haha U JUST Got FRICCIN BEANED lmao!!!
Holla Forumsyps btfo
they do that to themselves just by existing
Go riot some more, loser.
you control nothing neetsoc. republicans and a cryptodemocrat president who will never be onboard with your retardation do.
you seem upset
He threw more than a few jabs at clinton as well, including the fact she lost the debates badly, but Holla Forums's gotta be triggered I guess.
What a rebel.
I'm not triggered at all, this has been a lovely week thus far! Good job to the God Emperor, and good job to the Holla Forumss for getting Shoah leBeef arrested!
Stop the presses!
ayyyy FUCC
Well he is an introvert who willingly moved to a country that is full of very social people and has outrageously priced videogames when vidya is his hobby so I don't know if he has it all in there.
I like Yatzhee and his games quite a bit, but the show used to be about non-stop rapid fire "no punctuation" jibs, but he has slowed it down to normal talk speed years since so it has lost the punch. I don't remember the last time I watched it.
He was a bernout. I think he just went off the media slandering with Trump. Also he always says shit that's kinda retarded, but I usually forget it. However when he said "America, give communism a try" it is forever burned in my memory when I see him.
This is pretty good.
well this was sort of funny I guess
This is too good.
God bless >>>/monster/
but she really did do that
check em - "super predators", "three strikes"
Have these last two as a bonus.
Why can't we have more nice things like being with their faces in their torso being lewd?
That feeling when you will never fuck one of those.
That's a dead meme, user.
Also she started her career working for Goldwater, wanted to re-segregate the US.
Kill yourself.
No one who isn’t a paid shill has ever believed this.
Yes but claiming Trump and the entire 2016 election are Jim Crow-tier racist is fucking stupid.
So, seeing as these threads go nowhere as of lately. Anyone wanna talk about something, doesn't have to be vidya related.
Have you played Dreamweb?
Haven't played anything lately. What's it about?
Pup Liru when?
Was he serious? That sounds like Poe's Law territory.
A point n click adventure game about some guy who was to murder certain people because he was ordered to, or maybe he is crazy.
Well in fairness, one side of the presidential election was bigoted. It just isn't the side that many think it is.
He called the guardian too left wing once so I'm pretty sure it was tongue in cheek.
who has*
Yeah I saw this in the synthwave thread. Is it all topdown, because I kinda want to play some topdown games? download link?
Sorry user, that maymay blessing doesn't work on furjuden.
literally nothing wrong with that tbh
You will need ScummVM, the game files are free.
I love pregnancy, but this is silly.
The last one has all the girls with different skin colors.
But she's super cute.
/r/ing Scalie Schoolie
lewds preferred, but I plan on beating my cock like a Muslim wife regardless
Thanks user. I really like the aesthetic and art from 90's games. I never realized how many forgotten games there are from that decade.
Yes, but you're still being a furkike about it and won't get your meme blessing from Ammit.
good scalie schoolie lewds are rare
please cherish these
But user you are the furkike
shoulda spoilered those user, they'll get deleted by hotpockets
Either way many thanks user. You are my nigga4lyf
all for the sake of staying on the fence, amirite fellow pseudo intellectuals XD?
If you want demon girls to be posted, you have to ask more politely than this.
Demon girls, or demon girls?
Is this the Holla Forums and Holla Forums containment thread?
I guess this is relevant once more.
I do kinda wish Yahtzee and Gabe had stayed together. They had the best bantz.
Forgot this faggot even existed until I saw this thread.
Memeon girls.
Damnyankees and Califags that believe this need a one-way ticket to Andersonville.
Pick one, also that art is fucking garbage. Shitanimation is a fucking garbage tumblrfag artist. Teckworks is shit too.
We need to gas you inbreeders and mulattos for the good of the rest of the race. The south is a dead weight that needs to be cut loose asap.
Enjoy your ban for dumping porn
Gonna be a fun four years.
No one is getting banned rulecuck
"rulecuck" is such a hilarious term, it seems like the kind of thing someone would scream as the police arrests them.
Oh my sweet newtwink o' mine.
>Not-safe-for-work pictures are allowed (including loli), but only if spoilered. If you are not sure whether something is safe for work or not, err on the side of caution and spoiler it. Porn dumps (3+ posts with spoilered or unspoilered NSFW pictures) belong on >>>/vp/ or any other porn board of your choice.
Can you come up with an actual argument? Or are you too retarded to do so?
You had your chance to be rid of us, dumbass.
Niggers are the problem, not fellow poor whites.
What is half of the country's culture, a shitload of oil, mineral resources, steel, much of the military's actual manpower, and sweet tea ;^)?
Nice retort. Bet you were that annoying faggot who tattled on kids who would bring their gameboys to school.
Even if it was really a LOL thread that wouldn't make it less cancerous
>Porn dumps (3+ posts with spoilered or unspoilered NSFW pictures) belong on >>>/vp/ or any other porn board of your choice.
Can you count?
Oh but I can't keep IDs straight apparently
I'd like to see some "eating" going on in this thread.
5 posts
Typical low iq southerner. Can't even respond correctly. Must be all that nigger blood from the rampant miscegenation you lot indulge in. Not a single pure bloodline left amongst you by now I imagine. There is no difference between you and the niggers anymore. We don't need any of you to use the land. We can resettle it with actual examples of the white race that aren't shot through with failure, inferior genetics, and willful ignorance. You are a disgrace and a detriment to us. You can't be ovened fast enough.
Please go #wither somewhere else
Why are libtards so bad at larping as facists?
Why are you bad at being a good poster?
I thought this was the LOL thread.
I am sorry Mr. Furkike, but only 2-3 of those posts could possibly be interpreted as porn.
I don't get it.
How can you poke them when you're that high up on your horse
Yhatzee likes DOOM, the guy's become a fag lately.
You're the furkike, though.
ahah oh wow
Yahtzee is vidya you mongoloid
Oh boy.
It doesn't
It isn't
Yeah sure is video games in here
Fuck me running, why on earth would you do this? The first one I can forgive, the second one I can understand, what are the chances of two honky children in a row? But three and four is just too damn far. Then again there's also the case of "if it smells like shit everywhere you go". She's probably a shit parent and her husband is a shit parent and the kids just get labelled autistic to spare the parents the shame of knowing they couldn't raise a fucking chihuahua without it getting serious personality disorders.
Go cry about it somewhere else you knuckle-dragging pea-brained overcooked monkey of a human being and while you are at it kill yourself and take that fucking waste of air of a family that you have.
Nice digits. Also, that seems like a very logical conclusion of furry aesthetics, but maybe my eyes are just completely desensitized at this point.
Orcs have chlorophyll in their skin, user. They're plants, not animals.
This is getting too meta for me
this is why mark should allow us to post gore when appropriate.
… well that's a new one
reminder that he's literally an asexual something awful goon.
The template of a lol thread is LOL with a retarded screenshot or comic. That's what you posted. How long have you even been here?
I don't think you can if you actually chose to move to the land of shitposters and emus fleeing from the land of binned knives and child rape.
Psssht, amateur
*teleports away*
Oh shit man, you got me then
I wasn't even talking about yahtzee, haven't seen anything from him in a long while
It's on my backlog. Is it worth playing the Amiga version over the DOS version?
god fucking damnit
DOS CD version, it's pretty trippy and a bit confusing so you might want to use a guide.
Also the Amiga version has a different soundtrack if i recall correctly so you might want to replay it afterwarda on Amiga for that reason.
Are all of Ronnie's comics just him explaining how he's a depressed sack of shit that can't do anything right?
Those are dryads goddamnit
Yet, he's not been a faggot in other ways.
Remember; western education for the last 40 or 50 years have made it so people can hold conflicting opinions.
Or he tried to appeal to a particular audience with either the comment in the OP, or this one.
You never can tell.
user, I love dryads, but orcs do have chlorophyll too. What do you think they get their green skin color from, melanin?
nice hat
He named the woman in the comic Agrias.
What the fuck happened to the Freeman?
They just aren't mature enough :^)
That style… is that Bittenhard
Also LOL
Ol' British banter, just can't beat it
forever ever
'tis no woman, 'tis a remorseless eating creature
This is one fetish I don't get at all. I get furries. I get pedophiles, I even get what people like about vore, but I don't know how someone finds being turned into a penis erotic at all.
>How would they convince Mexico that paying for the wall is better than crippling their own economy?
People still care about Yahtze in the current year?
I guess it does work. Though what is the purpose of allowing porn sites to be embed, except for porn boards?
That's a great phrase.
it could be used to keep normalfags away, depending on what you embed. Also, it's another thing to rub on the faces of those who frequent lesser mongolian cave painting social circles.
because we fucking can
I still don't get how trump is "bigoted"
technically there is no such thing as a porn board, just sfw/nsfw. Holla Forums is considered a nsfw board
I thought going to a Christian school was supposed to prevent that. :^)
nsfw boards aren't blue tho
Because we can, look at this yucky 3DPD
I got it from here. Pretty accurate, too.
What are you talking about?
>Occupation: Humorist
Tell me be married a liberal Jewess and we'd hit BINGO
Does Bitterhand also go by Taboolicious?
He's not a woman, black or in favor of fag laws, so he's automatically the devil in the left's eyes
Since this is a lol thread and has fuck all to do with vidya and we can embed porn now, can anybody find that clip from Motherless where a deaf girl is being fucked? Dark room, you can see her full front body, I think.
Cartels don't run wild you big dummy, they live in the most god forsaken deserts and mountains because they know that people will fuck their shit up if they come out, don't accuse that user for not knowing Mexico if you haven't been there yourself
top vitriol
its like im back on 4/v/
What am I even looking at? Your chunky finger folds are in the way
This video is full of genuine information you apparently need. I have documentaries out the wazoo for you as well, and news articles, but this one is visual and the shortest.
Ignore the EDGE nerd's presence and just pay attention
I'd say the color scheme goes out the window on a site where BOs can customize the shit out of any given board.
As far as i can tell, no. The art doesn't look quite the same anyhow, to say nothing of the subject matter.
Good enough for me
Hey Holla Forums, whatcha doing?
why dude
Here. A better doc.
No one will watch it because the thumbnail isn't Trump and the video is 40min instead of only 17min
Mexico seriously needs a duterte of their own
Delete this
Mexico needs some VX to clean out all the spics.
And STILL more.
Notice the trend?
But I'm just talking out of my ass, right?
What other country outside of an African nation has gangs of child soldiers?
random gangraping apes are not soldiers. They also typically aren't armed to the teeth with assault rifles.
That's not really the full truth though, you neocon cuck.
Make Mexico Spanish again.
Mexico is a putrid shithole held together with duct tape and whatever dollars the greasy wetbacks can steal from the white man.
It speaks volumes about the country when the only functional type of enterprise spics can get going routinely mutilates people and engages in mass murder.
Shit dude, for a secon I thought that you were being serious
No he was serious. I forget which lets play it was but basically he said "If Trump wins the election America loses the right to say it's the greatest country" (he said this again somewhere else). I can't remember if or if not he tried to do the first female president shit. I think he hates Hillary, but I remember him literally saying to Gabe 100% seriously something like "Or vote for Bernie. Give communism a try", and Gabe didn't laugh or anything just kept talking. You forget most people have been conditioned nowadays to be sympathetic to communism.
This game was what got me started watching Yahtzee's Lets plays. Too bad they went to shit when he got away from weird obscure point and click adventure games.
The eceleb went to a Christian school, I guessed that was supposed to invoke values involving not being an intellectually progressive retard.
What is this?
Is it like Two Bunnies, One Fox?
you willfully ignorant waste
>The government has done something even more surprising, legalizing militias
You make yourself an idiot.
I don't know, that jewess face creeped me out.
Yahtzee's a weird case. He's probably one of the few ecelebs I've been apprehensive about just calling a general piece of shit. He's been pretty clear minding on his approach to SJW's so him moving to San Fran is weird. Then again a lot of people don't move to Cali for the air. If you're a content creator it makes you life less of a living hell when you need to work with other content creators. Who just so happen to usually be in California. A lot of the SleepyCast crew moved their and they publicly say that most of the people in California are aids and that they wouldn't be there if they didn't need to be for work. Either way I stopped watching Yahtzees shit about midway through his drown outs. But he usually was on the side of logic over memes and playing the victim.
Liberal "Christian" schools are not Christian schools.
I doubt he went to the same places Peter Hitchens did
That clearly says 'art by'; looking through the site, i believe the guy who actually uses the name Taboolicious calls himself whitedevil. But, that's a guess more than anything concrete.
I jerk off to that guy works. They're okay at best, I just hate how tiny most of the images are.
Well, there is one e-celeb that talked about the shit Mexico is facing.
It's rare to see the gay, I mean, guy, talking more coherent stuff.
Okay CURRENT YEAR fruitcup, how's this then?
Mexico: Cartels Pay Corrupt Cops $100 Million a Month
Why Cartels Are Killing Mexico’s Mayors
w ww.ny
'There are two governments': Mexican elections held in shadow of the cartels
Then there's this nifty timeline
stratfor .com/topics/terrorism-and-security/tracking-mexicos-drug-cartels
When will stupid like you die out?
You guys just were tsundere for her
I'll take that purple sporty one with big tits thanks. If anyone else wanted her too bad.
user, everyone in Mexico knows that the serial killer of Ciudad Juarez was the autistic son of a guy from the coke company (an't remember his position). Also, thanks for posting a video proving my point of the cartel being fucked over by farmers around 5-6 years ago
Not really. I like shortstacks but that creature is a tainted shrew.
Mexico is pretty comfy if you are not a poorfag
I want to racemix with her and take responsibility
Too much shitposting for sexual.
What is she a jew?
What is the full truth?
Don't forget the part where they were cucked by your bought and paid for government because they were doing too good a job fighting the cartels.
See how stupid this "fallacy" is? The concept is itself a fallacious argument meant to condone broad-brushing. It is a debate tactic which is set up this way:
"Christian" is inherently defined by the Bible, not whim. If a Christian school produces the kind of ideological cuck that Yahtzee is by its teachings then its teachings are not in alignment with the Bible, which is the primary and sole definer of what a "Christian" is.
This is as stupid as someone who claims
Now that you've learned this, I hope you won't try this pathetic tactic again. You only make yourself look like an idiot.
Corruption and bribes aren't the same as bodies hanging fron the streets you silly goose, I never said that Mexico wasn't a corrupt country
Isn't she white?
In accordance to whom? Yourself?
fuck off faggot, im a spic in tacoland and nothing has changed and never will
seeing all the edits just makes me want to see the pre-edits.
That isn't exactly what it happened, the resistance was divided because one of the commanders decided to settle down with a 16 years old, without him people started to quit, eventually they didn't have enough money to buy weapons so they accepted to be absorbed by the government to create a new rural unit
several posts earlier:
Because that certainly sounds like what reality told us with
And every other post I've made on the matter.
Nigger, that place becomed in a liberal shithole
I never said you never said Mexico wasn't a corrupt country. Just tell the full story beaner.
Pretty much agree with this.
Besides that joke isn't too bad. at least compared to the shit Superbunnyhop pulled
Who are you even talking to? I was replying to someone else.
The funposting in this thread is going haywire
I know plenty of pilots and other people that have summer getaways in Mexico, particularly near the beach and particularly in areas where the Mexican government keeps relatively well guarded. These are typical areas that see a lot of tourism.
Also there are a ton of fingers in the pie that is Mexico. A lot of countries have companies set up there to exploit its natural resources, so much so that they honestly don't give a shit what happens to the enviorment, why do you think the water in Mexico has such a bad reputation? I mean sure it helps create jobs on the other side but the people there are getting chump changed compared to what those resources and products actually cost.
Go ahead and check out what happens to the petrol that is brought from Mexico into the US, essentially what happens is that the US buys from Mexico, refines it and then sells it back at a much higher price. Buying gas in Mexico can be pretty expensive, especially with the value of the peso going down. Which is good if you're a tourist but bad if you actually have to live there.
TL;DR: Shits fucked on the other side due to somewhat laissez faire practices as well various nations taking advantage of said practices.
There's actually a neat documentary about a militia being formed by a doctor in Mexico, long story short the government may have tried to kill him by sabotaging his plane(arguably it could also be because Mexico is infamous for poor aircraft maintenance as well, it's a theory) and everything goes downhill from there, Mexican government drags his name through the mud and throws him in jail. His militia is now headed by a previous cartel member (also approved by government due to this guy) who seems to have acted as a plant and now people suspect that, that militia is working with or for the cartel.
Fuck, I hadn't seen that one yet. Did you draw it?
more Sarah Garrison
also fuck mexico, Peru is better
hitler din du nuffin
im taco
I need to see this documentary.
I haven't felt rage like this in a while. It is a good rage.
Is it wrong that I found Butt Genie funny?
Mexico is a corrupt shithole, I mean shit is bad in the USA as wikileaks keep showing but spics don't really even bother with subtlety, why do you think they just jump the border and then cry when you call them illegals?
Spics have no concept of respecting the law at all.
What do you think his reaction was to the rampant child rape backstage?
Those closet-commies are such filthy fucking niggers that I want to hang them each day more and more.
Points for originality at least.
Probably this, its what I expect from human trash like markiplier.
Chill, at least yo ucan have a laugh at that
Hol up, I'll look it up. I find it neat because it also gives the point of view from both sides of the border. The Militia trying to make things right and raining justice on the cartels (as well as a potential movement against the Mexican government to try and hold them accountable for all the bullshit) as well as the viewpoint of a group of minutemen on the border and their opinions about this particular group as well as general opinions.
Its really depressing with how crippled spic countries are because of gangsters, corrupt governments, or fucking cartels. Even more so when you got some family there and when you visit it isnt the same country you loved as a kid. But hey at least some people try to make the best out of a shit situation, thats more than be said up north where some people are so bitter and dont even feel like starting conversations.
I can dig it. I'll wait
Ok you double nigger, it looks like I will have to explain this in a easy way for you to understand
Most of those comics are just weak-as-shit circlejerk. Also, that middle comic would be actually funnier if the meter said "RAPE" instead of "ISLAM".
Bar graphs dont work that way
Moshi moshit baito desu?
I think that the video he is talking about is from VICE
I won't expect much then
Hey Holla Forums, I know you're LOLing right now, but I need you to answer me one thing.
When you get down with the THICCness, do you prefer Kobold or Shark?
epic meme now fuck off
Did someone said monstergirls?!
thicc is a failed meme
now kill yourself
fuckboi detected
Dont forget that different cartels started to kill other cartels like a bunch of retards
I miss felipe at least he tried to make a difference
Kobold is the only right answer they look better with flat chests
Said problems were caused by (((American Intelligence groups))) in the first place. Now that America is back in the hands of a true American (albeit with ties with G-D's chosen, but much less controllable), every problem with Mexico suddenly stopped existing in media.
Holla Forums practices memetical judo of the highest form and you'd understand it given all events in the past 10 years.
Would work better with the visual metaphore.
Every good bait holds an aspect of truth. They might have different dreams, but deep in their hearts, they are same with the commies, SJWs and whatever filth else.
The documentary is called "Cartel Land." I saw the other anons comment and as far as I know it isn't a Vice thing. If you got Netflix the documentary is there.
Documentary doesn't pull any punches, even shows the doctor who's name Jose Manuel Mirales, going to see his mistress. You also get to see some cartel wankers getting beat the fuck up too. Bretty gud all around.
Whoa dude like everyone is the same whoaaa
Where the fuck do you live that you can actually said that?
Only the authoritarians, mate.
The only place where a reptile should be thicc is in the hips and ass user
Imagine how comfier SBR would have been if they had broed it up.
Kobolt, definitely. Sharks are too watery, not to mention this one has hair and long ears. What is this, an elf?
also check
Meant to write gyro.
To be fair if anyone could make communism/socialism reality, it could be USA.
The catch is that it would only be white/caucasian people that could make it a reality and it's unattainable as it stands. Never give up on utopic thoughts or ideals, even if they have failed before. It's good to have some hope on the side of realism as well.
They're both authoritarian cunts, but their beliefs are different. The reason people think they're the same is because most view the opposite of the SJWs to be liberals, but that is only half true.
fug :-DDDDD
But user, if they have THASS and THITS then they are
At least Diego didn't have a shit stand like Pocoloco
He wants the egg-laying hips, user. Inb4 Guoh
But they did bro up to fight valentine at the end.
Yahtzee is a terminal autist, I'd be surprised if he ever married.
Seriously, if you can bear it listen to him when he's not in character and doing shit with other people. He just can't deal with it.
Another world, another time.
Though the idea of Johnny creeping around and stinging people with insects still creeps the shit out of me way more than anything Diego managed to pull.
time for some informational heartbreaking raging fun viewing
Guoh betrayed himself! LOOK!
Glad I could help, enjoy it lad.
Scary monsters >za warudo IMHO when it comes down to cool stands.
Not the same man, imagine all the good, comfy moments of the 3 banting each other and singing songs along the road.
Instead diego got into an alcoholic depression.
Dont kinkshame johnny!
Oh no. How saggy. How plump. What a shame. Whatever shall we do?
Do you like jews
Click only if you want to feel
Jojofag just likes kvetching at length about Holla Forums given the slightest opportunity. He has been doing it for a long time now.
Gets me every time.
Diego was turned into a dino and tried to kill them, afterwards even more so. Not once did Diego try to be "bros".
That's a shit sandwich. There's no way you can eat that without making a terrible mess. Such a despicable violation of a magnificent food stuff.
Why don't you go fuck yourself.
He got arrested for scratching someone during his stupid protest, I think that some guys from Holla Forums and Mark also went there to make fun of him because he was livestreaming the whole time
We had communist reality in China and Russia. Why don't you go ask them how it worked out?
Yeah, keep enabling the mentally ill so they'll lead a few more million gentiles to their deaths in pursuit of their batshit insane Jewish cult.
Fuck you.
No, that's why I posted it.
Huh, ok.
How like a nigger you are. Truly marvelous.
Mark you lovable jew.
Yeah he isn't so bad. But he has some shit opinions. Equating Megaman 6 to Mighty No. 9, saying Nintendo should go third party, and calling Sonic Unleashed shit while calling the Werehog better than the hub and daytime stages.
An item to politely excuse and disguise one's occasional abberations when in polite company, to err, after all, is human.
A slovenly degenerates excuse not to control themselves.
I'm quite sure we all know which group both you and that despicably terrible sandwich maker you foolishly attempted to defend belong to.
dont forget saying that everyone who dislikes bioshock infinite doesnt know how to have fun, thinking shadow of mordor is GOTY contender just because of the nemesis system and sucking yager development's dick every now and then
I'll bet that tomato tastes like water, too.
i cant believe im friends with this nerd, my god
This stream has brought forth some amazing things.
At least he didn't get intimidated by Labeouf like that beta looking guy from Holla Forums
hey man, he doesnt even know how babies are made, i think hes pretty harmless
wasnt shia in prison during this?
It's really funny how the only people who think "Mexico will pay for the wall" means "Mexico will literally write a check" are retarded leftists. Their understanding of economics is such that the only exchange of wealth they can even comprehend is Party A transferring X amount of hard currency to Party B in one-time transaction. Anything beyond that literally causes a blue screen of death in their brain.
It's like they don't understand how many Mexicans are working illegally in the US and just sending money back home, subsidizing Mexican poverty in Mexico with US wealth. It's as if they think Mexico has ANY leverage against us AT ALL other than WHITE GUILT. White guilt is the ONLY bargaining chip that third world shithole had, and that chip was cashed out with Obama. Why will Mexico pay for the wall? Because we have the power, and with Trump we have the will, to fuck them up on levels they cannot even begin to imagine.
Do we have the exact moment in time when yahtzee became irredeemably gay?
Do you mean the faggot who got assaulted by shia shortly before he was arrested? He wasnt from Holla Forums, that was just some random dude who managed to piss off the already flustered shia
I think he was from CuckChan Holla Forums, sorry for relating him to our Holla Forums
Some people are startled by things happening, I get really anxious around balloons because of the loud sound they make popping makes me jump out of my skin.
Same thing here, it's like unwrapping a time bomb, if you can open it yourself and cause the pop it's less "jumpy" cause you know its going to happen, when it pops by itself it can cause a jumpscare.
Didn't the artist himself make lewds of his characters?
That shit always make me laugh every time I see it.
What's the name of this comic?
Aw man
Nice. I could almost look past the wig.
I won't disagree that he has incredibly shit opinions. That being said he actually makes games so he's 100% better than most video game journalists out there Should stick to writing fantasy novels.
Scalie Schoolie
It's not that bad, it's humor is kind of dry but the girls make my dick go wild
Dont forget to donate in the patreon goy!
They do the same to me. I refuse to read it though.
Why do lizards have mammary glands? Why do they have useless fat deposits on their chests? Why do they have a vagina? Why are furries fucking retarded?
This is the most retarded shit I've ever read on Holla Forumsreddit
Venom sacs or egg sacs.
Thanks guys, im gonna check it out
Because muh relative breast is best.
Why are they bipedal, speak english, and wear clothes?
Because fuck you.
Because it's more appealing than the GRONK variety of lizards.
they don't have breasts after snoopy drops by
No, fuck you. Humans used to be naked too before.
Only your ancestors user, only your ancestors..
The Quads have spoken, lizards with tits are ok
mate, you might wanna have that shit taste of yours checked by a professional
That's not much better.
This thread is vidya related.
It is not Holla Forums shitting up boards for no reason.
Holla Forums is very intelligent
Saged for not vidia, kill yourself OP
Everyone has been shitting up the boards user. Holla Forums has been this way since 2015 I'd say.
Till they got more than 2 brain cells, no shit. I'm still asking about those tumors on their chests. It's like their furry mares with tits on their chests but not on their crotches. Fucking silly as shit.
Don't ask me to tell you what the fuck these creators are thinking. He's trying to make them female, he doesn't go full on lizard with them and I'm not the person to ask. Double breasted mares would be awkward to look at to boot.
Come on now.
That's certainly LOL thread material.
But multiboob is objectively shit
I say this as a slightly closeted furfag
I mean clearly not closeted enough.
They exist in nature and for a good reason. Deal with it.
That must be extremely painful
Sauce on pic?
He attacked one of our guys.
That reminds me, why are "western" kobold reptiles and "eastern" kobold canines?
Talking about shitty memes
Tim had it worse
There are also faggots animals
Your problem is that you start off with a universal generalization that isn't substantive. It's a shit example. You have no reason to believe that all Holla Forums posters are shills. Even if you did, your argument that, "all Holla Forums posters are shills" begins from the perspective of a member of that group who is trying to deflect the notion that people who post here are not or may not be shills. If I, an exception to your rule, say in response, "well, I post on Holla Forums and I'm not a shill" and you respond with, "well you're just not a true member of Holla Forums", you're still proven wrong because I both exist and I'm on the board with you. Unless you can prove that I am also a shill, along with everyone else who posts here, then you've no basis for your argument.
Muslims do not eat pork, it is against their sacrilege. If you are Muslim, and you wish to preserve your status as a member of said religion, you will abstain from eating pork, otherwise your transgression may be grounds for termination as a recognized member of the group. Yes, it is possible that you can denounce this specific principle and still practice what you consider to be your faith, but you will be marked as a hypocrite in the eyes of those who wish to adhere and preserve the principle that you've so flagrantly broken.
A better example would be
>C: No true birds are incapable of flight
Clearly, this is retarded. There are plenty of examples of birds that cannot fly. Furthermore, there are a number of qualifiers that determine whether or not an animal is a bird, and penguins clearly meet a number of those criteria. In other words, flight is not a primary, determining factor that ultimately decides whether or not an animal is a bird. Bats can fly, bats are not birds.
Stop being retarded.
So? They're nature's defect and best killed off or left alone to rot without breedinglol
There was a time when I was conditioned to be sympathetic to it, but now you will never convince me communism will work. All the people I've met IRL who support it are narcissists that can't stand the sight of people out-performing them. Plus a good chunk of the progressive communists defining trait is being narcissistic.
Most of these people don't realize how backwards their logic is to.
They also have no foresight or turn a blind eye to obvious problems like the fact it doesn't account for people who will half-ass their job and abuse the system. It kills all the rewards for trying your best. What about all the rich people just leaving with their money, making the middle class where most of these shitheads come from the new rich people who's wealth will be divided among the country? Most people who did the march on wall street against the 1% didn't even know what the fuck they where doing there.
How many more countries need to fail and how many more millions of people need to die before this fucking meme of a system dies.
Last time I checked, being christian only entailed believing that Jesus is the son of God who came to die for one's sins, much like how being a Holla Forums poster only entails posting on Holla Forums.
Being a good christian or Holla Forums poster is much more debatable though, and you can argue about that sort of thing all day, but people who believe that Jesus is the son of God who died for our sins makes one christian, end of story.
It's not that simple, but not that much more complex
t. orthodox
Also this, I didn't even think about that
Sacrilege is the violation or profanation of what's sacred.
They do not find pork sacred. They find pigs unclean and find it sacred to NOT touch them or anything of them precisely because they are unclean.
But that aside, you proved my point:
How do you know that?
Liberal/progessivism is against what is written in the Bible also.
Remember, dummy, that the user I replied to said:
To which I said:
To which you said:
Which means what, idiot? You flatly used the "No True Scotsman" claim when I said that Liberal pseudo-Christian schools are not Christian schools.
1. Christian schools teach sound Christian doctrine and worldview - all based on the Bible
2. Liberal "Christian" schools do not teach sound Christian doctrine and do not convey its worldview, rather teaching from Liberal ideological scholars and committing gross eisegesis when reinterpreting the Bible (whenever they rarely get around to peeking at it)
3. Therefore, Liberal "Christian" Schools are not Christian schools, because they do not school students in what is Christian as defined by the Bible, the book which defines what being a "Christian" is/means
Ergo: Liberal "Christian" schools are not Christian schools.
A Liberal "Christian" school would argue that safe sex outside marriage is fine, abortion is a woman's choice, etc. etc. - all antithetical to Christian doctrine.
But then YOU came along and claimed "No True Scotsman", implying that such a school is a Christian school regardless of the foundational principals of the schooling actually being Christian or not.
You know what a Muslim is/what Islam is by the religious texts.
You know what a Christian is/what Christianity is by the religious texts.
Do you get it? Or do I have to explain it with even more words for you?
This is why the No True Scotsman tactic is so pathetic, because it is always an accusation levied after broad generalizations like the one you implied.
I just noticed the change in ID! You didn't even read the comment replies, did you?
Guess we both have egg on our face. Me for typing all this out without checking your ID, and you for being a rash poster who didn't check the thread
It's a subclass of christians, like how niggers are a subclass of humanity.
Hail Mary, your trips are impressive
Yeah, like how Islam is a subclass of Christians
Hey, whatever man. I just want to be sure that people are using logical fallacies correctly. People like to throw words around as if they know what they're talking about. Yes, I see your point. However, got it right. It takes virtually nothing to declare oneself as a Christian/Islamic/whatever, therefore because there is no barrier to entry, you can't say that "anyone who calls themselves Christian/whatever and who does things I don't like are therefore not Christian".
The examples you used for what constitutes a No True Scotsman are retarded, and that is all I wanted to point out.
Factually incorrect.
Muslims do not believe that Jesus is the son of God, who came to earth to die for our sins, which disqualifies any belief from being a subset of Christianity.
Not sure what you're trying to prove but shia is a subclass of Islam like how the three religion is a subclass of monotheism.
That's the whole point of religions. If you don't follow the club's rule then you're out. Of course some like to act cool and say they're part of something they're not like the jews
A little too real for you, user?
It is. I say this with a horsecock in my ass as we speak.
And Mormons do not believe that God is the only true God.
crash course on Mormonism, since you couldn't be arsed to look it up yourself.
Yes, but Shia is not a subset of Christianity just because it involves Jesus.
Just like Mormonism, the most polytheistic cult in human history, is not Christian just because Jesus is in it.
You already know that it does take SOMETHING to declare yourself a Christian/Muslim/etc. and that is to carry the traits (herein, faith according to the respective doctrinal texts) of the specific thing you declare yourself to be.
By your logic, it takes virtually nothing for a black man to declare himself white. Anyone can claim to be a thing, doesn't mean they are that thing.
If you saw my point then why did you bother attempting to continue this bad argument?
Mark I'm sorry if I ever doubted you
Don't talk stupid and claim the other person is being retarded unless you're able to take it right back.
wait, what? Mormons are those guys with the polygamy who think Jesus came to the indians and told them bout christianity and whatnot, yes? And they have multiple gods?
Mormons believe in a single ultimate God/creator, but they also believe that when you die you get to become the God of your own planet, and that your job is to use your massive harem of wives to populate it
You're full of shit, faggot. Black people can't declare themselves as white because they're genetically different. In other words, they don't possess the physical and genetic traits that require them to be white. That's not the same as someone declaring themselves an adherent to any given idea/philosophy/ideology. I see the point that you're making in that not everyone agrees on what constitutes a "true Christian". I understand that your standards are not the same as everyone else. However, so long as someone believes that the Christian god is the one true god, then they're Christian. It's my fault, really, for trying to speak sense to a fucking retard.
People's opinions have nothing to do with the epistemological principals of Christian theology. Everything from the foundational concepts of man's fallen nature and the Godman's act of Atonement to the very ontological definition of God (and "high Christology", ex: Trinity) comprise the Christian believer's worldview - because his presupposition IS 'Christianity, and this is rooted in Scripture (ie Bible).
TL;DR Christianity roots itself in the founding Scriptures of the religion. Those Scriptures define every aspect of what it means to be "Christian". To go against the foundational principals of what is outlined in the Scriptures is to no longer be aligned with the very root - the very definer - of "Christian".
In short: Opinion doesn't matter. The Bible matters.
>I understand that your standards
How do you go through life fence-sitting on definitions like this? What is going on? How do you still not understand that you can't broad-brush Christianity when it is strictly defined by it's religious texts?
Liberal "Christian" schools which school/teach students notions which are antithetical to the Bible, antithetical to the Christian presupposition, are by definition no longer Christian, if they ever were.
Opinion doesn't matter! People's standards don't matter!
No, they can declare it all they like but it will never be true precisely because of that fundamental difference in what defines "White" as a race.
Likewise, non-Christian institutions/peoples can declare themselves to be "Christian" but when they bear fundamental differences with what defines "Christian" as a belief then they are not Christian.
Look I apologize for insulting you so much. Or at all. Maybe if I had not then you would not be so confrontational and would hear what I am saying. I genuinely, sincerely, am sorry. I'm not being sarcastic. I am serious.
I am sorry for insulting you. Now please listen to what I have just said.
Thank you.
I am sorry for mocking you and insulting you.
Christianity is defined by the belief in Christ, nothing more and nothing less.
Being a good Christian is open to question, and that shit's started a million arguments and a thousand different sects, but you can't say that a person who believes in the basic concept of Christianity, that Christ is the son of God and that he died for our sins, is not Christian, because the entirety of Christendom is defined by that belief.
Different editions of the D&D rulebooks; Kobold is a silly german mythical creature that is inconsistently described. D&D rulebook said that kobolds were dogs, then changed/retconned/updated them to lizards.
Quite a few Tojo artists just copied Kenkou Cross, who had dogkobold edition. there you go
Christianity and Islam are written by horny adolescent semites, based on a Jewish poetry book.
Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) and Jesus H. Christ are Mary Sues, and have shitty characterisation apart from
sage for derail derail
also, it would be appreciated if someone could post their copy of Hotwheels demonstrating the similar nature of Palestinian religions.
But that's wrong, it's defined by belief in the teachings of Christ. Muslims believe in Christ but that doesn't make them Christian.
I smacked a biscuit tube on the counter a little too rough; soggy dough-jaculate errywhere.Buy the frozen pillsbury grands
This is what i find interesting about any kind of fur-fetish. They are not really drawn to the furry part of it, but rather to the human part sticked onto an animal. This is what's retarded. If you fap to the human parts anyway, why not on a normal human? How dumb or a special snowflake do you have to be to slap a dick on an animal just to fap to the dick. Just admit that you're a faggot, not say "well, it's a feminine dick" or tits on a pony. "Well, it's the pony I'm attracted to, not the tits" Then just fap to real life pony pics you double-nigger.
The single good thing /monster/ produced.
Back in their good days, when they were more into mosterous things, and less generic anime shit with riots over the slightest vaguely 'furry' thing.
Whatever you say, dude
Nicely done. You have to work really hard to be this stupid.