We will never get that Bayonetta X DMC cross over game Kamiya wants to make


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Kamiya doesn't make games, his team does.

Just give it time, s-surely it will happen r-right?

The last Bayo game flopped in Japan and normalfags don't care for it.


Really? Fuck those casual slant eyed rice niggers. Is this really the end of bayonetta?

Well, with Ninty having exclusivity over it the reason it probably flopped was that it was WiiU exclusive.

Fuck both of those trash series. I want a new God Hand.

God Hand was too good for this world, user. You don't want a new one during the current year.

Every single platinum game flopped everywhere
Can't blame anyone but platinum and their publishers for that.

A man can dream.

I just want things to be cuhrazy with gravity powers.

It's a terrible feel. Is cuhrazy dead?

just for you
its ok, ill kill myself later

Kamiya is a fucking retard that likes to pump his games full of QTEs.

I am IMMENSELY happy that more and more people are starting to shit on him, and they're starting to realize that the only thing he's good for is shitting out a couple of new IPs now and then, that he can't propely fully realize and polish, and that most of the actual good PG titles were made by the rest of the wonderful Platinum Games team, and he's more of a hinderance than an asset.

Kamiya is a spergy autistic QTE faggot loving piece of shit and the day he gets kicked out of PG for fucking up one too many times is the day i'm gonna throw a goddamn party.
PG will be way better off once he's gone.


It didn't look that good though, not to mention xbone exclusive.

Try making your bait more subtle next time.

I noticed a spike in Platinum/Kamiya worship when Bayo 2 was a Wii U exclusive.

I wonder if there's a correlation.

Try making my dick more out of your ass next time.

Because nintendo worshipping cocksuckers just used it as console war ammunition.
I personally know 3 people that purchased Bayo 2 and never even played it.
They just purchased it "to encourage more third parties on nintendo consoles".
That's the kind of audience they are.
For more information on nintendo autists see all of halfchan Holla Forums, all the time, including the moderators.

By the way, it's extra retarded because Kamiya wasn't even involved in Bayo 2.
Not like they even fucking know that.
Not like most Kamiya worshipping faggots even know WHAT DMC games he was involved in and they seriously still think he made DMC3.
God Kamiya faggots are utterly retarded.

Or casuals for being shit

Dick in ass? Dick in ass? Ass cheeks spreaded for penis

is this dude mongolion on sumthin? japs cant grow shit

Just like kojimbo

He's a mongoloid.

I want it to happen but god please no QTE events.
Only time I like them is in the last boss battle of a game and that's only after doing a proper fight.
Wonderful 101 for example

3:45 onwards for the best video game ending of all time

W101 is my favorite Platinum game, shame it won't get any sequels or clones



Kamiya is a dickhead talentless hasbeen. He deserved to have his dream game crash and fail, he's a dick that mismanages budgets and makes half finished games like 3.3man.

All hail Itsuno.

berserk by platinum never

did he block you on twitter?


Why the fuck would I go on twitter?


Define flop.

I hate your buzzwords, and I hate to agree.

Snatcher was good though.


Are they the same person, Holla Forums?

The guy who made Rival Schools, Power Stone 2, CVS2, DMC3, & Dragon's Dogma.

I don't want this nigger anywhere near my fucking DMC ever again
get Itsuno on the job and all ends well

Never played any of them.

It's pretty hard to fuck up a VN when you use one of Phillip K. Dicks best stories as your entire plotline.

Both are cringeworthy and grossly overrated. I'd say yes.

Even if both franchises were selling 20mil units a year consistently, you'd never get a game out of Kamiya.

it's kinda sad to see that devs can't make the games THEY want to make because the videogame market turned into some shekelmachine(thanks to casuals) but it's not like this is a recent phenomenon or so, but those kind of threads point out the obvious

atleast we still got people like masato miyazaki and yoko taro who are able to make the games they want, even if they don't sell to the casual fifa or cowadoody audience, for whatever reason

ps: fuck microjew

Well you should they are better games than Kamiya's.


Nintendo had to pay them just to get the game made, fuck knows it wasn't going to sell well on a system that was dead 2 years into its lifespan.

Hopefully the Switch will give it a new lease on life, but I'd rather it not be an exclusive.


The idea of Kamiya making a new DMC again worries me since he refuses to work with Itsuno. If Platinum worked on a new DMC there's a chance it would end up like playing like Bayonetta just like how every Platinum game ends up playing like Bayonetta
I want my DMC games to play like DMC and I don't think I trust Kamiya to be able to Put in both DMC and Bayo gameplay in the same game.

I haven't even played Kamiya's games

Do you play any videogames?

Why do you even fucking care about Kamiya if you like DMC?

I don't most of the time because I barely enjoy video games nowadays
I'm serious

I only go on Holla Forums, study the people here, and take lots of notes about what I shouldn't do in a game and what makes them great, then write it down for myself, sometimes making threads just for that purpose.

I want to make a game that is excellent!
I live in California and I'm fairly young, so I feel like I have potential to do something at the very LEAST decent

Because I also like Bayonetta, Viewtiful Joe, Wonderful 101 and DMC 1 is my Personal Favorite DMC. I just have no way of knowing if Kamiya would be able to keep/improve the Gameplay Itsuno has set for DMC.

He'd fill it with QTEs and set pieces.

We were lucky that DMC1 was released at a time when QTEs weren't popular. I wouldn't want modern Kamiya anywhere near DMC.

Exactly I have allot of Respect for Kamiya the man hasn't made a bad game. Maybe Scalebound would have been his first if it didn't get canceled.
But the very idea of QTE's in a DMC game is a Nightmare.

You're set for failure, no amount of "taking notes" is going to help you.
If you want to understand what makes a game good or bad, you have to play the games yourself and take the time to study and analyse how the game was designed, what was the developer's intentions, how do your actions synergize, did they design something without the gameplay purpose in mind first, etc.

I do that though, that's where the "Barely" comes in.

Are you actually attempting to apply your studies in practice to see if you're being a retard?

Just some programming, I made a stickman run, so that's a thing.
I'm using this. Also, I'm practicing my drawing, but I'm nowhere good enough to animate

Will never happen, he's too busy blocking everyone on twitter by hand

That's a full time job you know


post your drawings fuccboi

They're awful though, they're not even complete, or shaded, can I send a tomato I drew?

Here, the rest is awful. I know I'm good at it if I take my time with it though. I just get very anxious when I draw something that takes more than 2 hours. I have to accept the fact that it takes time.

awww yeah dude, are you gonna make a video game about tomatos and apples?
apples are done to death thanks to IWBTG but tomatos would be hitting some new ground
I'm dead serious, get your juices flowing

What's your goal for design for the game? Are you planning on making all your art look like this? If you're so determined to git gud at drawing then do some practices and read a few guides. If you want to be a true artist then take each element at a time starting with lines and slowly form your own style and preference. Trust me even if you think you're ahead of the steps it's always good to start from the beginning.

I don't think I'm ahead on the steps, I'm stressed the fuck out and constantly put pressure on myself x10. Not to mention that I keep comparing myself to others, which just fucks me up inside and makes me feel like having a mental breakdown. I barely know what the fuck I'm doing. It feels like I haven't given up by sheer coincidence.

In drawing, or the tomato game concept?

tomato game concept
seriously you can make a game about anything interesting as long as you put your mind into it

It's an undercover tomato working on keeping the streets clean, and the dishes delicious. stop the evil olives along with the dastardly high-fructose foods from rampaging and destroying cornucopia city, join his friends Radish and Pickle in an absolute thrillride you'll never forget.

E10+: Rude Humor, Alcohol References, Fantasy Violence


Nice blogpost faggot. You think other people don't have shit to deal with? I have a fucking relative in the hospital right now on top of education and work. I don't put other people in a shitty mood by spamming red text and acting like a socially awkward sperg. You're on the internet kiddo. Dunno what you fucking expected other than people like me to laugh at you for not keeping your cool on an anonymous image board for video games.

Sage for offtopic.

Something tells me that you deserve every single fucking thing that's happening to you. That, and I'm not trying to stir up sympathy by one-upping other people's blogposting by telling them I have it worse.

Hope it does gets worse for you though, you fucking piece of shit.

Good start, since you're relatively new to programming and art, a side scrolling beat em up like Final Fight should suffice.

It would come out something like this then. Which is fine for a newbie.

Yea it's my fault your projecting your failures on to this thread. Not your own retarded fucking need for attention.

Do what I said earlier and grow up. The internet is not your friend and when you come off as a faggot, people are going to treat you like a faggot. This hate you have for me could have been avoided entirely if you just kept your fucking mouth shut.

Holy shit, you sperg rage is embarrassing. The only one acting like a faggot here is you, everyone else is pretty much neutral.

You have some pretty fucking deep-seated issues if my post set you off as bad as it did, I haven't failed anything either. I have my own things as well, but I'm not going to mention them because I'm not you, nor will I stoop to your level, and don't want to make my post look like a cry for help.

You should honestly turn off the internet for a bit and seek help. Right now, call your local mental health center and get yourself checked. Losing it this quick is not normal.

So you're spamming redtext at me telling me you have social anxiety issues and now you're telling me I'm the one with the problems? It doesn't get more mentally incapable than this outside of asylums and tumblr. And if you keep projecting any harder you might actually see yourself in your posts. At least I bother to sage when I reply so I don't bump the thread with pointless blogging and self imposed drama.

Did I miss a >>>/sudo/ thread?

To answer the question, here's a glory hog and a manchild. even If here's fired he'll be making his own place with blackjack and hookers to make better *games* because of his credentials.

Good. Fuck Japanese Phil Fish, he's a trannyfucker.

I hope your family member recovers well, it's understandable you'd be in a bad mood under those circumstances but try not to take it out on other people.