are there any decent games that are basically what MGS V should have been?
Are there any decent games that are basically what MGS V should have been?
What should MGS V have been?
Fallout 4
finished game?
Released never ever.
Todd, we have talked about this..
MGS V Ground Zeroes.
Ground Zeroes.
Seems about right, kojimadrones and all things considered.
Closest thing I can think of is Spec Ops the Line. It's got a military setting, psychological mind fuckery, the characters animations and body language reflect their mental state, and by the end of the game you go full demon if you want.
That's more than can be said for MGSV that didn't even deliver on showing the downfall of Big Boss.
Obviously we're not talking about the size of the game (even though it's pretty replayable), but the principle behind it you braindead retard.
Oh i sure loved those retarded last moment thought filler missions to not make the gsme seem as empty as it was. the Snatcher mission was fine though
And we agreed that it's the perfect game.
GZ is much less empty than TPP and its side-ops actually feel like different scenarios, with each one crafted individually (alhough hard to say, since there are too few of them) instead of the same copy-pasted shit like in TPP.
Makes you wonder where all the development time and budget went to. All the TPP trailers we were shown contained a bit of about every cutscene in the game so the progress must have been really slow.
Are there any games like Ground Zeroes, but at least 20x the map size, open world, and with a multi-chapter story containing over a hundred missions?
MGSV: The Phantom Pain.
Goddammir Kojima.
Are there any games like both put together, but better in every respect than both?
You can just shoot them with rubber bullets to increase their morale.
MGSV The Definitive Experience