Games that beat you

This game I will never beat legit and even using cheat codes I just do not want to beat it. I thought I beat final boss but no. Now I see the mountain I must traverse and just do not want to do it. Should I be aware that my time on earth has come, I will spend my last days trying to finish that game off, using cheat codes.
Fuck you if you think I will play this game legit.

I was both cringing and laughing too much to keep playing.

Final boss kicked in my shit repeatedly, but I was also a wee laddy.

If I went back and played it all over again, I am confident I would win. But fuck that.



i stopped at super, then i came back to kick its ass once again when my hands melted the controller

Probably the second game I ever played on my NES. My recent forays with Nioh have got me thinking of replaying it and then the sequels as well.

the first one is definitely the hardest. I don't know why people say 3 is impossible.

Hey smokers

Limited continues.

first one might be considered "the hardest" in the sense that if you can't do the following:
it kicks your teeth in but i feel like they're all hard in a different way, its the same length but different girths and textures


Could never get past the "rescue the guy out of the prison camp and escort to extraction while under fire from a helicopter" mission.

Great game, but can be incredibly infuriating at times.

its only when you understand playing a bit safe is actually pretty good as the rubberbanding only punishes you when you finally crash or go really slow, it always catches up but never passes. Then after turning off takedown camera + the dj, the game becomes very smooth in terms of difficulty and fun until the super mega fuck you grand prix, The psp port/remix is also pretty good despite performing a bit worse in framerates and graphics

Winnie The Pooh's Home Run Derby

Sort of. I managed to do everything but that fucking Moonraker mission on the hardest difficulty. Of course that means I never got to duel Baron Samedi either.


I used gecko codes to moonjump so I could skip all the "secret of" stages after I couldn't beat the first two. Hold in A and just cost to the star.

This was not that hard a game, come on man.

These games and karate kid are legendary for being ultra hard. No shame in cheating.

No but that Moonraker stage is bullshit especially after the guards start infinite spawning.

This fucking game, you get 3 lives no continues and no passwords and the storm mission is underwater and she can drown easily and the level is a maze.

Perfect Dark is allot harder, I never managed to finish the skedar level on the highest difficulty.


I'll give this game a shot another time. Made it to the fifth stage if I remember correctly, then I just ran out of steam.


Good catch.

Had so much trouble beating it when I was little, it took me so many tries and one day I got the fucker. Came back to the game after beating the xbox version easily and thought I could do the 64 one again easily but nope. Couldn't do it the second time. I swear I was better at playing video games when I was younger.

Nope, couldn't do it. to this day I have never killed the final boss.

Does dripping game out of sheer boredom counts?

Yeah dude i was playing darksiders remastered to be fuck huge filesizes that i can't see in 1080p and only on like maybe 1440p but 4k only because they doubleres'd the textures and the cutscenes are FUCKING HUGE, the game uses windows media player to play them too and its fucking unsynced audio/video because the VIDEO DOESN'T HAVE SOUND. The developer had to rewrite a new video player and this game was supposed to ported to linux but the guy behind it bailed on it! It's a fucking mess, why is there a third person shooter section? why the fuck am I playing star fox? why can't i use my mouse with the controller? why am I doing puzzles non stop? Why is the game running at 300fps? where's my proper framerate cap, I don't want my card to cook itself.

Not very readable pasta, but I doubt that remastered edition is any better than the original, since GAMEPLAY IS FUCKING SHIT.

For now. I could probably beat Nero Angelo 3 if I just kept on retrying the fight for a few hours straight, but I just can't stand the monotony of doing the same thing over and over in a video game for long periods of time. It's probably a shitty habit I picked up as a kid, which is no doubt why I hardly ever beat any games in my youth.

The part I ever had trouble with was the vampire level where you had to carry 3 keys back to the entrance. I should have been good at it by that point though since carrying 3 of something is literally 50% of the gameplay in that game


The first section in stage 4 along with its boss are horrible. That final stage is so damn brutal though. It's nearly the length of 3 stages. 1 horizontal shoot em up part and then a boss (not that difficult), 1 vertical shoot em up part (that's easy), the entrance into the mother ship where you save the enemy general (not difficult if you grenade the shit out of the brains before they start spamming electrical rings). Then there's the run to the Mother Brain which is where all hell breaks loose. After that there's the brain boss its self which is easy alone because you can guide the spirit bombs into safe places. But in multiplayer it's fucking hell because you don't know who it'll be aiming for. Then you have to deal with the damn clones which is not hard if you keep running and knifing every clone you pass. Never stop for anything. The infinite clone mini-boss is pretty absurd but there's a safe spot that makes it much more manageable. Now the escape scene with the zombie clones is pure bullshit and where I always die. Can't even make it to the final boss.

The final 3 bosses are some of the most evil bitches I've seen in fighting games. I'm talking about The General levels of bullshit. The first boss is typical boss shit but not horrible. The main thing to worry about with Boss Angelia is activating her meterless counter that deals 40-50% of your health and her full screen LV3 super that will deal somewhere close to 70% of your health. If you let her come to you it makes the fight much easier.

Boss Kamui is fucking hell though and why I can't even get to the final boss. She constantly has the buffs that Kamui sacrifices her health for to use said upgraded attacks. Which gives her access to a fast far reaching low sweep, an massive instant overhead that beats out anything you throw, and a projectile with a massive hitbox. Each of which can be stung into a 17+ hit combo. She also has 2x HP, very fast meter recharge, a full screen air-ublockable lv1 super that comes out instantly. And a LV3 counter super that deal 70% of your health. The key to beating her is knowing the backwards homing makes you invincible to her lv1 fullscreen super. And staying off the ground means you only need to worry about her overhead attack. Maybe someday I'll beat her when I finally git gud.

>Spectrobe Origins
Fuck the Fire Planet Boss and his reflecting attack bullshits. They give you the strongest creature that will carry you to the end of the game but the moment you throw out an attack he will reflect it and wreck your shit.

After going the Don Zauther route on my first playthrough by accident and spending too much damn time on that fucking stage where it is just overpowered unit reinforcement after overpowered unit reinforcement, I just gave up. I don't have the patience to keep redoing the damn stage for more experience.

Burnout games are shit easy git gud

I beat the story
Got all the power and green stars, meteor stars
Unlocked the final world
Got all those stars up till the final level. It took a while but I beat it.

But that fucking meteor. The final fucking meteor star on the final level is the bane of my existence.
I have had the same save for quite a while now, a few years. I come back to it on occasion but I just cant do it. it fucking drains me.
The fact that I cant cross this game off my completionist list is the bane of my existence.

The difficulty just became too tedious to keep going. They got a lot of things that made the original game great completely wrong. For instance, the original didn't throw waves of enemies at you unless you wanted an optional power up, those enemies could also be defeated pretty quickly even on the hardest difficulty making the game have a fast pace. In RE they threw waves of enemies at you for no reason other than "difficulty" gave them a ton of life making them slow and tedious to fight, and gave them the ability to dodge or break your combo randomly.

Towards the end when it became wave after wave of enemies that could kill you in two or three hits and they started including bosses in the waves, I just turned it to "can't die" easy mode and beat it for completion sake. Even if they fixed some things, this game still belongs in the 3-5 territory.

Nightmare mother got me. It got me hard.

If you don't press any buttons after you die you can restart from your save without lost items at the cost of Isthar giving you a lengthy lecture.

the last boss fight is what edned me. I have to fight an actually hard boss followed by a bullshit one and if you die fighting either you restart and are once again forced to fight both

oho man, and were there some bullshit ways you could die from that boss. So much so that she could actually kill you with invulnerability on.

It's sad because it's one of those occasions where great gameplay is killed by horrible balancing, terrible gameplay progression, actual artificial difficulty, and one of the worst stories in vidya history.

This fucking game.
It's not really all that good for most of it. It doesn't get challenging until what I thought was the final dungeon, but even then, every battle was

In between, there's all this dating sim/VN type shit where you need to slowly, painstakingly explore the "inner worlds" for some of the girls (one of the weirdest metaphors for trying to bone them) because they are androids or something.. but not really.. but maybe? Because there's this weird vague plotline about the setting being a partially destroyed world that a super advanced mechanical entity has taken over.

So after beating what is built up to be the last boss, the game keeps going. It opens up even further and the difficulty spikes so fucking hard that the last boss seems laughable compared to the random encounters you start getting into.

I just gave up and never looked back.

This shit. I was sorta managing with the game and then I got to the final boss and decided that motherfucker wasn't worth it.

NG3 vanilla was a horrible game. NG3RE is a slightly altered NG2 slapped on NG3. The gameplay is fantastic but the lack of enemy variety, bullshit enemies (like that skinny spike enemies that jump out of combos), terrible boss fights (the jet battle. However the Alchemist is always a great fight), and just shitty level designs ruined the game. It's like how mods can't fix a bad game. It's a damn shame they don't use that combat to make a legit NG game.

The game got a major repatch recently that rebalanced the game, replaced the horrible NISA script that ruined plot elements and characters, added in a hard mode, and brought in features that were removed from the finished product.

Says the guy who couldn't beat Sunshine without cheating.

I thought that was for the second game only, posted the first game.

I consider myself a hardcore gamer but f*ck, this game defeated me. I dropped it at the knight who could reflect my spells.



High DSP!