Discuss your prospects in relation to vidya this year.
I thought last year was alright and it seems to be getting better along with AAA selling less and less.
Shit seems great so far with games like Nier, Bannerlord, Ace Combat 7, Nioh, Zeldo, Spellforce 3, Dirt 4, Yooka Laylee, a Hat in Time, Shenmue 3, Kingdom Come Deliverance, Routine and a shitton more, its reminding me of better time and its looking really fucking good despite all the dissapointing AAA shit that will likely put it down.
I've enjoyed RE7 and I'm sure the there are plenty of people enjoying Yakuza 0 right now as well, also playing Shadow Tactics and enjoying it immensely.
Waiting for the Baldr Sky translation and some neat lewd games and VNs.
Also VR Kanojo

What are your thoughts on current year + 2?
What games do you think hold promise?
Anything more obscure you want to share/shill/remind people of?
>inb4 everything is shit I don't even play vidya anymore and want to kill myself

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Since there wasn't a single good new game in 2015 and 2016, I don't expect one this year. Except Ever Oasis please nintendo don't fuck it up

Nothing. I expect nothing. The games industry is going to keep rubbing the wound that is modern vidya. At the tail end of 2017 we'll see a resurgence of good games, maybe. But it'll be headed by SJW shitters who don't quite understand how to do it, so everything will feel slightly off. Like trying to walk with one ear plugged, off balance.

Why do you fucks even come to these threads?

You are a shithead.

I'm looking forward to Persona 5.

With PS Now and PS VR, I hoping something really bad happens to Sony. Games like Yakuza and Nioh interests me but I want Sony to burn. Sony would eventually manage to convince their fangoyim to accept PS Now and that would be the greatest cancer. Console VR is retarded and gay. More than 8 years of faggots putting up with joypad FPS with paid online and servers that closes moved to the VR space.

DDDA was good but it was a 2012 game, and EDF was also a late port, neither count for 2016. Modern games are dogshit, retard.


Can't say I don't agree

You would expect the mass majority of people here to play video games instead of shitpost and talk about games they know nothing about.

I have high hopes that maybe the vidya games wont be as shit this year with God Emperor as president.
And the only game I'm really only looking forward to this year Is STALKER Ray of Hope. But even then it has no date of when it's gonna come out. And i cant visit the forms because i cant read slav, so I cant only hope that it will come out soon.

Might be just me, but while I very much like to see the change in flow of things politically for the west with Trump's election, Brexit, and maybe some other countries opting to leave the EU and put down political correctness, it wouldn't surprise me if vidya suffers even harder from [CURRENT YEAR] mindset for a while as a form of people rebelling against "Nazis" winning. I might add though that the most recent system I have is the Vita at this point, and mostly play older games these days anyhow though. Not really hyped for anything, though if a game/dev/publisher wants to actually surprise the world with something good, more power to them.

Trump will fix my video games, right?

I can only hope that the liberals will migrate north and die to the cold.

What are you even talking about?
I'm playing SWAT4 right now and I enjoyed Grim Dawn, Redout, Shadow Warrior 2 and Straya Horizon this year while also playing and enjoying older games.
Take your head out of your ass

Theres always the jaded fucks, they're always the first to reply amazingly enough.

We know. Thankfully older games can't be ruined and still exist and are FAR SUPERIOR to all modern garbage.

I hope you don't expect that to come this year.
I'll probably play a few games like Zeldo, but I'll probably spend most of this year doing what I did last year, either replaying old games I already beat or playing games in my backlog.

They confirmed a December release date, but yeah, there might be delays.

Etrian Odyssey 5 better fucking come out soon.
Fuck Atlus, they're probably wasting their time on Purseowner5.

Ever Oasis is going to be shit just like your taste and demeanor.

Then 2017 will have zero good new games, just like the 2 years before it.

EO5 is definitely my most anticipated game, luckily there's loads of good games coming out this year so the wait for it won't be too painful.



They love modern games over there.

Sure, but I need something to scratch my dungeon-delving itch.
Maybe I should stop putting off beating the Heavenbringer now.

Working on your backlog is always good. I recently beat Odin Sphere and Dong Freeze, currently playing Britbong Quest VIII.

judging by how they've decided to revamp the game in more ways then just turning it into an mmo, I'm guessing it won't be done till 2018. They are expanding the map by a huge amount and turning it into a north/south zone.

Tales of Berseria, Nioh and Yakuza 0 are my best purchases, for now I'm just messing with my backlog, finished Bloodborne the other day, beaten Mario 3D world and Fire Emblem Fates Conquest so far this year.

I needs it.

I'm just hoping there's at least SOMETHING else worth getting for the vita or the wii u coming up besides zelda.
other than that i couldn't care less, i've already decided i'm not buying any console that makes me pay money for internet access so that's pretty much it.

I have some decent hope for a bunch of EA titles and Mega Man X corrupted being released this year but otherwise not much has caught my eye besides Ace Combat 7.

everything is shit I don't even play vidya anymore and want to kill myself

Nintendo in general this year, it's looking like a great year to like Nintendo, if you can afford their new system which isn't very expensive at all, there's still a bunch of cool stuff for their other systems, really interested in FE:Echoes and Ever Oasis.

Copper Dreams will maybe get a release, I know it finished it's Kikestarter, it's basically MGS the CRPG, it even uses an injuries based constitution system somewhat reminiscent of MGS3

Underrail Expedition comes out this year, I really liked Underrail, I can't wait to see where Stygsoft goes.

Pathologic may come out this year, I brought one of those huge posters and I'm going to frame it and put it with my actual art collection, I doubt anyone will know any better.

Mountain Blade 2 inches closer to release, I hope it releases this year, I'd much rather the game be more open ended and get a 2018 release though, it looks like it's getting that way, you can build castles and manage farmlands based on what's been shown in menus.

Sea of Thieves is a game I'm cautiously optimistic about, on the one hand I really want a pirate sim, but on the other hand it looks shallow as all fuck.

Torment Tides of Numenera will finally get a release and we will finally be able to tell if it was worth the wait.

Battle Tech is looking good so far, don't really care about it having minorities everywhere, that's not going to stop me from enjoying the game.

Thimbleweed park may be of interest, but Ron Gilbert is a mad cuck, I ain't giving that wanker a cent.

Yooka Laylee should be good, my only fear is that the levels end up being too small, don't care for the multiplayer aspect of the game.

Star Control: Origins could be good, I need to see more about it though.

Crackdown 3 sounds good but Microsoft haven't show much of it.

That's all I guess, I was interested in Conan Exiles before I found out it was a Rust clone, I thought it was going to be The Elder Scrolls: Hboria, now that is something I can sink my teeth into, although I'd be more interested in Mountain Blade: Hyborian Age officially licensed expansion.

Don't let anything stand in your way.

I'm still waiting for a sequel to Manhunt. A good Hitman game, and either Mount & Blade with good graphics or the Total War version of Mount & Blade.

Oh, and Star Citizen.


Ruiner looks like a good choice if you liked Crusader or Brigador.
Other than that and though, it's just keeping an ear to the rail for any surprises while playing through the backlog by which I mean cycling through the games I already have instead of actually getting new games because by the time I get bored of one game another one becomes engaging again. Also shitposting, but that's a given for anyone posting here.

Ruiner looks like a good choice if you liked Crusader or Brigador.
Other than that and though, it's just keeping an ear to the rail for any surprises while playing through the backlog by which I mean cycling through the games I already have instead of actually getting new games because by the time I get bored of one game another one becomes engaging again. Also shitposting, but that's a given for anyone posting here.

Switch Exclusive

I'm dreading what's going to happen to FE this year. Other than that, I dunno, I'll hope something surprises me.

I expect this year to be just as shit as the last ten.

Did current year man did a new episode to deal with current year +2?
I'm looking forward to see another breakdown from him.

Painfully wait for NieR on PC. Styx 2 and Routine in March. Probably get Ni-Oh at the end of the year for birthday or something.

Styx was a complete fluke.
The company that made it is trash.

I'm looking forward to quite a few this year. Namely Yooka-Laylee, Nier Automata, Ni-Oh, the new Friday the 13th, Kingdom Hearts 3, Mario Odyssey, Cuphead, Ace Combat 7, Dragon Quest X & XI, possibly Breath of the Wild, possibly Forgotten Memories and Marvel vs Capcom Infinite. I also want to get Resident Evil 7 at some point.

Aside from the Trump presidency shenanigans the only other thing I have to look forward to this year is the Chinese space station falling out of orbit.

There are no games I am aware of that I have any interest.

We're in for plenty of Brexit drama on this side of the Atlantic. In my ideal world the vote in the Commons will fail and the government will collapse.

EDF 5 releases this year so it can be nothing but good.

I want red dead 2 to be good, but I don't expect it to be. It will be GTA V with a cowboy aesthetic. I'll still play it, though.

don't make me post this all the time

Anything on that list that isn't a remake or a mod deserves at best a medicore.
Nowhere near good.
Now fuck off back to cuckchan with your shitlist.

Do ports/remakes/remasters really count? Otherwise it's a pretty fucking mediocre list.

How so?

I have high hopes for Tekken 7. Revitalizing my favorite franchise? And it's on PC? And my main looks like an awesome motherfucker? Just wish I didn't have to wait til June.

Does anyone have an idea when Ruiner's coming out?

I'll be getting Ace Combat 7. It should be a return to form for the series, which hasn't seen a proper entry since 2007. Maybe Nier Automata as well. Other than that, I'm just trying to learn moon so I can expand my already immense backlog.

Fucking gone to the wind.

Shit game user is at it again. Post what you think is good vidya if you have such great taste.
it's shit

more character imports into mai waifu fighting game

More SJW indoctrination and D&C


I don't even pirate anymore

2017 man isn't due back to whine about Trump until February 12th.

Don't count your chickens before they're hatched. Anyway, I'm looking forward to Bombshell's prequel, Bannerlord, The Fractured but Whole, and possibly Tekken 7. This is more than I looked forward to in 2016, but that doesn't mean I should declare 2017 superior when all these games could turn out to be really bad.



I just want to have fun while playing videogames, like I had ten years ago…

Is there really a mod coming out for a mod of Age of Empires 2? Haven't heard of it is it looking good?

Same user, fuck my life. I can't find anything worthwhile for PC anymore. I'm thinking about buying a 3DS but I fear I'll get bored of it in 5 minutes.

Consider the sweet release of death

everything is shit I don't even play vidya anymore and want to kill myself

All I do now is shitpost. Save me.

I'm considering buying a PS4 in a few months, but I've got such a huge backlog of games that I'm already not playing because of other hobbies, work, life responsibilities and other shit that I can't even reliably say that I'm going to be able to clear out some of my backlog this year.

How well did EDF 4.1 do on the PC? I'm hoping like hell we get a port of this one

last year was dogshit, literally 5 good games tops

lets hope this year we actually get something decent every month


Around 86k copies is pretty good for EDF to be honest, especially at the price point it launched at, with DLC.

That's why I like the Wii U and want a PS4. There aren't as many worthwhile games as on other systems, but there are enough to keep me satisfied. It's not like I had hundreds of games as a child anyway.

Seems about right

I never bought any of the DLC but I did buy the base game on steam, funny enough BEFORE I pirated it just to be safe. I'm happy it sold well, them japs make some grade-A bug killing sims I tell ya hwhat



Nice racist frog btw

game industry should burn and crash, that would make me happy, so thats why I want it.

you're embarrassing frogposters everywhere user.

same as ever

pirate everything

dont give a fuck about all the drama like you gay mongoloids do



Its anti Semite nazi frog to you.

Any more news on it?
Haven't heard a fucking thing about in months.

nothing but a few screensshots, unfortunately.

The old ones or new ones?

I don't even care. This year is already fucking graet.

Outside of the already established ones, I don't see a single one out of the lot that'll turn into a franchise.

Where's our Dragon Quest? Where's our Final Fantasy? Where the fuck is our Metriod, our Mario, our Guilty Gear, our Blazblue, our Doom, our fucking Tales of series, that Falcom shit?

When do we stop doing one and dones and start making a continuing series? When do they die and when do we start? We need some fresh blood, some focused minds, some motherfucking autists that work on making more games instead of making their 10.898797 version on a game that people only talk about due to the sheer difficulty or autistic dedication you need to play it.

Where the fuck are OUR franchises?

I mean great (eh) list in any case, but it fucking bothers me.

Kill yourself kike

What, you think good games come without practice?

I just want another Suikoden, next you'll tell me that sequels are the devil's work.

Is Factorio going to be released finally?

You really should get the mission packs too, they change things up a lot and are significantly more difficult and interesting. The first one also has the best weapon farming map if you don't wanna cheat.

i have a good feeling about 2016 mk:2

oh fuck i forgot to write down nier2 as well



I'm cautiosly optimistic about South Park and Red Dead Redemption, but other than that, looks like it's gonna be a dry year for the (((gaming industry))).
If anything especially good comes swinging out of left field, it'll be from Nintendo, but they have an equal chance of fucking it up depending on the launch of the Switch, which I will be getting exclusively for Zelda, and financing by selling the Xboner 1 collecting dust in my closet.

This is probably the worst fucking post I've seen on this thread.
Consider suicide you stupid piece of shit.

I forgot about that, hope it drops soon.

As for vidya I'm look forward to I want BeamNG, Automation and Ground Branch to hit v1.0.

VR with decent res should be much cheaper.