Skate 4

Skate 4



Was Skate 3 good?

Tony Hawk 5 went so well, I'm sure a reputable company like EA will be able to out do them

No thanks

EA sucks


Umaru a shit

There was a Skate 3?

The ONLY way they could ever make it fun is if they release another buggy mess. But if they do it with the intention of being a buggy mess, it just becomes another goat simulator.

sadly, yes

Yeah, no thanks.

U r a cheeky lil bastid I tell ya


Not particularly relevant, but Dan Lingen used to work at Destructoid. It's weird how many in the industry have connections to that dump.


It was a downgrade in every conceivable way from Skate 2, so no.

Tony Hawk went so "well" because it's fucking Tony Hawk. The series hasn't been relevant since AW, and the vast string of shit titles after that, as well as the garbage HD remake, further buried the series and and turned people off from it forever.

Skate has taken nearly all of the Tony Hawk fanbase now.

poor condiment

There is no way this game would NOT be shit under EA so who cares

Video game journalists replaced the devs, you can tell since they're shit at their job along with everything else in their subhuman lives.

Dont forget obnoxious political agenda insertion, EA started doing that shit too.

man, i hope a new, GOOD or at least decent skating game gets made some time soon. of course, we won't be able to talk about it on v/ due to all of the inevitable shitposters but man, it's been so long since a good skating game was made


I doubt it'd be console exclusive since EA wants to push origin and shit now.

Black Box is dead and Skate 3 became a meme game due to Helix Snake breaking that rushed piece of shit.

Skate 3 was shit, the OG devs are dead and EA is trash.
No hope


this. the jew will infect skate


Reminder than the THUGpro mod is the last good skateboarding game that will come out.

How does this fell, fellow anons?

Where the fuck do you see an attempt at hype in the OP?
Not even the twitter post had any energy in it. It's purely a hashtag.

oh my fuck

Nigga you dumb.

nah mark is just like most of us. that guy in the background

Ha ha no

It's more likely than you think.



I only played Skate 3 and enjoyed it. Plus, the earlier Skate games ran like shit on the PS3 if I remember correctly. I played a few minutes of Skate 1 on PS3, it runs so slow.

Loved the soundtrack in Skate 3 as well. Cigarette Machine is an amazing song.

Ah yeah, I liked Skate 3, but fuck. The JewTube community ruined it, plus the fact people use glitches online for massive scores.

Well you cant be the masterace, just try to be better than a beast

I wish skating games would try to have more of a sense of adventure to them
Nailing tricks is fun, but finding spots is like half of the experience, and in these games that generally amounts to fast traveling to a point on the map or trying to glitch your way up to a normally inaccessible area

I hope it's good

i didn't enjoy it as much as the previous games but that's probably because it was just more of the same


Does Skate have a good story?

I only play games about sports i don't like with good stories.

which games about sports have good stories?

Did they freeze Obama's face or something during the inauguration? He didn't change expression at all during those 4 frames.

Which is why Luggage Lad totally scored with that one stalker chick, right?


To think that was all so long ago.

I don't suppose, assuming what OP's quoting is some official account, that someone could tweet this image that way?

cuck as fuck

It existed only as a meme game because of how fucking glitchy it was.

Tony Hawks Underground 1,2 and American Wasteland had pretty good stories.
Or at least THUG 1's was good enough that pretty much everyone who played it shares a common hatred for Eric Sparrow.

learn your Holla Forums lore

THUG1's story was pretty good, but THUG2 can suck a dick. It was pretty much "Viva La Bam Ft. Tony Hawk", and for some reason Bam Margera put on this weird voice that sounded like he was trying to do a bad impression of himself.

Sounds pretty Jewish to me.


I'm still uncircumcised you know.

But I'm not.


Here's Sam Hyde taking a picture with Mark.


I will outjew a jew if I have to, but I am careful with what I do. I gaze into the abyss while wearing reflective shades.

i think just l changed his gay name but it did happen, its pretty meme

I feel like im having a stroke reading this and english isnt even my main language


Shoo shoo, jew.

Are you drunk?

Season 2 when though

We got a lot of jewish acting faggots on this board don't lie you piece of shit.