Nintendo in general this year, it's looking like a great year to like Nintendo, if you can afford their new system which isn't very expensive at all, there's still a bunch of cool stuff for their other systems, really interested in FE:Echoes and Ever Oasis.
Copper Dreams will maybe get a release, I know it finished it's Kikestarter, it's basically MGS the CRPG, it even uses an injuries based constitution system somewhat reminiscent of MGS3
Underrail Expedition comes out this year, I really liked Underrail, I can't wait to see where Stygsoft goes.
Pathologic may come out this year, I brought one of those huge posters and I'm going to frame it and put it with my actual art collection, I doubt anyone will know any better.
Mountain Blade 2 inches closer to release, I hope it releases this year, I'd much rather the game be more open ended and get a 2018 release though, it looks like it's getting that way, you can build castles and manage farmlands based on what's been shown in menus.
Sea of Thieves is a game I'm cautiously optimistic about, on the one hand I really want a pirate sim, but on the other hand it looks shallow as all fuck.
Torment Tides of Numenera will finally get a release and we will finally be able to tell if it was worth the wait.
Battle Tech is looking good so far, don't really care about it having minorities everywhere, that's not going to stop me from enjoying the game.
Thimbleweed park may be of interest, but Ron Gilbert is a mad cuck, I ain't giving that wanker a cent.
Yooka Laylee should be good, my only fear is that the levels end up being too small, don't care for the multiplayer aspect of the game.
Star Control: Origins could be good, I need to see more about it though.
Crackdown 3 sounds good but Microsoft haven't show much of it.
That's all I guess, I was interested in Conan Exiles before I found out it was a Rust clone, I thought it was going to be The Elder Scrolls: Hboria, now that is something I can sink my teeth into, although I'd be more interested in Mountain Blade: Hyborian Age officially licensed expansion.
Don't let anything stand in your way.