Atelier Sophie is available on the steam store and will be released next month
Atelier Sophie is available on the steam store and will be released next month
Now tell me the bad news so I can die in peace
It's 30 Ameridollars which is bad if you're an ausfaggot
The bad news is that you're never getting another Mana Khemia or Ar Tonelico, ever.
Price doesnt look so bad
Sorry for your loss
Oh boy! Am i glad that Japan is bringing their best, most creative and all around well-designed games to PC. It sure feels good to own a PC when quality titles such as Atelier Sophie are available for it, truly these are golden times for the PC gaming market.
Ace Combat 7 is also coming to PC
Go shill somewhere else.
Weren't you paying attention? It's being released on Steam.
30$ is not a bad deal. will buy
Goodbye, PS4. You hold nothing for me, now.
They expect one of us in the wreckage brother
Maybe they'll port some older stuff if this sells well.
Double pack doesn't look too bad. Would like word on how the ports are being putting time into them though.
It'll probably have fucking Denuvo like every other weeb PC release lately.
Koei Tecmo isn't Bandai Namco
Back to >>>Holla Forums you ignorant retard
Not an argument
Heres your reply
#triggered #asspained
That's not bad, if the ports are good I'll get these again.
atelier games are garbage
mana khemia at least had a few likeable characters, and a great OST isn't it great that we can upload mp4s, webms, and all other shit but we can't upload simple mp3 files?
It's the worst Atelier so far.
They seem like good friends, don't they Holla Forums?
Looks like 60 frames will happen.
So this is gonna be the Vita version and it's gonna both run like ass and have zero mouse support right?
How about reading the fucking thread and stop pretending like its still 2014? Jesus fuck, Friday night at American prime time this board becomes a disgrace.
Its not like you are helping by acting like a whiny bitch.
Nobody in the thread has actually confirmed it's a good port, just one user with a screenshot saying 59.8 fps
Literally every single game Koei's released on Steam at this point has been an absolute dogshit port, even DoA5 and Nobunaga's Ambition.
When did I ever imply that?
You are one dense individual
First of all, what the fuck are you talking about? Nobunaga worked perfectly.
Second of all Nobunaga wasn't a port; it's a PC game that gets ported to consoles.
Isn't this yuri?
You have to go back
If he's paying in pesos then he probably is back.
Soooo… why should I care again?
Both games are, that's all GUST does
Seeing as you're not a shitposter care to answer something? How shit is the translation?
The sophie one is pretty alright, some of the job names became memes, but they're unobtrusive as you just mash through them.
and Azure is also alright. I didn't notice anything bad.
Does this one have a time limit?
Woah, didn't expect KT to make this cheap. Hell, there's indieshit more expensive than this.
No. Also heard that it's a really bad Atelier game, if not the worst.
I'd say the really early ones are a bit worse. I'd put it above shallie. The crafting system is better and a bit more involved. The problem is the pacing is horrible, it tries to have an overarching narrative which doesn't work with how freeform the gameplay is.
and then you dick around for half a year trying to get perfect bombs made.
Get lost.
Wait wait wait hold up.
Will we be getting other games? I want the dusk one.
There are 3 dusk games user.
Oh shit. This one i mean
Will it be on pc
The only other Atelier game thats been confirmed for a PC port has been the most recent one Atelier Firis.
user, please.
There's nothing wrong with liking loli or toddler.
Don't make me post Nalvas
When wondering if 'both girls' is good or bad, always check the chart.
So is this game any good? I've never played an Atelier game.
The chart should include "Made by Jews" and "Not made by Jews" as well.
Expanded version. Now is time for problematic games.
Silly user, I cross the line, buy vidya and alway go back
I can't help but laugh every time I get to bioware game of the year.
I may actually start thinking it's worth the money.
I always see that pic, but I still dont remember any bloggers articles about atelier games.
Neither. Most of their ire is focussed on Senran or DoA. What Atelier got is the memorable Australian rating.
Then you haven't been paying attention:
They did the same with nep.
Legbeards just mad that single weebs have money to spend and their pearl-clutching has no effect on them.
The bad news is that when we wished for weebshit to come to PC, we didn't realise we were using a monkey paw.
For a second I thought sankaku was actually bashing a game for being, but it's good to see they're still reporting about the same otaku garbage stuff in the same otaku garbage way.
we shitposting the tags?
Get out tewifag, your thread isn't due until tomorrow
It could be worst, they could have added denuvo and sold it to origin
Thanks for the link, friend
Its tradition
I don't even like that lying slut, I just couldn't find an image that was reasonably appropriate and I remembered that I found this one on sankaku on some trashy article.
Bashing a game for being lewd
It'd be absurd for them with all the lewd stuff they post about. Never thought I'd see the day I'd praise them for anything, but socjus makes strange bedfellows happen.
Don't bully the bun.
Damn, that's fucking hot.
Now if only there was breast sucking. Then again, it isn't full yuri.
Back to the /gaschamber/, kike.
tbh Senran Kagura games are trash
Nice proxy
enjoy your aids and Antibiotic Resistant Gonorrhea queer.
oh cool, didn't know Nights of Azure was getting a PC release as well. Been kind of wanting to get that and Atelier Sophie but my PS4 is almost full.
Fingers crossed we get the Dusk trilogy, Ayesha+ is the best.
Are the PC things getting only the total shit that is Sophie or is the arland trilogy coming to PC too?
Where did BOTH GIRLS come from?
is that long and pointless animation supposed to be "cool" or something?
is this a game for children?
Never ever buy an Atelier game unless its the plus version
Totori touching?
If his steam is in Pesos then he already is back, you silly burger.
I wonder if the game gets ever ported trigger-friendly stuff will be removed
All games are for children. Adults actually have things to do
As someone who has never played one of these games before, is this one worth buying? All I have is a PC, so I can't really go and buy any of the others.
Girls can't love girls.
And (((they))) say that leftytards aren't invading Holla Forums territory.
Hello Holla Forums.
Knowing from what board you're from I shouldn't be surprised.
Recommended specs…
Sorry, too much for my blood.
Runs on the PS, no way it needs that.
PS? 8GB of RAM is all I have and I don't intend on going beyond a 950 and FX-8350E anytime soon. Minimum requirements it is.
What are these games about?
item creation and lesbians
Is it really yuricrap? Fuck, I was thinking of buying it.
It's really not, it just attracts yuri-shitters because friendship between girls = yuri in some people's minds.
So no lesbian relationships? Damn, I was thinking of buying it.
Nights of Azure is full-blown yuri, Atelier is just cute girls doing cute things. It's about as yuri as Gochiusa or Kinmoza.
Atelier Sophie might not have been a great Atelier game but Nights of Azure was just shit.
Are you both retarded?
That's not even close to what I said. Actually try reading maybe?
I can't even get a girlfriend and these stupid gayshit video games are everywhere, fuck you.
You shat on people just for liking it and compared them to those retards.
No I didn't you illiterate retard. I said that the game attract disgusting yuri-shitters, not that EVERYBODY who plays/likes it is a yuri-shitter. I own every Atelier released since Rorona and I'm not a cum sucking yurifag.
Please, dissect the syntax of:
and tell me how you got to:
You utter fucking faggot.
You're the faggot that implied people that enjoyed yuri were all the same retarded shippers from tumblr. And now you're getting obnoxious.
Where the everloving fuck are you getting tumblr from? This is just projection from behind a persecution complex now. 4cuck has a yuri board, go back there.
Your own post, you fucking faggot.
You have mental problems m8.
Fucking gross and unrelatable
Again, your own post, you stupid ignorant nigger. You didn't say yurifag at first. You implied fans were shitters in general for whatever shitty reason I haven't heard yet. That's why I asked if you were retarded.
Fuck off back to NeoFAG.
Not an argument
Retard detected.
Where are the arguments?
Anything notable about the battle system?
What a beautiful pair of qts!
I was gonna post that… Guess I'll just post the full image