Checked catalog, no Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire thread

Checked catalog, no Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire thread

Let's get these things out of the way:

So anyone looking forward to this?

might as well have one since we have Mass Effect thread and Rimworld thread
please don't back this

Other urls found in this thread:

I'm pretty sure there was one earlier OP

It's here

It's on the catalog for me but it 404s, that shit's weird so I guess that shit's legit now.

Just because our kike BO allows shit game threads doesn't mean this level of shit is okay here


At least Pillars, while caving in to SJWs, still had shit going in for it

That's unfortunate. Isn't that site super shady?

I thought Pillars was fun. It has a lot of problems though. The biggest of which was, for me anyway, the load times and it seems they plan to fix those. I hope they improve the writing, it was too verbose in the first game. Also I hope they put more thought on the design of the encounters. The battle system, as they designed it, doesn't really shine with lot's of similar mob encounters. It should focus on making situations that require strategy and shit.



are you retarded?

Seems like you're the one, seeing as you can't into reading comprehension

Yes, IIRC, Mr. Shitface is involved with fig.

I want to like it, but Pillars burned me too hard the last time around. With its shit story, and setting coupled with its just lazy encounter designed I just couldn't fucking stand the game towards the end.
I don't know maybe they patched fun into the game since last I played it, but from the first builds that game was trash. If they made the system more like ToEE, or BG I might be more willing but it seems like they aren't.

You forgot

People have a good impression with White March.
From what I heard
Battles got more creative,
Better consequences from your actions

Also, it seems that obsidian would use links like in Morrowind to avoid people being walking dictionaries.

I personally liked the new graphics and setting, but I don't really want to play a shit story again so I probably would just wait until it comes out and see whether I'd buy it or not.

Still >pallegina returning

What people, heard where? Nigger, you're all vague shit and cheap shilling. And for what game.

From different places nigga.
People as in people from cuckchan or RPGCodex.
I don't get opinions simply just from here because I try to make my own opinion of things.

How am I shilling? I never said you guys should back PoE2, and I'm even all for seeing the final product first before anything.
I'm just here discussing videogames, reading stuff you people didn't like about the first one, trying to discuss what Obsidian would probably do to improve the next one.

I myself didn't even like the first one for what I've posted above, but I hope they do improve on the second one.

Oh hey a game nobody asked for.

As long as they insist on the shit-ass system they made up for the first one, they can suck my dick.

Well, at least they learned something from the first game.

It's still there though
>Build a pirate party tier implying not self inserts

It seems even worse

The pirates are supposed to be interactive, and the NPC tier is more expensive than before and limited to ten people, rather than the 100+ that were all over the first game.

The name makes me think of the failed Guido Henkel kickstarter so my alarm bells are already going off. Then there's that neon hair narrative girl. I thought PoE was alright but I'll probably pass on this sequel.

I'm looking forward to see to whom Kikesidian will bend their knees this time. Last time was to a horrendous diseased tranny.

I can maybe understand people who got caught up in the initial "evil publishers are keeping us down!" kickstarter wave but after 9/10 crowdfunded games are either complete shit or outright scams if you're still giving money to these fuckers you only have yourself to blame.

Any degenerate whose feefees have been hurt.

Polygon broke the embargo and leaked stuff earlier. They promptly deleted the article right after

So it'll be another shittily written game with shitty gameplay that focuses on being balanced rather than fun and ends up with one tactic being used the entire game and funded on a shitty scamming platform.

Can we just skip to the smugposting?



Why be smug over something so pathet-

Oh my fucking god my sides

It was boring shit I couldn't force myself to complete. Classes were bland and you couldn't buff yourself before combat. Not to mention these cringy fanfics from KS backers.

Fuck off casual, and take your shitty game with you.

Speaking of Planescape Torment, hows Tides of Numera coming along? How fucked is it?

Like a Swedish woman in a Muslim no-go zone.

There's a reason for that.

The game is shit, but the boring kind of shit that no one can even summon the effort to mock it.

At least BioWare turds are worth a laugh, PoE and everything else Obsidian has been making lately isn't even worth the mockery.

It's like they want to go bankrupt again.

That's the most depressing set of images I've seen in a long time.

Tyranny was much worse than PoE though.

It's like you enjoy suffering.

Why would anyone want more of that shit?

Nigga you're full of shit, Tyranny was actually a half-decent AA project and comparing it to PoE is retarded. For one thing Tyranny's system wasn't pants-on-head retarded in its approach, the magic system was one of the best in these types of games, and the story at least starts strong in Act I and falls of later instead of being a trainwreck from the tutorial.

They either pull through or its so bad it tanks the entire company into the ground never to return since at the moment, faux-/tg/ normalfags are what are keeping the company alive.

For "progressives" their imagination about future is shockingly limited. It seems for them time will end in the current year+10 at west coast US.

I am so glad I didn't back this shitstarter right now.


I just love how the dumb cunt puts scientific accuracy as the number one point and then proceeds to talk about what kind of armor humans are gonna be wearing in a billion fucking years. It's a billion fucking years, a goddamn billion years, holy mother of Christ. Does she understand what kind of timeframe a billion years is?

And then, just because she's a soulless leftist that loathes me for merely breathing, she puts the cherry on top and says the humans in Torment didn't evolve from the current humans. Now, I'm no good with statistics, but I imagined the odds of some species evolving to look, talk and behave just like current year+2 West Coast liberals in a billion years from now is about as good as me spontaneously developing superpowers.

Yes, that someone could come up with this would be pretty hilarious if it wasn't bizarre and baffling.

>their own personalities with dyed hair
>their own personalities with dyed hair

They can't comprehend that we went from banging sticks together to make fire to a worldwide shitposting network in the span of about seven thousand years. Of course they won't realise how fucking unrecognisable humanity is gonna be in a billion years.

lmao, Earth isn't even that old, kid.

Dodged a fucking bullet.

Why would you even consider donating after the debacle that was PoE1?

PoE wasn't released yet when the Numenera kickstarter began.

Why do you make a thread about a game not released yet, sequel to game no one liked and is regarded as dull as a rock, claim you're not shilling as the first point on the op and disregard any critique with

Even ignoring all that, it's not released yet the only point of this thread is to advertise

Keep digging your own grave

Oh, right. Fair enough then.

I played the leaked alpha and thought it was kinda shit. Seems a lot like Prometheus vis a vis its writing, i.e. a lot of ~*deep philosophical questions*~ but you "gotta find your owns answers. :^)"


I guess I'll pass this one too.

They say White Marche was a good sign of what PoE2 may offer.
Haven't played it though.

pirate it first



Game had shit mechanics and was generally inferior in every possible way to Icewind Dale - the best CRPG ever made.
Planescape Torment was good, but it was a walking simulator.

I'm just waiting for the Icewind Dale adaptation to ToEE to be complete. Then it will be the best cRPG ever made.

Why would I want to play this? The only thing that made the first one tolerable was the not so crazy priest and the guy who wrote that character left the company. Everything else about the game was either average at best or pretty bad. Excluding the golden NPCs which were fucking cancer, obviously.

I wouldn't give a cup of warm piss for their opinions on anything.

I will piss on your opinions, popamoler.

The hope is long gone.

Bravo Obsidian, bravo Sawyer!

So I decided to replay the game since the sequel's premise intrigued me, and wanted to see the white march is any good.

Anyway from the begining I remember why I disliked this game from a mechanics point, the bias on fast pussy weapons like stilettos, over big manly weapons like greatsword. Almost all the Min-max builds require guns, and daggers for big damage, which drives me up the fucking wall for dumb personal reasons.

Hijacking this shit thread to talk about how bad Fallout 1 is.
This is really unimpressive and completely through me off. Could they really not have had dialogue for if you murder the assassin before he can attack Killian?

Everything there is on the campaign page.

this garbage is getting a sequel? jesus christ, who even bothers with these shit games?

i played pillars for about 30 minutes and it was fucking shit, it had less gameplay than torment and more words than an uncut version of the bible written by Mojo Jojo from the powerpuff girls.

Well Its a pretty old game, and doesn't do a whole lot of stuff that we are use to, or expect. The thing Fallout 1 does best more than anything is atmosphere.

I really don't feel like going through that garbage of Chapter 2 over again just to see if White March is good.
I'm just gonna wait for PoE, pirate and buy if it became any good.

Friendly reminder that Sawyer and his SJW goons chased everyone with talent away from Obsidian, including Chris Avellone and that nigger that wrote most of New Vegas.

Did anybody actually like the main story? Not any individual characters, the actual over reaching plot you spent hours reading.

Wait, really? I was really looking forward to a Fallout 4 spinoff from them. Sad to hear that they got fucked too.

I thought Avellone wrote most of the DLC, and Sawyer wrote base game new vegas.

Thats the thing, the whole world is so bland and lifeless that you really stop caring about it at all. Its called the fucking drywood for christ sake.

New Vegas had a lot of different writers, but the lead writer for the main game was John Gonzales. Sawyer only wrote a few characters in the main game and Honest Hearts.