Game features we will never see again

Holla Forums Why doesn't The injustice series have heroic brutalities?

Those were fucking terrible but DC vs MK was a pretty amusing curiosity i'll give you that, a perfect game to play with friends for a few chuckles.

Those were only in because MK characters had finishers. Otherwise it doesn't make any sense for heroes to do shit like that


They gave it an in-game explanation, though.

It hurts. MK is now 2edgy4u instead of the goody stuff it used to be. What the fuck happened? John Tobias left? Ed Boon drank the Kool-Aid?

What was that in-gay explanation then?

Felt great beating the shit out of Batman i'm so tired of this Gary Stu character and yeah choosing a different way to finish your opponent in a non gory way was a cool option


DC heroes aren't supposed to kill

I miss the "good games" feature that vidya lacks nowadays.



still some of those seem excessive to my taste, wouldn't they just had to immobilize the other character? green lantern specially, and WW specially, but whatevers

as for the OP Dante from the Devil May Cry series

Because fatalities are MK's gimmick, and are little more than fancy win poses at that.
There is no meaningful precedent for Injustice having them, and they are largely fluff, so they don't have much reason to bother implementing them, especially considering they already seem to go nuts with supers anyways.

Cheat codes.

It's just fatalities except without the blood and gore what's the point faggot


So are there any other games with Bloodborne's transforming weapon mechanic? Because I really like that mechanic and I would love to see it in a different game.

Monster Hunter has two weapons that can transform, the Switch Axe and Charge Blade. Funny enough they're also worlds apart in difficulty to play.

The explanation have something to do with the color of their eyes. It was some kind of shit that was affecting both universe and filling people with rage or some shit like that, that's why Super heroes went excessive and that glow was one of the main points of the game. Honestly, I don't remember that much.

it's just fatality without mutaliting and massacring the other guy

I just looked it up. Shao Khan and Darkseid got fused together by both being blasted into a portal at the same time, and as a result the two universes got fused as well. The rage comes from the influence of Dark Khan, and yes, all of this is real.

There will never be a fighting game based on the Amalgam universe
You will never see Super Soldier, Iron Lantern or Doctor Strangefate in a video game outside of shitty MUGEN characters

why do kikes need to suck the life out of everything