When your dollar goes down and you have to pay $10 bucks more


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don't you console peasants suck dicks to pay for privilage of internets anyway? just suck some more.

Nice one M$

An iPhone and a Golden XShit membership.


But its getting higher after being valued at 0.67 or so during the Canadian election, why the fuck does vidya cost so much?



Great thread
Check these dubs


Fake dubs ain't dubs

Chek em



Ain't even bothering

So how much longer until I can tell Trudeau and his current year cronies to fuck off?


Year of the fire cock begins today, hang onto your butt user…

Canadians must do something or else a northern wall.


It costs a lot of money to cancel every exclusive that you have.

I barely buy games anyway.

All they had to do was not fuck up Halo. But I guess even that is asking for too much from the idiots running MS into the ground.


What is wrong with that beaver isn't it supposed to have a leathery tail like the cartoons?

>every game that should be priced at $60 is 80 FUCKING DOLLARS
How does an economy get so bad that an average new release costs 20 dollars extr…

Nevermind, don't answer that.


Get a spine you pussy.


In the Islamic State of Britishitan, Apple recently announce that the standard price for all apps was increasing from 79p to 99p, citing the weaker pound (AKA Brexit) as the reason. Of course, they gloss over the fact that 79p is actually worth a USD now, but fuck it, a jew's gotta jew.

For the record, I don't own an Apple, nor buy apps. I just have sympathy for idiots.

Had to be a canadian didn't it


Every time.


All Apple are proving is that any money you give them immediately gets funnelled out of the country.

sell that shit and buy a pc you fucking faggot

Nothing has changed yet.

HUEHUE here. Taxing imports solves nothing. You just make the country's population hostage to inneficient companies selling overpriced goods. You'll end up without said goods and with companies crying for more taxes on imports. For the first time it feels like Brazil is at the forefront of the world's path, sonce everybody is dying to do what we've been doing for decades. I pity you so so much


You don't even need abstract ideas:
"If the government makes everyone get paid more for doing the same work, businesses will just charge more for everything."
Anyone with a rudimentary grasp of supply and demand could debunk the ideas of minimum wage and base pay, which is presumably why economics are not taught in schools.


its kind of a slap in the face since they raise prices anyway so its a fucked if you do fucked if you dont.


its the same umbrella term as "businesses"

True. Any moron understand how supply and demand works. Any moron understantds that the moment a store arbitrarily raises prices, demand for it's products diminishes.

Or so you'd expect, that morons would understand those basic principles.

But somehow, they believe that arbitrarily increasing prices of a worker's only product, his work force, won't drive demand down.

If a company increases prices for no good reason, in a stable economy where the currency isn't inflated year after year, then said company would see a decline in it's demand.
But because we live in a world where EVERY country is running on a race to devalue it's currency the most, prices of everything increase due to monetary inflation.
Look at pit. If an apple costed a cent, then it costed a cent for YEARS AND YEARS. The idea we have today that its normal for prices to go up as time goes by is ludicrous. The product of an overdue economic experiment of global scale.




I wasn't implying businesses.

You're from a first world country, I presume.
Funny to see how unacostumed to poverty people are over the northern emisphere.
Yes, demand goes down. Plain and simple. If people can't buy food they like, then they resort to cheaper alternatives. Or even more extreme alternatives.

How about energy? No economy sector is free from this very BASIC economic law.

Basically, anyone "poor" in a first world country has a smartphone with an internet plan. And thinks he is suffering somehow, that THINGS COULDN'T GET ANY WORSE. It's unthinkable, I tells ya. It's impossible to think that prices would go up SO MUCH that even basic necessities would be set aside by people. UNTHINKABLE.

but the demand is still there, money just isn't because wages aren't keeping up. why bother raising min. wage, muh darwinism

The hell are you talking about. If people don't buy beef to buy cheap chicken then demand for beef went down.
If the crysis goes even further, people will buy less and less (and maybe none) meat.
Just because people are hungry doesn't mean "demand is still there". Are you weak in the head?
Increasing a minimum wage did nothing to increase people's purchasing power. Ever.
And what the hell does darwinism has to do with what I said? It's basic economics


Hunger is still there, demand for food isn't. People cant buy food. CAN'T being the keyword.

well i know someone who could still buy food, government officials who get to vote for raising their own wages each year while complaining about boot straps for everyone else


He gets booed whenever he shows up on a jumbotron, or a town hall, so the tide is turning.


Stop replying


Console peasants are truly the living embodiment of cancer.

Petition for US annexation and you won’t have that problem.

But then US celebs wouldn't have to leave like they promised

In fairness even before Trudey got elected the dollar was still horrible and game prices were still rising, but its so pricey to the point where a standard edition including tax can probably cost $90 almost, and unless its for a series I adore thats asking too much.


The canadian dollar took a dive because global oil prices took a dive and as much as i agree that trudeau is a faggot i doubt he can be blamed for THAT.

Tax on $80 is $12, so new releases now cost $92. I didn't realize because I literally never buy full-priced games anymore. No idea what fucking morons still do.

Other than teenagers and younger, of course.

Amazon get's me 20% off any game within two weeks of release, so that's up to like, $50 off a limited edition. Even standard prices, it's $20. Not too bad.

Yakuza and EDF nigga.


Eh, it is natural for the market to respond to fear with conservatism. It's just strange that voters are expected to respond to fear with liberalism, and get pilloried by the big movers in the market when they don't.

Dumb fucking bitch mom.

The economy will just, like, fix itself lad.

((xbox live))

I don't. It's funny too, because I can't see any reason why anybody but the poor would access the internet through a phone. I'm pretty sure in Africa a mobile phone is the de facto way to access the internet.

Yes indeed

No need to go that far.
Hellooooooo crysis
pic related