Rimworld Thread

Last Rimworld thread is on page 13.

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Wait, wasn't that just brokeback mountain: carpet muncher edition?

My nudist is getting hypothermia and I've made a grand total of 1 parka and the crops have died.

It's just overpriced Dwarf Fortress in space.

Anyone know what these values mean? I'm trying to lower the average ages so most are 12-20 and almost none are above 30. This part of Races_Humanlike.xml looks like it should handle that but I'm not sure how I should change things to do it.

I'd guess first number is age breakpoint and second is weight for generation. Try something like (11, 0) (12, 100) (14, 100) (30, 25), (40, 2)

any new updates? also how do you get the portraits of your settlers back at he top it used to be there but now there gone and it makes finding them a bit of a pain in the ass?

Its been on my wishlist for forever, but it didn't go on sale at all in the last 2 months when everything else was, so I guess its just gonna have to wait. Dwarf fortress with only 1 z-level isn't worth that much to me

Just get dorf fortress idiot

You could probably add new list elements at the lower end if you wanted to, so that the minimum wasn't 14.

The value pairs are (age, weight) like the other user said. The curve's first and last values must start at a weight of zero to define cut-off points. I suggest you don't fuck with these values though because the engine will sometimes request a pawn of a specific age (eg: 50) and if you make it impossible to generate a 50yo pawn through modifying the age generation curve, you'll get lots of errors in game.

I'll give it a go and see how much trouble I have.

For what it's worth Plan Carefully still didn't let me make starting colonists under 14, but that might be the mod rather than the game. I'll wait and see what the colony's visitors turn out as.

Prepare Carefully locks the minimum age at 14, yeah. The game doesn't have graphics or code for younger colonists, but that's what I'm working on in my Children & Pregnancy mod.

The curve does let them spawn lower though. Just saw had a 13 year old visit my colony.

If you change the curve to allow younger, it will work. But no matter how young they are numerically, they will never look or act different than a 14 yo.

Speaking of my Children & Pregnancy mod, I just released a new version fixing lots of existing issues from the last testing release.

Available here:

So– I was just smashed by a plague that took 3 pawns and a week later I got toxic fallout. The worst part about it is my whole base in a mess.

Is there a recommended mod list for this game?

IDK, but I found JewTube really useful "rimworld tips" have over a dozen videos by different channels and I learned something from most of them even after playing the game 100 hours.

Yeah, it's pick what works for you, you preconditioned, lazy prat

hardcore sk mod

Basically a combination of mods made compatible with each other

The guy putting it together actually has reasonable taste so it's not complete bullshit like a lot of modpacks tend to be. Most of it is QoL stuff you really can't imagine playing without, and the few things that aren't, can be disabled in the mod loader without any issues.

is prison architect allowed in this thread?

I wish rimworld had proper prison mechanics, not "put guy into a bedroom and waste food on him until you decide to kill/recruit/release him".

Other factions don't care if you've imprisoned their people, there's no reason to imprison people from a specific faction aside releasing them for +friendship, you can't actually manage prisons because inmates are locked into their bedroom, if they decide to escape then all the doors will just magically unlock.

I want to build a proper prison that will affect how other factions behave. Like holding people for ransom, especially if you manage to capture the faction's boss alive or their relatives. And depending on how well the prisoner is treated, the more thankful they will be somehow after released. Or if I keep them in a shitty dungeon, then raiders from their faction will come more often and try to release them.


Open wide you lazy shit

Claiming Rimworld (alpha) doesn't have enough mechanics makes you a grade A+ Autistic.

mods (except in betheda games) are mods because they won't be universally appreciated. rimworld isn't broken without them.

Sorry, let me rephrase:
Rimworld is the pinnacle of videogame perfection. I had an idea about changing the prison system but then realized that Rimworld's prisons are as good as they can get, but decided to share my idea for the fun of it.

don't be mad broh, i just think this isn't prison architect and doesn't need crazy-ass prison mechanics, that's my opinion.i would think issues of water supply or additional defensive mechanics would be a more useful addition.

Seriously nigger? I just suggested on how to make an existing mechanic more interesting in a very simple way, you're suggesting what appears to be a completely new mechanic.

For my idea all you need is the ability to create prison zones and assign prisoners to them, the mechanics for which already exist in the game. And then add new raid parameters based on the status of people you've imprisoned. Adding some kind of bartering mechanic for prisoners is simple as hell too since you can already contact other colonies and they can contact you and trade animals and shit.

Rate my base.


Rimworld is DF for idiots, they don't target the same audience.
That's why the price is not an issue, warhammer TW proved to the entire industry that idiots are happy to pay 400$ for a game, a mediocre one, and praise it.
Exepect games with 20 dlc 15$ each to become the norm.

your post is evil.

let me translate:
DF is for people without severe autism who are far above average intelligence and enjoy strategy games over eye-candy.

your base sucks. and why do you have 5 hipster twins as pawns. no seriously your base sucks i don't even know where to start.

I think he was trying to make a joke.

It's like you want everything to burn or anything.

Anyway, is there a way my colonists could enjoy being inside a mountain? I like making bases in tundra forests but it is hard to be outside with all the snow and cold.

I'm pretty sure he was just low-effort shitposting


What file controls romances, if it's one of the accessible xmls? I want to both increase the frequency of marriages (having one couple in a 15 person colony after 3 years seems too low) and to decrease the frequency at which married colonists get hit on. There doesn't seem to be any decrease in amount of seduction attempts against married versus unmarried colonists, and the constant rejections are a bigger drain on their happiness than when close family dies
Also, is there a minimum age for romance? One pair of colonists is at nearly 100 opinion of each other, of compatible genders and sexualities, and with a compatibility factor of over 3 (whatever that means), but the romance chance is listed as 0.00. I'm wondering if it's because one of them is 17. Trying to search for info about the system just brings up a bunch of articles by the usual gang of gaming "journalist" sites about how problematic the it is, and it crossed my mind that he may have changed the system to play it safe.

I'd like to know this too.

in an unmodded game i can hardly go with 6 pawns with out one of them getting married.


You list of must-have mods?
- Additional traits
- Psychology
- Hospitality
- Better Pathfinding
- Prison Extension
- EdB Prepare Carefully
- hair packs
- Combat Realism
- Expanded Prosthetics and Oran Engineering
- DE surgeries
- Less Arbitrary surgeries
- Medieval Times
- Colony Leadership
- Vegetable Garden
- Additional joy objects
- A Dog Said
- Mending
- Crates
- Fishing
- Tiberium Rim
- Call of Cthulu (straightjacket, monsters, clutter)

Whatever mod adds lights that can be put on walls

I fucking hate the shitty lamps in the default game. They're so placeholder it hurts to look at them.

Better Pathfinding
Path Avoid
Allow Tool
Storage Search
Cooks Can Refuel
Melee Hunting
Less Arbitrary Surgery
Step Away From the Medicine
Wall Torch Mod
Dubs Rimkit
Prepare Carefully
Seeds please
More Floors
Dubs Skylight
Rumors and Deception
Fluffy Breakdowns
Trading Spot
Colony Manager
Work and Relations tabs
Area Unlocker
Colonist Bar
Less Rebuff

A Dog Said
Power Switch
Call of Cthulhu stuff
Facial Stuff
Romance Diversified
Orassans and Crystalloids
Prison Extensions
Fashion Rimista and Apparello
Trap Defence
Glass and Lights
Realistic Darkness
Increased Forest Density
Colony Leadership

Plus a multitude of others that are neat. Still waiting for whichever mod it is that will add robots with specific functions so I can use a fuckload of them to cover the entire map, by debug region, in small hexagonal structures with each one having a separate function, but probably they will just be mazes and trap rooms like that Cube movie.

Mostly though I like to play for the anchuent advanced technology tribe that delves too deep into the sciences and brings about their own downfall through too much dependence on automation.
I also enjoy that Crash Landing mod though, for the small, rural-ish colonies it makes me produce.

Should I buy this game or should I pirate it? I'm a huge autist for Dwarf Fortress and this game just seems to be that without the cluster-fuck UI, but 33 fucking dollars is a retarded price. Are the developers good, and thus need all the money they can get?

Why not pirate first and see if it's worth the money?

Pirate for now.

Pirate because you should never buy a game that isn't finished. I have enjoyed this game since back in the day when the only thing you could grow was potatoes and the only way to process food was with the paste so I will be buying this game even if I stop playing it long before it reaches v1.0 but not until then.

Also it's A16 that's the latest version, right?

How is that even a question?
Always pirate first mate.
Buying is for supporting the author and getting some minor advantages like not needing to hunt down a magnet link everytime you wanna reinstall or automatic updates.
I did buy it because it's a good game that turns into a great game with just a couple of mods.
Compare that with Fallout 4 for instance, a shitty game that doesn't get to "passable" game after 300 mods.

I'll throw it on the vola, don't buy it yet. Tynan has enough shekels to finish the game and then some, buy once it's done if you really like it.

I pirated it before buying it. Devs are pretty decent people who actively resisted SJW influence and got slapped with a comically stupid "sexist game code!!!" article by Cuck Paper Shotgun for it

What do you guys go for when you roll out your pawns? What do you avoid?

I tend to avoid all traits that cause mental breaks or make social conflict, I also avoid physical injuries. I usually look at stats last.

Basically just get at least one guy that can into medical, one that can shoot, and another that can grow. Everyone should have some level of construction/mine/etc and should all be able to haul and clean. Avoid sailors and drug addicts.

Seriously though sailors can suck my dick. If I rescue one they only exist to be harvested.

Post em' if you got em'.

just restrict your degenerate's movement by assigning him to an indoor area

I started a new game as a 36 year old shooter with unusual skills in murder, my first recruit is a 16 year old drug addicted hottie. Save my soul.


IIRC, you have MAI (robot colonist) and Robots (cleaning and hauling bots)


Do things like family relationships help wardens recruit prisoners, or is it irrelevant after the normal rapport building?

Well, either I got very lucky or I have an answer. A colonist just recruited her captured raider sibling in less than two days, despite her own recruitment having taken a couple seasons.


Family members have an inherent positive opinion of each other, but a good warden can boost any prisoner to 100 opinion regardless

With Prepare Carefully you can even make incestuous relationships between colonists. I'm fairly certain it can happen normally but it's very rare.

ENB prepare carefully, medieval times, and combat realism.

How's the development going? Will they finish this anytime soon or will they end up like Project Zomboid, a game that had great potential but ended up being in early access for like 5 years and is still not done?

it's EDB, EdB more precisely

It seems like every 4-6 months they come out with a new alpha that adds a whole bunch of new game mechanics. A16 was pretty fucking impressive with the "wanderlust" planet update. Can't wait until the game becomes a fully fledged micro RTS

Rimworld is moving at a much faster pace than Zomboid, so it's better in that regard. But Zomboid has spent a ton of dev time moving from 2D to 3D, and then from sprite graphics for characters and zombies to 3D models. Rimworld has been better handled so the dev time has been more directly productive. Zomboid also had that fire that destroyed their computers and most of their backups, if I remember right.


I got that once but it was a bunch of yorkshire terriers. Tried using them for combat but they were terrible, got slaughtered and bummed everyone out.

I eventually managed to unload them on some hapless trader, but I'm never taking that risk again

the life of a nomad is not one for me.

HOLY SHIT, why did I never think of that!

rape dungeon mods when?

The lack of human breeding system and z-depth in this game is very dissapointing, I never played DF btw, but doesn't look so hard to implement.


It's definitely not accessible via xmls. I've taken a look a the decompiled source though, and there are a lot of things that affect attraction, and attraction works differently for men than it does for women. By the looks of it, it works like this:

At minimum 16 years old
Preferred age is from 20 to their own age
Max attraction age is their age +15

At minimum ten years younger than them
Preferred age is their age -3 to their age + 10
Max attraction age is their age +30

Then stuff like disabilities, beauty, and some other non-obvious shit I'm too lazy to figure out is all thrown into the mix is calculated.

What's funny is there doesn't seem to be any check to make sure women aren't attracted to anyone under 16.

I knew Tynan was a cuck.

Come on nigger, what dev in their right mind is going to make all men in their game willing to fuck a 12 year olds and be summarily crucified for it? Unless I'm missing something /ss/ is completely possible in the vanilla game.

A based dev.

Well, if max attraction age for men is their age plus 15, not all kinds of /ss/ are possible. Sure, the older sister sort is possible, but not ara ara.

If "pedo-enabler" is enough for a Dev to be considered "based", the bar has been set very, very low.
We all want our lolis but you should know that they never come officially.

If that means they will only look to people that are less than 10 years younger than them, it's not actually that bad. It would take a 22 years old female to look at a 12 years old for instance, and that's not shunned as much by society last I checked. Besides, is that just a boolean check or are those factors that contribute to the odds? Because if it's the latter that means that, while a 22 years old female could be atracted to a 12 years old boy (like in my japanese anime), it could just be that there's 2% odds of that happening. It's possible but unlikely.

Mod idea
captured females can be turn into normal member or breeding slaves which given some meds can produce children faster and which grow to into easy soldier units
female babies can follow the mothers footsteps or become a normal soldier
having breeding slaves negatively impacts Females in the group but gives a positive effect to males as they use them to satisfied their needs.
go on to easily obtain an army that you can equip and send to pirate bases and take over other locations.
enemy female tribes/pirates etc or new faction with mod that if you start using female slaves they will start attacking you with greater intensity with the sole purpose of freeing your slaves.
forbidden love could also be a thing for all female group at which females don't need males, or you know fuck it make them space elfs see pic related,

basically at the level of freecities kinda of slave management not to an crazy extent but you know some basic slave breeding system which.


I assume you'd be fine if he proposed cuckoldry?

Your girlfriend would be fine with proposed cuckoldry.


Does a colonist get a mood hit if you choose to ignore a distress signal from a member of there family? I swear this run fucking everyone offering to join is someones mum or dad. Also a town near a beach with the fishing mod is pretty comfy

I think they get a debuff for the death of family menbers and since they die if you don't help them…

And yo momma's so fat your dumbass thinks that's a valid insult around these parts.

I've nothing to say to anti-loli and anti ara ara apologists.

At least I'm not a nigger trying to crack yo momma jokes.

look guys can we all just agree that their needs to be some fucking population growth that is not just importing refugees? if the game time was speed the fuck up and events spread out over the years a bit more you could raise new colonists you could cycle out old colonists with new ones. if you had a slightly bigger population you could avoid inbreeding and the like and actuality be able to afford to lose a few colonists rather than be forced into scum saving over the most trivial shit. Losing colonists to mad rats as they die of infection is not HARD CORE its stupid. watching your colonists wander into the frozen waists naked because they don't have their own room is stupid. being forced into building kill boxes for every fucking colony or having your colonists lose limbs one by fucking one is just tedious. if your colonists where supposed to live tell they where fucking 40 -30 on average but be able to make a few fucking kids to replace them you could have some fucking growth. and be able to cycle threw all the old broken down colonists that are Frankensteined together with peg legs fake arms and drugs looking like fucking murderface McKgee. as they slowly lose parts of it. but god forbid your doctor dies you cant afford to train 2 of them to take care of your colonists as far as splitting the exp and losing a laborer, and as far as non violent colonists go they still snap and go bezerk over the stupidest shit and will still beat their loved ones to death. oh look your craftsman died your researcher your doctor/ the only fuck in the colony able to plant healroot. can we replace him NO WE CANT. do we have a pool of recruits? no hope some refugee can show up and be randomed to not be a pice of shit. lets hope he doesn't start shit on his first day. lets hope he doesn't get sad that he doesn't have his own room yet.

holy fuck
The difference between Classic Cassandra and Phoebe Chillax for difficulty is ridiculous. (Phoebe is way way more– Chillax'ed)

+1 for this wall of text. Being able to recruit people on the communication station would be nice. I'm at 90 days and I just hit 6 people after spending my dosh on a slave.

I'd like to interject for a second that we already have a very skilled modder working on pregnancy and having kids, which is really nice to have a different way to get colonists.

But now consider the logistics behind this. Having a kid takes roughly 9 months of pregnancy plus whatever time takes for the mother and the father to get it on.
On top of that, it also takes several years for the kid to even start walking so he can help with hauling and several more until it can do regular tasks.
Sure, he's an investment you can make for the future that will eventually payoff for a very long time (provided he's not killed) but it's a very long term investment.

Now, if we play the economic game, let's consider that he's only fully operational at the age of 8 and the mother takes a total of a year to output a baby (for the romance and the pregnancy, as well as rounding things).
That's 9 years of downtime for a colonist, 1 of each isn't such a big deal besides hurting the mother's productivity and 8 of having someone that barely does anything but must still be fed.
Now consider what a regular refugee can produce in 9 years of work, an investment you get now rather than later. All the food and clothes the kid is gonna eventually make are sure to help the colony, but they aren't gonna help it now.

Just like animal breeding, human breeding only works very well if it's done in a large scale and with sufficient time lapses, not in waves. It has some advantages to it but in desperate situations like Rimworld often puts you in, it's simply more advantageous to accept refugees that come pre-trained for something usefull, have them spend their limited lifespan working for the colony and when they keel over, accept a few more.

I actually appreciate the mod and wish it was a base mechanic of the game, sure. But it's important to understand that the game itself kinda screws you if you choose to go that route. After all, population is controlled by the storyteller to be kept at an interval and I don't think it makes a difference if it's a baby or a fully productive menber of society. The kids do indeed take "a valid slot" that a fully grown and operational colonist could take instead.

Speaking of which, ModAnon. If you could make the kids count as negative population instead, that'd be great actually.
Since they are a drain\burden on your colony, it makes sense that they'd be regarded by the storyteller as something negative now, essentially giving you an extra colonist from other events. But when they grow up and actually count as population, you now have an extra colonist the storyteller will try to remove, making for a dynamic experience that "rotates" your population.

This is why a spartan life style is best. The moment the child is born, they are taken and put into a nursery. The child wont even know who's his parent, only the parents will know that. The parents can continue their activities while a couple of other women take care of many babies. When they're old enough you kick them out of the nursery and subject them to whatever you want them to be. In the case of Sparta everyone was a soldier, but you can have the children apprentice under anyone for anything.

I just started playing Rimworld because of the last Rimworld thread, I'm loving it so far. Rate my base h8ers. Lesson learned this game– shooting is about the hardest skill to grind up, therefore your starting guys should be good at it, everything else is grindable and/or you only need a couple in your whole group (ie doctor/social).

Ever play Fallout Shelter? Kids are "born" as roughly 10yo's and grow up in 24 hours into adults. Surely something like this could be adopted, fuck realism. Give me slaves and breeding mods.

Children modder here. The timescale has been wound down a bit so they actually become useful at 4- but their skills are still going to be crap. I'm working on making textbooks so children (or anyone really) can learn relevant skills faster (up to a certain level only, probably 5 or so). Your colonists will be able to write textbooks at a new writing desk workbench if they have a minimum level in the relevant skill, maybe 8 or so. You'll also be able to buy them from traders if all your colonists are retards. Interesting idea about having kids count negatively to the population tracker.

That sounds a lot like communism "the state will raise your kids" and that's fucking awfull, not to mention it doesn't solve any problems. You still rely on someone, namely the women, to take care of them. It might not be their mother but in the end it's still keeping someone busy raising them instead of doing something else. Might as well make that person the one that cares the most about the kids instead of someone that is just filling a check list.

If we already have cryptosleep, why not incubator pods like the Free Cities mods used to have/will soon have again? It's 15 days a season, so make them age at 1 year every 4 days and you could have them out in just over three seasons, at age 12.
Skills on release should be fairly low all around. Since they lack a proper childhood give them 0 social and minimal artistic, and low dumb labour skills due to the lack of physical activity. But give them higher skilled labour and medical, with the pod having instilled what knowledge it could during development.
I'm not sure what to do about solar flares and power failures. Obviously it can't just kill the pod inhabitant, because those things happen often enough that that would be a load of bullshit. Maybe just stop the accelerated aging process, and perhaps give a small hit to the child's eventual stats based on how long the development was interrupted.
Children in development would still need food of course; just have the colonists shove it in a processor on the incubator pod or something.

The trouble with such a system though is that you still need to do something about the kids born with no pods available. It might be best to just sacrifice realism so they age faster on their own, perhaps 1 year a season, until a certain limit when they age normally (somewhere 8-12?). That would make them useful after 2-3 years of being a resource drain. It wouldn't take an unreasonably long time, it doesn't require kids to be useful too early in development (4 years old is kind of ridiculous), and it would still leave room for incubator pods to be worthwhile.

Enjoy your haulers getting third-degree burns whenever they open the door to refuel it


This is one of those games where I just enjoy seeing what kind of shit people are coming up with but dropped the game itself afte 20 minutes.


Oficial guide to Storytellers:

Base building, particulary on the first dificulty. Select this if you want DF in spess. Heavy economic game, get some mods and you turn this into Capitalism simulator.
She's a fucking bitch. Every game will consist of 4 or 5 hardasses pinned down behind sandbags shooting at 200 tribals and raiders.
At the end of they day, when you sucessfully defend your precious 37 eggs of ostriche in your stores, your colonists can limp back in their peglegs, fall asleep in a shitty bed and thank Space God they're alive to see another day of plague, missing limbs and famine.
Do you like dice? Do you like poker? Do you like RNG? Then imagine that, but a 6 on the die means all your crops die, while a 1 means you get 150 gold dropped on top of you. Show your hand with two pairs and the raiders will massacre you with snipers. Got a straight instead? You get to survive the plague.
When the RNG is done fucking with you, it will drop you enough goodies to keep you going, because there's no way 37 tribals will show up for an immediate raid right as your hunter is turning into grizzly bear food, right?

Only 1 death from starvation, massive corn field in the Spring. Fallout + Blight at the end of summer, crops decimated. Fuck these random events.

Congrations you discovered why women have typically never had to do "real" work and look after children instead.

Yeah, growthvats are in the works as well. Since they make gameplay sense and are even in the game's lore it's a no brainer. I think that's a reasonable idea that loss of power to the growth vat only stops the accelerated growth rather than working like hydroponics do with plants by killing them. You can get some really nice mods that counteract solar flares/power fuck ups but still, that would be pretty fucking annoying.

By the way, someone asked for a recommended mod list:

The thing about those random events is that they're not fun at all. Pretty much 70% of them are "your crops are fucked".
Crops are the only reliable source of food, so having 70% of the events being a simple "no food" situation kinda makes them shit.
The best solution is to get one of the mods that adds a lot more random events. It's an indirect effect: since a lot more shit can happen, fallout or blight are more rare now.
Try this one: ludeon.com/forums/index.php?topic=29160.0


I feel the shame of using cheatsy mods that allows you to build dirt patches to grow food inside mountains.

Are they atleast slower than hydroponics?

My previous cold weather strategy had been to wall off a steam geyser to trap the heat, and build modded-in skylights to turn it into a greenhouse, but with the volcano there wasn't enough light anymore.

I guess so? it's like basically having a normal field, not sure if hydroponics allow you to grow food faster.

Hydroponics grows food faster, I think rice drops to less than 1 day.

I'm pretty sure you can euthanize them without them exploding?
Or am I wrong?

Hydroponics can get up to 250% growth rate. And it works at night too.
Normal patches only have 50%, rising up to 100% in very specific circumstances that you're unlikely to see for very long.
Yeah, Hydroponics are THAT overpowered. Then again, one sun lamp with a couple basins will drain about 2000 power so…

Oh neat I thought it was always a 15% bonus and nothing else.
Just remember not all plants grow during night, some need a brief rest period.

Well, now in my next play I'll make a full hydroponics room to grow stuff.

Keep in mind something: hydroponics is something that needs reliable power sources. If they fail for wathever reason, it's pretty much the same as a blight.
Now, all power sources are vulnerable to Solar Flares. Not much you do about those.
But looking at every other kind of event and it becomes clear that Geothermal is the way to go. It's not affected by anything (except some entrepeneur tribal raider) and pumps you with 3600 power.
Now a sun lamp will take up 1600 power.
And if you fit the maximum number of basins, 24 (pic related) they'll take up 1680.
It's a good idea to slap at least one heater and one cooler in the room, but I'd advise two since the room can get big and you'll only manage to keep the temperature throught cold snaps and heatwaves with two of those. That's 4 x 240 power to a total of 960.

So this all comes out to 4240 power.
If you build TWO geothermal generators, that's 7200 power, meaning you have 2960 for the rest of your base. If you build 3 geothermal power generators, you can build two of these hydro setups and still have 2320 left.

One rather important thing is that you should NEVER rely on any other power source for hydro. It's a waste not to build them however, so what I usually do is having two diferent circuits. Geothermal for hydroponics with it's own bateries and a separate circuit for everything else. If you want, slap a power switch between them. If the power fails, for any reason, you kill that switch and no power from the geothermal is wasted on the the rest, just hydroponics.

I'm afraid Hydro is the only way to actually make devilstrand too. Normal farming will end up with you getting a blight when the plant is at 90%. Or winter comes and kills it anyway.

Forgot the pic.
You can use the 4 spaces for columns (and desginate a roof area so you can build this anywhere) or slap 2 heaters and 2 statues in there. Make sure they're superior statues and your farmers will be happy all day.

The few indoor farms I made just required one heater. I normally did stuff in tundra forests and keep my food growing inside caves and with one closed heater I had enouth to keep everything warm enouth.

Time for batteries and solar arrays I guess, and hope like hell that fuses mod works as intended.

Why do you need heat? Just build your farm next to your geothermal, remove a few ceilings in the Spring & Summer.

Because cold prevents anything from growing. I need 20ºC to make it work decently.

this looks suspiciously nazi


It's more because every plant has an ideal temperature range to grow.
Sure, you're happy with your 120% growth rate, but you can pump it up to 250% with the right temperature settings. If you have diferent plants, pick one and costumize it for that one.
The other's won't get such an high growth rate, but who gives a fuck, rice grows in a day and everything else grows in 2 or 3.

I need to know something now. I keep trying to start colonies on flatland. This is, of course, a massive pain in the butt. You can get attacked from all sides, and you need barricades on every possible direction because if you only leave one door out, they'll just break your pretty walls.
This of course isn't much of a problem if you have tons of a rock. But on a plains map, rock is something that seems abundant when you arrive, but quickly disappears when you build a bunch of buildings and walls.
Is there any mod that allows endless rock dicking from the ground? I'd be fine with those drill things (that are fucking stupid since they run out of minerals anyway) or something like that.

The only alternative I've seen so far is to either:

1488 erry day

This sounds pretty cool, actually

all legitimate gripes, my base grew out of necessity and not by good plans. early game i had to switch off turrets to keep power on during outages and heat/cold waves. same reason for the fucking generator in the freezer. thanks for the critique. i'll try to clean it up next session.

Also, I'm assuming coolers and heaters belong in the same room if they are both set to 21 only 1 should be working at any given time?

Because it is.
The mistake most people make though, is seeing all these cool bases in the thread and figure they're gonna do the same.
But they ain't picking Phoebe, that's for fucking casuals. They're going with Cassandra, they're hardasses afterall.
Randy is RNG, and RNG isn't suit for professional gamers sponsored by Razor to be mature for mature games for mature gamers :^)

Then they get the ball rolling and in less then a year they get their shit fucked in. And wonder how the fuck do people do giant bases like the one's on the thread.

I think Tynan did great too. By simply picking a diferent storyteller, you get a diferent sort of experience. Base building or base defending. Economy or combat.
I usually keep colonies on Cassandra small. 5 guys or so. More than that and I spend too much time feeding and arming them.
For Phoebe though, it's not uncommon to reach 10 guys, 3 dedicated to food, another 3 dedicated to art and crafting, and the rest are soldiers. That's right, 60% of the colonists don't even pick up a gun. Why would they, they made an awesome sculpture, traded it off for a set of power armour and charge rifle, and now Uncle Andy pops tribals between their eyes for days.

At the same time, I greatly enjoy having a very small building where everyone eats nutrient paste meal and just survives the best they can. For profit, they run a brewer and off the beer to pirates for guns and the like. They don't have the man power for large scale operations and frankly why would they? That atracts attention, it atracts raiders.

You usually put the heaters at something like 15 and the freezers at something like 25.
That keeps the temperature between those values and only one set (either the coolers or the heaters) will kick in and consume large ammounts of power.
You should do this sort of thing for Breweries for instance. Also hydroponics.
For colonists just make parcas.

I understand the switches and flag but why did you make massive store rooms for just wood and iron then throw everything else in the main hall? Also aren't the 3x5 rooms too small? I make 5x5 rooms and get a small buff from it.
Do they actually sit on them and get the comfort bonus? If so neat.

Also with flicking off electronics at the actual unit, they still use a little bit of power while off. If you flick a switch that cuts the power to them, do they still drain a little bit of power or not?

Also mod that lets you rape prisoners for joy and mood gain for the rapist but big loss for the prisoner and maybe some for the rest of the colony.

It's a necessity but my poor little anus can only take so much.

If you want one of those massive bases, it's real easy, but you can't just assume that one setting on each colonist and object will suffice for the whole playthrough. They have to start off as a ramshackle construction/mining/plantcutting collective and one by one, or in some cases two by two, split off into other jobs as you finish what should be temporary production spots while you mine out or around a mountain. Of course, they'll have their days where they're dead, but then you just need to produce a little less of something and it evens out pretty quick.

Oh, and as for dealing with shitty attitudes, a club is good enough, preferably made from wood and given to a colonist or colonists of your choosing. The time they spend in the hospital until they can walk again is negligible (they should never be able to do bed rest unless they're diseased/bleeding profusely and you still want to keep them, which means you need to change the setting if those ever happen and then change back when it's through), and if an accidental death occurs, you'd better fire up that prison if you built one.

You should be producing clothing pretty much constantly as long as you've got hunters or cloth crops set up, sets for summer and winter (if in a regular biome) and whatever your military force consists of. Which, you should also make new outfits if you don't have any mods, for all three, and set them when they need to be set. It should be one bench, with "produce until you have 1" on each clothing piece you need, with a storage area and a materials area nearby. Only one tailor needs to exist at a time for up to ten little niggers, and it should probably only ever be after they've gotten their own rooms.

And for the love of god clean up your home areas. For a while half the reason anybody died was because they were wandering through the forest trying to clean some rock rubble 60 lightyears away in a tiny spot I laid out for corpses to rot, and they got eaten by fucking bears and panthers and lynxes and cougars and all manner of shit because the only reason they were cleaning was because it was the only useful thing they were worth.

Raiders are simple, except grenade niggers, fuck them. Don't neglect melee and have them head straight for anybody ranged so they (the raider) can at the very least be locked into a fight they can't normally win. If you've even got some faggot that can't do fucking shit, like a sailor or a sheriff, they get the privilege of going after grenade throwers. Absolutely do not ever just let ranged faggots just sit behind their shitty little birch tree and shoot until they die. Move them around, position them closer behind a different tree, push the enemy backward if they actually do that and it wasn't just some weird thing that happened.

Oh, and use the damn planning tool.

Arid Shrubland is objectively the best starting zone.

An all year growing cycle is for production, and once you invent coolers you're avoiding the worst downside.

yes, I learned that crafters do indeed sit on chairs from a jewtube video about rimworld cooking tips. That video actually had a shit-ton of optimization ideas that applies to all crafters. Like after crafting an item "drop on floor" so that some loser with no skill set to hauling can move it for you. Also you can make a hauler bring crafting ingredients to you and make a 1x1 zone with raw meat/plants and your cook will make shit fast as shit. While your dogs or whatever move it. Also put a stack of food near the table and your guys won't go into your freezer 1-by-1. Speeds up a lot of shit and saves power.

I always wanted to build a serving table of some kind, but people took the fresh food instead of the old ones so some of it started to rot away when I tried.

currently i have 3 tables, people are always eatting there so i know it gets traffic during the usually chores. 1 is in the base near the freezer and crafting stations, 1 is just outside the base and 1 is in the middle of the fields. all 3 have a stool with a 1x1 priority zone for just simple meals. everything disappears like clockwork. (to be replaced by my 4 trained huskies) I had one table wasn't being used that much at first in another location and the food was getting old but when I moved it into a high traffic zone everything was golden.



That's allot of wood, would be a real shame if something where to light that om fire with a incidiary launcher

I am slowly replacing all external walls with sandstone blocks


You clearly know what you're doing but why did you convert every last piece of food into pemmican despite being on a frozen map?

tldr; having fun playing Rimworld

So– I'm on day 246 of medium challenge with P.Chillax story teller. I've fought off plenty of drones, defeated the ancient evil (more drones), a psychic ship (more drones), several raids (sometimes drones), two sieges and several infestations. I've learned a lot about the game this run as I never could make it past about 90 days with C.Classic. My favorite things game was watching two drug addicts slowly overcome there addictions and become useful members of the team and my huskies, they make hauling stuff around camp so much easier. I've got a temperature controlled barn now has a couple of chickens for eggs and cows for milk. All other animals don't seem to be useful enough (ie pigs).
My crafting area is going well, the zones for stocking to the left and right of the chairs by the stations makes for factory like production in total comfort.
Of course at the end of the day 2 hours in the rec room with weed and beer if the mood isn't good enough.
I'm planning on finishing the tech research as I just have 2.5 ship techs left to research.After that I don't know what I'll do maybe go from lone-explorer to tribe on the next higher difficulty, would love to see a tribe advance to the point to making power armor. (I'll also take a bunch of guys with shooting and get a good social and doctor).
Perhaps the only annoyance is I've only got 2 couples out of 10 people. And Lucy who was 16 when I found her strung out on go-go juice is now 20 and still just have a child-backstory, not sure if she can even hook up.

i looted them from a neighboring tribe

Looks nice but is it functional?
I don't know if they ever generate an adult backstory after they've arrived. Would be nice if it was just "[colony name] colonist" and showed how many points in each skill they've gained since arriving with no bonus points for passing a certain age but I don't think anyone will bother modding that.

if items are on a stool they work faster. it was on a jewtube video about "rimworld cooking tips" and works for all crafting. basically they don't pick it up off the ground.. the most important thing it to set a priority 1x1 zone of the raw resource you want your crafter to have access to, walking to pick up dope for each joint is fucking slow as shit, much better to have a pile next to the crafting spot.

it keeps happening

er… cargo pods drop all the time..



hahaha I was just joking man calm your tits ;)

you seem mad xD

lol nice one xDD

So it turns out it only matters how many people are in your current map to change the size of the raids. Good thing to know. Means having two bases is much safer than one big one and it looks like all events are scaled in this way because the lone colonist didn't get any infections despite not having any medicine or doctors to heal her and a million cuts all over her body. Not even scars which is great. I haven't tried but you could probably have two bases right next to each other and have really quick travel between them if you need doctors to go from one to the other.

how i 2 base

think somewhere in settings you can change it from the default of one base
after that you go make a caravan and move it to a empty tile and set up shop

I should be able to view them first before letting them in

+1 either that or have an clean exile option

As day 333 dawned on my colony I decided I had enough as the leader, his wife and his 4 best people left the colony behind to some artists, pop idols and neurotics. Best of luck.

ps. biggest wish of that game was a red-blue-yellow wire system like Terraria so you can criss cross different electrical networks.


told myself i'd wait until this update, but i keep thinking "i'll get it the next update"

anyway, i'm curious about the fanart and gameplay out there so far.
twitch. tv/videos/98098416


Good ol' Cass with the double tap.


never, ever doing jungle again.

Anyone ever tried to make a minimalist colony with only the 3 starting guys? I feel like trying it now.

…that's how I do every colony?

Does… does everyone do it like that?
Am I the only that always accepts every new guy and every fella running from pirates?
Am I… retarded?

I can't be retarded. I helped them. I accepted them into a colony that doesn't make enough food to sustain them. I invited them to atract even more raiders that will attack people that can't defend themselves with 2 shooting and 1 melee. I helped them with an hospital where the medic is dead and the cook's performing operations.

Am I … Merkel?

yes you are a cuck

So, how does one update a mod on their own?

This is the mod I wish to update.

I was thinking about making a little commune and giving each colonist an allowed area that included the common areas and their own little property (house, garden, relevant workstation, all walled off) and a few housekeepers that haul and clean in every area.

XML is easy, just reference the thingDefs of the mod with vanilla thingDefs in the "Core" mod folder. Look at what variables have changed and the structure/syntax of them.

I'm not the creator, fag, just want muh spess mehreens.

This is the only warning I get from using the mod in .16 and it isn't really a issue.

So far I've only had any real success playing on temperate forest maps. What kind of environments do you guys play and what is the strategy for survival on that map? Obviously temperate forests are easy with "hunt, farm, build"..

I usually play boreal forest. General strategy is much the same but heat and the lack of fertile soil is a major issue. Make sure you build your base around a thermal vent and, when the temperature drops, use it as a heat source by building a room around it and venting to the rest of your base. Wood generators are great for heating too.
Make sure you tame some muffalo at some point and plant a shittonne of hay grass. Don't let them eat the hay until winter comes and the grass outside dies off. You can use the allowed areas to assign pastures for them to graze in and switch between them to let the grass grow back. Also don't be afraid to send someone with high animal skill out by themselves to nearby tiles to see if there are any muffalo elsewhere to tame and bring back.

That's a really easy fix too


So they have cobras in this now? If so are they considered decent attack animals?


the first trader who visited my settlement had a huge pack of cobras they looked decent. never had the silver to buy any though.

So will this game ever be finished? Or will Early Access be the new 1.0 to rush the cash flow in as soon as possible before the work is actually done?

I mean, I can understand not wanting to hire QA and having a plethora of people beta testing your game instead, but it's still you paying them so you can beta test their product.

it's more done than most games, so I'm not really sure why (if) your complaining. it's certainly not a game really in alpha regardless of it's nomenclature.

Alpha means "playable prototype with missing features"

Beta means "playable and feature complete subject to balancing and bug fixes"

So while it's in a very playable state it is technically still in Alpha.

alpha/beta/release were terms for when waterfall method of software projects was the sole method. Now that we're in a world where a lot of stuff is done under agile those terms don't have the same meaning.


This. Tynan could just come out and say "It's done, I'll keep adding shit anyway".
It's already pretty good, has two diferent victory conditions and plenty of content.
If that's not enough, the modding comunity around it keeps it lively too.

Plus what this guy this guy said.
Alpha/beta have gone out of the lingo from most of the software industry.
Even in automation and factory robots I see a bunch of "early release" or "Protype Package" and other silly designations for "it ain't done yet, but it does some cool shit".

Those slimy cunts at whatever company made Planetary Annihilation called something they shat out a "Gamma release" in order to appear like they didn't lie about their kickstarter promises. So yeah, people just alpha/beta just how they wish.

I think I have so many mods I can't research technology properly because it hides basic technology under the char.

I want to know what he's planning with factions. Now that multiple bases is a thing you could probably start up your own empire. I don't think there would be much problem in changing the "abandon" button to "automate" or something so that all of the colonists still there stay and continue to live and produce things and all your loot stays there too. You could settle a new place and call the old base on your comms console and tell them to send people or supplies in a caravan but instead of having to buy it or wait for them to show up with stuff and then trade, it just brings up the menu of all the things they had in that base and you pick what you want to take and give then someone comes by to drop it off. Old bases become more or less store rooms with delivery boys but you can travel back to them (or maybe switch between which colony is active) whenever you want.

I would also like to see more factions but grouped together on the map rather than spread out randomly among each other so it actually looks like countries but you'd need shitloads of factions at that point.

Yeah, the focus on the game is colonizing new places.
I think if he went that way, the player should be always moving somewhere new and colonizing it, leaving the economy to the automated bases.
The more colonies you found, the easier it is to get supplies.
But what would the late game be?
Or other kind of global disaster.

That would be pretty neat if it arrived at someone's base, wiped them out, and then moved to the next one slowly wiping all life from the planet and setting up its own forward operating bases. Take out all of the mechanoid bases (or get the fuck out of there) and you win. The ability to call in reinforcements from your allies could be tweaked to organise a tandem raid on the bases too, making faction relations contribute to your chances at victory much more too.

Ice sheet on coldest planet highest rainfall.
Only way to survive is to prepare carefully and get some parkas otherwise your guys die in less than an hour. You get no wood ever and can only grow through hydroponics, no wild animals, and no traders, it is hell and I love it.

But how is it even possible? How do you avoid starving in the time it takes to research hydroponics, with no food besides the handful of rations you start with?

Wait, you can get your colonists to have more than 3 traits if you use ENB Prepare Carefully?

You can always edit the starting scenario, but I don`t know if that is what he did.

IIRC, Tynan pretty much said in 2013 "It's done, I'll keep adding shit anyway."


You can't. He did that through the game's standard scenario editor. Dunno if it'd actually work.

cannibalism mainly, that and a good roll on research, if you start with crashlanding or glitterbitch you can research hydroponics right away, tribal is impossible though unless you tip the scales on packaged food before you start

bitch it is -102C outside i don't give a fuck

Those floors look like they might be modded so maybe it's not true for you, but it usually isn't most effective to put down floors in cave colonies. Smoothing the stone gives a higher appearance score than any of the floors you can lay down.

my colonists often refuse to ever smoothing floors i'm not sure why that is, it can stay in queue forever seemingly.

plus it takes 10 billion years to smooth 1 fucking tile

I just like the way it looks, smoothed floors are straight up the best appearance score but it doesn't matter when the living conditions are so good

That is pretty cold, user.

I just got tribal to hydroponics with only the starting food, but I didn't do it on an ice sheet. Make some good rolls, build 5 research tables, assign them to work 24 hour days, forbid the door and eat anyone who breaks. If you rolled until you had psychopaths it would be easier.

I never even considered building more than 1 bench, the solution is so simple

Most bandit raids end when they get to the middle of the map and die of hypothermia, the rest die of it running away

I guess there are no clothes to warm you up from -102C

Superior muffalo wool parkas can do it. Looked at the wiki and apparently megatheriumsloth wool has the best cold insulation and the maximum insulation goes down to -124C (muffalo wool being -120C)

as said megasloth wool clothes, the only people allowed outside are wearing looted megasloth wool clothes as the AI tries to let the bandits survive in this temp but they need full sets of clothing and rng won't let them have it


Ty did one very shitty move, that that is the backstories.

They are not externalized, so the only way to change them is to inject your own .dll and overwrite functions.

He did it because some backers submitted super-special snowflake backstories and we can't have someone editing the emo tranny out.

I could even live with that if the the "incapable of" weren't tied to backstories. Talk about a shit mechanic. Why simply not the opposite of passion?

It's honestly incomprehensible why the game can't normally load custom backstories. Even if the tripfag-tier backstories are hardcoded in that's no reason to make ALL of them hidden in the compiled resources file.

It's dosh, massa'.

The minute someone goes on le reddit to brag about how he removed some faggot's fursona the faggot making this game gets yelled at.

If you have to ask why having a tripfag with enough shekels to poz every kikestarter mad at you -for not protecting his gay baby- is bad, imagine you own a Gamestop, CWC walks in and starts yelling at other customers about sonic's fucking noodle arms every single day. That's how autistic they can get.

Naturally he also wants to avoid offending the whales than spend a disproportionate amount of doubloons compared to your regular customers, that although make the bulk of your consumer base, they don't have as much cash or mental disabilities as whales do and can be second class customers that you can rely on to shill your game for free on le veddit.

Sugest it on the forum.
If Ty doesn't pick it up, someone will make a mod for it.
The oposite of passion is a great way to do it too. Someone afraid of fire can still fight fire but he might break if he does it for too long.
Kek, imagine one of those "noble" guys who can't do hauling forced to haul rice all day, then having a mental breakdown.

The shittiest thing about this situation is that I can't even blame the guy for that. If you get a game on Steam's EA, you're put in a fuckhuge list filled with trash, shovelware and "indie" crap. It's a crapshoot to actually make enough money to be able to dedicate time for game development or hire artists.
I'd never use Patreon since I don't agree with getting money for unfinished products, but on the other hand, what chance does the guy have?


You that's bad?

That's the fastest I've lost the game. I think that colony lasted what, 20 minutes or so.

What? smooth stone is the best looking? now that is a surprise. Good to know when making my mountaint fortresses.

Another thing. How can I make my colonists live happily inside caves? I eventually get them into a claustrophobic bad mod.

Fucking hate when "survivors" show up above 70.

Add entertainment, make sure internal temp is right in the perfect range for comfort (~20-25) and smoke leaves erryday

Should I make bigger corridors?

Jesus you're 12 degrees from freezing alcohol

Make sure the general living space is nice and wide, yeah. If you have the space, give them decent rooms, but I usually just give everyone a 3x3 room and that seems to work fine, so long as you make sure to give them good beds.

Also, you might think about clearing a space outdoors when it's "warm" enough and setting up some greenhouses. Put down a sunlamp, enclose it and add electric heaters, and if there's growable soil underneath you can make some nice plants for them to hang out in.

I have a mod to turn stone into dirt and make inner greenhouses. how about building in clears surrounded by mountains?

I wish there was a mod to rise mountains.

top kek

Pretty sure he said specifically to buy drm free straight from his website because it means steam doesn't take a massive cut. He even throws in a free steam code for you as well as the drm copy you bought if you do it that way. At this point he's just using steam as advertising more than a primary sales platform.

5x5 is my standard. Used to be 5x4 but the extra two pieces of wall for 5 more tiles of space really makes a difference. Then again I play large hills rather than mountains and build prefabs rather than mountain fortresses.

I typically go for 4x4 rooms. It gives enough room for a bed, light, flowerpot, statue, and armchair without taking up too much space.

It's only 30%, unless EA gets a shitty deal and Steam takes more. Which could be true.
Still yeah, 30% is a lot.

But yeah, Steam is mostly for advertising, that's the main problem I was rising. I plan to finish up that game I'm making one day and out of curiosity, I looked for places to put it up for sale and publicize it.

For selling, you can easily make your own site or some other service. Steam isn't the worst one (some take up to 60%) but it's not the best one either.
The real problem you get to selling a good quantity is publicity.
There's word of mouth, but that's slow. It does reach millions if your game is good, but we're on Holla Forums. Great games that sold millions over 10 years and had the game go bankrupt in the first one aren't that rare. Stalker series comes to mind.
There's paying some Indians to shill it. Which is fine if you want your player base to consist of BR's and 15 year olds too dumb to manage their money. These mainly drive away other consumers and kill fan bases so it's not a good idea in the long term, nor one I would want.
Patreon/Steam/Kickstart unfortunately remain the best alternatives. And I don't mean they're good alternatives, I mean that they're the less shitty of them.
It might surprise anons (or not) but I've seen about a dozen proto-games like Rimworld. Most with the same promise of applying a lite-version of DF in their own setting.
Out of all of those, only Rimworld made it.
Were the others good/bad? We'll never now. Those projects never got enough publicity and funding to go beyond a few thousand lines of code and half a dozen screenshots from a pre-alpha.
It saddens me most, not the shitty games that exist, but the good one's that never got finished.

figured you might be from Holla Forums too. From the looks of what RawCode suggests in your thread it would be incredibly easy to do what you're looking to do if you already know how to detour a method. You only need to detour one, whereas for my children mod I've already done around ten or so. I could probably throw something together- I need something like this for my Nerve Stapling mod anyways.

link to thread, please.

If you hardcore shitpost I'm not taking any of the blame


Oh, I lied. Turns out you have to detour a method AND a property. Still super simple if you're basically just making them return nothing- especially if you are a casul and use HugsLib to detour.

So? Remind me of the price tag on this shitfest.

Not really, people aren't forced to live in California or make poor life choices like taking a student loan or going to college to get some useless degree "just because someone told them to" when everything you need to learn how to do a job is on the internet.

He can stop releasing early access shit and actually ask an investor for money, get good to subsist entirely out of donations like the DF guy who gets 7k/month or scam retards like good old yid-dev who gets 4k monthly out of patreon for his unity project where he does nothing but pander to cancer and make videos keep in mind he can't use a switch or he can even get a real job and code as a hobby.

It's not that fucking difficult to make enough money to exist and absolutely nobody's going to starve to death when someone avoids giving this faggot some vespene gas for contributing to the early access shitpile and you shouldn't let buyer's remorse cloud your judgement.

Remind me again how that went for Arkane Studios.

It really makes you think.

Reductum Ad Absurdum. There's been good shit that came out of early acess and terrible shit.
Instead of lampooning everything in the same group so it fits your black&white view of the world, read up on Sturgeon's Law.

I meant that taking a loan from an invester is just as bad as taking a student loan.
You're putting your future in the hands of someone who doesn't give a shit about you.
My country fortunately doesn't charge people small pirate hoards for education so I never had to take one. And it frankly amazes me that america got to a point where you need as much money for an house as you do for 4-5 years of education.
How the fuck is point out Arkane studios example cherrypicking, asshole?
Those guys made Arx Fatalis. And Dark Messiah.
Then they took a "loan" from Zenimax and we got Cthulhu DCOTE and Dishonored. Do you have any idea how much content was cut from both games because Zenimax wanted that loan paid with interests?
Take your >cherrypicking to one of the console wars thread, retard.


Oh fuck pulling out the latin words you're a real fucking genius.

Don't starve, Starbound :^) and all those other games that released and haven't been stuck on infinite EA/beta like Factorio and Space Engineers.

If by "came out of early access" you mean actually stopped being in EA then that list is pretty short compared to all the neverending garbage that's been perpetually stuck on EA as a way to get fanboys to defend it with "it's just a beta!"-tier responses. Everything in EA is absolute garbage and the only difference rimworld has with DF clones is that "AI director" L4D has it so it must be good that steers your game with the same consistency as a /tg/ aspie being a D&D DM (and making your game a complete fuckfest with no consistency and L0LSORANDUM events), a THIRTY MOTHERFUCKING PETRODOLLARS price tag and a lack of Z-levels big fucking accomplishment truly a milestone of gaming, just like your latin is a shining beacon across a black sea of shitposting.

No, kikes do that.

Nobody has to take a student loan, stop equating some dumbfuck teenager obliterating his own credit rating with a LOIC just at the chance to get six figure salaries after listening to a bunch of numales for 5 years to someone that isn't a dumbfuck taking a loan, using all the extra minerals to make some refineries and paying it off with some interest. You know, something like that guy named Trump did with that small loan of a million dollars.

You aren't a burger with ☼25/h minimum wages yet you assume that it's extremely fucking difficult for someone, capable of using a computer and coding, to survive. It's like you believe that finding ways to make a finished product is some sort of herculean task that only a few lottery winners can accomplish.

en.wiki pedia.org/wiki/Cherry_picking

The fact that idiots go ask fucking Zenimax/מקסימאלי for money only to get fucked in the ass because they don't understand how a contract works and why giving somebody else so much power over your studio doesn't mean every single investor is a slave owner hiding behind every corner with the intent to fuck you in the ass as soon as you fail impossible milestones.

Why don't you tell me more about the plight of the poor game dev that can't make a living and has to submit his game to steam's early access while charging tripfags hundreds to add strings of text into a video game (going as far as making those strings impossible to change) and why should people give him money as if was some sort of ponzi scheme where the game releases as soon is everybody on the planet buys it.

Come on, tell me why he can't make his game on donations alone just like Tarn Adams or set up a Patreon so anyone can give him as much money as they want to, or how he can't take out a loan, use all that money on his game and actually release a finished product? Is post purchase rationalization too strong for you to say anything but "y-yes this game is totally worth $20 $30 wew I would say it's f-finished and the mod scene is great even if you can't change the snowflakes' backstory"

Get real nerd.

Holy fuck, I get it on Holla Forums because there's legit honeypots CTR is setting up, but you're on Holla Forums.
And you're breaking a link to wikipedia. Even if that place was an honeypot which is sorta debatable why would they care someone on Holla Forums went there to read up on cherrypicking?
That's a very unusual and retarded strand of paranoia you got there.

And I didn't say it was a struggle, or dificult to survive. holy fuck. Anyone can make a living with a computer.
I meant working fulltime on your game. As an actual job. Without EA/kickstarter/patreon, your only choice is to actually finish the damn thing before putting it out.
How long do you think a devcycle takes when it's just one guy doing it?
Either it's a very short game (liek devil daggers) and people won't pay more than 10 bucks for it, or it's a more complex game, takes between 1 and 2 years and that's 1 or 2 years you have to survive on money you saved.
Like I said, surviving with some skills on a computer is pretty easy. Making enough money to save up some is easy aswell. But it's essentially a gamble, where you stop growing your curriculum and work experience at wathever job you had for a couple of years and blow throught your savings on the off chance that the game you make does pay off in the end. If it does, great. Risk of Rain was pretty much like that for instance.
If it doesn't, then you're fucked. And if you get into an accident, or your house burns down, your savings go down the drain and you'll never finish that game.

The other alternative is to work a normal job and make the game as an hobby. Main problem here being time. 8h of sleep, 8 hours of work and 4h of daily maintenance leaves with 4 hours per day to yourself. If you spend 2 on leasure, you get 2 hours per day to work on a game. a realistic picture (for a simple game) would take about 500 hours. That's 250 days, or close to a year. And for what? To put it up for sale on Steam without front-page advertising or some other forgotten site?
There's one good thing you can have that is finding someone discussing your game 10 years after you make it with what appears to be the only other person that played it. That moment does feel quite good.
But if you want to actually make a studio and start it as a job with other people in the medium, you're shit out of luck.

And again, I'm not even saying Steam/EA/kickstarter/patreon are good system.
They're fucking terrible. But if the only tool you have to hammer a nail down is a bottle of playdough, you work with what you have.

Or you make your own, like Mr. Shitface did, I guess.

Dumbest thing I've read all day, and I read a furry complaining about how I called furfaggotry degeneracy

But user, kikes provides us with Common Core!
What more could you ask for to teach our younger generations? :^)

Thank you, anons.

Grasping for anything at this point

If you think that waking up to fix Indian code and getting yet another day as a step above a codemonkey on your résumé somehow makes you get more experience than making video games which are as good as any other program then you have some fucking flawed reasoning. Is the experience you get by typing code into a video game taxed as if it was warcraft 3 and you have too many units? Is the video game code worth less than wageslave code?

We should tell all those FOSS fags that enlarge their portfolio by making actual programs to stop being so fucking retarded and get some real experience wageslaving at Microsoft.

That's what insurance is for. Besides, if you live in a strawman where your house can light itself on fire at anytime and everything is out of your control then there's a really big chance that you simply aren't smart enough to code let alone use a computer. It's either that or you're a pahjeet living in one of delhi's zerg hives where the fuse boxes are living organisms.

How? Do you get sent to a gulag because you took the risk of quitting your job to chase the video game dev dream when you can't code anything worth shit? If someone gets fucked and dies doing something as retarded as that then it's only Natural Selection 2™ in action.

Lots do it without charging $150 so tripfags get snowflake chars that nobody can edit into their EA game that features a bunch of mouthbreathing fanboys repeating "it was a good buy" any bystanders.

It's never a gamble, if you make something for free that people find valuable and ask for donations they will give them to you. if you can't do that then you go back to your desk job and stay a pleb forever; if you don't want to go to back then you're delusional and you'll die and the problem solves itself. tl;dr it's never a fucking gamble.

If you know how to code and make a video game then you shouldn't have a problem with that either.

The amount of work you can contribute to something is subjective If your eight hours are spent browsing kikebook and copying columns from one database into another one then you may as well wave your pseudojob goodbye when an actual employee shows up.

Sure just for the sake of argument let's say that Flappy Birds took about 500 hours man person hours and all those "game making" challenges where faggots make video games in less than a week without using RPG maker actually took 500 hours. Also let's forget about weekends and let's assume that everyone is some kind of normalfag that has to work exactly 8 hours a day (because performance doesn't fucking matter, and you can code but you're working at some fucking deadend job at a factory) and can only devote two hours to focus on their "hobby" and also let's forget that days off aren't a thing.

Let's continue with the mental gymnastics and assume that you outdid the nucom2 RNG and that you could actually afford to survive living like fucking nobility without having an Ion Storm burning your house, turning the computer you're using to code the game into a paperweight, having niggers steal your computer shaped paperweight and taxmen showing up (during the Ion Storm) sending you to a gulag for not having enough savings. That's what every successful gamedev out there that avoided touching EA as if it was a plague had to go through, all those that failed died miserably and that's why nobody else is trying to go such a risky gamble. You fucking did it, the gods smile upon you, you have infinite control over everything and you can make that early access indie survival game
Yes that's right
you can make a motherfucking
vIdEo gAmE
and have people donate money
and you didn't have to use EA
and charge 50€™ (Quake™s) for tripfags to add their cancer into your video game's obfuscated code.

Stallman would be fucking proud.

Shitposting aside, I get it you're some kind of turbopleb that thinks some got lucky at some kind of lottery and they can make people give them free money for video game coding, which isn't as good as actual real wageslave mancode. There's truly no other way for the common white man to make a living making video games in this world anymore.

It's not free if it's paid by someone's taxes, who gives a shit if it's affordable when you're paying for trash and it gives you massive debt (that you'll pay off with that guaranteed six figure salary) and your definition of education is listening to a bunch of dumbfucks ramble for a few hours every week while they parrot some books that somehow only professors themselves can read as if they're clerics chanting the bible to a bunch of illiterate serfs.

Good thing you didn't say it was good education either as there's people that make a lotta more money than you do -for a reason- and send their sons and daughters to expensive colleges without actually doing the sane thing and going for loans that literally give them FREE money for shittier colleges, right faggot?

You're basically paying and wasting about two to five years of your life for a fancy paper to frame on a wall and some worthless networking which is compromised of a bunch of idiots on the same boat as you are while anyone else with a few working braincells could just enter a library, ask for SICP and actually read it.

Isn't that what the totally hwite Bernie fella was offering?

Could someone upload the latest version to volafile?
I think it is .16.4 or something

Anyone having issues with rightclicking stuff sometimes? I'm not sure if the mods are causing the issues since after looking around, no one else seems to be having the same issues. I've got the EdB Prepare Carefully, Hospitality and P-Music.

Also, why are Hydroponics so shit.

Are there any sex or racism mods for this game?

Where the hell does he put the changelog? I can't find it in any logical place on the forums or the main site.
Also does .4 change anything important or is it just balance/bugs? I've still got .1 and it seems to work fine.

So my perfect winter wonderland was invaded by bugs who apparently can appear in the middle of your base, i've lost my crafter, my researcher and doctor.
Out here I've only ever got offers for new people 4 times in total, i'm pretty sure this is now a battle of attrition

I was initially going to argue back, but you made some 10/10 jokes there (particulary the living fusebox thing) so I'll just settle for agreeing to disagree.
You do after all bring up some good points that apply to a lot of people living the united states.
They don't apply that well in europe (or most of it anyway) so I guess it's a cultural thing.

What race is orange?

Pajeet-english cross? Iraqi? I've seen a few people irl with that skin tone that are generally from central/western asia that are whiter naturally but go exactly that colour with a tan.

spic probably

Fruit or a bronze god.

I seriously fucking hope that this game doesn't do what Minecraft did, where the game would get to the point where you could be self-sufficient and easily survive and then nothing more happens.
Being able to make your colony the New Vegas of the continent would be quite nice. Maybe overtime tribes form large factions, like how eight or nine tribes formed Caesars Legion and a handful of towns formed the NCR.

So I survived my first toxic fallout and my first -50ish winter directly after that. Despite the fact that for several hours I couldn't figure out why I couldn't make a "tuque". Tuque's are the only clothing that must have cloth/wool, while all other clothes and cowboy hats can be made from leathers

I recommend a central room with like 4 turrets and some fine art for balance in it so that you have a place to make a stand against bugs. It worked well enough for me.

Looks like a south Asian who enjoys the sun.

Saw this thread and remembered I had this game on steam, so I decided to try it.
So far I've discovered that Phoebie is in fact a massive cunt, even if you play on the noob settings.

First map -

Second map -

Third map -

Next time I think I'll pick Randy because fuck this shit. I guess Phoebie wants to give you a lot of time in between events, which includes settlers and caravans appearing, which is cool and all if only the caravans and settlers didn't suck ass.

Also does anyone know of a mod that lets you inspect settlers fleeing from raiders/pirates?
I'm sick of fighting off raiders only to find out that the person I rescued is either a pyromaniac or some kind of prince incapable of ANY kind of labor.

This game gets harder until you can't fight back anymore and everyone gets killed. Which in my opinion is worse than you becoming OP.

but each game you learn how to live longer.

i finally "finished" my sea ice run

moved to an ice sheet that actually has steel on it to complete my ship, which i guess is kinda "cheating"

started an extreme desert one next and it's going well so far

i'm thinking on whether i should deconstruct my second greenhouse to the right in favor of the more defensible structure on the left (and later expansion into the ancient danger). i'd save some steel that would otherwise get blown up and wasted from a raid.

or i may just wall it in and keep it as it is. it'll make a good field hospital if i get any nice escape pod "victims" landing far off that would otherwise die from heatstroke before i can rescue them in time

wall that geothermal in geez

it's got a real ugly beauty rating

never accept pyros, ever

also i make sure to give my animal tamers a melee wep, so they won't be left with their fists when they fail to tame an animal

About a year and a half in to my new tribe colony. Slowly retrofitting all my wooden rooms with stone and beginning to optimise my layout.

It's been a tough year. My head researcher couldn't get a break.

It was a miracle that he skirted major meltdowns long enough to get basic shit researched. Now he's a bit more chilled.

I uh, might have not had enough storage space for those corpses.

Phoebe's a bitch. I've had her spawn Toxic Fallout and Volcanic Ashes at the same time.
Every crop I had outside died with the fallout, so did the local wildlife. Every plant in the hydropods died even faster too because I was depending on Solars (no research or components for Geo).
Every food source was fucking gone, no raiders even had to show up, we just starved.

I really hate the random events of this game since there doesn't seem to be a game logic behind them. Most events can be summed up as "your plants are gone" since that's the biggest impact they have. Blight, Solar Flare, Bzzt (in the right wire) and even Toxic Fallout if you haven't unlocked Hydroponics yet, all do fuckall to anything cept for your plants that are gone.
Problem is, since the events are random, you can get any kind of combination that can lead to un-winnable situations.

For instance, Toxic Fallout means no hunting or outside growing. At this point, only internal hydroponics is gonna keep you alive. If any event whatsoever cripples that, there goes your food production down the drain. A proper solution would be for the game to see what you depend on and make sure not to pick events that result in this shit, so if your power production comes mostly from solars and turning them off kills your plants, it's not gonna pick anything that affects solars if it's already fucking with your plants.

On the same ground, what the fuck is up with Devil Strand? I literally never managed to grow it. Between Bzzzt, Solar Flare or Blight, crops never go intact for a season, let alone a while year. How can you grow the fucking things when the game keeps killing your shit?
I've even heard on the forums that people stick to cotton as that's far easier to plant and use and in the year it takes for the devil strand, you can make so much cotton, it actually offsets it.

shit df rip off

devils strand is immune to blight but not toxic fallout/ sun blockage or the like, it needs light for some fucking reason (should have to grow it on wood like you know how you grow actual mushrooms) but that aside just keep animals off of it by keeping it in your yard and forbidding your animals from grazing it. a large field will be necessary to offset the long grow time. you can have multiple fields and offset the planting/ harvesting cycle but that again takes long term investments and therefore stability. in vanilla you cant hydroponics it so it will need to be a dirt floor greenhouse or you can just ditch it for a large field and just hope that it lasts in your "temperate" region. (savana/grasslands is best region) if you scale well and have a industrious craftsman you can then get the benefit of outfighting your settlers with some decent armor that doesn't encumber them/ sell some pimping hats. dusters are better off being made out of wool thew as it "isolates" better. iv'e had settlers that can walk threw literally boiling temperatures and not give a fuck.
mufflaow wool op need nerf now.

if you fucks are having trouble with your solar panels cutting out start mixing wind turbines in with them ya shits.

you can form a caravan then go over to a neighboring hex on the world map, then go hunt or something

that map won't have the map condition

and if you don't want bzzzts don't build conduits

like, give every room their own solar/turbine or sets thereof, link them with batteries/power switches for range, and make sure everything is in range within the room

there are mods that add fuses but i consider them lame

That's news for me, I gotta try it again then. One thing that worries me is that, come harvest&craft of devil strand, the narrator will see my immense wealth and decide it's only fair to drop a few mechanoids around.

Also, I prefer the region where you can have plants growing outside all year, every year.
The only problem I have there is summer when a heatwave heats because if I don't have a freezer by then, it's a process of slow death that you can't stop. But once the kitchen's done, people can just hang around with the animal carcasses when they are too hot.

That episode happened before there were caravans, it wasn't an option back then.
I really gotta try this caravan thing more often though. Instead of always settling near hills so there's metal and components for late game, I could start in open ground, build a small fort and then make mining expeditions, all dwarf like.



Maybe if you're fucking retarded. I just got through with toxic fallout, all you have to do is put down a sun lamp or two and then put a roof over the plants. You can even take it all down and get most of the materials back once the fallout is over.

You can set this in the animals menu.

Wind is far better than solar because there are so many things that wreck solar gen and it takes one less component. Just remember to pave the area in front and behind it so no trees grow there. Short things (like crops and solar panels) can go in front of your windmill without inhibiting it. Also wood burners.
Don't rely on just one thing.

Why not? You can direct download from the ludeon forums.

It was a domesticated monkey and the guy didn't have the animal rank at the time to change the master.
He was so close too…


That's what the "internal" part was meant for. You require hydroponics or at least a sun lamp inside to survive that event, but that requires a lot of power, which you might not have when it hits unless you rely on solar power like I did, which screwed me over when the Volcanic Ash arrived.
You still need sun lamps and power that's not affected by events so that pretty much means mandatory turbines for you.

There was no wind turbines back then, just thermo and solar, with thermo being a very big investment.
Currently, I prefer to start with normal engines since they are cheap and easy, then move to Turbines and mix it up a bit with Solars and only move to Thermo when pretty much the entire foundation for my base is ready and heavy electrical instalations are gonna be installed.

The engines themselves are easy to maintain and cheap to produce, just keep wood nearby and it's all good.
Solars vs Wind is starting to look like a stupid debate though. There's several events that make solars useless on top of nightime while Turbines keep working pretty much all the time as long as you clean up or pave the ground properly. Starting to wonder if there's a point to solar panels at all…

There's a difference between a chalenge and a punch in the dick.
Being put in tough situations that require some fast thinking to get through is fine.
Being put in situations where there's no winning move, especially when it's out of your control and\or because of things that aren't very intuitive, that's bullshit.

The idea of Components in the game isn't necessairly a bad one, but a new player won't know that there's a somewhat limited amount of them around and it's important to prioritize some things over another. Newbies might even be tempted to waste components in turrets since that's one of the hints given to them and end up not producing power or having a freezer.
Similarly, for a new player the difference between solar and wind is that solar doesn't work at night while wind doesn't work at random, so they'll go for solar instead of wind because it looks more stable and because they don't know about the random events.

I get the feeling that I only got shafted like that because it was Phoebe, who can't make good chalenges with raids and thus revolves around those events instead. Cassandra often puts me in 5:1 fights against me instead, so I don't know which is better…

It's a shame fueled generators need wood and can't take that biofuel. If biofuel was more efficient (enough to offset the wood that went in to making it) then it would be worth researching instead of just for the transport pods. Also overworld vehicles when?

I play Randy so it's always a shit-show for me. Phoebe tends to make the events fucking huge with long periods of nothing between as apposed to Cass that has a reasonably constant flow of events of moderate difficulty but no time between to recover. Considering the events are scaled to your population and wealth, Phoebe may well end up being a lot more lethal than Cass if you just horde resources in times of plenty instead of constantly spending them on reinforcing. All three also scale with time too. Even starting with 8 colonists and shitloads of resources, the first raid would always have 2 people in it and the second 3.

it started as just a hole in the ground that kept me alive through the winter, it wasn't planned like that, but I also didn't notice it was so ugly so thanks for the tip.

what is the advantage of devil strand over cotton?

aye, just say no to phoebe, the other 2 modes are MUCH more reasonable.

yet, here you are. df needs an autistic's autistic to enjoy, i'm still mostly functional in regular society so i can't enjoy dwarf-fucker.

why didn't you use the deep driller? i can't believe you can't find steel with deep drilling.

toxic fallout isn't that bad. your pawns can spend about 1 day out of 7 outside without any problems, just monitor their health, when they have a minor buildup make them stay in the base.

My first games were all 60 day growing cycles and I would think it would be the easiest, now I think I prefer the 30 day growing year. I don't have to worry about air conditioners or heat waves and the map seems to have a ton of berries. It also might have less disease problems. Build you initial base to include a geothermal and your heating problem is also solved.

armor values and cash values of clothing.

What's the difference between a dumping stockpile and a regular stockpile?
What is chemfuel for? (lol?) I made a spaceship once and left the planet and never used it.

Chemfuel is for a) easy product to manufacture that you can sell in vast quantities to trade ships, and b) transport pods

Stockpile and Dumping Stockpile are just presets for what is allowed in them. There's no difference once you start changing the stockpile settings.


14 construction could be worth it volatile wont be a problem as long as you keep him busy

Or keep him loaded up on smokeleaf


Jesus definitely take him. Take everyone else off construction and free them up to do other things because he'll be lightning fast. Set construction to his highest priority and have him shit out superior/masterwork chairs, beds, tables, etc then shove him into a workshop in his down time to grind up that crafting skill making bricks and tuques and smoking dope.

I'm actually using that guy, when I clicked up on the cargo pod guy I fucked up and didn't even look at his stats.

I think severe autism is a require on top of intelligence. Anybody sane wouldn't bother wasting their time learning the intricacies of it.

sea ice is literally blank w/ nothing on it, not even deposits

except for some shallow water you can reclaim into soil w/ a moisture pump

What do?

set up 4 turrents well within range of of the ship if you got the resources. save scum for 1-2 scythers instead of 3-4.

Still at neolithic tech level. I'll save scum as last resort, but I'm pretty sure I didn't pop the lid, so no certain if I've got an autosave dating back that far.

What if I constructed a bunker with embrasures and try to kite them in?

You could try using traps.

Bunker's finished. Just waiting for everyone to get healed up before commencing the attack.
H'ran obviously experiencing another chapter in his bogus journey.

HOLY FUCK GIRL. I said treat his brain injury NOT MURDER YOUR RIVAL.

what's the problem here gents?
my pawn is good to -40 but suddenly i'm getting warnings that her gear isn't enough for -18..

ur reading comprehension

-9 to 40, not -9 to -40


is that Turps?


Please tell me you didn't make a 1 wide corridor full of traps.
You're supposed to make it 2 wide with traps on one side and chunks on the other so your colonists can move through over the chunks but enemies run through the traps.

Well shit

What's the latest version and will someone please upload it to vola?

Man, I`m tired of having mods getting errors, and it is probably because I`m still using .16.1 since I can`t find .16.4

Pretty gay, tbh

I exhumed the frozen corpses of all the raider who had attacked me and butchered them intending to make kibble with it, but my colonists refuse to do it. So now I've got 899 human meat in my freezer taking up space.
Why won't they use it?

Did you check what meats are they allowed to use in the crafting menu?

Does the kibble need to have both plant and meat ingredients? Right now the only allowed ingredient is human meat.

Yes, I think it needs plants and meat…



I assumed that just meant you could use meat or plants, not that it had stricter requirements than the meals my colonists were getting.

Nigga you stupid

Like stupid for a nigga nomsayn

Please post your base. Newbie bases are always fascinating.

You can move human meat, insect meat outside so it rots.
What is the advantage of making kibble though at all, IDK.
Also, hay? Why hay when you can corn and everyone can eat corn.
Also, rice grows so fast in hydroponics is there any reason to grow corn or potatoes if you have a reliable freezer?

I'm not that new to the game. I just never bothered with keeping animals before so kibble was useless. Posting base anyway.
I know the freezer is in a terrible spot but by the time that became clear it was too late to change. And the solar panels and wind turbines are just a mess.

nice digits.
my favorite thing about your base is the sandbags you gave the invaders to shoot you from.

What, the ones just inside the wall? The invaders usually don't get there. My colonists take cover behind it and mow down anyone coming through the entrance passage. They're too close now because I thickened the wall inwards and didn't move them yet, but they've only ever helped.


What do you guys roll for usually? This guy is a bit old, but otherwise a nearly perfect start for a rich explorer. (imho)

construction is probably the most important stat to get on your starting pawn/s imo

I always get someone with growing of 8 so I can plant healroot straight away. Other than that the most important thing is medicine. Construction is pretty important but you can get by without it for a while so long as you divide your labour well. Nice furniture is a great way of keeping your colony's mood up but the new colony hope and low expectations bonuses tend to balance it out.


RIP Toxo
You were meant for a better life.

Oh shit, I forgot the part when he became a vegetable a week after his father came to live at the colony. His dad was so distraught he developed a crippling drug addiction. I had to confine him to keep him from hurting himself or anyone else.

at least … well.. no.. that sucks


After one year of setback after plague after blight after raid after psychic drone after boomalope manhunter pack, my colony marches on.

small dogs are useless

New Thread when?

When you make one.

But I don't have the game I just like to lurk the threads

Well then here's the torrent hash for alpha 16.1 (96.1MB)
I'll include it in the next thread's OP. Can't wait to see your first colony, user.

That's not the main reason I don't have the game, My computer is busted and I am borrowing someone else laptop when they aren't using it. But I'll make a new thread with a a picture from this thread, any ones you want to see or just let me pick my favorite so far?

Just pic your favorite then.

New thread