Characters you will NEVER see again

I-It still hurts

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At least the Garrett from the first 3 Thief games. He was so charismatic without being…charismatic.

Kyle Katarn. Fuck you Disney.

Thank fucking god.
Her games were shit.


Izuna will be back. Someday. Just you wait.

In her new adventures! "Destroying the Patriarchy"
Directed by Brianna Wu.

With the way Squares been lately, the only way we'd ever see another VP game again is if it's a Japan only FTP episodic mobile game.

Not sure it's episodic, but you didn't hear about Valkyrie Anatomia yet?

Nope, and looking it up it looks like I nailed it.

Fuck, it's a prequel starring Lenneth too, that's exactly what I'd love to see as a proper game.




You were too good for this dark world

I know that writing a masterpiece takes time but come on now

It's been over 10 years man. Maybe we should just move on man.

There was a sequel a few years ago. It was called Lightning Returns

Izuna is my favourite bisexual titty ninja. The fact her games were comfy roguelikes with a bit of plot was just perfect.


I will always hold her smile in my heart

Yeah, a lot of companies don't give a shit anymore about making new entries in classic JRPG series on actual systems anymore. I want to pin the blame on Capcom with Breath of Fire 6, but I think Square's been porting shit long before them (but there's a difference between just porting stuff and relegating any future entries to phones). Anyhow, now Breath of Fire, Valkyrie Profile, Star Ocean and most recently Wild Arms and Arc the Lad are all mobile series. Most annoying (to me anyhow) with the latter two as those are Sony's own IPs, yet Sony now acts like they aren't worthy of being on Sony's own systems anymore.

What's next, Nintendo announcing Golden Sun 4 for mobile?

It fucking hurts to look at.

Dev team spent two months on the game and 16 months on promotional art and pinups.

I wanna motorboat those ninja titties!


Aside from that, your point still stands. But don't forget that we lost
>Chocobo anything the Wii one was good tbh
I'm sure there's something I'm missing.

This happened to all major companies this century, my friend, every single company we like has turned out changing for the worse despite them making more money now than ever. I want to do violent things.

I almost forgot FF14's 1.0 disaster of a launch and the meme idea that they needed to change graphical engine's for 2.0's release because there was too many polygons and it would hurt the frame rate. Meanwhile the game is a buggy fucking graphical mess now on AMD cards and artifact happens constantly while running slower.

And before I get "FF11 was fine on launch" you never read about the original launch of the game in japan before zilart came out, or the stupid fucking design decisions it had.
Or how they originally had a Fourm for the game up and closed it within the first month because of "Negativity"
Seriously go look up FF11's development cycle and the lies they told players constantly.
My personal favourite still being "We cant increase the size of players inventory because of the PS2's limitations." Then a year later doing just that.

Im just listing things off the top of my head as the most stand out dumb fucking ideas and where the real hard breakpoints were.

X-2 is good in combat the story makes the entire point of X fucking pointless because the theme of X was letting go of someone dying. But X is fucking terrible for reasons X-2 was good. The gameplay is just bland and boring spam magic to win almost every fight.

XII is a good game just I dont think it should have had the FF name attached to it

XIII-2 has it's own list of problems but it's passable not a stand out title in the series by any means.

As for XIV see above and World of I haven't tried yet.

Sounds like capitalism to me friendo.

crossover with senran kagura never ever.

I heard from some people that Square was already making poor decisions prior to the merger, at least on the monetary end, and when the merger happened they managed to put their own people on top rather than having a balance of both their guys and Enix' in charge. Not sure how true it is though; I never really kept tabs on Squaresoft back in the day. Either way though, it seems like Dragon Quest might as well be a battery so Square-Enix can fuck around on other projects that may or may not be received well.

I think Mana's issue wound up being that Kingdom Hearts kind of usurped it's place as Square's resident action JRPG, hence some of the games past Sword of Mana having the genre fucked around with, as if to see if they could find it a new home.

I'm honestly a bit surprised that they've deigned to make another SaGa game, though that's most likely to be a neverever in the west.

I never thought of that but now that I have I am fucking devastated.

Maybe they can at least get cameo costumes in there?

It's the same in most companies that start getting big, they dont promote or give attention to the idea that they should be making better product's inside the company it's that the marketing team is doing well.
Look at most game companies now all they do is promote and hype up their products that are not very good and they still sell incredibly well.
Why focus on making better products when people will buy it anyways? Same goes for hardware companies.

You're new to musous, aren't you ?

The 3DS remake/port/sequel revives her and makes her good, having eternal Lesbian Silver Medal Sex with Lana.

if there is ever another sequel she WILL be back, and it is a Mushou, so there will be one.

Meanwhile the likes of Kyle Hyde is truly lost forever.


>You will never hear him say NICE again

He lives in my heart

What do you mean user? His spiritual succesor, useless pajeet, lives on in Disney's Rogue One!



prove me wrong capcom


Probably in MvC game

At least Samus lives on somewhat in other metroidvania games. Axiom Verge, Environmental Station Alpha, to name two good ones. No, they're not as good as some of the better Metroid games, but they definitely scratch that itch.

Arent they working on a new DMC right now?

keep making ramen ads and emo faggots why dont'chya, squenix



He's playable in the new Dissidia game if that's any consolation.
Though, will probably not see that game for a while since it's an arcade game at the moment.


NY was shit.

It still hurts, im learning how to use Unity so i can make a fangame.

Why not a better engine?

Her style left us a legacy. Maybe an SK roguelike will happen someday…if they get the idea that'll sell close to their current model

I could've sworn I had a crossover pic somewhere, but I can't find it

Because it does everything i need it for.


Raise you a better song. Most of the OST is fucking great regardless.



It's always a mixed bag when a good, anthromorphic character stops appearing. On one hand furries lose that much more material but on the otherhand genuinely good characters are no more.



Fay and Miyu had more fucking personality than Krystal, that's for sure.

Geoff Nicholls from Black Sabbath passed away.

let me guess another arcade?

Eh, it's just as well now.

By new one I meant the current one, the arcade game.
Which is why the West will probably not see it until gets a console release, or you live in an area that imports Jap arcade cabinets.

Why the fuck did DD have to end on a goddamn cliffhanger? Thanks Camelot.

I didn't like Last Window that much, actually. Something about it was really stale, especially the repeat Louis. I'd rather Hyde be gone than have another Last Window.

I only actually miss the suit.

Wasn't there a spiritual successor by the same devs already with a totally-not-Hyde as protagonist

Not sure if it's been released yet. Just checked, it's in Japan now but with no translation.

Nevermind, it's in NA apparently. Guess no one cared. I don't have a 3DS.

Yeah, could've lived with the first 2 (1) games on its own. But making that subpar sequel and then ending the franchise on a cliffhanger is…

all of those games were trash, user.




He died for our sins as EA murdered him. Let's all remember everything Kane has done for us, fighting against globalist tyranny.


I pirated it a while ago. It's very poorly translated, buggy and apparently extremely short. I don't know if it was something with making every game run in N3DS mode or something, but the models would keep bugging out, which was extremely distracting.



Is dd good
I've replayed the originals around 6 times but I fear playing dd would kill gs for me

It has poor pacing, piss easy puzzles, and an inferior story that ends on a cliffhanger. Really disappointing for a Golden Sun entry.

Watch this, he calls EA out on their faggotry and how they are paying the price now.

It's not. It's universally considered a bad sequel. What disappointed me the most is perhaps that they didn't rebalance the combat system at all, so the obvious imbalances from the first games are still there. Attack psynergy is still largely useless, for example.


INB4 Disney reboots him to be. a gender fluid Pansexual like they did with Deadpool

Thanks. I dont want to see muh waifu married or any shit like that anyway




If Rewind is never-ever

Holy fuck I thought I would never see that name again.
Now i'm just going to go fucking play it.

This bitch.

The only original character from the Call of Duty series

Is this how Holla Forums tries to start arguements anymore? No it sounds more like worthless autistic man children becoming a key demographic and more people being born that had no worth endlessly consuming the lowest common denomination of content.


Why are we still here just to suffer?

Most of the prior cast doesn't make a direct appearance anyhow. I mean, you've got Issac and Garet present at the start, and Kraden's apparently immortal, but you only hear about Ivan, Mia, Jenna, and Piers in passing. Felix pretty much isn't even acknowledged either. The party does have some of the prior cast's offspring in addition to original characters though.

While it's a shame that Ghost Trick is over and we'll probably never see Sissel again, it wrapped up well enough. I'd welcome a spiritual successor though.


Hrist was boring.


Fuck you Yoda

Order 66 best day of my life

It's part of why I hate SAO aside from the anime and novels being awful. Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if, in the event a new game ever got released, we saw dumb idiots calling it a SAO ripoff.

It's pretty shocking.

>you won't get to play as his daughter



That big announcement a while back was literally for a pachinko machine. Capcom and Konami are fighting it out for deepest hole digging.

When you learn Croc was supposed to be Yoshi and Nintendo shafted Argonauts hard after refusing to even release Star Fox 2 on SNES when it was completed because they wanted to push the N64 and then they stole the idea for Croc anyway and made Mario 64 and Miyamoto offered some shitcunt of an apology of "well at least you get to own the IP for Croc now". Fucking Nintendo man…

Why did you need to remind me?

i didn't want to fap today

They wouldn't keep shoving in Niggers and other undesirables if they were.

That's VV and Misty not Rayne and unknown.

The Croc thing is completely unsubstantiated at best, and it's funny that people assume Nintendo just stole the design for the game that would be Croc, have you ever considered that Nintendo was already working on Ultra Mario Bros at the time, they already had the Silicon Graphics deal before the Yoshi demo was even shown to them, which is undoubtedly the main reason why they cut their relationship with Argonaut, outside of the SuperFX chip Argonaut were of no value, and were subsequently dropped by Nintendo. Good job believing Larry Bundy Jr's completely unsourced Shiggy video though, next time try Fem Freq, she does as good a job.

Wouldn't shock me either. Though, it seems like the series is pretty dead as of .hack//Link (which has a fan-translation in the works) and that fighting game. If SAO keeps proving successful, I'm not sure .hack will ever make a return. Though of course, wanting a series to come back in [CURRENT YEAR] is a monkey's paw in and of itself. I've learn my lesson from a series I like having its decade old corpse dug up to be reanimated as a mobile series. Be careful what you wish for.

It's from an old interview with the lead from Star Fox and one of the heads of Argonauts. Nintendo has never commented on the matter, but they've never denied it either.
It's like you only get your news from JewTube ecelebs or something.

first izuna was mostly crap, sequel was actually bretty good.

Damnit, Damn it all to hell!

Reminder: We won't be seeing another Alice, or Caleb or Strelok.

You can watch them on Sesame Street

Incorrect, Argonaut did get paid for Starfox 2, the game never went to print and Argonaut never recieved royalties for the SuperFX chips the game would have needed.
unsubstantiated, also Nintendo had hired 2 of Argonauts main employees to help develop their 3d games.
Unsubstantiated, but more than likely misunderstanding thanks to the language barrier.

Jez San just sounds salty about Nintendo and Argonaut's relationship falling apart and Nintendo stealing 2 of Argonauts lead programmers, which is indeed a dick move but at least we know that one's true. It's far more likely that Nintendo didn't go forward with the Yoshi game because they already had the game, and Jez just sees it as him having come up with the idea and Nintendo having stolen it.

My only real problem here is that Nintendo stealing from Argonaut is now pushed as an absolute truth thanks to Larry Bundy Jr. when there is no proof outside of the word of a man with a chip on his shoulder because Nintendo didn't want to keep working with him, even though the single biggest part of their deal was the SuperFX chips which were no longer needed with the release of the N64.

Pick your poison

Remember user, Star wars canon died just before disney took over. Nu-Star wars is not canon. Fuck Disney, and fuck Lucas for selling out so badly.

I hope metal wolf chaos never gets ported.

Dubs of truth. Don't need [CURRENT YEAR] + 2 reimaginings.

at least Starkiller was wiped out with Kyle…


I don't even want it to come back, I just want them to release HD versions of all the games and then just let it die. At least then, I wouldn't feel bad about it being dead.

TWEWY had no right being that good. I'm so angry I liked it so much and I'll never get to play something like that in my lifetime.

Get out

A man can dream


the showed up in kirby fighters, though

Oh, I downloaded that but haven't played it yet.

Still, knowing that they made an appearance in Kirby Fighters just reinforces my dismay that I will never again ride (as Kirby) on the squishy/fuzzy back of a hamster in the snow while destroying cute enemies and not slipping at all.

Yeah, keeping my eye on Rewind.


I should play High road to Revenge. It's just sitting here, never played it. Also has anyone fixed the random slowdown on the PC version?

Last Window was such a step up in quality of life for the engine that if they could remake Hotel Dusk in it, it'd be my favorite adventure game. Last Window was just kind of disappointing. Still enjoyed it though.

I'm scared too Thomas.

But we're doing the right thing.

They'll remember us for this.


Good riddance she's gone.
She was shit anyway.

I've hoped for that too, but Namco seems content to ignore the potential. I suppose at best they might make some PSN versions on the PS4.

That bitch got more games than she ever deserved.

He was the true patriot, he will live through out veins.

Why is it always the jews who retcon characters into ((wider audience)) friendly characteristics?

And where are all YOUR sources smartass? Go choke on a bag of a hundred dicks.


Choke a fucking dick, Ubishit


Funny how Square bitched about sales of a port of a game that Japan and NA had gotten twice prior (admittedly it was the first time PAL got it, after fourteen years), claiming that "if fans had wanted more Chrono, they'd have bought more copies of the DS version". Whether or not Chrono being a dead series is good or bad depends on your views on modern Square, I suppose. Some series are sadly better off dead than having their corpses dug up and paraded around.

Fucking owned him lol

That really annoys me how greedy they showed themselves to be when they made that statement. "we're not gonna make this game everyone wants because muh shekels".

also yeah, I realize if they were to do one now it would be nothing like the sequel that most would want. It'd be some sensationalized edgy new age abomination.

Put the money together and buy the rights from the defunct studio that was likely bought up by either Koei or Bandai.

Why do you have to make me sad like this, user.
Fucking AssCreed, man.

See? Just that easy. You fuckers give up cause you've never accomplished shit. Write to Bamco and let them know you want to see another Izuna game (NOT mobile). Maybe they won't fuck you the way Sony did Arc the Lad & Wild ARMs.

I don't want another Izuna game, I'm glad she's dead.

You forget that Namco likes mobile games too (though at the very least Tales of Phantasia mobile rightfully flopping in the west didn't kill off Tales on the whole being brought over), even attempting to ask (I think it was ) $50 a pop for what Idolmaster games they did bring overseas for it. I sadly expect that if they were to make a new Izuna game, they might not have enough faith in it to not have it be a mobile phone game.

I honestly think that some companies have a pre-existing belief that some IPs aren't worth bring over anymore, or even worth making more of, and as such go out of their way to find justification to kill off doing further ones.

One arrested for child porn
Other done in by the Con Man
Third is only paraded around for party crossover titles & MAHVEL BABYEE
And you are now accutely aware the other two are still stuck on a moon base with Trigger and will never get down.

Or maybe no one bought that shitty DS version because they were told it took agency and heartfelt story away from them by killing off half the cast and making the rest fall into incurable retardation? Might be that.

Aside of maybe mobile (and I doubt it's an actual import like Granblue and Love Live), [email protected]/* */ has never had a western release. I forget the interview, but the exec was quoted in stating the dlc is the main reason the west will never see an [email protected]/* */ title, massive licensing issues aside.

That's not the worst part, though. The worst part is that faggot in charge of Gaijinworks, Vic Ireland, wants the license for publishing and fully intends to edit the shit out of the game so that "nothing pedo-like in nature" remains.

Isn't the gaming business grand?

Okay that's new. Idolmaster motherfucker, can you not word-filter it? Jebus fuck, Mark.

And Namco mostly likes the prospect of money, user. Don't forget that Namco and a lot of other companies are also starting to toss hats into the Steam arena. Honestly it's the perfect time to see some low and mid-level returns open the noses of these investors so that projects can get greenlit properly. Izuna on a PC doesn't sound all that terrible, provided they don't ruin it with pay2win shit.

The DS version is a good port, at least of the prior content. Can't exactly call Lost Sanctum fun (it's a bit strange to see just how big a difference there was between the existing sidequests and that slog), and I suppose the added Cross tie in ending is up for debate, depending on how one feels about Chrono Cross in the first place. But both of those are completely optional and don't change the quality of the ported content. You can ignore them and have a comfy handheld Chrono Trigger.

And yeah, fuck Viccy. That guy doesn't seem to get that a lot of people these days want English scripts more accurate to the Japanese original, not fucking rewrites. Add in the fact that he wants Idolmaster so he can censor it, and even defends NISA's choices. Sadly I think that if Gaijinworks went under he'd crop up somewhere else pushing the same shit.

Watch them do an ass-pull and shoehorn her into Fire Emblem Warriors.

But user, you never see Gordon anyway except in Gearbox expansions

Alyx is a better answer

I'd rather not have Squenix touch him or the rest of the cast.

Still… it hurts.


Didn't he get retconned to hell because he's just Tetsuo from Akira and replaced the guy with Nameless?

Skullomania never ever. No matter how much we beg and plead to Capcom.

How about characters that I don't want to see again after they have been resurrected 4th time or brought back to warp magics or space&time travels.
So essentially all warcraft characters.

We've got no luck at all.

Mana and Chrono are my fucking lifeblood when It comes to jrpgs. Fucking when, twewy as well.

Croc was neither a good game or good character.

I can't ignore it because it's shit writing desperate to validate a sidestory only a handful of fandom in Japan gave a royal fuck about. The sad part is that I don't blame or even take it out on Cross, because Cross was a legit good story. But they HAD to tie it to a brand, just in the same way Hrist's game was remade into fucking Lightning Returns, the sequel no one asked for. Radical Dreamers, a parsely-related sidestory had to become a convoluted mainstay for the series. No I didn't pick up that shit port that actively destroyed a fond adventure memory, just like I didn't pick up Squeenix's OTHER major fuckup that destroyed a fond adventure memory (embed goddamned related).

Granted that this just might be my grudge, and I know for a fact the outrageous antipiracy bullshit SE pulled with the DS CT carts likely had more to do with its sales than the death of nostalgia, but I still take solace in that DS port not selling very well. I hate seeing shit effort rewarded.

I will never have a Monday that goes by without shitty news.

Pretty much.

Honestly, do you even want him at this point? Have you seen Akuma Matata?


We got a chance to see her sister again
In Ace Combat 7

You like fetch questing being used as 99% of the game's content? I'm glad they dont' make any more of those games either, believe me. Anachronox was shit.

Blue Dragon is Crono Trigger 2.0

I bet there's a new Suikoden in the worse right now! The first Suikdoen for mobile :^)

it's not fair

You gonna carry that weight?

You don't know this pain. Not only was she forgotten, but before that, they raped her consecutively with tentacles and shit. Fuck.

American McGee wants to make another game, but EA doesn't want to fund it. Plus, the guy has a depressing past.

Telenet is so fucking long gone dude LMAO not even this century. That being said sideways hack and slashers are awful aside from a very few Castlevanias. They kept making them and making them and all of them were 2hard4u or had bad mechanics.

Telenet is long dead, but Sunsoft bought the rights to all their games in 2009. While theoretically this would mean we could at least get a re-release on Virtual Console or some shit (and they did say before Valis was a priority - please use ) I haven't heard from Sunsoft in years, so I guess that ain't happening.

well you technically don't -see- her married

Since the only returning adepts are Isaac, Garret, and Alex. Who you don't fight. A-fucking-Gain.

The sad thing is that the story could have gone to so many cool things but it never does.

Doubt Sunsoft has anything in their coffers to justify it. They're only even getting to another Blaster Master game for the 3DS because they're teaming with another studio who is doing the heavy lifting. I actively do not know what keeps Sunsoft afloat aside nostalgia bucks, since they haven't released a title on their own in years.

I'm curious if they're a company anymore or just a guy that has rights to the name lets the "company" just exist with 0 employees. Then again if it's in Tokyo they could have adapted their programming ability and existing office architecture to do outsourcing for the business world. I haven't heard of any other devs in japan just not make games for more than a decade, then make a shitty one, then disappear off the radar again.

What? Doesn't she ascend to godhood?