This game is

This game is


Yo this is just like the way video games used to be. No hand-holding, no saving, no bullshit. Your skill protects you as well as the helpful weapons you get along the way.

Other urls found in this thread:

sick dude! thanks for the heads up, brah!

I guess Holla Forums is casual after all


way to not include the name of the game anywhere in your post, unless of course it's called mad hard which I doubt

go to bed dodge roll

Sorry I'm just so fucking stoked on playing it. Haven't had this much fun in a while. I actually threw my mouse at the floor in anger when I lost, I haven't cared enough to do that in years.

The game is Enter the Gungeon

I own the game.
You're a faggot casual.
Get over it.
Git Gud.

uhh, ok then

Grow up

Waste of dubs. Waste of human life.


shill. the way video games used to be still exists, that isn't it

I might just go try to talk about games on forums from now on. Are there any good ones left?

Daily reminder that only man babies cry over muh RNG.

Agreed. If you recognize that the game has RNG then you should center your strategy around it.

Be sure to tell them how
you are about this
game, and that you threw a controller! You'll fit right in. You sure as fuck don't fit in here.

I thought RPGCodex was at least relatively cancer-free, but I suppose that's just what I've heard.

4chan/v/ and reddit/r/gaming might be up your alley


I am sure that posting anime pictures here is widely considered the high point of anyone's life and not just wasting your life.

OP is a major faggot who posts like an 11-year old redditor, and Dodge Roll is full of SJWs, but gotta praise where praise is due - Enter the Gungeon is a great game.

The game is Enter the Gungeon
The game is Enter the Gungeon
The game is Enter the Gungeon
The game is Enter the Gungeon
The game is Enter the Gungeon
The game is Enter the Gungeon
The game is Enter the Gungeon
The game is Enter the Gungeon
The game is Enter the Gungeon
The game is Enter the Gungeon
The game is Enter the Gungeon
The game is Enter the Gungeon
The game is Enter the Gungeon
The game is Enter the Gungeon
The game is Enter the Gungeon
The game is Enter the Gungeon
The game is Enter the Gungeon
The game is Enter the Gungeon
The game is Enter the Gungeon
The game is Enter the Gungeon
The game is Enter the Gungeon
The game is Enter the Gungeon
The game is Enter the Gungeon
The game is Enter the Gungeon
The game is Enter the Gungeon
The game is Enter the Gungeon
The game is Enter the Gungeon
The game is Enter the Gungeon
The game is Enter the Gungeon
The game is Enter the Gungeon
The game is Enter the Gungeon
The game is Enter the Gungeon
The game is Enter the Gungeon
The game is Enter the Gungeon
The game is Enter the Gungeon
The game is Enter the Gungeon
The game is Enter the Gungeon
The game is Enter the Gungeon
The game is Enter the Gungeon
The game is Enter the Gungeon
The game is Enter the Gungeon
The game is Enter the Gungeon
The game is Enter the Gungeon
The game is Enter the Gungeon
The game is Enter the Gungeon
The game is Enter the Gungeon
The game is Enter the Gungeon
The game is Enter the Gungeon
The game is Enter the Gungeon
The game is Enter the Gungeon
The game is Enter the Gungeon
The game is Enter the Gungeon
The game is Enter the Gungeon
The game is Enter the Gungeon
The game is Enter the Gungeon
The game is Enter the Gungeon
The game is Enter the Gungeon
The game is Enter the Gungeon
The game is Enter the Gungeon
The game is Enter the Gungeon
The game is Enter the Gungeon
The game is Enter the Gungeon
The game is Enter the Gungeon
The game is Enter the Gungeon
The game is Enter the Gungeon
The game is Enter the Gungeon

what a joke

too bad it looks like pixellated shit, oh wait it is pixellated shit.

Just because something is pixelated doesnt make it bad. See Cave Story and Shovel Knight. Quit being so superficial.

Oh shit , you sure told me.

They breathe too. May as well form an aversion to that as well. A good game is a good game, I don't care who it's made by.

I sure did you fucking negroid ape, now go and pick the corn out of your mother's shit as she pushes it out of her putrid brown donuthole.

no thank you

If there was a food joint in your neighborhood that had the best fucking food in the entire world, but whenever you eat there, the owner spits on you and insults you the entire time you're there you sure as fuck wouldn't eat there no matter how good the food is unless you're retarded.


kys tbh fam


Am I talking to a grown man or a whiny child? Most SJW women only date white men, and 90% of the men only hang out with other whites. You're literally crying over someone (of whom is likely mentally ill anyways) saying that whites are racist sometimes (they are) and you think that's some sort of cosmic crime on the level of slavery or something. They cannot do anything to harm your quality of life and they have already failed to ruin our hobby.

Pull your dick out of your ass you damn pussy and talk about video games.


The fuck you talking about?

lol duuude ur so right this is so going on 9gag XD

That's how I beat the hell boss.
Game is bullshit slow, I don't know what the point of skipping levels is if you skip that much treasure you're liable to have dick for weapons or powerups and get rocked.

each run is like a guaranteed god damn hour long, game felt like a chore at points.

Nigger is too much for you?


I am trying to do a dry run with no blanks using only the starter weapon. The health packs are very rare. What bothers me is the table flipping mechanic. It should be automatic, or maybe I need to map it to something else.

OP just stop posting, there is nothing to win only lose time. Wait a day and remake the thread by talking how you would in real life so everything doesn't sound so forced. Unless this is really how you talk in real life in that case get out jew

I watched some gameplay, looks to easy
try out Jamestown if you want a better pixelshit bullethell/shmup whatever you want to call it

I re-mapped it but it's not that useful or helpful, it's fine when you have it but I don't think there aren't tables in every boss fight and there are none in hell.

Table powerups feel like a waste and the ability itself is so-so.

okay thats pretty clever

It's neat seeing other video games mention Vulcan Raven

Believe it or not, 'stoked' and 'mad X' are still quite common. Not sure why people care so much.

*but there aren't

Why would you do this
Holla Forums is not some secret clubhouse

I'll show you something

Are you fucking stupid?

Can you shutup? You aren't proving anything neckbeard.


I fucking hate morons like you, that post some dumb fucking thread about a videogame, and then COMPLETELY NEGLECT TO INCLUDE THE NAME OF THE GAME. Fucking get your shit together OP, and everyone else who does this. Or just kill yourself, that would solve the problem too.

Yeah, and the game isn't even hard, to boot.


I like the feedback sounds, I like how the debris in the room constantly gets kicked up making it harder for you to discern enemies while you're fighting, I like the way you gain powerups and how they are limited, I like the way it is randomly generated, I like that you can buy armor, I like the bosses and patterns, I like the light-bullet hell style

I like a lot of things about it.

Oh man, asking what the game is is so hard.

When you beat him his body gets eaten by gulls

Are you underaged or something?


Yes, it makes me panic
but I got pretty
when I learned it was enter the gungeon.

Yes, it's pretty hard. Way harder than including the name in the OP, one might say it's

Are you a champion of fucking CURRENT YEAR diction or something? Why can't we use words?
Fuck you. I'm saying fuck you over the internet, but just know that from real life me, to real life you, you can go fuck yourself.

I don't care. He's a marine, and I like that. Plus the rest of the characters look like queers. The white guy looks like a numale and the women look like some SJW capeshit.

That's even worse. Stop talking like a Cartoon Network executive.

Can i go fuck your dick too, i'm pretty horny rn tbh

No thanks, I'd rather bee myself.

Did I say you could fucking talk to me?

There's also the fact that the NPC that adds new weapons to the item pool is on a certain floor locked behind a door with a key that spawns very rarely in breakable props on any floor. The sad thing is that you could have had a decent discussion on the game, but you decided to talk up the game rather than try to start an actual fucking discussion. On a side note, "No hand-holding, no saving, no bullshit" sounds like a fucking porn ad.

Jesus Christ all you were missing was some XDs in there. Least you're not a (1) and done OP but still made no effort in the OP all the same. The more you guys act like Reddit being here is okay like these faggots
the more they will start to believe it is.

Sorry. I was just really excited at that moment

Nice edge

I'm not from Reddit, you're paranoid, and you're doing more damage by not talking about video games.

90% of this thread has been retards sperging out because I DARED to use words they don't like while describing something.

God forbid anyone have to follow a code of conduct to post here.

You know, you can reply to more than one person per post.

I'm not so sure that he knows that.

How's the soundtrack?

Main menu music is great


Seems pretty decent

Its a mediocre rng procedural dungeon game. You could compare it to binding of isaac, but binding of isaac has a shitton more polish and thought put into the items and interactions. This game is more straight foward, and while not easy, less creative.

Good, i just want you 2 know that we love you no matter what sweetheart so just ignore the trolls and keep playing MAD HARD games, im stoked for you.

is cuckchan/leddit down or something?

Nuclear Throne's is better.

You can bet it is. The reddit strawmanners are in full force.
This shit is what killed any discussion in 4chan's Holla Forums. Even then.

I played this because I was looking for a new twin stick shooter, and it's slow as fuck. Common mooks are bullet sponges that take a bajillion hits to kill, your movement speed is slow, and even the fucking bullets are slow. It probably wouldn't even be half bad if it didn't feel like I was playing in slow motion.

Nuclear throne on the other hand may not have as much content, but I had a lot more fun with how fast paced it is, it's just a better game overall.

Nuclear Throne also has aiming reticules when using a gamepad, which Enter the Gungeon for DOES NOT HAVE for some fucking reason making it impossible to aim consistently, especially with their ridiculous level of auto-aim messing with you all the fucking time. Seriously, what in the fuck possessed them to think that was a good idea.

Most well done indie games have good tunes.

Binding of Isaac isn't to my tastes, and isn't versatile enough.

I just took a serious look at nuclear throne. Why the FUCK do people pay for a game that looks like the lowest fucking low game on newgrounds?

Define versatile. You have to mean something by that.

I mean if you guys don't want me to say stoked or anything like that I won't. Not sure why it's a big deal though. My bad bro.

Because it's fun

Just delete your thread and make one without being a fucking idiot next time. It probably won't be shitposted to death.

Didn't one of the fags in pic make that.

I mean as far as the weapons and movement. It doesn't feel mobile and the powerups don't make any meaningful difference, not to mention that they are forced on you.

What did I do that was so dumb?

Bitch, what the fuck? Did you never play Fish?

I'm not going to tell you. Fucking figure it out, dumbass, it's not hard.

Realize that its only this faggot yelling at you. Nobody else cares
it's a troll

He's talking about Binding of Isaac.

I agree, it's exactly that, mediocre. When I played it for awhile a couple months ago for maybe a week or two, I remember it just getting old really fast. the low spawns are bullshit, increasing health by fighting a boss without getting hit (or rarely with items) is bullshit, all chests requiring keys are bullshit (seriously why not have the low tier chests be free and the high tier ones cost a key, you needs keys for so much stuff in this game), secret rooms requiring you to waste extra weapon ammo/a blank is bullshit (why can we not just break in with the starter gun and give that some use? and honestly, the stuff in the secret rooms isn't even that great), and the bullet sponge enemies are bullshit too.

Aside from all that, the art direction is nice, the weapons/weapon system is nice, if they could just tweak the game it could really be so much better than it currently is.

Even if hypothetically the dev is a indiefag, don't you think the gameplay is what really matters?
Anons used to generally agree that LISA is a good game, but ever since Dingaling's went crazy after his dad died, it's cool to hate LISA now.

How not to start a thread: the thread. Reminder that OP is always a fag.

Do be such a dud user. The chests all being locked means you have to take a shot in the dark. More brightly colored chests yield better loot, but the dull chests might give you a helpful passive powerup.

The enemies are bulletsponges because I think they wanted you to use the tableflip mechanic, which I personally am not fond of.

If this is board culture, I'm glad it's dying.


Fair enough, but sometimes, the developer being a fag gets too much in the way, and Rami or whatever the fuck his name is happens to be one of the few that I feel is the case, alongside Mr Shitface and the entirety of Gearbox Although they haven't produced a single good game anyway. Furthermore, he was a fag from day one, it wasn't like Dingaling where he had a meltdown later on down the road. I suppose my main point is that you better have not actually paid money for it.

That's a stupid and petty reason to hate LISA. If it was made using RPGMaker's default overhead and battle engines, you'd have a point.

Sp you are not totally STOKED at this MAD HARD game bro????

I personally disagree with the chest thing, because, at least in my experience, the items you get are going to be, 50% of the time, a gun that is just okay. This is why I used the pilot for all my runs because of the lockpick, which even then wasn't that helpful because someone thought it would be a good idea for that to just break half the time and lock you out of the chest you were trying to pick for free loot.

Bullet sponge enemies /can/ be okay, if you're well geared, which even if you're good still happens only like 50-25% of the time because the game can just decide to say fuck you, bad weapon, or fuck you, no keys.

His thoughts are shit and he types like a California prissy bitch. Also he is terrible at video games, calling this shit hard.

Op's thread starter has more energy than 3/4 of all the threads on the catalog..

More like "what's popping fellow kidzz?"
Alabama coon kek

I thought you talked like that because you were a faggot hipster, now I just know you're a decade behind everybody else. How unfortunate.

Basically what this guy said.

I love twin stick shooters. I was really excited for Gungeon. Binding of Isaac with real mouse aim, and none of the edgelord 3deep5u religious themes? Fuck yeah, sign me up. But it was a massive letdown.

Gungeon has tons of content, but it all feels like it was copy pasted, bland and repetitive. The game play is slow as shit, and all the canon fodder are bullet sponges. And despite having 40 bazillion guns, it really only has pistols, shotguns, and machine guns doing slightly different amounts of damage. The sprite art looks good, but that's really the only thing the game has going to it.

NT on the other hand, looks like baby's first sprite art, has very little content by comparison, but all of it feels unique. Every single weapon is distinctly different. And having a 2 weapon limit with shared ammo pools across a half dozen weapon classes makes ammo management far more important compared to Gungeon's bag of holding inventory. Ever character has unique active abilities, instead of just starting with something that you could pick up randomly anyway. The game is quick and chaotic, enemies go down fast, and you can die even faster, because the game doesn't hold your hand with 3 days worth of invincibility frames every time you're hit. Also, picking your mutations intelligently is also far more rewarding than rolling dice with random chests like in Gungeon,

People still say those words bro. Maybe you should leave your basement

Is the PS3 coming out anytime soon there? Bro

Ah fuck I didn't even know. Actually just looked him up and holy shit is he a tremendously pretentious fag. My main point though was I enjoyed the game a lot more than Enter the Gungeon.

It was good, but it wasn't that good.

No they don't, user. Don't lie on the internet.

I disagree on the art, though I won't contest the fact that a lot of stuff looks like visual vomit. Paul Veer is a decent sprite artist, but I feel like he was incredibly limited due to the way NT is structured.

That is Rami, the PR man. He is universally hated by many, including the NT community. The incompetent programmer is a pretty alright dude, but he couldn't code his way out of a paper bag. I feel like I have PTSD from reading his handiwork.

Unrelated, the cyka that got his hands on the source to add online coop is close to wrapping up modding support. Unfortunately isn't possible for pirates to play it since it piggybacks on the Steam api for online play, but yeah.


Amazingly, Rami was able to get the majority (if not all) of the NT community to fucking despise both himself and Vlambeer as a whole by doing basically anything besides fix the damn game. The other guy, jw, is 100% to blame for that, but jw didn't do weekly promises of an oncoming update for a year and shitpost about flying to whogivesafuckistan, making a game about cleaning toilets, talking at presentations, political opinions nobody cares about, and getting engaged through an online videogame instead of fixing the damn game. If you mention Rami "Salami Swami" Ismail in the Gamergate threads, you'll surely get information about all of the shitty things he says in general. It's amazing that someone who is so spectacularly bad at PR decided to become the PR guy.

On the topic of Gungeon,
for the starting characters. I don't know why people have such a boner for Pilot, but Convict has the strongest early game and that's the most important part to me imo.

It was addicting at first, wanting to beat the main game boss kept me binging for weeks. Now, it's just a light one/two hour sessions.
Personally, I found it more fun than BoI or Nuclear Throne. Weapon variety does sort of feel samey sometimes; making them feel more like weapon re-skins than changing play style.

I can tell you the exact moment when I dropped this game and never looked back. It's when I made it down to the second floor, and realized the enemies had scaling health. That's one bullshit too far.

Also, unpopular opinion: the Resourceful Rat deserves to be raped to death.

fuck off, shill.

Yes. They do. For fuck sake man.

Wait, are we talking about this guy?
I want to know two things regarding this.
I know he is not directly affiliated, but the mod clearly works, why not add it to the game.

When you make a shitty thread, even if vidya related, don't expect quality posters to fix it for your faggot ass sake.

Shitty game too, there are better top down shooters in flash sites for free.

It wasn't shitty. You're just mad that I didn't speak in the way you liked. Blow it out your ass.


The game is full to the back teeth with memery and pop culture references. The two best guns in the game are the proton pack (Ghostbusters) and the BFG (acts like a cross between the one from DooM and the one in Quake 2). It's a bit more aggravating than Binding of Isaac, in my experience, but still a decent game.

People like Pilot?
Only characters I really bother with are Marine and Convict, since they're the only ones who don't have a godawful starting loadout.

Is this the thread where all the cool kids are? I've been dying to show off the new hip slang I've been hitting up mad yo.

With dem quads you know it.

i know, we're 'mad rude' right (who the fuck talks like that, yo)

Ok im normally not one to call out shill, but this seems kinda worthy of the buzzword
go away

cyka wizardry. yal spent 8 months reassembling the decompiled source code, and has done the same with other projects as well (he purchased undermeme for the express purpose of testing his method iirc, don't believe he even played the game)

Probably some legal red tape involving Sony. That's the excuse for not pushing a hotfix for PC platforms, anyway, so might as well use it here too.

seemed fun, but I recently picked it up now during the sale. though I don't know what you mean with it's hard, I'm on 4th floor and have yet to die the very first time

Dang brah you ain't with it? Weaksauce, yo.

I wish 8ch were too irrelevant to draw shills.


Lol what happened?

One hotpocket has been deposited in your account.

Jokes on you I hated LISA all along.

Dude just stop posting.


Reminds me of this

Why is it that even in "manly" games the men still look sleek and slender like a fuckin Araki drawing.

Give me Buff McLargeHuge. I want guys with pecs on their pecs. I want every man to have the physique of the Hulk.

Typical hipster made indie trash roguelite banking on EPIC VIDYA GAEM REFERENCES XD to keep people entertained. Full of niggers and strong independent womyn. 2/10, full shit, kill yourself.

isn't this yet another random generation random loot drop random everything game

I prefer actual design, thanks

It's exactly that. It's neat, but nothing to write home about. OP is a faggot as usual.

That poster is kind of weird because it looks NOTHING like the in-game art.

yeah, the more random a game is the worse it becomes. I can't think of a single instance where randomness makes a game better.

the art looks bad.

And no information what so ever. It's a shit post.

Yeah it's not great. Game's fun though.

What about Behemoth games?

Legend of Grimrock. GSGs. Text games


This whole thread reeks of How do you do fellow gamers

Never really noticed much randomness
Randomness really can make a gsg worse. There's reasonable unpredictability, and then there's "fuck you, you lose"

You're asking me to shitpost then?

Random dungeon generation, random enemy placement

Asking you not to post at all. That would be MAD AWESOME BRO.

I came here to watch 5ffae2 sperging out

burn in hell

Libcucks have an easy life.

It's come to that point where either you're doing your shilling job wrong or you're just wasting your time discussing against an entire board

OP is a fag

Want to have sex?


So OP's shilling got to me and I tried this out. I played until level 3 and then decided to take a break and shut the game down. Upon starting again, I was wondering where all my items and guns were and why I'm starting again from level 1 and why it's a different layout.

I had NO FUCKING IDEA this game was a roguelike-lite whatever. Fucking hell, fuck this shit. WHY. It was fun until this happened, I'm getting too much fucking RNG games like this in my system in the past years, Risk of Rain, Isaac, Dungeon Souls etc. etc. This felt like a competent little game that in no way benefits from random elements and starting from the beginning every time!

I hate this shit.

First of all.
Two nigger protagonists.
That aside.

The game isn't really "hard", it is incredibly fun but calling it "hard" is kind of dumb.
The only hard part is when you get real bad guns (for example the soaker) or the Lich, otherwise this game is pretty tame in terms of difficulty.

But yeah, it is a fun game, I have to admit that, the guns have variety and the combinations are fun to use.
Wish there was a co-op mode that wasn't local.

Enter the Gungeon is babby tier dungeon crawling.
Real lads play Dungeon Crawl: StoneSoup.

why do you care? Grow up dude. I mean it. You might as well whine about barret in final fantasy or something. Go cry about the clouds outside not being the shape you want.


It also has the serious cannon

I don't like the nigger protagonists.
Nor the dike.
The Pilot is the only good character, if not because of the equipment then it's because he is white.
I'd rather be a white cis male and only have a handgun than being a nigger with machine gun or crossbow or a dike with a shotgun.

You do realize that this is the kind of thing SJWs and liberals bully you over right? All extremism is steeped in a tiny bit of truth

No it isn't.
I am not calling the devs SJWs or saying their games is shit, no, I enjoy the game but I dislike the nigger characters.
Is giving my opinion extremism now?
Am I not entitled to enjoy what I like and dislike what I don't like?

I relate with being a white guy.
Not a dike.
Not a buff nigger.
Not a ginger nigger.
If they made a classic afro nigger I would have liked it, instead every character but The Pilot (and the extra ones) is a 2serious4u kind of deal, while the Pilot is just a white smug cunt with a pompadour.


im scared to click that webm


Its mad fun bruh, click it im STOKED by it, grow up kiddo

Dont post bad thing anonkun

jokes on you, being bullied only arouses me

Vlambeer made more than one game, avoid all of the following if you have any morals:
Super Crate Box (which is praised to high heaven despite being a literal newgrounds type of game)
Mind you, Rami is butt buddies with a ton of the journo clique that snowballed the gamergate shit. He dropped out of college with his programmer-lackey to make big bucks out of the contacts he made there.

On topic, Enter the Gungeon is shit. It takes the basic premise of Isaac and makes it even more reliant on RNG, entire features introduced in the tutorial are useless, Scaling health not just on bosses like Fagmund makes but for ALL enemies, etc. The only somewhat good thing about it are the puns and music.

It's from a time where anons managed to get into the camera system in a ghetto-tier high school and blasted racist songs over the speakers. It's just fun, nothing scary.

He broke down when Trump was elected even though he posted here a year ago.

I guess the death of his dad made him feel pissed and put all that hate energy into Trump.

you are retarded, the game is literally rngfest

fuck off viral marketer

enjoy your 30fps

You guys are so fucking bitchy and whiny, it's almost amusing

Fuck off to your designated hugbox then.

This thread reeks of dev shill
In that case
I'm so glad I didn't buy this