#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Karateka Edition


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6. Dig for info regarding the ESA, (also ECA, IARC)
7. OP ESRBusted! Expose the ESRB for being against developers and consumers.

- youtube.com/watch?v=7AL__CptUSQ
- reddit.com/r/KotakuInAction/comments/5j7az8/deepfreeze_deepfreeze_update_new_filing_system/
- youtube.com/watch?v=KcDVvqv93CM
- imgur.com/gallery/X2w49
- archive.fo/y5mGL


youtube.com/watch?v=wy9bisUIP3w - #GamerGate - If It's Not About Ethics;
youtube.com/watch?v=ipcWm4B3EU4 - #GamerGate in 60 Seconds;
archive.is/23Fde - GamerGate: A State of the Union Address.

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Do you think you are clever or something

PBG is a faggot, were you really surprised?

never EVER say well ackchaally or you do realize
its just fucking spurgy as hell

'm tired of meme/lewd/miranda/Val/posting that derails threads myself

This is one of the ZachAttack doxers, yes?

The stream that broke friendships
Nice to see Jontron stays based to this day

Jon is Best grump

Also pbgamer is assmad



Not at all
projared is also a faggot and his GF is a massive cosplay attention whore who spurged out so hard a month back because a few people gave her advice while she was buying dungeons and dragons shit


Yep, and if I remember right, he was one of the guys going "I don't condone this, but OOPS, HERE'S A LOAD OF SHIT I DUG UP ON THIS GUY!"

Is that why gamergate always coopted aggros hashtags



Do SJWs consume every form of entertainment ever existed, just so they can stop buying everything someone creates if that someone commits wrongthink? Or are they full of shit?

The guy behind the official sonic shitposting twitter is full agg? He made that attack helicopter post a while back. Is he SJW?

From what I heard, danny and ross are being driven away by suzie, and jon making an appearance was more for the fans than anything else

There'll be less shitposting because of the shitload of stuff anons have dug up on ESA.

Oh shit I hope this is not a rumor
What's the details of that

been the same since biblical times.

Anons keep denying this, but it becomes truer by the day with goons being churned out in droves by the education system.

I know, goes along well with the FBI's recent report release, too.

At first there was one guy, the much beloved Aaron Webber (RubyEclipse) now it's manned by him, TimmiT, and someone else. I'll see if I can post archives of Timmi getting butthurt.

Sad story that repeats itself too often. My brother's D&D group fell apart because a girl joined for male attention and most of his friends were spilling spaghetti to get here attention

Suzie has keep Egoraptor's "pipe dreams" in check.

Previous thread: Iran has a rating system (Not surprising but hey)
The ESA is a platinum sponsor of SIEGE along with Tripwire Interactive (Killing Floor) & Hi-Rez Studios (Tribes)
SIEGE 2016 Sessions
Entertainment Software Association Joins Local Leaders to Analyze Explosive Growth of Video Game Industry, Explore its Future
SIEGE is an event by the Georgia Games Developer Association
I found a page that mentions the IGDA Leadership Track (And a Global Game Jam is trending)
Also requesting any user skilled in either Russian, Czech, Finnish, Greek, Hungarian, Norwegian, Polish, Romanian, or Spanish for translation of the tea scene. And if I made any mistakes


I have a feeling this thread is gonna be on that and jontron triggering his sjw friends

Is that why every single person to go against the narrative enjoyed new fans and success? Whereas with SJWs they need all their butt buddies propping them?

Yea mr internet tough guy, Im sure you'd punch strangers.

As always SJWs show they're the insane ones.

TimmiT doesn't man the account. He's just working with them to do the Big's Big Fishing Adventure game, which is kind of an officially-endorsed fangame. TimmiT otherwise is just Retro staff, not SEGA personnel. GeneHF is the one who went from Retro to working with Webber.

watching that stream put some of the start of gamergate into a new light. Hearing jontron say he was subbed to sargon for years and had been noticing the change in culture for at least 4 years. His reaction at the start of gamergate seems much more genuine and on point than stumbling into a hive he didn't expect.

Literally can't tell the difference between videogames and real life.

You know this isn't the first gamergate thread where we talked about jontron, egoraptor and Suzy or even Ross and Danny
But this is the first where we talked about Austin (pbg)
I am glad jon stayed based and yeah it's understandable for him to remain neutral during the hype of gg but it looks like he has to
Draw the line in the sand dude He's gotta make a statement


What I have on hand right now is this. There's another tweet he made about not enjoying Webber's helicopter joke on the Sonic account and said he would talk to him, hence Aaron explaining himself to NeoGAF. This isn't that tweet, but it does show him retweeting Nintendo Of America, Jason Schreier, and Vlambeer/Rami, and a localization article from VICE.


Isn't jontron owned by maker, who are own ed by Disney? Are they gonna drop the hammer on him?

The tea scene in Tagalog:


Jontron has already made a big name for himself in game grumps and his reviews

You have been visited by


Good luck on love, Good Luck on Surgeries, Concentration, Smugness, a better PC, the ability to spot shills, Orchestra instead of Dubstep, an easy guide to mememagic, faster Japanese learning and Salt of your enemies will come but only if you post a pic of your Waifu followed by the words “FOR HER, THE WORST NIGHTMARE OF GAMERGATE”

Remember to always be a big guy



Where do you guys even take that from?
I dont see arin or danny being possed, i remenber arin saying in gamegrumps that he did not vote and dan calling trump future pressident before the elections.

But it's not super gay right?

again, you're right that TimmiT is an SJW sperg, but he's not part of SEGA. He's not behind the Sonic twitter.

Never liked Shia, but now he seems like he's an eternally angry person. He committed assault against one of their own, why are they defending him? If they bashed Shia for that, I'd feel like their anger was justified.

Just in case you didn't see it in the last bread, the German version should be:

S: Herrin (Mistress)
S: Hier ist euer Tee (Here is your tea)
R: Danke.

"Ich habe den Tee gebracht" would indicate that Sakuya brought the tea some time ago, not that she's bringing it in right now.

I doubt it. He's too much of a money maker for them. They'll give him more leyway than they would for others. He probably won't be on TBs podcast again, though

for her

Huh, must have gotten them mixed up somehow, but I'm also familiar with Gene. Then there's that third guy.


For them
Gamergate worst nightmare

Take it with a grain of salt
But pbg breaking his friendship with Jon is obviously gonna happen considering his shit storm on Twitter

look at him, look at him and laugh

Which one is he again, the pedo or pedo apologist? These aGGros are hard to tell apart most of the times. :^)

Whoever did this (or it's latest version) please could you add the Archive link to the article, and an excerpt quote from the article?

Otherwise, it looks like we're asking for shit to be added, not to make the most of what it already (possibly) has.

Wow, it's been a while since I've seen the 4Bs.

I cannot confirm anything, at this point any info I have is third hand.

I never said pozzed, only that it seemed like a rift has been made between arin and danny/ross. It sounded like it when I heard danny had been appearing less on either show, and ross is heavily connected to the old ng crew and unlike arin still makes stuff.



Guy Shia assaulted was from halfchan, not a commie. Also not sure if he uses Holla Forums or Holla Forums.

Well at least tell me the what the rumors are about so if anything happens

Because they do not follow up beyond "EH PUNCH NOOTZI, GUISE" narrative.

Feels weird that I'm better looking than these people. Don't think about their appearances much when all I have to go on is their twitter avatars.

Just read this manga and honestly it had a lackluster ending.

Some people I know are saying that vidya game prices will raise because Trump intends to implement tariffs that will affect them. How true is that?

He assaulted several people though, one was a guy who showed support.

He just looks sad.

Ah, how could I forget these parts in the previous thread:
ESA has donated between $10,000 - $25,000 to Hillary Clinton (Which doesn't help considering that Huey himself has been contributing to the Democrats since 1992 and follows Michelle Obama)
ESA Lobbying money went up during the Bush years and doubled in the Obama years
ESA has been sponsoring the Democratic National Convention during the 2016 election
George Soros' Media Matters group talked about the ESA supporting PIPA
The biggest bombshell in particular is the ESA showing up as a donator list for Center for American Progress who is owned by Podesta….fucking John Podesta.

could happen

These people condemned white people yet their side is mostly white
It never fails
Meanwhile jontron triggers him and stays based

Can't imagine why. His life must be awesome.

Yeah but sauce though.
I ask because i still enjoy gamegrumps even if they arent as good anymore, i really enjoy watching dan and arin talk shit while playing vidya very badly.

Here, Read the Expanded Universe via Comiket Doujins by the Artist and guess stars




Yeah I mean him and his goons are gonna totally take down jontron
Like when those sjws went after him after using the word retarded

Here, I'll just copypaste from previous thread.

Maybe, but grain of salt.

Suzie does hate gg, that much is true, if you are an avid watcher you probably did listen to the rant against gg she mad some time ago. Feel free to watch what you want to, but dude, most if not all youtube shows are pozzed. and arin is retarded when it comes to all video games.


The sole reason to live

I don't care about eceleb shit, the reactions are just funny.

Government body supports Democrats- more at 11.

But yeah, those links are condemning as fuck.
If we find more corruption, we could take it to the top.

Though- how do you dis-nod a goverment department?

Damn Right my man

You don't have to tell me twice

This is a face of depression and despair. I know this all too well. You can definitely see it in the 3rd pic.

I seriously wish their was a big hashtag devoted to just spreading them to break the worst part of this pathetic shaming once and for all.


I did not though, havent seen all of gamegrumps, care to provide source my man?
Also, i still dont feel that GG is pozzed, apart from usual youtube PC, they havent been ass kissing SJWs, have mocked tumblr and landwhales and never once saw them say anything about trump.

Arin is linkara tier even worse when it comes todiscussing vidya and sgould stop. hes going to end up as a divorced linkara.

Plants vs zombies part 6 or 7 I think

I'm gonna be busy watching this
Can we get webm clips of this?

Also jontron doesn't know what traps are
Its adorable how innocent he is
Maybe we should show him

thanks I guess, I went in expecting some yuri and while it had that I got absorbed into the plot rather than the yuri and just ended up disappointed.

Thanks, i didnt even botherwith that series, will check it out in the weekend.

He probably, jon is no fool, but still, he should remain pure.

Might have to think of a different strategy. ESA, ESRB, IARC. Pick a name out of a hat but their main narrative to me seems to be, they are a non partisan rating and info board that is the industry's self governing entity, a friend to publisher, developer, vidya and vidya consumers (huehuehue) and certainly not an adversary. If it wasn't for the formation of the ESRB, why the gov't would have stepped in and regulate vidya heavily and they're probably worse than an icky gross bible thumping christians in their heavy handedness amirite guise.

I'm not sure you can dis-nod the ESA, at least at the moment anyway. What may be possible, maybe. Is to raise enough awareness or get more key people and build momentum in asking hard questions. Such as, based on it's actions does the ESA really have vidya and developers and customers as their priority. Do developers really need the ESA forever and ever.

Dude, I am not going to watch over everything and give them views, one of their "mysogynist harrasing poor feminists" rants are in the katamari videos. He has retweeted anita before
Though if you want the absolute truth, ask him yourself.

Holy shit, Arin is fucking DSP tier around 1:44:30 onwards.

gamergate theme

The signs of him being a cucked beta male are already adding up.

Oh god, Arin's becoming Anthony Burch.

inb4 shes fucking the jock she was seeing while he wrote letters on the side
inb4 "dont talk to my wife or my wifes child ever again"

Anons, arin has always been a total beta, suzy is the only girlfriend he ever had.

Look at his face, he does not want to be there at all.

Honestly, I think we need to put a hold on ESRBusted until we get something working. I've already talked about the dumb cover changes and how overprotective the ESA is with the rules while they have guys who formerly worked for the MPAA & RIAA (And we know how totally trustworthy they are when it comes to ratings & advertisements)
It's a very huge hypocrisy that they even have these rules to begin with while allowing content that would otherwise violate it get pushed in movies & music.
And let's not forget about the ESRB responding to CensoredGaming.

That pic is rom late 2014 I think.

I'm beginning to understand why these people think touching your wife's face was "creepy" in Fire Emblem.

And this is the webm that was prior to the ESRB responding to CensoredGaming



Its finally happening, she's starting to unravel.

is she claiming she got trump elected?

Olsen is the one who spearheaded the effort to have Holla Forums removed from google due to CP.

Jokes aren't funny anymore.

Bamco, you do statues and model kits right

Didn't this media blitz about cuckholding being THE INTELLECTUAL FETISH wear off yet?

She's talking about us user, proto trump movement means us

Needs to be called the daily bull. And yhe only smart one there is the bull, the wife and husband are both retards who should be fixed.

ESRBusted also risks helping IARC.

Even writing down goals won't work, since they can be twisted.
We want nations to decide what they think is appropriate- but a minority does instead.
We want parents to look at youtube videos to make the call- but they look at click-bait fear mongering, and blame the little shits issues on anything but their own parenting.
We want a consistent ratings board- but it'll treat everything with a puritan brush.
We want ratings boards to have zero say in the product, or even the creators to rate themselves- but middle men are as old as money.

ESRB has legs. We just need to run it correctly.

Oh Reimu!

I don't think I've ever seen more circular horse shit flung in response to an honest question in my life.



I don't get this cuckolding shit. It seems to go hand in hand with feminism, though. My best guess is that
Like jesus christ, man. Women like to feel attractive. Sometimes you need to kiss your wife and tell her she's beautiful. It might sound rapey but even an ass grab at home sometimes. If you're really in love enough to spend your lives together she's not going to get upset because you grabbed her butt.

I feel like I missed a lot in the 7 hours I was away from the thread

I'd suck natalie mars too, I understand him now

You can not make this shit up. You simply can't..

Fucking stop the presses

This just gets easier.

He's in for a surprise

Netorare a best

I'm starting to fear memes a bit.

I'm glad my D&D group survived 3 of those girls. It helps that we all have different tastes in 3d girls so it was only one dude sperging

Does Luggage :ad work for the Daily Beast now?

And that's the story on how we both lost our virginity.

Why did I say that? Cause in that moment I learned women love that shit and as time as wore on I learn more and more that a feminist is just a woman who wants to dominated.


Guess who was extremely butthurt at the womens march?

You deserve to suffer for all time.

Remember to spread the hate, user.

I know, especially when you again consider the guys who are at the ESA used to work for the MPAA & RIAA & Viacom and you have movie covers like these being made.

So you're saying this is like fighting against Manfred von Karma?

you liking ntr is your body telling you that your genes are unworthy of spreading. some main characters deserve it though


>he doesnt selfinsert as the woman

It happens a lot when you get "that girl". Sometimes you'll get a girl who's actually into the activity, but there area fair number that just pretend to like stuff for attention. A lot like a guy who will pretend to be interested in what a girl is saying, I guess.

My first relationship was with the girl next door. We'd been friends since childhood and started dating in high school. We got married in late 2008, right out of high school. She's not shy when she gets in the mood. Christ, I get my ass grabbed a lot, just walking around the house.

I wouldn't absolutely despise NTRshit if it only happened to faggots who deserved it that never even got a kiss and not protagonists who don't.

Also, if the thief wasn't always a gigantic contemptible faggot.

Fucking hell, you're going to give someone a sugar coma.

I've seen one where a guy got cucked by a trap, and decided the only way to keep his honor was to fuck the trap senseless and make him his bitch. Thus, even if his wife is the trap's woman, the trap is his woman, so it evens out. Was pretty funny. Not my thing though.

>that font change between Paradise + Oh, Marisa? & It's so cold, so close the door. + Yeah, yeah. + …why was I even worried?

I legit want to commission asanagi to make a ntr doujin of whatever is tumblrs favorite anime just so i can spread it across the net for the salt. bonus points if its a yuri anime so they can love the dick.

I think it's that gay skating one now.



sorry wrong thread

Please user, stop hurting me

I can never stop being smug not needing a gf or waifu.

Possibly not related to the ESA, but remember when I talked about DiGRA in Japan? Well, I found someone: Masanobu Endō



Why not?

I fucking hate having autism.

Tumblr doesn't like yuri. They like progressiveness.

It's not bullying if I like it. She's older than me too

M/u/GA's new ad is going to cause so much t/u/mblr asshurt.

>tfw no good bird reaction image for this feel

And she is also not real

I honestly give 0 shits about gamergate.


oh shit. Could he have been the one to start the birdposting? Was jaque the first birdpost posted?

Bet you're a tranny Sewell.


If you truly gave zero fucks about us, you honestly wouldn't be here.

I honestly have no idea. It'd be pretty cool if it was, though.

Two can play this (you) game, motherfucker!

I dont understand

Yet here you are shitposting. If you give 0 shits, you may be constipated. Try prune juice.

Here are some ESA related digs. I found their names on the Contact Us page
Richard Dillio: Answers inquires on ESA membership, also the Director, Membership and Research at Entertainment Software Association

You'll never get a (you) from me! NEVER!

The best way to get (you)'s is to post ultralewds

Papers, we need his papers to be translated! Search for any Marxist, feminist or social justice buzzwords he used in his papers and boom, we hit a jackpot!

I just want to post cute images from the AOTS but this is the only thread that isn't completely dead.

Different organizations having different standards isn't hypocrisy. Not even if an employee moved from one to the other.

Sargon made a little fallout followup to the jontron stream

Just don't. All your life you read, watch and listen to all this sappy, but charming shit about how love is the greatest thing ever and people can't live without it.

I can appreciate the beauty, sexiness and most of all adorability of all that, but personally don't want any of it for myself. I feel good about being emotionally independent like that.

You are a lucky mofo.


My only real gripe with the relationship is the differing political views. So we just don't talk politics.

Good advice, never talk about politics with those you love.

what if i don't love anyone?

Why is Popehat butthurt?



Yeah, that one. It's pretty funny.

I'll talk about it with relatives sometimes, but not her. Because she's very left-wing and compassionate, and I'm right-ish and mean and cycnical and racist.

Then talk about politics with EVERYONE

Cause he's an SJW and the sensible popehat left a long time ago.


I love this one. Especially the wife getting a shine in her eye because she's a total fujo.

They talk about gamergate around here
Can I get a webm of this part?
I'm on my phone atm


Clark hat was definately the only good one.

user, don't do that. I do have a feeling that this video will be taken down. Spread this wherever you can. This needs to not be forgotten.

Damned if you do, damned if you don't.

At least you have good taste in anime.

>not posting both direct link and archive for good sites

Fine. I'm just having this weird feeling that it will get taken down REALLY soon, considering they want to bury this under the sands of obscurity after that interview. Just so you watch.



Robin Ek can shill for his site. He's very poor guy and struggle for just to pay server, and his bills.

Not so fast, satan.


is nothing sacred

Not after I saw that sweet 40 pages long /ss/ [email protected]/* */ doujin today

All right, I'll put in the direct link.

I have the webm downloaded, I just need to remember that site I uploaded the Trump supporter getting beat up by niggers webm at…

It's hot because it's sacred

It never was

especially not because the mangaka behind it is a cute grill

Did P rejuvenated into 7 years old?

If that video got taken down and no one bats an eye then it would be really disappointing. With all the digs that you guys found the ESA and the dirt you've uncovered, this tip of the iceberg needs to burn brighter then the Pharos Lighthouse. Maybe people would care if it happened. It must be done before it's too late.

Nope, Just Kirari being an Onee san


Do these people ever think before they speak

Like regardless of whether or not you believe in god, I somehow doubt he'd want a man assassinated.

Fatpulse, the cheerleader one I think


really now

jesus christ…


My bad I got it wrong. I mixed up 2 dark skin girls
Miyamoto Issa Iinari no Susume Advice for the Whipped Girls forM Vol. 14 English darknight

At least according to what I saw on /tg/

Of all the things you thought wouldn't have porn, you thought it would be the thing with the lewd elf?



Needs a better name, but yeah, a souls game based on dragon myths would be cool. Throw in the beast mechanic except for dragon from bloodborne and a wide array of weapons from demon souls, dark souls and bloodborne, and you got an interesting game.
just imagining fighting a multistage colossal dragon that is almost akin to a colossus in souls fashion makes me erect

This bread's getting dangerously cancerous and we're not even rechead 300 replies

femanon here, does anyone here know if Mark is single?

He's married to ice cream cake


Mark you must stop shitposting

Sauce plox

Go cuck his wife user. Whether or not you're a real grill.

For anyone who cares. A bunch of anons, a few fem anons, Trump supporters and a /mu/ guy crashed Shai L'Beef's 24/7 4 years lviestream the kikes shut it down

I was digging on Dan Hewitt and oh boy, here comes the Mike "Like the cock? You're in for a shock" Pence memes
EA hosts event about LGBT issues in games
EA addresses LGBT issues in gaming in first ever 'Full Spectrum' event
Robert Joachim & Daniel Hewitt get married

Bad Angler is still down.

I heard someone got punched out for saying, "Hitler did nothing wrong."

She was already a semen demon though. Just like Barakamon, that show was all about trying to trick lolicons into wanting to be fathers with ridiculously cute girls. The only shocking thing about that pic is the NTR. Dungeon Meshi feels way more wrong to sexualize.

Elves are boring, making lewds of them seems pointless to me.
I'm more surprised that something as niche as Dungeon Meshi got a doujin.

2016 election prooved that…oops

What a bizarrely principled stance to take.


Wasn't Shia arrested?

Clinton did get 3 million more votes, so it technically does prove that.

Is this the face that wants a relationship with a woman?

In certain cities.

Popular vote is based off population density, if it wasn't for California the GOP would always win the pop vote.

Oh yeah I bet current electoral processes 'really' motivate republicans to vote in California and Democrats to vote in Texas

Trmup's recount is going to change that. Don't forget that detroit had more votes than there were registered voters

Less than 50% of the eligible population did not vote if I remember correctly, so no, there are more neutrals than either side, but they have a nasty habit of driving neutrals against them.

You are making my panties wet.

The Great Art Upgrade – DiGRA 2013
>Another landmark was last year’s exhibition “The Art of Videogames” at the Smithsonian Museum. Game people were too busy celebrating this recognition to wonder whether or not this was a just populist publicity stunt to refresh the museum’s image and the industry’s. The show was in fact “generously” supported by Entertainment Software Association.



Found the other Sonic twitter guy




Chubby man loves his thicc waifu

Conventionally attractive proportions and character designs stop working once you've tasted the forbidden fruit.

Trips and dubs give me the sauce! Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

This is the ESA, folks! Disregard whatever the PR guy said, let's kick their shit in!

Calling girls dude wasn't just a fever dream I had in the late 90's right?

the guy who actually got the police to come wasnt from /pol and was actually there to protest
he was reading a poem and shia grabbed him for no reason

before that shia grabbed a guy from Holla Forums and was saying shit like IM A JEW and shit
and before that he shoved a guy for saying hitler did nothing wrong
and before that he chased a guy from Holla Forums for a block because he yelled pepe

Honestly, anyone who speaks an internet meme out loud in real life is as bad as a namefag and should be treated as such.

pol had fucked with him for days, the person attacked didn't want to show his face.

I Banepost in real life whenever possible.

again the dude that got the police to come was a protestor not from Holla Forums shia attacked a random dude for absolute no fucking reason

Regardless, I'd still say DiGRA is worth an investigation along with Silverstring.


My doubt is whether or not they can actually be defunded and killed off that way since last I checked, they have charters around the world. I think DiGRA's Finnish based, to boot.

Gonna see the Yugioh movie tomorrow

Hope to sell cards to nostalgiafags who show up

So Mark?

I thought she looked familiar.

Peace One Love, my brother.

Mark can do no wrong in my eyes.

He's fucking lost it, holy shit.

Hispanic Heritage Foundation and the Entertainment Software Association Announce 2016 LOFT Video Game Innovation Fellows
>LOFT is HHF’s award-winning, leadership, and workforce development program focused on America’s priority fields including STEM, entrepreneurship, education, and innovation. Tens of thousands of students and young professionals are connected to each other; prepared through trainings, priority-field-tailored symposia, workshops, and Charlas; and hundreds are placed into internships, mentorships, fellowships and full-time positions with Fortune 500 companies and government agencies. Join and follow LOFT on Twitter – @LOFTInstitute and Facebook facebook.com/groups/hhfloft/. Visit www.HispanicHeritage.org for info on HHF.

I knew Jontron was red pill but holy shit everything he says is on point

I didn't know he was this redpilled
Also didn't know Austin (peanutbuttergamer) was so blue pilled either

I guess gamergate truly was the portal to the twilight zone


SJWs fail again.

he saw that he hid hi face and thought he was a nazi, he had a reason but he was wrong

That reminds me, /bane/ is back from the dead.

Guess who's losing their federal funding next.

Sorry if this is off topic but I need a lubricant for a couple squeaky keys and one sticky key on my keyboard. I've been looking at these two. (pics related) Anyone of you guys have an answer?

It opened a lot of eyes. If I hadn't learned not to believe their lies from the Zimmerman fiasco, this would have taught me.

> "What you mean like for… games?"
> "Wow user, I didn't know you were so progressive.

What does they even do

People have been saying that for the almost 3 years, but it fall unto deaf ears and people on Twitter dubbed it as tinfoil shit. That's why #OperationDiggingDiGRA never really got the power that it suppose to have, putting every contributors of DiGRA trembling in their boots.

That's not a valid reason.
Kill yourself already, most of the people there showing up from Holla Forums to fuck with the stream aren't even natsoc.


Hnnng. I read the manga, but that anime, hnnnnnnng.

Considering he looks like I do on my days off for his videos, I am not. Jon being redpilled is nice though, granted he does talk to oney, ricepirate and pebbles alot and they are more or less pilled too even if some of them are berniefags/libertarians

Maybe one of them can explain what the hell "twftmtmm" is supposed to be.

Yeah I fell for the narrative hook Line in sinker
At least when South park made the episode they made him Hispanic (and not the white hispanic narrative the media was parading about) oh didnt some sjw try to pulls the whole "white Hispanic" thing again during that airport shooting this year?

Also I hope every one here watches that Aragon and jontron stream
Its so.fucking good they even mention how.gamergate was the start of the push back against sjws (well big start)

he will not divide us stream is great
>brave anons gather to crash this stream with no survivors
>they eventually outnumber faggot shia drones
>are having more fun than shia drones chanting top tier bants like "Green Lives Matter"
>Museum people make all anons go onto the sidewalk
>there are so many of them they begin to take over the sidewalk
>cops show up
>cops say you can't be on the sidewalk it's all clogged up and tell them to go back onto the gravel
>much laughter and liberal butthurt
>museum faggots freak out and pull a SHUT IT DOWN on the stream
the bring us together

In my opinion, it was "what can we do with this info?" more than anything else. Obama and many of his cronies were part of the problem. But now with trump and the not as cucked repubs, we can send the info to the reps and make it heard a bit more easily.

"They work for the mercenary - The Masked/Masketta/Mosquito Man"

He already did.
…Dang, spent nearly an hour looking for the cap of Trump retweeting GG tweet, but I don't have it anymore. Anyone have the archive of it?

They did try to pull it again, yeah. There were so many lies in the Zimmerman coveragei t's not even funny. It's sickening that they got away with it. Not just whitewashing him, but using pictures of Trayvon that were several years old, conveniently leaving out his history of violence and theft, etc. Misleading the public about what the dispatcher said, painting Zimmerman as racist for answering a question about Trayboon's race. I could go on all day. It's disgusting and they all deserve to be lined up against a wall and shot for participating in it.
I was going to but
That's a little long for me.

Yeah, that makes sense. I can't handle acronyms. They fuck with me.

This unironic slandering as Nazis does show to cause problems. There has to be a good way to attack this.

Skip to 30 minutes in
Thats when Jon comes in and around 50 minutes they talk about gamergate
Then watch what you can and finish it later
I usually pull out a copy of fire emblem or advance wars or dynasty warriors and play that while listening

I've got a thing for emulation but I'm trying to run Oracle of Seasons on it and it's running very poorly. Boss of the first dungeon had ridiculous framerate issues.



Got you covered

are you retarded o something? I said Shia thought he was a nazi because everyone with a pepe is a nazi to them, He thought he was a nazi and attacked him.

Governor Cuomo’s Veto of New York Digital Media Incentives

user, there has been an steady stream of lewds for months. All of them featuring the elf


They learned nothing from the Play-Asia debacle. I love it.

So it's okay to like e-celeb cancer if they're redpilled? Goodnight GrabblerGoblins.

GG threads are literally reddit

My take on the Spanish version:
Señorita, aqui está tu té.

Bonus from /pinoy/GG:

Señorita, narito po iyong tsa.

Agala, ania imong tsa.

Ma'am, hara yong tea.

I can throw in more /pinoy/ dialects but that'll do.

Pewdiepie is making constant nazi references, and naming the jew in his vids and hasn't been hurt at all, did they really think Jontron would be taken down by doing nothing wrong?

>>>Holla Forums9000000

Hey man, you're awesome.

they just wanted everyone to unsub from his channel because he called stupid "rape is bad, mmkay" underwear out for being stupid

I haven't watched any of his videos, but youtube's algorithm always has them in the sidebar for me and it looks like he's completely losing control of his life if the thumbnails are anything to go by.

Has he been broken?

We might be catche up soon

learn to count

Oh it's going to happen. It's just a matter of time. If nothing else than because Holla Forums is getting all the happenings these days, and vidya happenings have calmed down because everyone's all about the election and Trump stuff now.

So am I reading this right, in that Cuomo vetoed something that would give more money to corrupt shmucks?

That first one isn't real, is it?
…Is it?

Fromsoft really dropped the ball with all the dragon fights except one. You either had to hit a damage sponge, the fight ends up being a gimmick or pecking it with arrows.

Kalameet was the only good dragon fight and it's a shame fromsoft never tried to replicate it

They did in 2 with the final boss of the first DLc.

He means Holla Forums might catch up soon, user.

Shouldn't he just be tanned?

if anything, his skin should be vantablack.

the animated series got it right

I heard bad things about the state of Archie comics. They caned the main line Archie line of comic and it looks like sonic is going to be canceled as well. People are saying they're getting ready to auction off the IP's and licenses they hold.

And that's retarded we already have 4 black superman from alternative universes that show up in the comics and even an asian one and if IRL science is involved then his light skin would absorb more UV radiation and sun light better than dark skin which would protect him better from uv radiation which is a moot fucking point because he's a god dam alien from another planet.

yes its real

Super man TAM is pretty goat. People thought luthor was black but he's got the same skin tone as Superman



Sinh is the superior dragon fight, though Kalameet is a close 2nd.


The worst dragons in the Souls games are the massive ones. There comes a point where the size of an enemy hinders the gameplay. Sinh and Kalameet are small compared to most dragons and drakes and those two turned out to be the best dragons.

He's from another fucking planet, why are you applying human biology to him?

He might not even have a goddamn D3-melanin complex for all we know.

If you would like to have your language translated for the tea scene, please tell me.

relation to the creation of the empire state music production credit
and the empire state digital gaming media production credit; to repeal
subdivision 11 of section 352 of the economic development law relating
thereto; and providing for the repeal of certain provisions upon
expiration thereof
of the Revenue bill in last year's budget, into a "below-the-line"
production credit This will allow both the industries to accurately
calculate the benefits of the programs, allow the State to better
monitor the credits, and to ease access to the incentives. Both
industries are of the opinion that the credits as currently in statute
are unworkable and are actually serving as a deterrent to growth for
New York companies.


More than that, Forbes science tends to post actual scientific stuff so posting that is just what the fuck




also he is an alien

It would actually strongly depend on how he converts the sunlight to energy; being an alien it's perfectly possible that it's not connected to skin color at all, unlike humans.

Holy shit, I forgot this was a thing. He does look much better with tanned skin.


/a/, here. Don't argue with them. Just point them to Accelerator.

do you even photosynthesis?

I should make a patreon and white guilty people to fund my shitty game

You are probably right, I just like the idea of fighting something truely huge, and I would love to see colossi fight with souls mechanics. I hope nioh does well.

We already have several dindu superman, one of them was a Barack Obama surrogate who fucking did it all, the other was a fucking son of Zod.

Does this work?

Son of zod was mexican, and a douche. Manbat becoming vampiric batman was the only thing done well in that one.


The other one, Earth-2 Nu-Zuperman is a Son of Zod who didn't go insane, that Superman is from Gods and Monsters by Bruce Timm, fucking spic murders and kills with abandon because muh government and white people.

I liked Gods and monsters though

Sargon is back apparently


It was pretty good, Kirk Langstrom being a Batman-Vampire was my favorite, too bad the animation never seems to improve when they go to the Worse Korea budget animation studios.

i think he's still suspended

he can't make tweets, the account still exists

no longer verified

they gave him the milo treatment


Feels good 10/10 can't think of a better way to spend a Friday night

Try visual boy advance

I wanna try getting Awakening in the future. How big of faggots are 8-4? Do they at least not get asshurt over anime tiddies?

Stop spamming this unfunny shit you cunt.

Does anyone have the I stand above jontron tweet?
Where this girl flips jontron far away from him and he's not even paying attention to her

I must always fight in the name of anime tiddies.

No I don't think so, the account led to a 'this account is suspended' page before. Now you can see his tweets again. Also he lost all of his followers and the verification badge.

European have tharjas ass but no boingy bits
America has no tharjas ass but yes boingy bits

Over all awakenings translation isn't perfect but its pretty good
Its a hell of a lot better than fates and treehouse butcher of a translation

Also Henry character is changes a lot


I just cant get over the fact that jontron was.on a safe stream and sjws are pissing themselves and pbgamer is so triggered

there was not alot of muh white people, but he was a whiner on "if you wont accept us as your saviors we will fuking kill you. I also liked that luthor. I like dc more than marcel when it comes to writing, but both are stale, and need to actually pull of permakills.

It was on the comics prequels on the movie, "Dey turk our jebs!" bullshit origin and racism, at least he went to Mexico and fucked people up, especially Cartel lord.

Tfw the left is so far gone ecerything jon says is so on point youre glad a eceleb finally is speaking out like pewdiepie did

If you ahve a psp/3ds, run the game on those, psp has some good emulators and 3ds can run oracle natively.

The metal men inclusion into the story line was a real trip. I'm a sucker for old DC ip's making its way to animated films and they suckered punched me right in the heart when they sent platinum into the sun.

If it really bothers you then buy a used 3ds and hack it for the better version of Awakening. I have like 3 spare 3ds that had to do a system transfer to the N3ds and im waiting for updates to get them hacked again.

DC is into permakills more than Marvel is but luthor actually surprised me by not being a evil dick in the end. I'm still waiting for him to turn in rebirth.

Thats less on timm then and more on the writers I like timm the fucking weeb

I am liking the new justice league cartoon, btas meets brave and the bold.

I still need a good streaming site watchcartoons has a weird thing of listing the same episodes as new.

We could have had a game that let's you do that from Platinum Games, too bad Microsoft canceled Scalebound.

Nobody ever brings up Communist Supperman (Red Son) or that Elseworlds one with the fascist Superman who was actually Zor-El. Or the biggest offender of the, all, Allan Moore's "American military puppet" Superman. But no, they have to believe their "deconstruction" of Superman is oh so brave and original progressiveness.

How much does would the Archie trademark be worth when it happens, I wonder? I'm having a silly idea of buying Jughead off, make him public domain, then stick him in the GG comic world as Vivian's online gaming buddy.

My sides.

Cape comics are a dry run for people now, it's been milked to oblivion and they're just rehashing stories time and time again, they're running out of ideas.

This is why the Japanese games industry is superior.

Sakuya blocked the basement with cement, what do?



What emulator are you using? I've never personally emulated gbc games, but I've heard BGB and Gambatte are supposed to be good.

Honestly visual boy advance works well for me
Its simple and yet it's a pretty solid emulator

Here comes the salt
And it's glorious
2017 is the year of the triggering
God bless you jontron you withstand not 1 not 2 but 3 sjw attacks

It's not DiGRA but it sounds like them because I found Center for Digital Games Research by finding this on the ESA's site
Oddly enough, no link to the article but it exists.
I wonder if is related to Joeseph Liberman…probably not. Anyways, that article then takes me to the site itself
Unicef is one of the sponsers. So far, can't seem to think of anything to add…there was an article about Center for Digital Games Research in 2015.
Going back to the Center for Digital Games Research website, I went on their Sponsors and Partners page
I clicked on Games for Health Program to see if they had anything but their domain expired…so I took it to their Twitter [@gamesforhealth] to see who their followers were. Found some familiar faces there, even Kojima!

2nd set.

Hispanic heritate is SHIIIIIT! they just stole Spaniard's culture and mixed it with their retarded indian crap!

While I haven't anything too juicy on Games for Health's front besides the ESA Foundation being on there along with other prominent figures & familiar faces, I just realized that the ESA hosts an annual event at San Francisco pls nuke called Nite to Unite which is basically their charity event.
If you look below the description, you'll see sponsors on there. I saw Jenner & Block on there. Remember thats the company Kenneth Doroshow is working at right now and the winner of Brown Vs. Entertainment Merchants Association.
Moving on the ESA's About page, theres another description about the foundation itself.
Moving on to "Building a pipeline of future video game professionals…"
I'm already not getting good vibes from that, 2007 and diversity in the same breath…

Don't only archive it nigga, the gaming ground is one of ours
Also, that is actually amazing. Would there be a way to ask the ESA to somewhat participate with getting some coherence ? To have some actual effect on them ?

"Madame" is fine, but if you want to push the "royalty" aspect, maybe "Votre Majesté" or "Votre Seigneurie" could be good (although the first one would imply some kingness, and the second one some lordship)
"Voilà votre thé."
"Merci beaucoup." (it implies she's actually thankful and not just saying that to be polite; otherwise, if she's basically just going "oh, cool, that's good", a simple "Merci." is supposedly enough)


OK, so I move on to the sponsorship tab, find the same companies on the front page of the site (Save for Nexon, hello gookanon.)
Something caught my eye while looking on that page, someone to contact if one were to become a sponsor for the event, Anastasia Staten. Another member of the ESA.
>Major donors to PFAW include George Soros' Open Society Institute
GOD DAMN IT Holla Forums



Oh, no, not these faggots, I thought they were disbanded since the mid '90s.

Remember to archive everything

Rip pbg
Night that stream left me tired it's 2 am soon to be 3
blasted sam

Looks like Koei made a good port this time. It runs at 2K/60fps on Durante's computer.

Biden: No legal problem with taxing violent games
United States Vice President Joe Biden believes there is no legal restriction on ability to tax violent media.


Perhaps the problem isn't KOEI but the fact that Omega Force is just shit at coding?

gook, deep breaths. Deep breaths, man or you'll become a hothead.




user I'm already a hothead

Do you honestly think anyone is fooled by that remark?

A mindbroken fucboi hothead

Nobody should be surprised at this point but, let's bring up another high profile figure who was also against video games! Even going as far as going to the fucking cheese pizza arguement, Ralph Nader! Wanna know what's funny? Banana Hitler wrote that.
Ralph Nader Compares Video Games To Pedophilia, ‘Electronic Child Molesters’
Former presidential candidate and outspoken critic of President Obama compares video games to pedophilia.

Ke.. keep going. Keep digging.

Also another high profile retard against vidya: Pat Robertson.
Pat Robertson Declares Video Game Murder Is The Same Thing As Real Murder [Video]
>“You have heard that it was said to the people long ago, ‘Do not murder, and anyone who murders will be subject to judgment.’ But I tell you that anyone who is angry with his brother will be subject to judgment. Again, anyone who says to his brother, ‘Raca,’ is answerable to the Sanhedrin. But anyone who says, ‘You fool!’ will be in danger of the fire of hell. “You have heard that it was said, ‘Do not commit adultery.’ But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart.” Matthew 5:21-22, 27-28

Keep in mind that those events happened during Sandy Hook in 2012-2013. And with all the info that's been dug up, they haven't changed one damn bit.

By that logic I am the Satan himself and killed more men than Yahweh

I doubt he killed more men than have ever existed

Isn't Satan's killcount like 3 people in total in the old testament.

He killed way more but it is certainly less than 100

I remember hours of symbolism lectures on old testament. IIRC Yahweh himself is the symbol of war and strife, and he's basically god of war. Later packaged as the god of mercy by shitty romans and Archonists.
On one part he literally killed 23,000 people overnight because they sex before marriage. And one day Assyria king made fun of him then he killed 185,000. Topkek.

Robertson and Nader are texbook examples of horseshoe theory when it comes to fearmongering about vidya. That said, are they connected at all to ESA or ESRB, other than perhaps ESRB apologists saying "see, this is what is going to happen if the ESA\ESRB was not around. you need our bureaucracy and ratings board, go- I mean gals and guys".

I have not yet looked into their connections, but you are correct about the horeshoe theory on fearmongering in vidya.

Well it kinda makes sense that Satan wouldn't actively go out of his way to kill people, since his goal is to be a cancer and spread, which is kinda difficult if you kill the people you turn cancer. I think of it like the way San Francisco used to be fairly normal and now it has reached the point where nuking it wouldn't really be all that bad.

Good evening, faggots. My god the ESA hole gets 10 feet deeper everytime you uncover more about them!

I'm kind of worried of Marvelous & X-Seed being on the ESA member list while Idea Factory & NIS/NISA aren't…

I also find it off that Nintendo Treehouse wasn't there when they're ruined many Nintendo exclusives in record time now.


I sent a message to the dev on leddit yesterday but he didn't replied yet

Damn I'm listening to the Sargon/Jontron stream and Jontron is redpilled as heck

I expected him to know about sjw shit since he seemed to watch sargon's videos, but then one of the first thing he said when he came in was the 14 words. pic related was more accurate than we thought. More meme magic?

And I also just realized with SEGA not being on the ESA's list, could they perhaps spill the beans about what goes on there? Especially considering how much Nintendo threw them under the bus during the 1993 Senate hearings?

Now that I think about it, a lot of the old Newgrounds crew except Egoraptor after he metamorphosed into Arin Hanson, are pretty fucking redpilled.

this just shows that many people are in hiding from the rabid feminist and SJW. This is their worse nightmare, and he even popular now so it shows how people feel about them

Also found a webm of the ESA collaborating with AARP. Typing up details soon…

My bet is, no. Not impossible but highly improbable.
Similar to above at least IMO. I agree that Nintendo figuratively suckerpunched them during that time, however in current era at least iirc SEGA are in business with nintendo with some titles and such, so they probably do not want to dig up those old bones.

Let's see what AARP is…
All right, lets go to their website.

WHY! WHY have George Soros have to be connected to the ESA too!


How many did they clonned him? Like 18 times?

AFAIK the basic idea of the AARP is not bad in itself. The worrying thing is that like many examples I've been seeing, it can be abused and corrupted to do things it was never originally intended or outside it's original scope and mandate. Nothing new with that pattern I guess. But I was slightly surprised that Soros is given a mention in the AARP. I thought the AARP was fairly non partisan and focused mostly on issues for senior citizens. Then again a few years ago I did notice there seemed to be an increase in leftard-globalist sounding b.s. in the AARP promos.

Watch out for GamerGate
The public enemy of the world #1
It is the main hashtag responsible for…
☑ Being on the wrong side of history
☑ Fondling 55 eggs by surprise
☑ Molesting people in VR
☑ Plays DOOM better than Polygon
☑ Safeguards vagina bones
☑ Are the LOVELY, horrible people at 8E8ightC-han
☑ Told God check my quads
☑ Seducing AVGN to the dark side of history
☑ Turned waifus into Gamergate's worst nightmare
☑ Turned Notch into a woman hating MRA rapemonster
☑ Cuntfuses a lot of ovary-acting womyn
☑ Captured all goon territory in EVE
☑ Delivered the final leg drop on Gawker
☑ Corrupted Milo into an internet super villain
☑ Called a jew a nazi
☑ Bullied Reddit's abandoned daughter
☑ Memed life into Liru
☑ Refusing to ban Liru
☑ Uses celebrities lives as fuel for the meme magic
☑ Leg dropped gawker into bankruptcy
☑ Filled up Codemonkey's disk with shitposting
☑ Made Mighty Number 9 fail
☑ Attempted to kidnap someone at E3
☑ Hired 5 fictional toads and a fictional conman to gangrape someone
☑ Using a time machine to harass innocent localizers
☑ Gave a toddler meningitis
☑ Made it rain in London
☑ Causing the UK to leave the EU
☑ Casted the original ghostbusters as all men
☑ Keeping the MN9 booth from being set up
☑ Refused to play with Stephen Tortilla
☑ Playing Pokemon without fear of repercussion
☑ Not watching Grillbusters
☑ Talking to girls who play Pokémon Go
☑ Waging war against Ghostbusters and Leslie Jones
☑ Got Milo bampersanded from Twitter. Again.
☑ Leveled up on the DNC
☑ Barbecued worst Korea
☑ Chasing topkek from kotaku
☑ Appropriated and augmented a group of racists
☑ De-funded paranormal investigators by linking them to a suicide group
☑ Channeled the powers of love and death into misogynistic flowers
☑ Komm Süßer Troll'd
☑ Surviving for 2 years
☑ Ejected a fascist nicktator and toppled his dishonest empire
☑ More effective than New York Media, Silicon Valley and Hollywood
☑ Being Gawker's biggest enemy
☑ Celebrating their daughter's birthday
☑ Continuing to be the #1 hate group online
☑ Forced aGGros to spend christmas and new years whinging alone
☑ Owned some bitch
☑ Caught the Arby's killer
☑ Became a verb
☑ Made Pepe great again
☑ Inspired Trump's campaign
☑ Seduced the Occulus Rift founder
☑ Hacked the DNC
☑ Forced Pepe into the American school curriculum
☑ Bought 4chan
☑ Defended Devin Faraci
☑ Forced the UN to gather 800 gigabytes of white supremacy frogs
☑ Marketing of Nintendo Switch
☑ Infiltrating the emoji selection committee
☑ Hiding millions of anti-Semitic tweets
☑ Virtually raping a woman under the name BigBro442
☑ Unintentionally prepared all of us for the 2016 election
☑ Made halfchan go bankrupt
☑ Bullying a comic writer off twitter
☑ Turning S.Korea into a chinese girl cartoon
☑ Using free speech to undermine the freedom of the press
☑ Triggering Blizzcon
☑ is actually the FBI
☑ Making alternate earth great forever
☑ Creating fake news
☑ Ordering pizza without pineapple
☑ Genesis of the alt-right
☑ Outliving Castro
☑ Corrupting communist mascots with glorious capitalism
☑ Laid the groundwork for online harassment and conspiracy
☑ Glorious Winged Faggot Extraordinaires
☑ Funded the most diverse game in history, eliminating racism, sexism, and the game/animation/whatever itself from existence
☑ Being associated with white supremacist groups
☑ Spent Christmas with Liru
☑ Actually had fun for Christmas
☑ Destroyed the alt-right
☑ Became meme warriors
☑ Toxic gamer culture
☑ Weaponized nostalgia
☑ Shutting down every woman who tried to even have a forum
☑ Causing Battleborn to flop
☑ Carrying meme associations with the presidential inaugural speech
☑ Made Antifa shoot itself in self defense
☑ Set a limo on fire
☑ Taught the right wing to collectively target sponsors
☑ Revealed their leader to be grand nazi Jon "gas the cucks memewar now" Tronathan

Thats not a real name,I think Holla Forums managed to get a plant into this organisation.

He should've just sucked a gay benis instead of an alien's girl benis.

Looking up more info on AARP, they donated money to various Democrats like Obama & Moveon.org (George Soros)
Jews mourned their losses over Leonard Davis
They're also in favor of Gun-Control

Exploitable picture people. Enjoy!


Literally who?

Wait, I thought SEGA left behind the ESA…

Ok shit is starting to click more, and good to know that I'm not just imagining that the AARP promos I've heard has become more noticeably flavored with globalist and leftard bullshit. Heh, no wonder there was also that push with "Vidya for seniors!" footage of vid and pic are of the Wii. Coincidence though, pure coincidence I'm sure. :^) No seriously, I'm kinda pissed since there's nothing wrong with seniors playing vidya. Why the fuck do the globalist fuckers want to taint everything with their shit agenda.
I need a hickock45 video just to cleanse my palate.

Doesn't he have a son continuing the family business? He may have been screwed out of a billion, but there's still more funds where that came from to continue doing underhanded deeds.

Yes he does, Alexander Soros. Also has a younger son named Gregory Soros.

Isn't that the manlet faggot I see partying it up with normal size women and still being on the short end. Where are his faggot thick rim glasses?

Quick off topic question since it's so early in the morning:

You know that special edition 3DS XL that comes with Xerneas and Yveltal on it? I got it off my roommate because I liked it so much in recent years and it was in perfect condition, but lately I've started to notice some kind of cracking for the plastic around the hinges even spreading down and I'm really worried what to do about it before it gets worse. What would you hardcore elder faggots suggest I do to mend the damage with all the shit you've had to tinker with?

Probably. George Soros even married a fucking gook. Theres more than just Alex and George Soros, theres…


You better be joking. Bitchford is a Soros?

If a Soros married a gook, then we can be any less, one of us we'll have to marry a gook.

Do any of you know any gook?

I'm kidding, Randy fucking wishes he was a Soros.
Also I found a pretty useful site for digging thats just like Linkedin cause I found me new members of the ESA!

I can pretend to be a gook

I know, I'm not that naive… s-shut up

nope, no one in particular

Oh god, I thought each and everyone of them was a Soros at this point.

ATEC Undergrad's Artistic Pursuits Lead to Game Industry Scholarship
ESA Announces New Foundation Executive Director
Association hires Anastasia Staten to lead video game industry’s philanthropic efforts
archive.fo/wS578 (Might use this site for digging info, if theres any at all."
Good thing they don't mention that her role in politics was helping out the Democrats like Huey!

you can always ravage gookanon's boipussy

I've been staying up too late again, gonna go get some rest. Hope you anons liked the digging so far, just to think it all started with the ESA posting Anita Sarkeesian…and a whole lot of shit was under our noses.

Please make backups

That's pretty gay but if it's the gook, it's okay.
Should he wear a frilly dress too?

Most of the digging is being reposted in gamergatehq*, though it would not hurt if it's also done in 8diamonds, and local copies just in case.

*I'll do some repostings \ info back ups over at hq, but give me some time to get it to sync up to your latest digging efforts.

It's not gay if it's a gook

There was a dig into them >>>/gamergatehq/327673

Robert Wood Johnson Foundation has some links to Cuba
news.unm.edu/news/chance-encounter-in-cuba archive.is/h2AAV
nurse.com/blog/2015/01/09/grant-will-fund-implementation-of-cuban-healthcare-model-in-u-s/ archive.is/eKmh7
minneapolisfoundation.org/minneapolis-foundation-ceo-takes-part-in-cuba-seminar/ archive.is/YdFPT

From the same thread >>>/gamergatehq/327669
The RWJF hosted a meeting back in 1999 that included one of the problem people at the ADL.


identity politics is one hell of a drug



forgot to screenshot

Maybe they shouldn't have destroyed their own industry then?

Comic sale have never recovered from the comic boom and the collectors craze. They were riding the high and making bad decisions that got them to were they're at now. At least the way things are going DC is having a fighting chance while marvel is sending out free shit to get there numbers up.

So Marvel is at TORtanic levels now?

I thought that now comics will be listed together with regular books?

They can't be defunded because they don't get any outside funding. The only funding digra gets is from membership fees.


Do you guys recall even once, a game from Japan that "addresses Japanese social concerns?" Even one? I'm being serious, here. I'm not trying to bullshit or fuck around.

A game that virtue signals, or teaches a moral based on a point in their history? Or expresses a point parallel to the time they're in at that moment? Is there a single one?


We've all see the bad shit from marvel. Their Civil War 2 event was a bust and they've been harboring sjws and let them destroy decades of mythos for political brownie points and virtue signaling to the clique of sjw friends who run the comic new and review sites. DC had some of that late midway into the new 52 and started canceling them in large numbers and got shit from the writers and their gang. Rebirth is turning things around with the exception of and issue or one shot Im looking at you "The Ray" 2016)
DC keeps on trucking and has stable numbers while Marvel has to keep relaunching failing comic to get the sales boost #1 issues get.

The only thing that comes to mind is that japanese woman who makes vagina shaped canoes. I don't know what that suppose to mean though

I'm genuinely offended by this.

Well, there's the SMT-series which has a lot of themes and concerns from post-WW2 era Japan, nukes, reactors, protectionism, overt references to Hitler,… that sort of thing. It doesn't really have the main goal of adressing social concerns though, they're still games first and foremost.

I remember Paranoia Agent was a satire about post war modern japan.

That wasn't a game though.

The only thing he accomplishes is making my blood boil.

Blob, you worked like a day after you got fired from the escapist before getting scooped up by the clique again. Shouting about movies and politics on the internet doesn't help the local industries and economy in your town, you fat fuck.

I can't handle the irony.

prostitutes contribute more to society

And then they get mad when they're called anti-gamers.

Well I'll be a son of a bitch. He worked one day? that's more than I thought.

Still, it's fuck all, but that's still more than i expected.



This tbh

Is Trump /cuteboy/ material?

3DPD even for boys?!

I want to ascend to 2D!

No he's loli material.

the meme
too surpreme

Murasaki is truly the voice of reason.

This only increases my impulse to rape

Devin pls


Come on, even the FBI shitposts here.



Can someone tell me what this #GamergateLegalAdvice is?

AGG/Goons made it in response to GamerGate's FBI files.

I think it's just a bunch of pantywaist lawyers salty over us. But it's the first time I heard of this (what Bill Still calls) "Number Sign".

However, it must be SomethingPedo goons salty over the Gamergate investigation turning up nothing.

It was nice to hear Jon give credit for gamergate as being the catalyst for this big push back against this

protection money?


So hold on a second
AGG/goons say GG is harassing us/sending threats.
FBI gets involved
After 2 year investigation they find nothing
Release a report saying GG is just a bunch of shit posters
AGG/goons assblased about the results
And now there are seeking legal advice against GG?

Did I miss something?

I guess we should add

Being half-gook and having colored hair, plus he was attacked for allegedly doing homophobic jokes.

Popehat and other electronic-lawyers.

Lol as if that would work. No amount of sjw standing will save you if your fall is worth more virtue signalling points to someone else.

How many does that make already?

I think a better way to phrase it would be
☑Redpilled Jontron

I think they're just really fucking salty that nothing turned up in the FBI investigation, which must mean that GamerGate has FBI in its pockets. We did get Trump elected after all.

Just in case this hasn't been posted

Sauce on the Tumblr post this guy used in his video
The salt is real
Jontron triggered sjws … for a 3rd time
God bless that beautiful ech

Scrap the "seeking legal advice" line and you have it.

They're just pissed that after an investigation the FBI hasn't declared us a hate group or a terrorist organization or what have you, which means that the FBI must be corrupt; it's impossible that aggros could be wrong about us, after all.


By the way, I don't know if this graph have been posted before, but I think this will give you a really good picture on what we're up against. What do you think?

Please maybe answer?

The irony won't be kind to you, Shitman.

What the hell rose this fire within that guy? He always just seemed funny and not retarded, but not someone capable of blowing the fuck out.



I don't even know who that person is

Morning faGGots. Again, why is it okay to like e-celeb cancer when they're redpilled? They're still e-celeb cancer that act retarded on Jewtube for clicks.

Twittter leaderfag gone burnout who regrets being in GG apparently. Also a tranny attentionwhore.

Because redpilled e celebs don't believe in the sjw narrative and don't let themselves get cucked when they triggered a snowflake

Very good, I rate gopnik/10.

webm that, you're linking to a burnout who was always a degenerate attentionwhore.

What does it even matter as long as they're not trying to leaderfag or personal army shit? We're all on the same side.

Because they bring massive asspain when they finally come out of the closet.

Its always a tranny


Accurate representation of ESA activities.


I finally archived it

I think most of their energy is spent trying to get people to go out and fuck the opposite sex.

no benis today SAGE THE THREAD

Jon's Theme.

Did he ever mention GG on the Sargon's stream?


Around 50 minutes in they start to talk about it
then they mention GG here and there a few times later

His neck is just a second chin


He mentioned these Brooklyn guys. It's fucking hilarious.

Just finished watching the Sargon Tron stream, and it was too good. Jon is a fucking madman. He finally broke and it's amazing.

I keep seeing videos and images of this corner yet I don't understand the context on it.


Shia's artproject where people chant "HEWILLNOTDIVIDEUS" like fuckin' cultists and people trolled the shit out of it.


its their fault for stealing our gold
glad the muslims and "latinos" are invading their land

So… what is this? A living stream 24 hours active?

Also, who the fuck is Shia? I think I'm lacking a lot of context.

You talk like a filthy englishman.

Shia Lebouf, claim to fame is that he was the MC in the Michael Bay Transformers movie and also this.

Oh, it makes everything specially funny.

Any happenings lately? I think I missed this and the last thread.


Those beautiful bastards
Truly we are seeing the heroes of this generation

The Sopranos are back.


wasn't he the guy that tried to fuck up downpour? I remember being really pissed about something he did but I can't remember the specifics.

He's a huge burnoutfag that was part of the "harassment patrol". He goes on an autistic shitfit whenever GG does anything, a complete twitter addict, edits his own ED page to make him look like a "badass", made up of foreign people's english because they were trying to get informed of GG and whole bunch of other shit that makes Anthony Burch look not as pathetic.

Jesus christ what a faggot
No wonder he said he hated sargon
I wonder if he's gonna hate Jontron

Fucking damn it breitbart.com/big-hollywood/2017/01/27/actor-john-hurt-dies-77/

Rip PBG x Jontron ship
They were the best anime couple

Also for copying another person's work, lying about it, then copying another person's apology, apparently.

What about the even stevens show


Relax. John Hurt no more.

An insight to why translators are shit.


The fucker definitely has something mentally wrong with him, he spends more time on twitter than interacting with actual people.

I didn't know I had any respect to lose for Austin but I've lost all respect for him after that

I approve of a president speaking in plain terms, and not using difficult words to sound smart.

Fun fact, those guys actually all became friends later.

Wait does that mean Normal boots is dead



Pretty much explains a lot about localizations.

What kind of logic is this, what does it proof? English cursewords sound childish in many slavic languages.


It's not about the language, it's because they found it "problematic".

Someone who watched the Sargon/Jontron circlejerk, did Jontron actually say "the biggest achievement of the French enlightenment was ending political violence"?

Even better:

Haha yea trump is so icky, ugh


I wonder what youtubers buy into the SJW narrative
Who are afraid to speak out against it
And who are opposed to it

your opinion is unhealthy, are you asian or something?

Jontron stumbles a lot in his ideas, but means well.
I remember in his gamegrumps days he had a real hard time explaining himself. I guess he's just shy.

Yeah kind of.

He was just agreeing that one of the best achievements we have made as a society was making it not cool to just go and murder your political rivals in the street.

I bet that biological bomb meant "literally."


He does stumble at the beginning but in the middle he gets his ideas out

And SJWs once again can't take anything lightly.

I think Harry is just making fun of PBG disowning Jon

Yet that's not an acceptable answer when they ask why fictional media is "problematic."

Remember to dismiss, user.

…Wait, why is Nexon USA still alive?


Whats the net neutrality shit again?

This pic is an abomination

I'm gonna be a giant prick over this only because you brought it up, but I really don't like Jon anymore now that he's become a full-fledged shitlord. It feels like we're the French or Germans on the Western Front, most of the fighting is over, most of the corpses counted, and Jon is America coming in at the last second while singing Amazing Grace.

Jon came to the war way too late for it to fucking matter beyond "lol salt", which is never a good enough reward for me. Congrats Memetron, you came to the right conclusion years after the fact. Whoopty fucking doo. It feels like when Reddit voted fucking Cheong is the best journalist of last year just because he exhibited signs of being able to reflect on one's position and apply common sense before ultimately falling back on another fucking retarded position

This, in turn, leads me to an observation of low standards and people generally being easily entertained or impressed by something or someone. That tends to happen when boredom strikes you up the ass. Just a shame it leads to people cheering WOOO GO JONTRON FOR SAYING THE EXACT SAME THINGS EVERYONE ELSE HAS BEEN SAYING FOR YEARS! YOU GO DUDE! I get he wasn't going to jump too deep into it when GG was still a hot potato. He wasn't going to risk his channel or anything. I just prefer having people that either don't have anything to lose, or don't care about losing what they have. Otherwise, we get a "Retarded Seals Applauding Common Sense" effect.

So no, fuck him. I hope he at least makes his fat ass useful and sets another Youtube fire. Those are always lovely.


Takeshi's Challenge. A satirical game whose point was to educate gamers that they're wasting their time. Which was supposedly meant as a joke.

And apparently SJWs are using it as a blueprint.

You ever wonder if we went too far with the meme magic?

The left brought this on themselves

Not Japan, specifically, but stuff like Mother 3 do have overt jabs at commercialism and an overall environmentalism angle.

I can say that anime/manga's done plenty, stuff like Go Nagai basically giving the Japanese PTA the finger, stories being pro-JSDF, and even satirical takedowns of Japan's insanely growing technology.

Throwing it out there guys, try to find the Patlabor OVA episode "Seven Days of Fire", which was Mamoru Oshii's slam on the protests he saw in college.

I've heard a rumor that commiefornia wants to remove themselves from the US.
Is it true?



Mentally ill school shooters having played games is the exact same thing as mudslime terrorism.

You might actually get your wish, you necrophile. Spotted this in the comments section of . We'll probably witness them eating Jontron alive, one falseflag nibble at a time.

Jontron lost his change when he refused to speak up about the sabotaged Game Jam way back in 2014. He's nothing more than an opportunist to me.

I just don't get why these people stay in an industry they clearly fucking despise

Yes. Get the fuck out of there, you idiots.

I fucking dare them. I'd love to see them try. Who the fuck would they ally with? Russia? No, they'll side with Texan sovernignty but no way in hell would they side with the people solely responsible for the current anti-Russian media blitz.


Because they literally cannot find a job anywhere else. So they make groups like GameJournoPros to actively gatekeep so no one more qualified can come in and make a gameplay demo that doesn't suck ass.

I'm so sick of these faggots.

Let's face it, we are too slow, this board is pointless. Let's go back to cuckchan, maybe if we apologize to hiroshima he'll let us have our general there.


Makes my blood boil every time

Kazunori Itou was the heart and soul of Patlabor and the first Ghost in the Shell movie, don't conflate him with Oshii, who's nothing more than an artsy hack director with lots of connections in the industry.

Guys Guys
Its okay when we do it remember

also fuck that LW

Oh shit where have you been shillanon?

So to recap, a president issued an order to make an attempt at controlling and or dealing with terrorism, and the response from someone is that these very muslims will cause terrorism if not let into the US.

Makes perfect sense right? Let's just roll out the red carpet for these fucks.

I said Oshii because he wrote that episode for the New Files OVA. That and the bathhouse one, Ota getting amnesia, and some others. Itou wrote many of the Griffin OVA episodes, as well as the cat and love hotel ones.

What, like they're uncontrollable animals or something if they don't get their way? How not-racist of that person.

NN is the idea that ISPs can't gatekeep access regardless of content or source, which is bad enough by itself, and even worse considering how many people have literally no choice of ISP in their area.

Holla Forums claims that no law has been needed yet to ensure NN, so legislation that enshrines it it likely to be ridden with all sorts of corporate favors and even unrelated crap. Altho the latter part is true with any law, there actually is a code protecting NN: FCC's Open Internet Order. This was in response to this or that corporation trying to push the boundaries every now and again. You know Porky, he can't stop always trying to get away with more.

Trump's FCC chairman unfortunately had been an opponent of the Open Internet Order, so things aren't looking good. Federal law protecting NN would override FCC's orders, but that's unlikely to happen.

Funny thing is Obama would end up sending those refugees to middle america where they would end up shitting up everything and not places like New York or California where they basically bend over with their ass spread waiting for Mussies

Playing shitty video games.

I wouldn't care so much about refugees if they integrated but they don't, they leave one shithole to create another wherever they go.

The censored tokyo mirage I hope

whats wrong with you

Shillanon is a good part of this board
Much like GaymerGays user

I miss that guy

You're just playing "six degrees to Kevin Bacon" now. You're trying to find these minor connections and then being overdramatic when you find them. It reminds me the terrible "digging" Nackt did before his meltdown. Aim to prove specific meaningful things, don't look for "connections" to reinforce whatever you already believe.

For example, AARP is a very prominent and mainstream group for elderly people in the US, pretty much every old person is familiar with them. They once partnered with the ESA with a game jam about "games aimed to create strong social connections for game players over 50", because nonprofits do that sort of shit and the ESA is happy to throw some money at them for PR. Especially because old people vote at high rates and a positive mention in an AARP newsletter or something could influence some people the next time politicians try to censor videogames. You then look at their website, find an article from 2003 that mentions George Soros in a list of fucking 50 people because he's old and donates a lot of money to charity, and conclude this is somehow nefarious and implicates the ESA.

It's like you're deliberately parodying how Holla Forums tries to tie Soros to everything. Traditionally the link would be "Soros donated to AARP!", which would still be meaningless, but the fact that it's instead just a mention in an article on their websites makes it even worse. Please reconsider how you're going about this before you go the way of the "connections' obsessed diggers like Nackt or S4T. There's enough corruption that can be actually proven without this sort of thing.

Mark is at hwndu if anyone wants to know.

The AARP / ESA was due to the boom of old people playing stuff like Wii Sports? I mean, not that there wasn't before (early Nintendo Power had letter from like 60 year olds playing RPGs which fit their lifestyle), but big moves like this is more due to a surge of popularity in the public's eye.

I bet a night with gookanon that's "Ladykiller in a Bind"

That would cause way more porblems for them than anyone else. They'd never have the balls.

Jontron' subscribers went up after this, so you're wrong. You can check Mombot's twitter feed for more details.

Also he legally couldn't talk about that Game Jam because they all had to sign NDAs an penalty of being sued.

Someone in /cow/ dug this up. You know how we're constantly baffled by the statistically improbable amount of trannies we run into?

dysphoria have concurrent autism spectrum disorder (ASD).

Are you purposely ignoring the comment sections?

Wait, Holla Forums hates NN? Why? Redpill me, because I always thought it was a good thing.

How are the comments?
From what i've seen many people are praising Jon for coming out and speaking up

I don't know how this makes me feel.

I can't stop watching that stream
Its fucking legendary

does anybody have that picture of vivian bent over saying "Dad?" I need it for a friend.

Honestly, I've been told they don't like it, so it's possible I'm wrong in that regard.

… I just did.

SJWs can artistically screech and retweet each other? Who knew!? Yet somehow, he got more popular as a result, as evidenced by the fucking metric that actually tracks popularity. It's almost as if SJWs are a powerless vocal minority or something…

user didn't you read the tweet

There are more of them than us
(Despite us pretty much coopting all their terms and hashtags)

Mombot's? Yeah, she showed his sub count was going up.

Thats how it always goes, they present their shit in such a way that everyone goes "huh why would anyone hate that" but then what actually happens is shit like a comcast monopoly. Look at who pushed net neutrality (google for one) and then what actually happened after it passed.

This is the part I don't get. Why would you want ISPs to be able to do pic related? The internet should be a utility, just like gas or electricity, that your ISP can't fuck with.

Its amazing
SJWs protest something it gets more popular
SJWs endorse something it fails (Ghostbusters 2016 anyone)

It's not okay. I personally don't hate on jony come lately tron. I mostly don't care, though it's a bit embarassing to see some faggots here going 'lol so much salt tho' over it. Brexit was salt, Trump winning on election night was salt. Like the zombie animu grill fucker said, an e-celeb becoming redpilled when some the more intense battles of the memewar has already passed. Shit is not salt to me, it's barely left over crumbs from the bottom of a bag of chips.

Yeah I know, what about Milo. Timing matters. Milo also at least acknowledged and akshually apologized for previously just blindly accepting the lol gaymer stereotypes, and did not back down when Chunabomber issued his "it ends..TONIGHT" fatwa. To date, he hasn't backstabbed GG. And that faggot goes to college and unis to trigger the snowflakes, a socjus industrial scale zombie factory.

Well, they supported Hillary also known as fail of the decade.

To be fair this is the 3rd time Jon triggered snowflakes

Yes, it should be treated like utility like gas or electricity. But the usual suspects (surprise surprise large monopolistic cable companies mostly) want highspeed internet to become cable tv 2.0. Because even they know cable tv and tv is on paliative care stage, at this point the only bargaining chip they have remaining is maybe sports, and they want the internet to be their new ground to monopolize.

Politicians want it because of simple corporate bribery, but yeah I don't see why anyone else would want it. Maybe just out of blind support to Trump?

Come on, you are in a place where most people are very critical of things and there you go saying people just blidnly follow someone?

Why would the corporations bribe politicians to support net neutrality? It's the exact opposite of what they would want.

Which is exactly what net neutrality defends against. Are you arguing for or against?

Why does Tv still exist? But ye this kind of shit way over the line and I suspect politics might be a big secondary reason for such shit schemes.
Best way to fight this is making sure companies competition, my country only had 2 internet companies, that obviously had an agreement, until less than 10years ago, we still had download limits and 10GB was the affordable option, playing wow was hell at the end of the month.
Several new companies sprouted and look at that, in literally 2 years having download limits was how you lose serious money.

Europeans and hispanics still watch a lot of tv
But in a few years the internet and Netflix and Hulu hell even Crunchyroll will had killed off TV

That's what they want you to think. Bribing a single institution in charge of the internet is cheaper in the long run than actually providing service to their customers in a monopoly.

As english isnt my main language and im far too drunk to make a comprehensive argument anyway I googled a bit and pretty much this. archive.is/BMqCV Ill see if I can find some more or maybe a helpful user can word it better.

I am for not turning the web into cable tv 2.0. The problem with "are you for or against" a bill or proposal IMO is this. Many gov't bills are Kafka-esque, even Orwellian backwards in their title name vs intent vs actual outcome. IE: The Patriot Act, which is anything but. Or tacked on a rider that either nullifies it or hijacks the original purpose. So I'd rather plainly state what I want or don't want. So I repeat.

Fuck that noise of turning the net into a cable tv 2.0 model. Treat the internet the same way as gas, electricity utility.

Holla Forums ain't like most people.

What said. Why is it the opposite? It's exactly what they want. It would allow them to further cartelize and squeeze customers dry.


Afternoon anons! Found more names to dig up for the ESA (The foundation in particular)

2hu slut picking her nose.jpg
Did he trigger anyone of importance and power outside of random easily triggered snowflakes. If you like jon that's fine, that's your perogative. Myself I kinda want something more than just late to the party e-celeb type of crumbs if we're talking about 'lol salt tho'.


Does Sam Hyde know Mark is Jewish?

mark is a saint


Isn't Hyde jewish too?



I will always remember Sam as the guy who tried to scam bronies and failed hard

He will always have a place in my heart for making Weird Twitter shit their pants in fury.

Saw some posts on Holla Forums awhile back about how Mark denounced his jewish heritage because of being jewed by his own family or some shit, that actually happen?

I believe he said he was disnowned due to being shit with finances.

It's probably a transitional generation but fuck, I hope you guys in the usa didn't fall for the digitv scheme.
"But user look at how many channels"
Digi tv was the biggest scam this decade.

Only a man can dream

well, he IS doing it for free

all the cool people are Asukafags.


Considering the fact he bought thousand of dollars worth of trash on a drunken night, I agree.

Apparently he is good at dividing and conquering, though. Just not the usual Jewish way.

The US has some selection, but I haven't paid enough attention to know how things compare.Even when I had TV, I barely watched it, though. I don't much care for movies for various reasons.

That is true.

ESA foundation's financial report from 2010 to 2015
No surprises but nonetheless, ESA Foundation is used in many schools & services.
archive.fo/rSynQ (Illinois Department of Human Services)
archive.fo/w5Rrj (Illinois African American Coalition for prevention. Again with their racial bias)
archive.fo/zemQ2 (Arizona State University)
archive.fo/Hmehw (The Cooper Institute)
archive.fo/0qRym (United Way of Central New Mexico)
Interestingly, I found a scholarship search website. I found results with Entertainment Software Association Foundation Scholarship Program
>must be a woman or minority student

Shitposters fucking up the He Will Not Divide Us stream is amazing. What did we do to deserve such entertainment?

Damn, thats some good smug right there

By riling up a bunch of faggots whose ultimate attack was wasted on us instead of the general populace two years before the presidential election cycle.


2017 A.D.
Not realizing that everyone is in fact Shinji. Asuka is Shinji with wig of long red hair, Rei is Shinji with a wig of bobbed blue hair.

Website of ESA Foundation.
There's one curious thing, and this is even before getting into the personnel. On the ESA Foundation page itself, their Mission statement part.
Sounds like yet another tired version of a tech 'evangelist' "we want to make the world a better place" but it's the next part.
Maybe that's why the ESA set up ESA LOFT program.

Whoops, that's the ESA LOFT, not the ESA Foundation. Totally and completely different organization with nothing in common between the two, of course. :^)



Yes he couldn't find a big enough oven

Even ignoring the Democrats connection to the ESA, for an industry that preaches diversity and wants to represent gamers as friendly and all that jazz, they sure have a habit of discrimination.

I almost missed when I mentioned the ESA LOFT but yeah
And maybe I'm old fashioned when I expect a mission statement to be adhered by the fucking people or org who wrote it, because your word is your bond and such.
But that ESA Foundation Scholarship might be, at the very least inconsistent with it's own mission statement blurb.

CNN is ramping up their scare tactics with muh doomsday clock and muh rich people bunker.

While I agree with your blunt statement prior, the several hundred thousand dollars the Literally Whos have scammed out of people paints a different picture of "powerless". Misdirected would be a better choice of words.


Remember, these people most likely have highly twisted logic that convinces them that by helping out "underrepresented" groups and only said groups, they're benefitting everyone, even those that are specifically barred from getting their grants.

Your word is only as good as your actions. Their word is trash as they have proven incapable of holding themselves to it.

The doomsday clock was made irrelevant years ago. I mentioned it awhile back to some normal fags awhile back and their reaction was decidedly nonplussed until I explained it. One of them even responded that someone is always going to try to hype up some doomsday scenario.

Plus, Trump isn't the one that was trying to start a war with Russia because his pedophile friend couldn't bother to not be a fucking retard.

Now going for the individual diggings…
Remi Sklar
So not only do we have a guy who used to work for Viacom, but we also got Warner Bros. into the mix
Can't find that AVGN this is not a game, this is like watching a movie webm

Given his relation to "Jace Connors" I'm sure he's a fraud, but I can't deny he's funny.

No, go fuck yourself, I am so sick and tired of the US having to pick up after everyone's mess.

These fucking assholes have been murdering themselves for centuries, let them murder each other into extinction.

I'm sure some refugees seek a better life but far to many leave one shithole to make another on our shores, fuck em.

They wont murder themselves into extinction though, look at the history of muslim invasions on europe. I think they need some help with the whole extinction thing

They are fucking their cousins because its mandated by their religious text, and questioning it is a huge taboo that gets people killed. If you kept them contained and without reform the effects of inbreeding will continue catching up to them.

title: PuLiRuLa Edition
vid embed:
Uploaded on Jan 31, 2008

So you're saying is we should build a wall?


could we get this whore v&?

The Chinks will hopefully wipe out San Francisco before Mad Dog Matis drop pods on Beijing and starts ripping n tearing slant eyed commies.

Well, if she does it at one where the secret service is present she could face up to 10 years of jail time.

Oh shit I misread

Disappointing but not surprising given the patterns I've seen elsewhere.

You're all just making me fucking angry now.

I've been watching anons dig and dig for the past week, connecting recurring names to recurring organizations tangentially tied to more names in a wide, bloated web of hard to digest information that is barely even actionable. The effort is fucking valiant and certainly the most busy kind of digging we've had in a while, but that's all it's been proving to be. Busy, but not useful. I'm not even sure what you're searching for anymore. It feels like we're just playing a game of "Search for Recurring Names".

And that makes me mad because it's good digging skills being used wastefully. What are you actually looking for? Are you posting this just so we know, or in hopes that maybe if you dig deeper, you'll hit a gold nugget? It would be much more efficient to look for specific instances of wrongdoing on the ESA's part. Take a piece of the pie and serve it up in the form of an Op or an infographic, something digestible enough that you could make a thread about it on Holla Forums

It's fucking depressing watching you do this because there's fuck all we can do with any of the information you're putting out. Unless we can find a proper instance of fuckery that's actionable, we'll just be harping on about "This person is connected to this group and they do X thing" perpetually between this thread and the necropolis that is HQ


Then either come up with something to do or quit complaining that other people are doing things of their own volition.

Remember kids, if someone is telling you to stop digging you dont stop digging.


Post some thread-celeb approved anime gash and simmer down

So what you're saying is; we should dig more. Got it

Which, as I said, would be easier to do if you knew specifically what you were searching for. So, what exactly are you searching for? If we start there, we can come up with something more efficient than what we're doing

Not a single sentence in that post says to stop digging.

A digger is digging, I'm not going to get in his way short of him going really off the cliff tangent. For now it's still mostly info gathering, and it appears to be going pretty good. What else do you want to do, e celeb masturbation of oh god lol the salt he's so based? That shit's kinda gay, even without dicks touching.

You're saying its useless, typical tricks.

I'm not searching for fuckin' anything outside of bad pornography and grinding a game with other anons in another thread.

Okay, so you think otherwise. Out of everything that's been revealed the past week, what can we use to start something? Doesn't have to be big, maybe just an infograph or something. What piece of information is actionable enough to do that?

If you can't find a use for the information you've been throwing up for a week, maybe your method actually isn't effective.




I say just put a giant wall around the whole middle east Escape From New York/LA style and put up a bunch of cameras and turn it into reality tv. The place needs to be written off as a bad job. We keep them from leaving and they'll all kill each other. Sounds good to me.

Good luck with that. If people don't care about the prices and the datamining I don't think they'll care much about the freeze peach

Sega leaving the ESA doesn't mean they're going to remember to unfollow on twitter. It's a non-issue.

I honestly think we should fix Syria because ISIS is destroying a lot of historical shit and it will only be worse if we let them grow.
But… I think we need to take a more aggressive approach about it.

Wait, what?
Twitter doesn't ban offensive users unless a celebrity asks them to.
You can get a death threat from a user, and if they have the "correct" political beliefs, support won't do shit for you.

They've been murdering each other for ages.

Long as they know the US will maintain them they'll keep doing this shit, that needs to stop

It's a start.

The ESA gave Anita a platform which means that somebody there is either hostile or stupid. The ESA has a problem.

So we see who is connected to the appearance. Maybe one of them is the problem.

So anons dig up a list of names. Maybe somebody will recognize one of them from another dig.

Some of the names are recurring. Maybe this is a hint that we should investigate further.

Broad reconnaissance is the start of an investigation. We have to know what is there before we can decide what to focus on.

What the fug :DDD

Everyone has been killing each other forever. And the messes in Syria and Lybia and subsequent emmigration are a direct consequence of American intervention.

His middle name is Aryan, and he's half persian, so:
Jon "The Aryan Beast from the Middle East" Tron


That I agree with, ISIS needs to be glassed.

I know you're right, but how do we fix it?

What>>11816176 wrote.

But if you're so eager and chomping at the bit. From what I'm seeing so far this is my early read on it.
The ESA claims it is a friend to publishers (telling how they mention publishers first) and devs and not adversaries of vidya. Yet looking at their actions and behavior it seems like they are something like a bloated union outfit, more concerned with perpetuating the existence of their own org. Not to exist in order to defend or help vidya devs or studios, but mostly to just exist on the back of the actual vidya creators, while acting like vidya can not exist without them. When very likely the opposite is true.


you goon son

I know most of you guys hate woman, but those picks are for those of you who are okay with them. If she wasn't so god damn ugly or had her clothes on I would masturbate to her.


Eh, I'd watch her get naked.

Honestly? Help them develop their countries. It'll crash their fertility rate, eliminate mass emmigration, cripple fundamentalism and generate much fewer troublemakers.

If Holla Forums really wants to stem the brown hordes, they should be calling for development aid.

Oh my.

Thanks for outing yourself as a SJW.

If you don't shit up the thread then you can probably stay, but be warned, you might learn something that seriously damages your ignorance.


Those were not supposed to be spoilered.

Really makes you think.
Codemonkey we really need a fappe tyme option so I don't have to take forever to manually scan the thread to see if a picture has already been posted

Anyone has any idea what she is play?

What are you, gay?

It was a mistake, see

League of legends

Give the CIA new instructions as opposed to their preexisting ones of "See that country that Israel says it has problems with? Get rid or their government for them." Cutting their funding only makes them smuggle drugs harder to pay for their black ops.

Could @bcaton2 be any more thirsty?

so not a gamer at all.


no I'm just saying that people who give money to apple won't really care about Gab being excluded from the store, hence why good luck with the boycott

I said it like a sjw-apple-buyer would mock the gab ban, contain your autism




I've seen worse.


That guy might actually get banned. Talking shit about Jews is one of the few ways to make twitter care.

I hadn't heard about Mark Kern recently, apparently he's working as creative director for a new game? Hope it works out.



check out #myerstwitter for hilarity

There's literally a group of old shitposters who lal they do is meme on myers

Most digs are useless and lead to dead ends, that's the way it is and the life of a digger.