Planetside 2:Last one online lock the door

I guess everyone got burned out and now are playing other equally shit games eh?

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Planetside 2 is like a really slow dumpster fire

I'm playing insurgency, emulating some old shit and taking the time to overclock my hardware.

I'm still playing. I have an NC and VS char now.
Each faction has its quirks and I love me some harassers and each faction's specific harasser weapons are neat.
I honestly regret maining TR. Everything about them is boring but their pub squads are alright.

Dont listen to vs propaganda

Have fun when vanu doesn't smile upon you.

Been busy with real life shit, haven't played for almost 2 fucking months, will try to get on if Gaybreak does another big update or anniversary cert festival, if you fags are still playing.

Stop playing shitty games.

For the most part no.

You faggots went back in like october/november when it needed another month or two before we should have came back in full force. You have to let this shit die for awhile and let the itch get to clap levels of itching before we get back on it. You people get scratchy before the mosquito hah even bit.

I was promised an update.
I came back and the update wasn't there, so I left again.
Daybreak needs to fix their shit.

I eat enough garlic and onions that the smell of death keeps the mosquitos away.

If Gaybreak ever updates it I'd come back

They have a new sundie gun and new implant system on the test server.

Just a random question: If I want a TR gun for engineer that's good at plinking away at a distance, what should I get? Rather suspicious of the battle rifles tbh.

Yeah, battle rifles are shit.
I recommend the ns-11c but that's a NS weapon, if you really want a TR-themed one get the t5-amc. They're both carbines for long range combat and have advantages and disadvantages over one another but i feel like the ns-11c wins.

I really wish I had more time to play with you faggots a bit.

So many things to do, so little timeā€¦

I will never enjoy planetside's shooting. I don't know why but not matter the machine I play it on it will always feel extremely terrible and janky as hell to the point I struggle tracking infantry.

Combine that with infantry versus vehicle balance being a complete joke and becoming even more of joke daily because they thought c4 faeries needed extra armor damage with the grenade launcher thing, and I simply will never enjoy this game.

But that's how it is

I hear this alot in other games too, just what is it you want? That a single person can counter all the vehicles in the opposite team?

A good game.
The first planetside did it really well although almost nobody who was in it's development took part in making planetside 2 because sony just told everyone to fuck off, hired a separate company to develop the game then built a team of nobodies to maintain and update it so they could spend less in it's development.

Well aint that a good description.
Give specifics why it was better in the first one, I've never played it.

a new gun isn't really a whole lot of new content

Are you for real nigger?

Let me walk you through this, I'm complaining that a class that is already very effective with c4, a weapon that instantly destroys MBT's and sunderers, got more ways to damage armor, and you honestly think that I want a single class that destroys all armor? Are you that retarded? If so this is the game for you you mongoloid.

I was playing a couple weeks and there were big fights and good platoon leaders who gave orders and shit, then the game just died. It was great and then I think last week it just slowed down and I had trouble finding big fights.

I'd be against them introducing new shitty guns that they'll just make op as fuck and cost 1000 certs so tards buy with real life shekels. They should first focus on making it so people with overclocked high end cpus and high end gpus don't get 40fps on absolute lowest settings, and all the fucking bugs (hit detection still not fixed after 3 years)

I personally still feel like infantry should be more effective against vehicles, but giving the light asshat a rocket launcher is just retarded

Holiday season?

C4 is literally the problem, nerf it's damage, lower the cost, and suddenly it doesn't destroy infantry versus vehicle balance and it can actually be used in more interesting and fun ways because of it's lower cost, fucking simple.

But no, even when they silently tested on ptr 2 c4 leaving a MBT burning instead of destroyed, there was an uproar and the devs listened, not only are the devs terrible but the fucking players are too terrible and a complete cancer to any hope of improving this game. At the end of the day buzzcuttautist was fucking right.

Is there deployable cover yet?

I didn't play this in a while. Why does the Light Assault have a portable rocket launcher?

Your local MAX unit.

HC1 Cougar, T5-AMC, or NS-11C. The NS is pretty much just a worse T5 aside from ADS move speed multiplier. Cougar is great at mid range but underwhelming up close, T5 is more well-rounded. Battle rifles are just shitty scout rifles, but if you need more range than what the Cougar gives you then your only options are that or maybe the anti-materiel rifle.

The battle rifle (as well as the semiauto scout rifles) is only really useful when you're running an infilshitter mindset by throwing a 6x scope due to it not having scope sway, or using them only for attacking people with low health or low shields. They work best at 3.4/4/6 zoom distance if you want to pick them up at some point, but otherwise they're a waste of certs. I auraxed the SOAS-20, being the full auto only scout rifle, and it's one of my favorite guns in the game.

That's missing the point of planetside. Farming infantry with the vehicles is the only entertaining aspect of the game. Taking away MAXes, tanks and aircraft leaves only a lackluster shooter that gives a significant advantage to laggy players. The lag advantage is further exacerbated by US East being the server of choice for the Russians and Chinese.

I still have the formatted pasta for the potato mode if there's enough interest in picking it back up.

So they could kill vehicles better rather than being stuck with pushing vehicles into smoking health with your c4.

OP, maybe if you laid off on PS2 until next month, I'd play. At the moment, I'm not really interested.

My point was that saying such blanket statements does nothing, give suggestions on what should be done instead of just kvetching like a jew.

I've seen this sort of shit in many games and its pretty much always people who main infantry vs people who main tanks and the real issue is both are asspained they cant wreck the other 100% of the time.

Oh shit running solo in a tank and got c4'd because of lack of awarenes about your surroundings? C4 OP.
Then you have people on the oppsite end crying that tank OP because they got killed by one out in the open while running around alone.
None of this shit would be a problem if people werent expecting to kill everything and survive everything alone. Combined arms as unknown concept and complaining about balance will always be prevelent unless teamwork is encouraged more, but nobody likes working together. Everyone wants to farm certs and kill a hundred enemies before dying.

The problem is everyone is just mad that their favourite way of farming people isn't easy just like pointed out.

Nigger if you get c4ed you deserve it for being retarded

Nice damage control mate.

Also this official planetside forum meme of situational awareness and you only get c4'd when alone is cancer. Either be super paranoid in your tank or die instantly to infantry, that seems perfectly reasonable. Oh wait, no it isn't and it completely defeats the purpose of a tank. A tank alone can't succeed well against other forms of CONCENTRATED av but it can at least respond and not die instantly. And please, anyone dedicated enough with half a brain can c4 a tank if they really wanted to, there are multitudes of ways to do it, both classic and unique to planetside, and I've personally done it plenty.

If you actually gave a shit about a lack of combined arms you would agree that c4 needs a nerf because it's the single most un combined arms thing in the game.

because being able to insta-kill anything with C4 from 50 feet in the air wasn't overpowered enough.

This is true. In PS2 it's because the game is so grindy. When a person does finally unlock something, they feel like it should do everything and should have no counters and they're entitled to a non-stop cert point gravy train when they use it. It happens with vehicles, although to a lesser degree, because resources are more plentiful.

Not an argument.
And oh please, instantly die? What they teleport behind you with their c4 and whisper nothing personel kid? Thats why you have they other guy on your tank to observe and smoke em if they try. And if that doesn't help perhaps you were too close.
Or are you still insisting that they can just creep up on you no matter where you are and you cant be arsed to keep a look out or god forbid have a look out.

Reduce throwing range of c4 or something and bam now you really need to be retarded to get blown up by it. Oh wait even that doesnt work as is evident from others games such as battlefield where whining like yours almost made it that you can only drop it on your own toes and still everyone crying c4 OP pls nerf.

The easiest way to fix balance in Planetside 2 is to not listen to Reddit when looking at things to balance.

Thanks, going to try out the T5-AMC. Got any tips for flying a liberator without getting blown to shit by AA except gitting gud?

Either fly high and sporadically or low and sweeping from cover to cover. AI doesn't really kill aircraft well, it just makes sure the air too hot for a pilot to dare try.

You sound like the kind of person that made people think sony put poorly coded bots pretending to be players in game to inflate the number of players during the early days.

fully cucked male detected

It just got kind of boring tbh famalam. The devs just keep adding ways to kill and not reasons to kill.

Anyone have the plane scene from dark knight rises wwew made in planetside 2?
I have it webm but the quality is beyond shit.

I just wish whoever made it posted the original video so i could make an alright webm because making it out of a youtube reencode is just not worth it.

And it started out promising, then they kept caving to Cowadooty niggers.

What an angry lesbian


What the other guy said. Generally in any aircraft you just shouldn't be trying to fly in areas with heavy AA, much like you shouldn't try to break out from the spawnroom when it's surrounded on all sides. But the best way to deal with AA is to fly low, use cover often, approach from unexpected angles (and change angle of approach often), and make sure you're always moving - no hovering above vehicles and infantry for extended periods of time. In the case of a lib, if you approach from an unexpected angle and use the Tank Buster you can probably destroy a Skyguard quite cleanly.

(Dubdubs wasted)
Or maybe just don't sit still next to walls for long periods of time? Have a sundie behind you with gunners? Put a kobalt gunner on your tank?