WEBM thread

Last one hit page 13. Time to begin anew.

Other urls found in this thread:


This is a gondola thread now.

Anyone got a webm of the midget screaming Topkek?















Who makes all those gondola webms?




Ylilauta, probably.














Come on, that second one deserves music






Christ Jesus calls you to repentance and reconciliation to Him. Come home.



Fuck off Christcuck



Thanks for adding something.

Not webm



Not webm

If GondolAnon can dump his mountainous load of slick Gondolas (so long as its webm), I can post webms freely as well.

Now post a webm or repent


This likely crazy millionaire celeb is starving for attention, even if it lands him in prison (again).

Shame he didn't learn anything about real art.
Hollywood is so evil that it's possible he was serially raped by old producers into the mess he is today


that's pretty gay user


Nobody posts the same 30 gondola webms on every single thread.


why are you shitting up the thread with your trash webms no one will watch them
the kikiest fucking thing in the world tbh m8


let's keep it vidya user.


No they post the same webms otherwise.

Why are you so asspained?
Unless I start posting vids promoting zionism, you are still merely asspained



This made me nostalgic for my uncles. Classic guys like this are a gem for a hilarious time.

All educational institutions are kikey, mate.




That's fine, every once in a while. Not every day.

ass pained about what? your webms are shit

nigger pragur university DOES promote zionism they have a vid about how important israel is, you cock gobbling faggot


Not to me, but hey.
I don't post these everyday either.

I'm a random encounter.

And you're under-leveled.

He remind me Soprano guy.


If they're so terrible then ignore them, like you ignore the Gondola posts

Besides, you're not even posting vidya

sauce on the summer song?

forgot webm

nigger stop baiting

Checked but wrong user

These are the only video game webms in this thread. 8 out of 80 posts. If you aren't one of these posters please kill yourselves or leave this board.



meant to spoiler that

Joe Hisaishi - Day Of The River. Its from Spirited Away.


at that moment user knew, he fucked up


here let's try that again.

Cool vidya webms, ribbitors.




The fuck is that



it's a from 2008 called GAMER






Yu-Gi-Oh Season Zero was the Peak anyway. Maybe the Manga was even better but I haven't gotten to it yet.

Season Zero actually fit the Title of King Of Games. Every episode Yami Yugi would challenge someone to a Game of Darkness with Rules he usually made up on the Spot. Duel Monsters was only when Kaiba was involved. the game itself were tests to Judge peoples Character. When Yugi's opponent Cheats which they almost always Do they mind would Break and they're most evil aspect would over take them and Destroy them Mentally.

It was much better then (Draws Card) "JUST THE CARD I NEEDED!" (wins duel)

no sound. why is there no sound.



I thought you were only allowed at most 3 of the same card?
If I saw that correctly Super Polymerization just turned them all into fusion material for the 5 headed dragon?
I had no idea how powerful Super Polymerization was.
That was brutal







I think that in the manga, he doesn't fail and gets lot on fire.



yeah from what I'v Seen the Manga is almost completely different with the Games.





god damn, that's hideous. CRTs don't look like that.



I dont remember that from space rangers



Are you the same user who made the same comment with that same pic when I first posted that webm 2 months ago.



If it has a penis your gay, traps are gay.

Invading circlejerks and putting them back in their place. Noice.

It's viscerally terrifying to imagine narcissism in women, and what aging does to them. Lord have mercy.



user is right you know


Liek a seriously? This is refuges trying to steal car?

So I Started watching Duckman recently and I love it so i made a bunch of webms



There's two people playing on either side who switch in and out, so a grand total of six Quasars on the field.




worse , trying to steal atruck








nigga what r u doin?

when I recorded it a while ago I forgot to enable audio for some reason sorry.



Presumably they want to jump in the back and hitch a lift to the UK, but you'd think they would find a more subtle approach. Imagine a country so terrible that you would mob a lorry to flee to the UK.

Even if they sound weird to me, any south american dub sounds a hundred times better than anything made here


You have to go back

The game is shit anyways

Try re reading my post

battlefield 1 is a failure on every level but man does it make for great webms









What game is this


I meant in the sense of: is it a simulator, or arcade, or what?


Simulator; made by a Jap pilot living here in the US. It runs on even the most toaster of toaster computers and was released originally in 1999 while being updated to this day and having an active community behind it.


Also what I'm posting now isn't YSFlight but Simpleplanes, a sandbox make-your-own plane game with some rudimentary flying physics, so you have to know what you're doing to build a plane. We had a multiplayer/memebuilding thread back in October for about a week before it petered out.


Threads were shit tbh

SUPER FUSION. What an awesome play but why did he have 5 Quasars?

Maybe you joined wrong because I recall there being a bug when connecting
since, you know, I hosted the server
Though really I rather play YSFlight with a bunch of anons. There are public and private servers available but those are mostly just hardcore pilot geeks who fly commercial planes.

fuck yeah rekt'd some normalfags.

They didn't die you stupid fuck


i see unmoving bodies on the ground after the rest escape

also chill out dipshit.


They were only wounded, look up the story and you would see that.



Also I just noticed


well that sucks, fucking retard stages a school shooting and kills not a single normalfag. what a waste of time.


Well considering he missed that fucking first shot to the head he's a fucking retard who can't aim.




kinda unfortunate the thumbnails ruin the surprise



I'm getting some strong normalfag vibes from this opening. Is that what they were going for?

that's a good question, for some reason the webm won't download from YT with sound










If i wasn't so angry i would call myself jealous



I am jealous as fuck





Mark probably dropped spaghetti on a industrial scale



Mark doesn't deserve to gaze upon a god.







what is up with you autistic anime fags and these stupid videos.






what's up with this forced meme.




What do you mean, force meme? All of these webms were made by different kinds of drawsfags and then music was added by others anons.
This was a community effort to shitpost.



He is a newfag, he doesn't know any better.


Okay that was too funny so I can't shit on the bad animation



We doing MMD now?








literally who






just watch it nigga


You're new here aren't you?






This is a video games board, not a mobage board.

9:00 why is she making it sound as if it's a bad thing.

The design of that mecha is atrocious. I know they gave her a magical shield, but how can you justify your pilot, and the comands being outside of the vehicle? There people developed Starcraft, and didn't included this bullshit.




He's borking in heaven now






I'd make the argument it's more of a power armor than a full on mecha, and the motorcycle style cockpit is sorta neat. Also from a lore standpoint they could say since originally the MEKA units were unmanned drones that the retrofit into manned units was sorta quickly and sloppily done. After all in the same universe you have Russia developing giant piloted mecha.



You aren't wrong: only a shitter would play War Shitter and fly in third person



I stopped playing a year back.

It grows increasinly terrible by the patch, moved onto DCS.

It was terrible to begin with, why did you bother? I mean yeah I played back when it was in beta (or just early on, w/e) because Fighter Ace closing down left a hole in my WWII flying game heart and Aces High was meh. It was absolute dogshit even then.

it's still a forced meme you fucking idiots, Every thread you retards spend no time posting it.

Well, they have teleporters, force fields and nanomachines, son. Can't say I am surprised Russia went all Pacific Rim and that a battle vehicle can work exposing the driver to everything.


Can someone explain warthunder to me? It's supposed to be a simulator but the planes flip about like they're tied to stunt wires? What's the appeal?

I just wish i had the autism to be creative. I have the worst imagination of anyone i know.


Even so i don't see a problem with it. All it is some OC with comfy music playing.
And it boosts the moral of drawfags seeing their shitty art being turned into something more than that.

Why are webm threads filled with Holla Forums shit?

Free to play, grindy, arcade mode is for plebs and has no physics whatsoever, even Ace Combat is more realistic. Realisitic mode is for plebs who think they're good pilots after dumping hundreds of dollars to get lions and their uber super tier planes. Also Russian bias is real and tank autists also have an outlet in the tank game.

Why do you suck dicks?


if the creator of watamote noticed us
what are the fucking chances of seeing a senpainoticedme of love live and siivagunner shitposting

I'm trying to fix it

Oh cool, I'm glad I never touched it. Thanks for explaining it to me though.


cause fuck you

I don't even know man






have you been living under a rock

No I just don't care about Watamote


i have suggested that song for the last like five Holla Forums sings and always get voted down





what a bunch of fucking faggots






Who tf is omar



some guy that saw a Craig List ad where someone was offering free blowjobs at the HWNDU site and went there to check it out



What a champ




Poor Omar.
So did he get his blowjob?


What anime is this?



this and those videos where the cock accidentally goes out of the pussy and goes full force into the butthole is what gets my jimmies rustling.

We may never know

You faggots make me sick.


user, I think you need to redo that math.




Dat first one, oh fuck I know future-her, what a wreck it's gonna be.

Sleep tight Pupper.

So did you filter me or something?




They're trying to jump on the back of his truck, they'd never get anywhere stealing it there, he's heading into a port, fucking vermin want burning off like rats, who the fuck ever told them they were welcome here? They're in for a surprise.




What did you even expect people to do? Seriously, I want to know.


I can't watch that. I tried, but I just can't.
This is cringe in a level that I can't deal with.

Post the original clip from the end.

I wish there was a game about owning medieval fantasy tavern where you feed heroes and share stories with travelers.

i feel like there actually was one but can't remember what it was called. you owned and managed a tavern and could expand your wares and such. recettear is close

What is this?

C'mon. This game on steam or kikestarter?




I think it's Second Life.



fuck you kike. they are the reason their country is such shit and they want to ruin other european countries

Alex Jones is my spirit animal



non vidya webms are the only reason i still visit this awful board


I thought that was the original.


Also source for those webms if anyone cares.


Niggas whom'st listeneth to yonder English folk ballads be'eth woke.




i always wondered where it was from, thanks man






What's that rifle he starts using at about 0:45 in? That sounds wonderful.

It's a krag jorgensen. It was the US' service rifle for a short period up until shortly after WWI got started.

I might have some bad news for you.

I fucking hate you

The amount of replies made me watch, expecting this to be better.

What event was this?

Isn't that SmegmaKing?

What is this from?

Some shitty anime about doppelgangers and how if you see yours, you die. Don't worry, you aren't missing anything. Loli getting smashed by a truck is the highlight of the show.


Whoah there, we need to build the wall not a gay wall


It could be because they're bluepilled normalfags. It doesn't necessarily mean they mean there's a Jew intentionally misguiding the goyim.



video games






Anyone here willing to webm some vsauce videos? Michael does cool videos, but they're usually 10+ minutes so I'd need some skilled webm wizards to convert them.