Zelda Thread

Have they shown off what the Great Fairy looks like in Breasts of the Wild yet?

General Zelda thread.

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I want to suck the milk out of her tits as she strokes my cock

You derailed your own thread

Seriously. I want to be completely absorbed in them as begin rubbing my cock around her puffy vagina, barely giving my any breathing room, let along letting me even watch my cock go inside of her.

My cock is tingling looking at that picture. Any doujins yet?

I was about to say this and sage, but instead my libido increased and now I'm super horny.

I mean, just LOOK at those thighs. Would you imagine if she can flex her pussy as well? I would cum 2x-3x more than I usually do with such stimulation, even more so if I take Zinc or any supplements.

I'd love to rawdog that shit as her magic pussy continually milks me for all I got, and THEN some.
Fuck, I would mind if she fingered me to REALLY get intimate, and vice versa.

My mouth is watering at a fucking fantasy character.

get out of here stalker

Have you ever been so sexually frustrated, that all degenerate porn you watch has you request getting sodomized on 8ch?


Zelda's not even naked in her bathing scene. What a load of shit. Who bathes with clothes on

Yes, you dumb shit, watch the trailers
Hint: big fairy tits

I'm really only interested in what the Great Fairy was going to look like. Zelda General was just an afterthought.

Royalty does.

So instead of just looking at the trailers you decided to make a shit thread. Please kill yourself.


Here's that (You) and that Great Fairy lewd you want. There's easier ways to get reactions and lewds though user.

Say what you want about the games, but they spawned some great porn.

I've been marathoning zelda games for the past week. Finished 1, 2, link's awakening, the two oracle games, and minish cap. Should I play the snes version of lttp or the gba port?

SNES version doesn't have those annoying child link grunt sounds. For me, that's enough to avoid it.

Snes version emulates better iirc.




A bit aristocratic-ish with that hairdo but still very fappable.

I hope that's just the Fairy Queen or a cursed Great Fairy and not THE Great Fairy design.

SNES version has higher quality music and sound effects, and a larger screen viewing area.
GBA version has shit sound, smaller viewing area, and Link is constantly making the HAH HAH HAH HAH grunts from OoT. But hey, it has 4 Swords bundled in which you will never get to play because you have no friends.

She's trying to connect with her goddess powers like in Skyward

Which Ganon is best Ganon? I'd go with Wind Waker.

I never played ss, and all I know is that she doesn't show her goddamn titties when connecting with this goddess power

I think you ended the conversation right there.

It's "hurr durr I want power cause I'm an asshole" all other times. Except maybe Twilight Princess where he wanted revenge but that's not much better.

I guess I'll play on snes then. Is there any way to get snes9x fast forward mode to only go at 2x speed? It seems like it just makes the framerate unlimited.

I am a really nice fan of that design. Normally I don't consider Wind Waker designs (even though I love the game) when wondering what the best designs of Zelda things are except for Wind Waker Ganon.

I liked his Twilight Princess design a lot as well. And pig Ganon's as well, they don't use him enough.
Sanity seems to have prevailed.

Why is a girl looking up anime tiddies?

Why aren't you?

HW gets it for me, simply because you get to play as him taking over Hyrule. He also has that amazing mane that would make Magnus the Red envious. WW is a very close second, though.

But I have been. Why is an anime girl looking at sexy pictures of other anime girls?

Use bsnes instead and your PC will die before it reaches 2x in fast forward mode :^)

She looks thicc but I'm not sure how thicc she is, poor angle I guess.

So Ganon should be a Dindu?

Why do the great fairies always look like trannys?

A Dindu is someone who has done wrong and pretends they haven't while being a nigger.

Ganon is not a nigger, and Winder Waker Ganon sought to undo the damage done to the whole fucking world by asshole goddesses. Granted Ganon is predestined to do some evil shit, but this time around he had better motivation than anyone to justify what he was doing and what he was doing was inarguably more morally right, restoring the old world that was populated by thousands and thousands instead of a few islands which housed a few hundred (which would've survived even if the seas receded).

Ganon is a mudslime not a nigger

She looks like that fucking nanny we all had who was joy, fluffiness, and cottage everything in lewd clothing.

Why would a nanny put cottage cheese in lewd clothing?

after WW they could have done something with a man forced to fate despite/no matter his own personal inclinations

probably too mature for zelda tho

coulda seen a nice arc for pig-ganon timeline where he goes insane despite himself

Ru Paul fan confirmed.

Genuinely looks like a tranny/drag queen

No, he's cursed to always try to destroy Hyrule. After Hyrule was destroyed, he's free to act of his own will.

Because she's a pervert.

Ganon is jewish.

No, he is a castle.

He's both.

Holy fucking cuckchan, batman!

I can't be the only one wanting the Great Fairy to fuck Link through his protests as if he was her fucktoy.

user, you might be deaf.

You're not the first to notice. Someone else pointed out after the trailer came out that she looks like Mrs. Doubtfire. I can't find it but there's a shoop of the Great Fairy with Robin William's face.

Who cares? It's still shit, this thread is shit, and OP is a cuckchanner faggot with shit taste in artwork.

Looks like a drag queen to me.

So according to reddit this is the official japanese back of the box, and it has a warning for sexuality.

Lewd zelda finally?

Lookd fake as fuck

Doesn't mean shit. CERO ratings are really fucking vague.

Could just be talking about that scene of Zelda bathing, for all we know.

Seems legit to me, here's the source it's from archive.is/df49D

There's a lot of other pictures too, And honestly it comes out in like a month so it's not unreasonable at all to have the box in stores or whatever.

Probably, but after how much of a tease SS zelda is, a man can dream.


You mean not at all?

Nah, gaijinhunter is legit. He wouldn't risk his reputation lying about something this minor.

I think this is the most likely. Maybe one vaguely coy one-liner or scene, like the suggestive wink the Gerudo woman gives Link in Twilight Princess.

I thought Demise was being a salty faggot for losing to Lonk and Zelda,"cursing them" to always fight some cunt that wants them dead.

Ganon was the longest holder,then there were Vaati and the rest of the generic evils like Malladus and that what'shisface tentacle monster from PH destined to fight him.


nintendo pls

They're going to fuck it up, now, just to spite you.

I didn't even realize this was gaijinhunter. Yeah, this is almost certainly legit then.

Hopefully they can at least get the name right.

As a wizzzzzzzzzzard, I don't see any difference between being cursed and being made the instrument of a curse.

I think the big reveal there was twofold - the more minor one was that Ganondorf, Link, and Zelda are the result of a much older grudge, not just random players who "happen" to keep coming back. That much was already theorized before that, courtesy of Ganondorf being all, "I will exterminate your descendants!" at the end of Ocarina of Time.

Two, the bigger reveal, was that the theory that Link incarnates to stop Ganondorf is backwards - it's actually Demise's curse incarnating each time Link reincarnates, meaning Link's presence in the world is what fucks everything up. The game didn't really play this up as the lore-upending event it probably should have been, but I can't help but expect it will be a big deal in Breath of the Wild.

Region free, friend. Hopefully NoE has it's own version that isn't stupidly localized.

Yeah, but I got a Wii U with this game in mind back in 2015. I ain't buying a Switch for a long while.




Pretty gud bread


Hack your Wii U and buy the NoE version then, if they're doing their own version that is.

Yes user, i too want to have SEX with the great fairy.

Turn up your volume you pathetic fag.

Well I mean she is in a white gown in a pool of water, so that's kinda sexual. Also, she cries which is pretty much a form of porn in Japan.

i wuld fugg deko gril

That looks like some lazy MS Paint job, fucking embarassing Nintendo.

Pic related.

So, is this after Skyward Sword, or is this even further forward (like the end of the "bad" timeline)?

Yet in this game, we see Link being revived/reincarnated by the gods (?) to help out, rather than being a citizen.
While I think your right, if ever the destined hero fucked up or died, then evil would take over.

Demise focused the misery and evil in the world onto the decedents of the guy who stopped him. In theory it'd work, you'd kill the bloodline eventually. But, the gods probably help out to ensure each Link is fighting fit.

He's not a muslim, so he'd be a sand nigger.

It's too shit to be real. Even Skyward Sword had good cover art.


But you see, the sympathetic part of him is what you must learn to reject.
His quest is one of nostalgia and one of going back. An old man reigniting old conflicts and once more even going so far as to try to bring back the very land, as if in a time capsule, as he remembered and enjoyed it most.

There are a few messages here.
1) Nostalgia is bad and one must blaze ahead to the future not try to recreate the past.
2) Older generations must learn to let go, step aside, and let the youth have their futures.
3) bloodline/heritage need not determine your path (in the case of Tetra/Zelda connection and of course in WW Link not being connected to any other Link in any way)

These were actually rather common for Japanese video games for a stretch of time and in some anime (Gurren Lagaan). I'd imagine born out of some general feeling that culture was stagnating and that perhaps the youth were being held back by the older generations that wouldn't let go.
We kind of have that in the United States now, actually.

Trees are lewd.

If it were to have that rating it would be due to the bathing scene and being able to remove links shirt. Nintendo doesn't make boxart like that thought.



what's that from again?

a personal favorite

this is what Holla Forums actually believes


You do know this is still the same guy that ruined Hyrule into a lifeless land and is reason for the flood right? One line of dialogue doesn't make him a saint.

Every time someone says she's slavic they get shit on by a dozen people for it. Holla Forums doesn't believe by far or large. Stop baiting with this shitbait.

So apparently the Japanese box has a symbol indicating BotW has sexual content…



outside the ww great fairy the 3d ones always look super wack. even the tp great fairy kinda trannish

Lurk fucking more you fucking retarded newfag, someone already posted about it in the thread.


Probably because Zelda's in that fountain with only a white towel on. Or maybe because that leaked cut-scene where she gets gangbanged by moblins. Who knows? It's probably nothing, Nintendo has their child-friendly mantra to maintain so the rating will likely mean nothing for nothing.

Please quit posting, OP.


Thanks for proving you're a cuckchanner, now everybody can see how retarded you are.


Serves you right for playing a nice game

i would fuck those trees




Personally speaking I prefer tiny fairies over the big great fairies.

Wait, there are people that say the Great Fairy is slavic? Why?


Not the great fairy, the new Zelda.

It's supposedly CERO B, which is Japanese E10/low Teen rating, respectively. The tags on the back are for violence, crime(?), and sexuality. Considering how changes made CERO A (their E) more strict, even just having underwear/bikinis or steamy bathing is enough for the sexuality rating. Not sure why the crime rating, unless the ability for Link to play bad is possible (crime can be for "illegal activity, dangerous and unlawful behavior, abusive behavior")

For comparison, Twilight Princess and Hyrule Warriors are CERO B as well. HW gets Violence and Sexuality (i.e. boobs), while TP only got Crime, for some reason.

At least this one has the decency to be painted and have nice lighting.


They're all after Skyward Sword, SS is the beginning of the timeline. To answer your question more accurately, this is some time after Wind Waker, or even more more accurately, I think it's after Spirit Tracks when the Great Sea receeded and people resettled Hyrule. One of the trailers shows off both koroks and rito around the world

Europe got their own, this time

Not much better, those wings(?) in the foreground are extremely distracting and it would be better without them, and the perspective on Link looks weird.

You don't like the aesthetic?

Majora's Mask 3D is the only other CERO B Zelda, as far as I can tell. Violence, Crime, and Love/Romance.

This looks terrible.

I'd want Cia to violate with her boobs too user.

If it weren't so tired at this point with every other game using that design (and ever other game using the "protagonist looking at the camera holding their weapon) I would probably like it. It does do some things right, like have a wide shot of the landscape and the color scheme is very pleasing, excellent use of contrast and edge lighting.

This looks boring

This looks metal

her scene in HW makes me feel like she likes to watch weary adventurers masturbate in front of her, and that gets me hard

Looks like Divine

I'd be happy to just have adventures with a sword and shield and fight goblins.

Step up anons.


I wonder, did she ever reacted to that?

She was missing from later events, so Nintendo reacted to it.

I want to fuck her tits

I wanna fuck your tits.

Probably the pot smashing considering its illegal even if the game doesn't consider it so

Does anyone know how to get CD-I games to run on MAME? It's telling me I need .chd files but EP only has .bin's and .cue's.

Dendrophilia is a real thing. Apparently women used to rub themselves on certain trees or something.

RIP milk-chan.

That's fucking hot. And I completely empathise with . Going on adventures to smite Goblins and revive yourself with some basic alchemy and fairy titty magic would be a dream.

I'm not really sure if this game takes place in that "adult" timeline. I mean there are Koroks, but then you have things like the gerudo(?) lady, and the fact that there are both bird and fish people going around.

Notwithstanding the fact that Ganondorf himself was completely finished off in Wind Waker. The other two timelines feel more likely since one is where hyrule isn't very prominent. And the other has Ganon sealed in the four Sword, inside Hyrule Castle.

So it actually comes with a utility to convert files to .chd but doesn't seem to say so anywhere in the faq. I used that but it says the checksums were wrong when i tried to play it and all I got was a blue screen. Turns out the blue screen is normal it's just that it takes a while to load but by the time I figured that out I had switched to using MESSUI, which is fine I guess because MAME's ui is terrible and doesn't seem to even let you load CDI games, you have to use the command line after renaming the file to exactly what it wants.

W-What happen?
Did something happen?

Would you cuddle with link?

i'd rather cuddle with agitha

Not much, Nintendo seems to have dropped her from all events after they realized her Lon Lon Mega Milk's were distracting people. She was then killed in a terrorist attack in Uzbekistan.



Wait are you serious?

Nice bait faggot.


Try harder.

No, she's alive, sorry I couldn't help myself.

Are you retarded?

Please don't spam porn.


Don't do that to me faggot.

ur a right cheeky cunt

okay i've been awake for more than 30 hours so my brain is not working right. I thought you were implying she was dead because she didn't post for 8 days. to be honest i don't know how i came to that conclusion either.

if you don't like it, don't click on the spoilers, retard.

What the fuck are you talking about, isn't it always main characters walking toward the camera with his face pointed slightly downward that's been the trend? I don't recall any recent covers with a character facing away like this.

This is the first time I've liked the great fairy design. Anymore of it?

I didn't even know that you had interpreted it as that, I thought you thought that my post was from last year, even thought that makes even less sense.

Nope, just a one off fan design.

isnt that just the n64 design

It's based off it, but different. Maybe it's just because she's curvy instead of pointy that I think she's more different than she is. Certainly has denser clothing. She's also got OoT's magic spell stones.


Link was always a twinkpucci though.

i know its just a tech demo but there definitely had to be a game being worked on that looked like this

Looks like it's suppose to be the ending of Oot to me. Ganon has a nice looking sword, though.

What about the dark and gritty Twilight Princess alpha? Skulltulas were nightmare fuel-tier creepy crawlies that would web you and shit.

How long have you been warned this is bad.

I can't complain when there's less Giant Spider enemies in a game. Not because they're scary or anything, just overused.

these are cute

I thought this was a Link gondola at first.

please continue


and even then 4 swords got re-released as a standalone digital-only game for the dsi and 3ds with a singleplayer feature and some original zelda, LttP and link's awakening themed stages

I see somebody is posting best girl.


Are either of those emulatable?

>She'll never violate my face with those lovely mammaries while riding my penis lovingly


She's okay. Wouldn't say best but at least Top 5 Zeldo Grils.

Can we agree that the girl on the right in the first pic is still cute?

Just wait till E3 2017 when they have another proper Treehouse Live event. I think there would be a lot of other Treehouse staff there who would have only appeared in that stream (Eg like cute girl on the right).

You will never be Cia's servant

The whore next door, the plain Jane is super lame.

I honestly don't pay attention to Nintendo advertisements or events because, well, it's Nintendo and they don't know how to do anything correctly but Breasts of the Wild comes out 3 months before E3 2017 so will they even be doing a big or even medium sized event for it at that point? They'd surely be focusing on their second wave of Switch titles.

I'll serve you if all your holes serve me.


No you retard, he's just a more refined version of BotW link, it's pretty standard, go look at pre release images of all of Nintendo's games, Ocarina and Twilight Princess both did this there's a huge difference in even the art style, or content, I remember seeing a version of link similar to the Nes link in Ocarina of time but now I can't find it.


You are big poster

>if you become mine, i'll let you fuck my tits as much as you please
Yeah that sounds like it refers to tits only.

well this sucks, no wonder link went for Zelda.


Shit, now I'm wondering if the cow-milking minigame in 1-2-switch is deliberate.

Nintendo's incompetent enough for it to be entirely accidental.

Gaijinhunter sleeps in an honest to god cuckshed though.

Remember, as much as YOU please. She doesn't say she wouldn't want to ride you like a bull until you fill her cunt with cum.


Are you okay

You hide and divert from your thirst user.

I thought I had seen it all after seeing how low Burch sank but it honestly surprised me when I saw that Gaijin literally lives in a closet while his wife and her girlfriend get the bedroom to themselves.

He's like a fucking painting goblin.

I still think Burch is worse. He's being cucked by his own video game series now.


Not really.

I wanted to see if that tweet was real and I had to look through some of the worst self-flagellating and 'give me pity' posts I've ever seen.
At this point it's probably best for Burch to off himself or to just stop with the feminism bullshit. The dude is a wreck, constantly aware of every one-on-one interaction he has with people.

Undressing Sheik is best fan art

post more of it, then

A part of me can't help but feel sorry for the dude.
Became poly just to hold on to his wife and then, predictably, she left him and took his vidya.
The fact that he still has this "before I was poly" means that deep down he knows what the fuck he was doing was soul crushing and wrong.
The reason why he keeps signaling now that he's "poly" is likely so that women might still attach themselves to him in a relationship in any way.

Look upon Burch. A broken, battered, and defeated man.
And now he can't even turn to his own work for reprise from the nightmare that has become his life.
Burch is a lesson to us all.

I feel sorry for alcoholics who keep drinking themselves silly. I feel sorry for the drug addict who continues to destroy his own life despite knowing better. But I can't feel sorry for a cuck.

Original ganon when he was a simple satanic pig monster before they turned him into an annoying big nosed jew with a retarded backstory that could double as fanfiction

What do you mean?

They finally made a zelda with sexualized females?

What else would I be referring to?

I want proof, last time I played a zelda I was 8 and I had nightmares with the fucking moon and never knew how to use the ocarina to avoid wipes


He lives in a cuckshed, but he wouldn't lie about vidya
He also at least seems to have a good relationship with his daughter, so at least he has that
Probably some weird japanese bullshit going on, just a reminder to weebs that if they land a 3DPD nippon waifu, you should make them come to you, not the other way around

I bet $200 that his daughter will turn out to be a lesbian too. Via "his" wife and her fellow lesbian raping her.

100% lesbians don't real
I would think that's even more true in japan

I'm pretty sure KT kept most of the rights to all its original characters as part of the agreement with Nintendo, so you're more likely to see Cia again as an unlockable in DW than in a mainline Zelda, unless Nintendo is willing to pay money to put Cia in there game, which I doubt.

You poor thing.

Someone only fucking women because they have an irrational hatred of all men because of some past experience doesn't count
Bi women "picking a side" by being in monogamous relationships instead of being whores also doesn't count


Look up any Great Fairy, Zora, and Gerudo chicks man. Or Linkle. Hell you've already posted one.

Don't engage him, he's just looking to derail the thread with non-relevant shit.

Yeah that makes sense.
Consider how the King of Red Lions could have easily returned to the surface with Link (the future), who clearly desperately wanted him to, but knew he had to remain in Hyrule (the past).
He also prior to that tells the kids that the land they find and claim will be their Hyrule.
It's further cemented by Link and Tetra ending the story with setting sail once more (looking towards the future)

On the flipside, it also makes Ganon sympathetic. He's an old man who doesn't want to let go, and honestly struggling to accept that all things end is an incredibly human thing. I'm sure we've all beaten a game or finished some series, and desperately wanted to play it for the first time again later.

I concur

God you're naive.

Why are you afraid of us badmouthing lesbians, user? We're on to something, aren't we?


Are you practicing to become a giant fag or are you just this much of a fag naturally?

I wonder
Anyways that fairy don't justify for me to pick up every zelda game since N64 times

I never said you should, and I don't fucking care if you do or don't, pick up any Zelda game you spastic.

I'll make this my careers driving point. Dick strangling vines or carnivorous onaholes? Probably gonna start with T H I C C pumpkins, though

roll mother fuckers.


I wanted midna but sword girl is good too.

I will get Midna now

rolling, hoping for reverse-trap ninja elf

Meh I guess, but it's a pretty sparse list.

Rollin though I dont see the point if I cant get Medli

No 0 or trips plz

Shit I forgot about Ritos.

Didn't WW say they evolved from Zora?
It would make sense.

What I don't understand is how Gerudo survived. Or even Gorons to be frank- despite seeing the traders in WW. As for timeline placement, I'm guessing it's somewhere down the "bad" timeline, or when Ganon was sealed in Hyrule Castle.
Could be he broke out (somehow), and caused such ruin, civilizations are only rebuilding after 100 years.

Doesn't explain the robots (which operate like the other godly tech we've seen. But if Fi and Ghirahim are anything to go by, "Demon" and "Goddess" tech is very similar)- I'm wondering if they were supposed to stop Ganon but were made to target humanity, or just went berserk and fucked up everything (we see a large town on fire being assaulted by them. A flash-back?)

Are NOA so dumb to forget that sex sells?
Even if they pretend not to like it- every other US company still does it (while pretending to be progressive).

You have an attractive woman, who's got a great job, and knows about games. How are you not using her to virtue signal? Apart from female SJWs throwing a fit that someone is attractive and successful

I get Nintendo want to be the "kiddie" company, but are they gonna wind up doing more cartoons and puppets to hide any trace of humanity for fear of someone being reminded that sex exists?


Agitha or bust

gimme short stack

Gorons survived in WW because obviously the mountainous regions they lived in would just become islands

A win is a win

HW Zelda is best Zelda

gimmie a monster girl


I've heard anons say that, but I don't remember any references to it in the game. And both zora and rito will be in Breasts Wilds, so either only half of them evolved into rito, or they've been two separate species to begin with. I wouldn't be surprised if they've always been around, but we don't see them in older Zeldas because they have sky fortresses like the Ooccoo. Whatever the case, I expect the game to explain some of it.

Rolling for a 5.

He didn't become Poly to keep his wife. He actually had to badger her into trying it out.

It was all HIS idea.

I've been getting nothing but 5s

trying again

the hell is poly? polygamous? wouldnt that imply he has multiple partners?

The Gerudo became sexy pirates
Gorons don't need to breath user.

It's certanly what he tried for. I'm pretty certain he was trying to sleep with more women, but he had no luck in that regard, so he decided to go for Social Justice points and claim to be bi and then tried to date dudes. He managed to fuck that up pretty massively too. (I still remember him cross dressing in a bikini and lipstick to try and prove he was bi.)

His wife on the other hand, managed to score with other dudes, discovered she could do better than his omega male ass, and left him for a guy who looks a lot like a hobbit. She also took the Wii-U in the divorce.

check em

taking the wiiu was just malicious

What with this homo picture? Keep your garbage to yourself.



The bird people in BOTW aren't the Rito

rollan for fish waifu


enjoy your boypussy faget.


I'll take it

Congrats user, you got the worst "girl" in the series thanks to your lust.


gimme agitha


grant me dubs that I may get best girl

Haha. I guess I can try rolling again.

I've never seen that happen. Stop talking out of your ass, faggot.

it never said you cant break out the rule63

7-8 get


Come on 2 or 8.

Rolling for anything but 5. 5 looks like it has downs syndrome.




8 or go homo


Everyone's a winner

can I just get Linkle then?

Every time you reroll all your previous rolls get to fuck you in the ass with a huge strap on dildo.


I keep getting the same shit so I'll get fucked in he ass by like 3 people, no big deal.

At least you're taking it like a champ.

It's time to make Bane proud and get Cia.



That's a big get


The music makes this perfect


The one you're thinking of wasn't OoT, just a rolling demo to show off what the N64 was capable of.

I remember reading about a guy who was a treemaster and grew them in all kinds of crazy shapes, could even grow chairs and shit like some kind of goddamned elf.

But he died and his secrets were lost. There's still some cool shit though, like these fuckers who grow bridges over generations.

Midna or Zelda.


I don't have much

I was fishing for more

It is now.



Ade due damballa. Give me the power, I beg of you!

I'm gay and even I find CIA attractive



Heh, but at least you got the Great Fairy

want the great fairy

Fuckboy link is best, but the Great Fairy will have to do


Now this is much better. Lets roll.

Why does Cia get to suffer in the end? All she wanted is to be with Link forever.

The other one didn't pan out, maybe this will


Surely that's grounds for a legitimate reroll

Implying we wouldn't just double team her. Still it wasn't a great roll.

No, you're stuck with your choice.

Not how a waifu works mang.

At least I got dubs.

8 please

my nigger right here


I was one off from quads. What the fuck would I have gotten?


I'm going to kill myself now.


Previous Sage of Earth was a Zora and Medli is her descendant. Rito evolved from the Zora, likely forcibly because the goddesses were autistic about Hyrule not being found and the Zora would operate just fine even in the supposedly-treacherous Great Sea.

I'll roll for that also

everyone knows that

Gimme somthin' I can take home to mama, my boi!


For fuck sake.


gimme skyward zelda baby

How's The 3DS port of Hyrule Warriors?

If you have a regular 3DS, it runs like shit. If you have a New 3DS, it's a decent port. Vid related.

It's a regular 3ds, but If I can handle Senran Kagura's lag, this shouldn't be so bad for me. I've played PC games on a shitty laptop for so long that anything above 12 FPS is fine for me.

Rolling I fucking guess



one more time

I'll roll again for this for today's fap