Can we just call this Zelda for adults now?
Zelda Killer?
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>aim with a controller's joystick
its sjw garbage trash uh gay and you cant even jump what else uh ps4 more like bloodborne lmao i wish there was more hard games instead of baby casual shit that horizon is obviously going to be
Wow! Boxart! This game is SO MUCH like Zelda. Like holy shit, wow!!!! Oh my god.
Undertale is basically earthbound now isn't it???? I mean, it's JUST so similar it HAS to be nearly the exact same thing right? Like holy shiiiiiit wowwwwwwwwwww.
Sonic is basically Mario for adults, Overwatch is basically tf2 for adults, like totally!!
No, we can't. Zelda games are shitty in their own way but at least they're fun and don't shove the stronk womyn ain't need no man bullshit down your throat. If you want to call this a Zelda wannabe game for cunts, homos and social media activists though, go ahead, because that's exactly what this game is.
You're a fucking retard. Kill yourself.
The kinds of people that describe things as "X…For adults" are usually the biggest manchildren around.
You retards will fall for any bait
So all of them?
Sony, go home. You're drunk.
Daily Reminder she's voiced by the sister of Le Cuck
The setting seems alright, but knowing the modern definition of an RPG it'll be a shitty linear story with cutscenes out the ass and nothing remotely resembling an RPG game besides stat points and an inventory. The generic evil big bad doesn't inspire confidence either.
Who's that dude in the first pic?
Seriously, though, I thought the setting was kind of interesting and considered renting it. Knowing what I know now, any and all interest is now gone. Thank you, user
It's only old fucks that still care about Nintendo first party. Kids whatever fad is going on, be it military shooters or mobas.
And then there's the loser kids who play their dad's games to pretend being oldfags on Holla Forums
Although a game about a murderous princess Zelda would be great.
Who do you think?
I guess you can call Darksiders, Zelda for Edgy Teens. I mean that in a good way I love Edgy shit
But at least you can Meme The Combat.
Horizon looks like they saw the Tome Raider Reboot and said "Lets do that but with Robot dinosaurs."
Though i'm willing to admit that "Robot Dinosaurs" on paper is a plus.
It's imitation Monster Hunter X Skyrim for Sony fanboys, and lets be honest, if this game wasn't being published by Sony no-one would really care, it's the same shit as their previous games, Killzone, if Killzone wasn't published by Sony it would have died along with Guerilla Games on the merit of the series first entry.
Sonyggers still proving the term is relevant
Into the trash it goes.
Also, the whole gimmick of the game seems to be that the "animals" are robots or some shit. I still fail to understand why anyone's hyped up for this generic looking trash.
A female lead isn't inherently bad. A game sold off of having a female lead is.
A Japanese game with a female lead is fine, just look at Nier Automata, but a Western one? In this day and age?
You can't blame people for being skeptical, especially when the female lead looks as generic as this one does and all the trailers seem to be bashing you on the head about the fact she's a strong and independent womyn.
Also, most Western female leads are complete and utter shit, and have been since games were a thing.
Did they try and sell Nier Automata on having a female protagonist? I don't remember the original Tomb Raider games advertised
But who knows, I was a lot more ignorant to the media back then.
This is Zelda for adults.
Did you miss all the threads about it? The one thing everyone's talking about is 2B's glorious ass.
It was sold as an Indiana Jones homage, but Lara was also put very much into the spotlight, what you'd call "objectified" in these enlightened times.
I think the popularity had more to do with her big boobs than anything else really.
That's what I mean.
There's no inherent problem with a female protagonist, just advertising the game around the fact you have a female protagonist.
I foresee this getting 300+ replies.
The issue isn't even advertising, but presentation.
You look at 2B and you instantly know it's made for a male demographic. I look at the cunt in this game and all I can think is that she's the product of a committee trying to make her as bland and inoffensive as possible, trying to appeal to both the male and female demographics (but God knows why you'd pander to women).
That's the main issue with Western developers, they have no fucking idea who their audiences are, they've been drinking the kool-aid for so long they actually LISTEN AND BELIEVE when they're told 50% of all gamers are women.
That's not a bad concept in theory.
You apologists are fucking pathetic. If the character by herself didn't scream "stronk independt womym who doesnt need no man" enough, you had gameplay videos showing tribal warriors armed and ripped as fuck running as pussies and begging her for help while she destroys robots with the power of feminism, you have the devs being huge virtue signaling cuckolds on interviews, the Burch whore voicing her and this being a western game developed in CURRENT YEAR.
Kindly fuck off back to /r/gaming where you'll find many like-minded individuals. You can all rejoice on this superoriginal and superquirky protagonist.
It just sounds retarded. Why is the flora and fauna machines? I'd understand if the game was set in some future robot factory or installation where the machines have gone native, a sort of sci-fi "jungle" of concrete, metal and plastic, but this game just swamps animals with robots and calls it a day.
We all know it's shit. You can tell it's another bland, inoffensive turd of a product featuring a shitty female lead no one will remember a month after launch.
It's people like him that are the reason Greece is inching closer and closer into insolvency.
I don't give two fucks about this game, but holy shit kill yourself.
it looks terrible and if you have to play a game as a female, that's gender bending, and that's wrong
So what you're saying is Zelda is fucking trash?
Coloring books for Adults :^)
On serious note, most people who says that a game is like Zelda is wrong.
It obviously does, in this case. The game looks terrible: all of its features are apparent from watching 2 minutes of gameplay.
It's set 10,000 after the collapse of civilization you fucktard. The machines are the last remnant of human civilization, though it's nit explained why they exist.
10,000 years*
Typing from a phone sucks.
So the lore is shit too, okay.
At first yeah she was fucking horrible.
Then the Ghostbusters thing happened and now.
It'll probably be okay, but at least Sony as a company is in full damage control mode after Fembusters failed as spectacularly as it did. I'm just waiting for layoffs from Naughty Dog whose lead sucks Sarkesians taint.
Zelda is really up there in poorly made video game comparisons with Skyrim and Dark Souls.
in terms of how people fuck it up and do poorly, "The Dark Souls of" is the Dark Souls of video game categorization.
The question is how will the gameplay be? And will it be actual gameplay or just "gameplay"? I don't really care about this game especially since I plan to be balls deep in the midst of youkai slaughtering in about a week and a half but if it ends up at all playable I might pick it up in a few months, especially if the price drops.
Ah I see, also I'm just parroting the thing with Okami as I've never played a Zelda game.
Looks and I say looks until I can actually play and confirm.
-Get close to it.
-use a weapon
-It's dead
-Walk into a floating scroll
-Enter a smaller less taxing area to fight the monster in.
-Fight a swarm of mobs with chances to perform combos and stylish moves
-Receive a rating for your performance while the level you were just in reloads.
Calling it a zelda game is just going to set people up to be dissapointed.
At least call it an open world devil may Cry.
-Load screen
-Cutscene of animal eating
-load screen
-Still standing in the same area I was just in.
I like most of their games, but this is one of the worst.
Zelda does a lot of things and does them all well, but it doesn't excel at any of them. But it does end up as more than the sum of its parts, because it manages to feel like a real adventure.
I have yet to see anything about Horizon that makes me think this game will manage to do anything competently, much less all of it, while cohesively combining them in to a fun adventure.
Zelda may not be "deep and mature" but it's fucking fun and it's not full of CURRENT YEAR shit.
The only genuine positive of this game I can thing of is the developer. I feel glad for the developers. They've spent the past decade pumping out Killzone trash so at least they got a chance to try something "new."
It'll probably be bad, but I'm sure Game Freak is looking on in envy.
Why? You yourself said they've been making nothing but Killzone trash for a decade, and in that decade have consistently failed to let you play as the good guys, likely because Helghast are ebil nazis and the cuckolds working at Guerrilla would need therapy afterwards.
What makes you think this generic piece of trash will be anything better than every other generic piece of trash game they've ever made?
I don't. Can you read?
Chalk it up to me being an idiot then.
Still, why do you feel happy for these talentless hacks? They should have kept making Killzone shit, statistically they'd have made a good game in the franchise eventually.
What a retarded sentiment. Anyway, how is this game anything like Zelda? Are there puzzles? Are there dungeons with macguffins to collect? Are there boss battles? Is there some gimmick that solidifies the whole thing together? Looking at the trailers, I think it's closer to some dumbed-down Monster Hunter clone or a third person Far Cry game than anything else.
This is an interesting theme, I'll give you that
Is there character customization? Is it an open world? What's the point of crafting? Will there be co-op or any sort of multiplayer? Is it going to be a QTE-ridden shitfest, a la God of War? Is there going to be any worthwhile mechanic or game mode built around commanding these robot beasts? Is it going to be shoved to the brim with politically charged rhetoric? Is the story going to be shit? Do you have any answers for any of these questions?
Because in this day and age of suits forcing developers to keep pumping out sequels, they got really lucky. I had long considered entering the industry, only to realize that the most financially stable jobs are the ones where you're making the same game over and over again.
When it comes to most large developers I wouldn't say many of them are "talentless" because they're never given the chance to be creative. I would say "spineless" is more apt, because the big suits who don't know shit about games will push them around to no end.
ashley burch
For what purpose? You're either gonna be fucked in the ass by a kike (imagine what it would look like working under someone like Mark) or you'd get stuck in a leftist hellhole full of mentally ill tumblrtards off their meds, just waiting for one of them to stab you in the back during their manic phase.
But they are talentless. Just look at "industry legends" such as Schafer or Spector, Roberts or Molyneux. You give them creative freedom and they'll bring you back a turd with a ribbon on top, if they even complete the project in the first place.
They're spineless because they lack any sort of vision. All they're capable of making is derivative shit or nostalgia bait that even fails to live up to the old games they're trying to rip off. They're spineless because they don't give a fuck about games in the first place. They're not in the business because they want to make games, but because they're third rate dipshits that, if programmers, couldn't hack it in serious IT companies, and if writers/artists, are Hollywood rejects.
Modern pixel art vs. old school pixel art is an apt comparison. Do you think people back then didn't ride developers just as hard? Yet they somehow made good games, even good sequels.
It's gonna flop because the main character is purposely ugly so as not to offend SJWs. I'll enjoy laughing when it does.
Is it wrong that I'd fuck ashly burch? I'd fuck the SJW out of her. I'd fuck her so good she'd wake up and wash dishes. I'd fuck her so good her mother from 30 years in the past will feel it as she's giving birth. I'd fuck her so good her brother's boipussy will quiver from the shockwaves. I'd fuck her so good she'd turn white. I'd fuck her so good she'd be unable to walk straight for a week. I'd fuck her so good she'd suddenly develop good voice acting skills. All she needs is the D to set her free.
Are we arguing about something?
she got lazy and is overweight now
You not wishing pain and misery onto leftist cuckolds ruining vidya.
Seriously, how? How the fuck this human manage to get these jobs? OK burgers, seriously, are your VAs that bad that this is one of the top in the market? MK X, Horizon, Star Ocean, Fallout, World of Final Fantasy and other titles. HOW? And she don't just get small roles, she is the freaking protagonist in some games. This is insane.
Nepotism. I believe daddy's rich.
Thank god someone pointed this out. We have had a better Zelda game than most modern zelda games. Turns out some people like some gameplay in their vidya gaem.
Zelda is a fuckin trash but it will be a best selling AAA game this year. Nintendo prepared all launch this way. You have only one big title in line up, two shit party games, one nostalgia (Bomberman), one multiplat (skylanders) and nothing else. Everybody who bought Switch at launch/preorder (and they sold out), already bought Zelda with it. It is a hidden bundle deal. Sony response will be to bundle Horizon with PS4 slims, but it will still fare worse (because on PS4 you actually have more choice and people will wait for P5 more than for H:ZD). Probably MS execs told Platinum to rush Scalebound to this slot (to compete), but when Platinum told them no, they tried ultimatum them into release. So now Scalbound is RIP.
Zelda is shit, but it will win, cuz it is only decent game on Switch.
cuckchan tier thread, stop bumping
I want cuckchan to leave
Watch the gameplay footage and see how its a copy of the new shit tombraider games.
Well, another reason to NOT play these games, I guess.
Don't forget blunderlands and tales of cuck steel. Seriously guys,
Bump :^)
Kill yourself Angelica Autist
I don't know what's worse between this and all the we wuz games. I am unable to play tryhard games like that without feeling so uncomfortable that it ruins the experience. You play the game and you know that they're signalling hard as fuck every chance they get.
I don't even mind female protagonists or the occasional nigger(GTA:SA and 5) when they are natural and not forced like this garbage. The trailers are so fucking painful to watch, like all the wewuz garbage that they announced last E3.
She's in coldsteel?
I really like the concept of the game and that's about all I can say. From what I've seen of the gameplay, it looks rather stale.
Dont take up gambling. You'd be terrible at it.
pretty sad.
Yes it is.
All my life I've been told how that women NEED more womyn in vidya otherwise they throw a temper tantrum. LGBTQLMNOP also NEED more people like them otherwise it's another shoah. We NEED more POC in video games otherwise you're Hitler. I say this as a brown person, that this pisses me off.
I'm a man. I want the games I play to have a male lead, and I will complain if I don't get it. If everyone else can act like this, I can to.