Gaming on Linux

All right you faggots, I installed this Linux you told me to install. Now, where are the games?! I was told there are going to be games for it.

Other urls found in this thread: LinuxVidya

Why would you listen to these faggots. Use what you know unless you plan to do your own research.

How about you try finding them yourself?

This is the beauty of Linux user. Now you hold the power on your system and you can find every game you want at your own peace and direction. This is freedom™. Now go and explore the fantastic world of GNU/Linux

There are no games, you fell for the linux meme.

Normally I'd say "Windows on the gaming rig, Linux everywhere else", but if you want to try Linux gaming here's a start:

Wine runs Windows programs on Linux systems. It works most of the time.
The Mint PPAs have a lot of interesting games. There's a build of Beneath a Steel Sky, which is a neat old point-and-click. There's also Abuse, an old sidescrolling shooter. I think I saw the Marathon trilogy there too once.

I'd give links, but fucking hell, you didn't take the time to glance over what the fuck to do before installing?

Be ready to go through your backlong user because that is what I did and it felt pretty good but for some reason I couldn't get SS13 to work and after awhile I switched back.

All right, this is a good advice.

Already found a couple that piqued my interest.


You don't like these games? Have you played them?

Can't wait to learn more about the Frankfurt school

That doesn't work anymore. It stops you if / is the path. You need sudo rm -rf / –no-preserve-root, or something like that

Set up GPU Pass-through

This is Holla Forums. Nobody here tells you to install linux.

Install linux


I won't tell you to install linux, but I reserve the right to make fun of windows users.

at last I truly see.


Yup. Just wait. Year of the Linux desktop Soon™!

install gentoo

best puzzler

Nice, thank you.

You can play most Source games on it flawlessly on it.

Other than that enjoy getting 10% of the power your PC can actually output while OpenGL gags and chokes on any game you try and play.

You were trolled, OP. The real gaming OS is TempleOS made by God's chosen programmer himself.

Try uMatrix instead. It lets you block a lot more than just JS, and is easier to configure.
Also I just remembered, but Minecraft and Minetest run on Linux systems. Minecraft has it's own launcher, but pirated ones should work fine too. Minetest is free, and available in pretty much every repo.

sudo apt install screenfetch
screenfetch is the thing that puts your logo and distro info in the terminal, for when you're showing off your desktop. All the ricers do it

I fucking hate its stupid block system. I'm still using Request Policy because it uses a nice list system instead of that crap.


Why do people keep replying to a troll thread?

Dota 2 ran at a good frame rate, as did Counter Strike: Global Offensive but anything that wasn't source based ran like an absolute pile of cocks.

No one told you that. Weak bait bro.

Actually, ReactOS is where it's at. FOSS operating system that is based on windows instead of unix, so it will actually be compatible with all games and programs you use.

ReactOS > Linux

Is this bait?

To annoy you.

Linux will never ever have the support, lad. ReactOS is simply superior.

Each cell is split into two parts. Clicking the top sets the cell to "allow always" and clicking the bottom sets it to "deny always". You can block or allow an entire site by setting the site to deny, and you can do the same for all cookies, scripts and other things. The centre blocks are for specific stuff, like if you want to block all scripts from one site but not the others.
Once you block everything just right click the padlock and it's saved. It's a bit fiddly but works nicely once you get used to it.

I might have a look in future since I'm pretty sure Requestpolicy isn't being updated anymore but for now i'll chill with what i have.

Why do you keep replying if you think I'm trolling?

I switched to Linux after realizing I only played old console games. I haven't even touched a PC game since. I am much too paranoid to prioritize gay men over privacy.

Wew that sounds good fam let me check it out–oh wait it's in alpha? Well that's okay it may still be usable, let's see:


I didn't say it was finished yet. Hopefully in 2-3 years, just use w7 until then.

Yeah tbh fam I can see myself trying it. Nice suggestion. Still, I wouldn't claim it to be superior to linux until it IS superior to linux, which is certainly not the case right now.

Also if you just started with Linux you should configure .bashrc and setup xbindkeys or some other keybinds utility, biggest one is to bind opening the terminal to the Windows key or something. This lets you launch programs quickly without cluttering your desktop with icons, you can also setup handy ones like those in the second image so you don't need to memorise larger commands.


Linux meme is just the first step, come back after you fall for the suckless meme.

top F

And there's no stop to them

Just emulate PS2, Gamecube and Wii games.


Nice, now I can finally mod my OS and also not have my activity logged and sent to Israel.

just go search around on GOG or and surf around about well-recieved games on them. you could also search for websites that specialize in discovering linux games and stuff

oh wait sorry for contributing for a fucking shitpost of a thread

curse Israel!!

Oh boy, do I love recompiling my WM to change the thickness of window borders. Sure is great keepin' it simple :^).

Anyways, to answer OP, there are websites that cater to this. I usually encounter this one when searching

I'd also recommend just searching on Steam or GOG, they have filters for Linux.

It's always like this, because the premise is just as stupid as "gaming on Windows". It's not hard to find Linux games, as you point out, and more general Linux discussion belongs in Holla Forums because Holla Forums is tech-retarded and it's not vidya. Linux threads should get bumplocked.

The Holla Forums server is typically populated around evenings and nights, but if you post that you're going online you could get a game in with a thread lurker.

assuming you're not running wayland and you have bc installed, you can run this script that makes your screen piss yellow.

#!/bin/bashT1="$(xgamma 2>&1)" #$() only catches stdout, xgamma uses stderr insteadT2='-> Red 1.000, Green 1.000, Blue 1.000'function xyelo { i=9 until [ $i -lt 1 ]; do c=$(bc -l

for what purpose?


Are there any good RTS' on linux? I tried CNCnet but CNC sucks

Haha you fell for the linux meme.

I have a lot of fucking games to play on linux on wine, but i still haven't figured out how to make shortcuts for wine applications. And having no shortcuts triggers my autism.

Are the anti-linux shills just butthurt console fags trying to drag down PC gaming to their level?

Today OP is not just a faggot. He's a dumb, gay faggot.

Why does this board have so many M$ shills?

OP is a faggot for installing GANOO SLASH LINOX instead of the far superior OpenBSD.

0ad is pretty nice

How did I miss this in the RTS thread?

It happens a lot in Linux threads for some reason. I wouldn't say it's shilling, just the same brand of autism you see in console wars.
Still better than talking about Linux distros on Holla Forums

There is so much cancer on this board now.

When are gonna shill for Windows 10.

Go home Theo, you're drunk.

user the reason people laugh at linux threads is because linux is just not a very good, or convenient way to play games even on a PC. Sure you can get linux to run most games that's true, but you can get anything worth playing on windows 7 or lower for much less hassle. Hell it's even easier to gut windows to get rid of all the stuff you don't want than it is to use linux for gaming. Linux is nice for some things, but it will be an inferior product compared to windows so long as linux developers treat computers as toys instead of platforms to do things on.

I recently discovered an open source port of Rollercoaster Tycoon 2.
Been a joy going back to that.

Linux is for shitposting not vidya. LinuxVidya

Use playonlinux, you can make shortcuts using it.

It's because you autistic fags have thin skin and its fun to laugh at how asshurt you get.

export WINEPREFIX=someprefix
export WINEDEBUG=-all
cd someplace
wine someexe

there, no need to even fuck with .desktop files

learn how to make sh scripts, you don't need to learn loops statements and shit, it's pretty easy.

I want to install Linux because of this and also because im a cheapskate.

Don't reveal our secrets, grasshopper.

This is only because of Microsoft's monopoly on the industry. You're forced to use wine and deal with a bunch of shit to get around it. Native games are fine, although upgrading drivers can be an issue because Nvidia wasn't playing ball for the longest time. It's not a inherit problem in the OS. It's like saying console devs paying off game studios to make their game exclusive creates a better product, rather than just gimping the competition to limit the consumers options.

I agree with this though. Too bad we can't send the screeching autists to a containment OS or something. I mean shit, I was getting flack in the /agdg/ thread for wanting to hide the client code for my code for a game intended to be multiplayer so people couldn't cheat as easily. Thankfully, based slav hacker came to my aid.

Reddit could say the same exact thing about literally everything, except Bernie and Hillary getting BTFO by Trump. Although, It's safe to say 8/v/ is just reddit 3.0 now.

Be that as it may, I will continue laughing at linuxfags who get legit wound up by low effort banter. Like you.

I think i got how to use it. I need an installer of application, right? And then i need to choose "install not listed application"?

Is there any way to install shortcut to already installed windows application?

I think you can just right click the existing sort cut, and if you have wine it should have an option for run with wine.

Pwahah you fool, that's not a gaming distro. Install Gentoo for vidya.

No i can run it, it plays, right click shortcut just doesn't work for obvious linux reasons.

Learning Linux isn't going to help you be a girl user.

Edit menu.xml


Isn't this the same thing?


wow thats an ugly desktop jesus christ

I like it, brings me memories of ol' me playing Fury3 all night on a Pentium with Win98, you wouldn't understand.

i fucking hate taskbars that size, and having icons on your desktop is pleb tier
i like to have the minimal amount of shit on my screen



Mircroshits feel insecure so they must proclaim their faggotry aloud in a thread unrelated to theres just to feel good about themselves.

This shit is driving me up the wall and I have no idea on how to fix it.

Neofetch is better.

you have to install timidity++ for midi playback

Apparently it already is, I checked the software manager.

grill: you
nigger: the rest of Holla Forums

oh and make sure you also change the sound options to timidty++

make sure you have a soundfont installed, check the archwiki despite being an wiki for arch linux its actually pretty helpful

It all makes sense now.

Wait, never mind I'm a huge faggot. I had to go into sound options and manually set it to Timidity. Please laugh at my stupidity.

Sorry my friend, it was but an elaborated ruse.

They lure you in with promises of the upcoming Year of the linux desktop and then leave you in the middle of nowhere with nothing to do.

You know it's funny, I've seen him posted thousands of times, but I've never actually watched a video of him. I always imagined he was really chill and sagelike, but he's actually just your stereotypical neurotic jew with that awful, grating, nasally voice.

How disappointing.

Do you even /vr/?

Implying Radeon Pro shit is better than the old FLGR

He can be chill sometimes…

The best soundfont is Weeds

have you ever used a linux desktop distro before?


Ubuntu, Mint, Debian, Kali, was tempted to try Arch but i am too lazy to go through the whole install

just a few, i personally prefer Xubuntu Core, since it has the better support and aestethics, though ever since they started adding systemd i ve been wanting to use something else, i found that systemd updates itself and keeps it's own logs regardelss of what you tell the OS to do, it even tried to revert some changes i made so that it loads in a virtual drive without permissions.

You can always try Manjaro. It's Arch but with a simplified installer and everything works out of the box.

Also worth mentioning that Manjaro supports sysvinit+openrc as an alternative to systemd.

noted user, thanks

fuck off faggot

What's the shiniest looking distro?


he fell for the sony shilling.

Sony is trying to kill pc gaming. Shill threads telling you to unninstal windows and use linux are just ways to get you to stop playing games on PC.

For the everyday autist, what would the benefit be of removing systemd? What's wrong with it? Are faggots just memeing shit they've heard like usual?

Nothing at all. Just autists being autists.

Holla Forums fag here. Let's say you've played a game for years. You know the control scheme well, adapted to it and are really efficient with it. The company that helped design some of the parts of that button scheme came by and said stop and use this new gay ass scheme exclusively from now on. This isn't just changing a button or two. It's quite literally re-learning your entire knowledge of what goes where.

Also, instead of giving you a choice or building a compatibilty feature to satisfy both worlds, the gay ass that built systemd said to join him in his quest to start an entire race of nu-males, grow a pair of tits, lopping of your own dick, and buying a new, smaller, more expensive one with his company's logo all over it so that they might later on decide they'll start charging you a subscription for using it. It does nothing better than your regular natural penis, adds all kinds of shit that literally no one asked for, and has a ton of problems on it's own. All because said nu-male is a recent hire to this particular company and he wants to make his bosses proud. Even mates at his company told him to fucking stop, but he sucked his bosses dick too well.

So now you have a choice: keep playing with the button scheme you've been using for years or jump on the systemd train. At this point it doesn't really matter anymore since your old scheme isn't really ever going away.

TLDR: Old fags don't wanna change what isn't broken. Not to mention we don't like the idea of the very likely possibility of alphabet agencies discovering that encrypted loli folder you have stashed away in a seemingly inconspicuous folder you named 'New Folder'.

init system with too many legs, as an init system its alright i can get behind it. the legs i don't really need but some software are relying on those legs oddly, they might as well be libraries at this point

Unless you're a sysadmin there's no point bothering yourself over it. The main reasons to hate it are ideological rather than practical for the end user.

git quake

I bet you don't even praise "Bob" or install every package ever conceived off a dvd!