Second Limited Edition
ITT post some of if not all of your own screenshots. First one hit bump limit
Second Limited Edition
ITT post some of if not all of your own screenshots. First one hit bump limit
Other urls found in this thread:
bugs xDD
poor little danish boy
Let me guess you're an epic memester from leddit?
this is a safe place, for screenshots regardless of taste
Well, looks like i was right.
First and last are color fucked because of F.lux
fucking flux has ruined half my screenshots
I'm starting to think there is something to this claim by the TORfag in the prvious thread
have you even tried to check the exifs of a screenshot dumbass?
have you ever tried not gargling on nigger dick while taking two more up your ass?
these aren't yours
they are, I made the furrys ruin everything thread a while ago
PSMD is full of nice references and jokes like these, nothing is ruined
Care to explain?
video game
just took these
Video games
Jeez who put f-16s outside of that FNV window?
Don't ask for something that exceeds his capability. He might start foaming at the mouth.
Try not being retarded enough to upload a photo of your computer then.
Are any of these suppose to be interesting?
There's some more but it's kind of gay
was at #73 when shot 1 was taken, the top ranks were just hacked to shit so top 100 was good enough for me. Sen's is love.
How did that happen as an accident? Fournival and the king's wife are accidents.
I swear to god it's easier to be a fag in this game than anything else. I didn't even know the game had a fucking romance system so you can imagine my reaction when I have to witness my character making out with fucking Fournival.
idk I tried to complete any sidequests I had left, and his was one of the last and then that just happened
I got the blonde slut while I was aiming for the brown girl or the witch kid.
When she gives blowjobs I bet they're pretty good due to how open her throat must be.
Fuck man I can't tell what RTS that screenshot is from. It's been so long, is it age of mythology?
Now that's a really good fucking pawn, if whoever made her is here I'm glad to say she's fucking amazing.
Is the game really as dull as those screenshots suggests?
it does not look pleasant
From the demo on PS4.
I don't take many screenshots. Heres 2 old ones.
I just walked around until I got killed. It was great.
Got any screens of the cooking in Odin Sphere?
I'm not sure if this is a retcon or just a character error
Nope, sorry. Do artbook scans suffice?
Artbook sufficed, saging for off-topic
is bf4 still populated? i know bf3 stayed pretty popular for a long time.
Random shit across different games. Some older than others.
Wasnt that old nigger ok with robot units but started complaining when you enhanced soldiers?
Technically my own screenshot
He was totally fine with robots. IIRC he was excited to have an alternative to sending soldiers out to fight.
It is still possible his daughter simply didn't know that much about the stuff XCOM did.
Im being follow by windows
its like a robert palmer video
Enemy fell out of bounds. It kept falling from the top of the map over and over.
And that is pretty much everything I have on this pc right now.
I should try take more as I go on.
Here's some screenshots of my heavily modded Skyrim.
how is that even posible to survive?
And here's some lewd for the sake of it. I'm a huge scalie fag so don't get triggered.
do not dump lewds, this is not the kinda operation we're running here
I'm not, I only posted some. Besides the only reason for modding Skyrim is for the porn mods and graphical mods so I included both you homo.
Vegeta sure is the greatest tsundere.
I've long since gotten used to it but some games make it a nightmare for taking screen shots. Case in point with Fuck those black bars, man.
I like the way it looks on the DS3 screenshot.
been thinking of just getting a 1080p monitor for that very reason
Testing posting from muh Vita. Guessing I'm stuck with one at a time.
Strange to learn that it's been 10 years since release.
pic 3-5
What are these?
it didn't have to be like this
Dark souls is a sad sad game
It's just a shame they carry so so much gold pine resin.
I've never seen this glitch before and I've played through….more times than anyone should admit to. gj
I'd hate the shit up the thread with more witcher but it looks too good.
Blood and Wine is also the comfiest thing I've ever played.
what game?
Commence [autistic screeching] about Total War.
post more X3 screenshots please, seems I lost mine
how pretentious and wrong at the same time, what a piece of shit nigger
Nice pictures user. You like to get comfy and play on a good old CRT and I respect that. I would do the same, but I don't have enough room here to do so, so I just stick with emulation. But hey, whatever works right?
what game? don't mean wolfenstein
what game is the forth one?
I shouldn't have drop this, but I was too much of a pussy for the enemies appearing so often after omicron base
I bet DOF would conceal how shitty that game looks even with mods
such a wasted potential for a video game and its developer
It's a bit different than getting comfy. There is a lot of pleasure in getting the best possible out of the hardware I'm running, and seeing the games shine as they do, it's a very enjoyable feeling. Plus it's been a very satisfying hobby - figuring out how the hardware works, maintaining it, and joining and creating discussions around it.
FTL, rouge-like. Try it out, it's pretty fun.
Don't know the first, second is Vermintide I think.
GTA V screens. No mods, just tweaked the lighting a bit to give a good dynamic range
what are those games in the third and last picture?
What game?
COD:Infinite Warfare. They're the splash screens for multiplayer maps if I remember correctly.
Don't do that to me user, you have no idea how much I want PM4 to be properly translated.
Good dubs though.
This fucking game.
Some more GTA V screens
Doing 2 at a time because Holla Forums keeps throwing "upload size too big" errors
Filesize limit is 12mb and each screenshot is 4mb+ so not surprised.
Some driving in my Lexus LS Albany Primo
Well yeah, none of it is compressed, using Windows 10s built-in screenshot feature (WinKey+Alt+PrintSc) instead of the really shitty highly-compressed phone camera in-game
If you converted them to jpgs the filesize would be a lot smaller.
twinkle star sprites and keio flying squadron 2 (jp) for the sega saturn
you keep the pngs for storage and post the jpgs, you lose barely any quality and you can fit more into a post.
Unless you plan on saving it over and over as a jpg.
you lose almost nothing by converting them to jpgs with low compression.
Look at all the E:D screenshots I posted, they began as 50mb bmps and then saved as a jpg with 90 quality in gimp they look exactly the same.
What game is your third image?
That's Age of Mythology.
Huge dump incoming
Oh hey I'm playing Darksiders 2 as well.
How good is Guild Wars 2 really? Is it even possible to play a pirated version on a private/personal server/offline? I know it got a lot of flak here when it came out, but I'm not an MMO guy so I didn't really give a shit.
as far as i know, there are no private servers, and seeing the direction they are going, i don't think you will have a pleasant time in-game anymore, some shit you can only get from the cash shop, and the gold to cash ratio got so high and they nerfed the ways to earn gold so hard when i quit that you would probably have to grind for months to get 100 cash now (most good shit is 400 to 800 cash, yeah) and the expansion seems to be absolute shit, so i can't recommend anymore, when i first started played the game was very cool and comfy, nowadays it's grind over grind, it probably has more grind in it than warframe.
I don't habeeb it. Oh well.
What's your steam name mang, I think we have very similar tastes in vidya.
okay, i thinks that's all that is worth posting
You can probably find me as Kesvalk
I'm from hueland though, so playing most multiplayer games will not be possible, save from tab targeting MMOs and warframe, that has black voodoo magic instead of network and i actually get less lag playing with north americans than with other huelanders
found ya.
and I'm from yugoslavia, so the shit evens out no it doesn't. It gets worse
Oh jeez
is this new vegas man?
everytime i try to add some good armor/weapons on top of better models/weather/gameplay tweaks the game doesn't even start.
That's some ugly ass power armour and a fucking retarded gun.
it's more of a game than gone home and technically a bit more of a game than Alien isolation, but it doesn't bring much new to the table.
It has VHS sequences where you go back in time as someone else and complete a puzzle or learn about something before actually doing it, it also has several puzzles and a couple boss battles that can be done differently, but only has two different endings based strictly on who you use the vaccine on.
A decent way to waste 3 hours but the scripted events make it a slog on return playthroughs.
post your screenshots if you are so great, bet you own a fucking toaster
maybe upload fucking jpgs man, nobody is going to analyze every pixel in your screenshots, waste of bandwidth and storage space if you ask me
what the fuck
Aren't you a good little goyim.
my sides
user come on
Whatever, he still had Nu-Tomb raider. I stand by my statement. Fuck you, carl.
Tomb Raider got cracked ages ago.
I like to make my own judgement about games, i'd be an idiot if i ever took Holla Forums's words for granted.
WAIT, where the hell is the GF dropship? I don't recall seeing that.
it's AM2R
Ey you wanna come ovah he'e and say to my face? Tough guy?
What's the matta, you scared?
nuTomb Raider wasn't all that great, I'll give you that much, but it was the only way for PC playas to the experience Uncharted series.
we're not talking about Rise of the Planet of the Tomb of the Apes Raider
optional area, you have to take a lift there
fuck, i never got that damn thing working.
Gotta give kudos to the team, some of the puzzles and bonuses are cryptic as fuck.
You have shit taste carl, in vidya and in beer! And I'm not scared of you, if a milkshake can take you, I definitely can. And you can't bring your cousin to the fight to help.
I don't need no cousin to fight a freakin' cup. You want some of this, big, huh? So what if Tomb Raider was stupid generic shlock? You need sum a' dat cancer to unwind and remind yaself, why you keep avoiding this mass produced ga'bage in the first place.
Now if you'll go fuck ya'self, I'll just sit ovah he'e and take a fat ogre shit.
Freakin' taco bell…
Ye, your food's cheap, but the toilet paper sure ain't!
Always weird to have a webm I made get posted. It was made all the way back when her trailer was released, before I knew how hard Crapcom would fuck the game up. Here, have this one too.
nice digits, that last webm hurt my eyes
not my screens, but still good
That third one gave me a good chuckle.
What is Ultros planning to do at the opera?
Why is everything in that game BRIGHT BLUE?
I probably should have spoilered these ultra realistic gore shots from Day of Infamy. This is what war looks like.
Manually removed HUD to maintain anonymity.
Who knew it only took a few months to beat the gooks at Tetris.
Patrician taste.
So the explosions stand out.
unremarkable, boring screenshots from metroid prime 2. loved the morph ball sections for some reason, even if they're just bland minigames
They made a film out of that series?
i'm downloading it. I'm downloading it right now.
If you purge your enemies, they win.
-Games Workshop Canada
I want to fug your custom maid user
actually, I hate to ask for the spoonfeed, but are there any decent torrents for Custom Maid 3d 2? It seems a tad tedious to download the game and the copious amounts of DLC/updates individually.
Whole 2 of them.
I liked it, but i was a teenager when they came out.
Is that the PSP version?
What's wrong this time? I bought the card last year! nVidia750 Ti, come on!