by my allies and raping my shitty troops. Got any tips lads?

Horse archery with Noldor gear

Also works but frankly I can't stand brytenwalda tier mods. Those spics have something like 5-6 mods that while interesting play the same, with the same units across all bloody factions and the same (admittedly high quality) assets bashed and rehashed ad naseum.

Don't pillage and don't joust, but get a blunt tip lance and go wild enslaving bandits. Also unless they changed something marriage and diplomacy in general are shit tier useless. So save up, get that rtr rolling and king up.

Invest points in looting, inv. management, leadership and trainer. Become a mercenary for either the Ravenstern, D'shar or Sarleon, the other two are trash. Start participating in battles and getting friends (this will help you when you want a fief). Once you become the marshal you can lead the kingdom to fight the big armies.

What mods would you recommend then?

Shit user, I don't know what works for you but I don't believe you can go wrong with Gekokujo: Sugoroku edition.

Don't start in Ireland.

Alternatively you could just start your character with +8 to looting and +3 to inventory management so you wouldn't have to bother levelling either of them up. The hidden benefit of that is that the options you need to take to get that set your rumor interval to the minimum, meaning you can get cheap as fuck units quicker.

But I'm 25% potato master race. :^)

However, every time I've dabbled with Brytenwalda, Ireland is quickly gobbled up by Mumain, making Ireland all the harder to conquer.

Holy hell, anyone tried the new persino?,359948.0.html

>your own hassle free knight order mercenary company you can equip on the fly

Has Viking Conquest been finished yet?


It's already out on Steam if that's what you're asking. I'd play it if it weren't for my laptop being a piece of shit. I could build my own gaming rig, but I'm waiting for Bannerlord's spec requirements to come out.

They aren't gonna be that huge, and I imagine TW made it a point to make the game as scalable as possible considering how popular their game is among countries where the majority of the playerbase plays on potatoes. I imagine that Chinese internet cafes also play a major role.

Still, if you have the patience to wait it out then good for you, because the game isn't gonna be released for at least another 12 months.

More like another 12 more years.

I like to stay optimistic. Then again, they're taking their sweet fucking time releasing the game, it better blow my mind when it comes out.

I mean money comes really easy in PoP and you can find those gems elsewhere too, but as far as I know that guys sword is unique.

Aight faggots so whats the changes between 3.81 and 3.82?

Mainly a 0.01 :^)

i already had a rune bastard sword that had similar stats to his sword, and if you pick his sword he will stop being on the map and go back into hiding. I didn't want him to be gone forever.

You still want elven CKO gear and you can only get it from the noldor lords. Plus they are a guaranteed spawn meaning they're a steady supply of qualis gems and LOADSEMONE once you can mount a force twice the size of theirs by the way of marshal.
And like said, they despawn forever when you take their weapons.

yeah, it's pretty good
the giants take forever to level though, better off just spamming glad champs til you can rescue high tier cav

No I don't.



The screenshot was made before Trumps ascension.

Does the option to re-name even exist?
I'll have to check.

It's not about finishing.

He was actually doing really well beforehand, though his honor was horrific as he kept pillaging everyones towns except for swadia. Managed to teach him how to take tasks for nobles as well. He was rich as fuck though, since town pillaging is so profitable. Now if only he'd just upgrade to the vastly superior polearms like longaxes.

Are there any major differences between PC and console Mountain Blade or is it generally the same?
Obviously except the lack of mods

Much the same from what i've seen, except for no mods. I couldn't find any differences. The controls seem less convenient but thats the sacrifice of a mouse and keyboard, but that's the only real difference I noticed.

There is one option i forgot in the op. You can also choose to "learn the secrets of his armor" which gives your knighthood noldor armor.

You really fucked up here

It ain't ever coming out, son.

What do you guys think of str and agi vs int and cha builds. Seeing how even with 10 powerstrike and ironflesh you'll never be a one man army you're better off with more troops that are of better quality. Still I wish charisma and leadership were worth more investing in. I mean you're better off in most cases just investing in strength and agility to a point, with the rest in intelligence as renown is free.

Leadership is worth investing in as it reduces your wages.

You wanna go str+agi+cha in PoP fam.
for maximum munchkin you wanna have them all 3 at 21, chug 3 elixirs and then just wait for random gibsmedats and read books while dumping every point in int

Only by 5% per leadership, adding up to 50% with 10 leadership. Though it's not exactly hard to be rich by the time you have a large army.

I haven't really played PoP that much. It's almost as hard as Brytenwalda starting out, though I heard it gets easier mid game. Any tips on getting gud?

it really isnt
roll 9 looting and youve got yourself an extremely easy start

Mounted Ravenstern archers are amazing. Quick to train, has ranged weapons and decent in melee.
Farm Jatu in mid game, as long as you survive their first charge you can kill them easily.

PoP is trash

You really don't need more then 5 in either. Weaponmaster and a quality weapon will provide all the damage you need and comparatively end game armor and good horse/athletics will provide that survivability.

I found the best to be maiden/heroine adventurers, although they're quite expensive. Took over the Empire with 100 heroines and 50 maidens, but they'd already been fucked over pretty badly by the 3 snake cult armies and the D'Shar. The mounted Ravenstern rangers are pretty good for training up a couple hundred quickly then dumping onto a militia patrol.

Mounted RA are better because they're so much cheaper. HA tend to be better for end game rather than early game.

They are, but if you become a mercenary for a faction, you can build up a decent sized army of them and the majority of the army wages will be paid through the merc pay. Then you just become a vassal, take a town on your own with them, demand it, and continue until you tell the king to fuck off.

What the fuck is THIS shit?
I should have the first pick at the loot, but apparently i need to have an equal force to get good loot fucking REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

It works both ways.

Christ, no saving and quit runs can fucking make you want to quit playing forever

Bump with nord rage

forgot to bump