GCE Vectrex

Could the Vectrex have had a bigger catalog of games if it had been made earlier, before the crash?
Discuss this console, it's games and other vector graphics/artstyle vidya

The Vectrex has always fascinated me since it's so one-of-a-kind for a home console. I can't say how well it would have fared had it been made with more time prior to the crash, I wasn't even born yet. I do think it would be cool to get my hands on one, or at the very least try it myself for a short time. It looks like it costs between $200-300 on ebay right now, not a terrible price for an old vidya collector's item.

Only fucking hipsters like shit like amiga and vectrex. You know that era was too soon for good vidya. Before NES and good IBM pc games there were no good vidya.



You don't even know what the Amiga line was, shut your piehole.

There's a vectrex set up at my shop, it's a really impressive piece of technology. I've been learning a lot about how CRT works and it's clearly taking really firm advantage of that. The games play incredibly smoothly too. You need to play it on the real system, emulation will not give you a remotely desirable experience.

How's the homebrew scene? How are the flashcarts for it?

there's some chinese like, 79-in-1 cartridges. They're a little expensive but I think that's your best bet for getting a flash cart type system going. They also have homebrew on them.

The console that is responsible for the video game crash?

Typically, in the context of home consoles, there is two distinct eras the "Pre-NES era" and the "Post-NES era" like it or not, the NES influenced the entire home console industry in a major way with Nintendos licensing policies and marketing technique never seen before. Before the NES was pretty much the primitive, primordial era of home consoles before people figured out how to make them competitive with Arcades

Yes, and also the one that lived for 15 years.
Yes and i never said the Vectrex would survive the crash, i just said it would have had a bigger catalog of games if it were made a few years earlier, and even with the licensing, the NES had a lot of subjectively shovelware games that people considered inferior even back then, like bad movie games and mario wannabe platformers.
There were shitty and good games on the Pre-NES era, there were shitty and good games on the Post-NES era.

I also never understood why NES is always brought up on alternative retro home computer/console threads, it's like shitting up DOS threads because we now have Steam dominating the PC market and because have much more deep, mechanical and complex PC games nowadays.

Uneducated young shitposters

The Amiga:
-Was more expensive than Atari ST
-Lacked the advanced graphics that were available on IBM compatibles by the time it had good games
-Was outmatched by NES and later on, Genesis and PC Engine as far as the amount of games from good developers
-Lacked the desktop publishing capabilities of Macintosh

Going by this information, the only niche that Commodore managed to carve out were the brain-damaged people who didn't like thinking too much about what to get for their home computer.

You just googled that didn't you? Boy, you sure showed me.

If you don't think Lode Runner and Pitfall 2 are the tightest shit you need to be fucking reported like the underage little shit you are.

The Amiga was revolutionary for digital arts, being the first affordable computer with high-res high-color display and decent sampled audio synthesis, and doing it in a time where PCs had 2-bit color, Macs were monochrome, and everything cost twice as much.
That said the games sucked and are only defended out of nostalgia. Computer gaming didn't really become worthwhile until the later DOS era of the IBM PC.

And i haven't even played more than those, i'm sure that there are a lot of great games that Holla Forumsirgins have never heard off because they are too afraid to try old things if other faggots here don't jerk off to them beforehand. Yeah there were bad games but there were also a lot of great ones. Eat shit.

Wew, thought you were that other guy. Ignore that

The game crash of the early 80s was an American phenomenon, and exaggerated by the US media. There was nothing like that in Europe or Japan.

When people talk about the Amiga, they almost always mean the Amiga 500, which came out after the NES and had the same CPU as the Mega Drive. What sucked about many Amiga games was that they were often designed to be played just with 8 directions and 1 button.

I've seen a demo of a biking game for the Vectrex with rather complex 3D graphics. Not sure if there is a finished version of it.

You just described Atari ST, which had a lower price and launched a month earlier.
That's arguable when it's not even in stereo. While Amiga was plodding around with rudimentary samples, Atari ST came with MIDI as standard.

The only attachment I've seen to Amiga has been rooted in fanboyism and whether or not it was "the machine I grew up with", and this thread alone proves it.

Arcade games still crashed outside of Japan. Europeans, frugal as ever, held on tight to their 8-bit micros well after the rest of the world had made the 16-bit jump.

The Atari 2600 was around for 15 years? Or just the Atari line?

The Atari ST was also less powerful than the Amiga 500, i don't know what you are trying to prove seems to me like you are trying to confirm your own bias and came to this post with a grudge like most retards that post on this place.

came to this thread*

Reminder that nintendo saved video gaming industry.

Sup faggots?

Considering what we have to put up with now I'm on the fence as to whether that was a good thing or not.

Get on my level, peasant.

I actually have a Vectrex sitting here with bunch of games that I got when local gameshop was closing, they had it packaged in backroom for ages. It's great arcade at home machine but half of the games are more or less the same game with different visuals. Still the best Asteroids you can get.

they could have turned it on it side and had 16x9 display.
it's basically a oscilloscope but designed for video games.


to be played just with 8 directions and 1 button
what is keyboard, what is alternative controllers.

There was no vidya crash outside the United States.
Vidya was still doing fine in Japan and Europe.
Nintendo only made vidya popular in the U.S. again, which would have happened in a year or two anyway.

Nintendo didn't save anything. What happened was a lot of shitty games were being produced which made the crash.

there was no alternative for the market, and pc games didn't have arcade games.
nintendo was the only company which had a console which was successful in japan already. they made a nes in the US and were real jews when it came to licensing even to this day.

I know it's bait but you made me mad anyway.

Where are the emulators?

I have a Vectrex with a few games, but sadly it doesn't power on at the moment. I need to get it looked at by someone eventually.

While growing up we had an Amiga, some of my favourite memories were playing Hybris, and Pac-Mania. There was also some weird game I remember with primitive 3D graphics but I cannot remember what it was, or what it was about, except maybe it had a bit of puzzle solving? Anyone here know?

Sad but true. What's worse though is the current emulators don't even try. A bunch of Paint-tier pixelly lines do not remotely compare to the smoothness, searing white and afterglow of a proper vector display.

There's one. But as mentioned it is a most pathetic imitation, think Game Boy Street Fighter tier.