Mass Effect Andromeda

That shit has a new trailer, and it looks even worse than Inquisition. I didn't think it was possible.
I am bad at thinking up comedic names for shit games so please do it for me

Other urls found in this thread: and music webm 93/BdymLOq/41#41

What are you gonna do when Dubamania runs wild on you?


Some screencaps of my choice from this video.







Pee Bee and Gay

It looks like a fan made trailer for a movie that never happens cobbled together out of bits and pieces from other movies.

Not to mention the crew is made up of nu-mans, the villain is summarized with "surrender or die" and every single animation is arse.

I see they backed down from having the default protagonist being female.


I'll admit, I chuckled.

Ass Defect: Diarrhea

That hair on blonde chick, does anyone in the world think it's attractive or do people just use it because "fuck standards" or some shit? I can't imagine someone finding it attractive

Mass Effect: Pandering

Hope this tanks so badly it finally kills bioware

that stupid fucking (and already unfashionable) pseudo-edgy dyke hair on that broad and the goofiest stereotypical DINDU sidekick, nice job bioware you're not fooling anyone. As if this will keep the armchair marxists off their backs lol

All thats missing is giving her some problem glasses

reminds me of a certain Vile demon…

Notice how they go out of their way to avoid showing people talking? I bet the talking animations are going to be garbage.

also lmao the villain's ship has a frowny face on it

It's part of the default "I am a modern nonconformist" uniform.

I'm honestly surprised they made a token nigger more token than Jacob.

It seems to be for some undecisive fuck who likes both short hair girls and bob cuts, but ends up appealing to fucking nobody.

Well, they went and injected more stereotype as a faux-personality. Jacob was a complete void.

Jacob and Miranda ware just stand-ins for Kaidan and Ashley. It's like someone at BioWare asked, "How can we make a more boring version of Kaidan and a more punchable version of Ashley?" The answers were Jacob and Miranda.

Why do all the humans look so greasy

Also I thought this was a new galaxy why are most of the aliens the same

*father runs off*
*gets his side bitch pregnant*

That's debatable.

*misfiles flight plan*
*steals clip for cooldown gun*

Her face looks fucked up.

Same reason the humans in cisquisition looked so greasy. They can't skin reflections. It looks like they've fixed the hair literally looking like feces though, so they're improving!

Mass Effect Andromeda: in space everybody can hear you virtue signal

RIP Bioware

I've never liked this phrase. It should be called social signaling or in-group signaling. It has nothing to do with virtue, only with showing that you're part of the in-group. The content of what you're saying isn't analyzed by other SJWs, they only notice that you're "one of us."


Everything keeps pointing towards a fucking failure. Literal meme writting and even better, references to memes from the previous games like the shepard advertising a shop thing
How nice

Can't wait for the trainwreck. Gonna be fun shitposting with you guys.


Can someone explain to me how Bioware wasn't shitcanned after Cisquisition? Because it was fucking terrible, yet the only merit I can see in it is that it's not as bad as DA2. Is the bar for modern AAA games really that low?

How fucking inept do you have to be to forget that the diehard dating sim fags who played the game always went for the noface gypsy?

Does anybody have that fucking screencap from the bioware forums? You know the one, with the autist waifufag who likes chemistry. The funeral one is also welcome.

Ass Effect: Androgynous

I disagree. DA2 had no content and was disgustingly short.
DAI had no content and was disgustingly fucking long, milking every fucking corner for extra fifteen minutes.


If you can fug the she-Turian, I will be playing it with those two.

I say he looks more like Lee Jordan.

Fuck, you can smell the latte and hair dye emanating from the video.

Looking back, the original ME had a pretty garbage trailer, too. The only problem is, for the time, it was unique. The universe is already established and this one looks completely boring/pandering too lazy to webm

Damn nigger, you've missed the point of these threads entirely

But really, it's all gameplay footage and back then it looked pretty good.

Of course it's not full fucking hype trailers of Mass Effect 2.

In terms of lore and pseudo-scientific stuff from ME1, the whole game doesn't make any sense.
These people in charge of nuBioware don't give a fuck about the franchise.

…and I thought they couldn't make a character uglier than shrek

Don't worry, EA will shut down one of Bioware studios this year.
They've never talked about the sales figures of DA:I, they've closed down the Bioware forums last august, waited until 6 months before release date to finally talk about ME:A and show a glimpse of gameplay.

I don't know why, but something is stopping me from shitposting about games I haven't played. I completed every quest in Inquisition before I started participating in the threads and I probably will do it here.
Then again, it took them a month to crack Inquisition, and I certainly won't be bying that shit. So if it has Denuvo I guess I won't play it.

It actually reminds me of the guy who plays Troy in Community.

vid related

They also had an enjoyable and good trailer with gameplay footage.

It is, DA:O tier garbage. But yeah it sets its own thing instead of what will probably be an unoriginal, panderin game

Speaking of unoriginal, all aliens are human recolors

Everything was better under Microsoft, though.

BioWare, by which I mean the real BioWare in Edmonton, is basically dead already. A lot of project leads left. They were working on some kind of co-op F2P game, and then it was cancelled, and I haven't heard a thing about them since.
Andromeda is being made by "BioWare Montreal," a studio that EA created and then decided to slap the BioWare name onto.

Denuvo becomes more and more a worthless piece of shit game indicator.


Sorry Holla Forums, but you ain't even the main opponent of SJWs.

I really liked Fight for the Lost trailers, especially Grunt.

tali will always be the most patrician choice

My point was merely that they look like a standard SJW diversity team. When I saw the cast I immediately thought of pic related, so I made that.

Oh God, they really are full cisquisition with this aren't they?


Yeeeep. In truth, I knew from the moment I saw Shreksari they were. But I thought, maybe, the female human squadmate would go the traditional pretty route ala Miranda, but nope. Tumblr-hair and manface. Whatever, if they want to sink their brands that's there business. They're going to find waifubux drying up pretty fast if they don't actually fucking make waifus.

People have Japanese games for that now.

What happened to White genocide game dev pajeet? Why's the main character and the other chick white?

so is male shepherd better than the female one in this? so far she's just look like an autistic potato

the suits at EA probably said that if you didn't have whitey as the mains their already shitty sales would be less so Mr MaleTears probably had to duck and cover beneath the almighty dollar

I'd say that's an accurate representation of SJWs. White people with bad hair leading a group of token minorities.


Where are the alien playable characters? Just seems like all we got is the diversity squad.

I said token minorities. Maybe I should say the SJW imagined persona, then.

You can only be a human. There's alien party members, but that's it.




all females, especially FAS-face Ryder and some other human female have short hair which means no TressFX needed, its as simple as that.

Consider suicide, you're no better than the normalfags who can't contain themselves due to marketing.
Even my 14 year old self with no fucking imageboard to give me positive reinforcement over not falling for kike marketing could contain himself, seriously, get another hobby.

Mass Effect was never good
Stop pretending

never considered that it's actually easier for these guys to just give people short fucking hair to cut down on the work they and the system have to do. Clever girl.

who is this handsome man?


And it's so by-the-numbers too.

go away mark

Very valid points

I'd rather work at valve high school than bioware

there is a sad diversity propaganda in there somethere.
"even in Universe-wide space you cant outrun us.."

They should quit making games and just make 3D movies

This shitstain of a series is nearly a decade old.

With their animation talents? I've seen porn based on their games that was better animated.


A troublemaker, getting in the way of progress. Last seen REEEE'ing at normalfags

Is that the whole team? I mean judging from cisquisition, Bioware knows full well their fanbase needs some waifu and husbando material to post on tumblr.
There has to be more than the nog and dyke for hetero and the Shrek for bisexual choice, right?

Better off being futa or rule 63.


Just use the faggots that animated the cgi and movies of the original mass effect, but I guess they fired them

MP4 please.

Oh it gets better. Archons are figures from Gnosticism, serving the demiurge. Aka Yahweh. Archons are angels.
10/10 originality.
I also can't wait to see them spin this. They will go with the refugee shit for political commentary and given how the game has them going to another galaxy and starting a war with the natives there as if the antagonists were the bad guys, they will probably fuck up immensely. Hell they already have, doesn't it release soon and has no gameplay shown?

No fucking idea where to get these. As far as I know the guy only does webms, but you could try searching at

spot on, they all reek of social justice, not one singe renegade badass in the team except maybe the poorly written krogan, so even less of RPG I guess

i remembered it from Metro series, they had all the females with short hair cause they were poor as fuck.

There's a female turian and probably one or two more.


Is nobody going to comment how the new aliens look like the Lara sue chronicles?

nobody cares enough to comment

I am not sure what you are talking about, I might be unfamiliar with something. Could you elaborate?

Damn I can't argue with those trips.

You asked for it nigger. I had to go looking for this, and I will delete once I post. Penders is retarded.

There are also female krogans in Andromeda (not in the squad I think).


Oh, the Ken Penders comics. Now I get it.
But really, they don't look similar at all.


If I remember it right, the one presented is an engineer, because women can also into STEM you shitlord.

your are not opposing anything let alone SJW's when you agree with their fundamental premises

^ is a falseflag

Krogan are also the dumbest race outside of Vorcha.

I know there all kinds of strange fetishes out there but this I simply don't understand.

The fuck is a cultural libertarian?
t. right-wing libertarian

Acidman is a gay gamer?

Fuck knows.
I think ideologies are being infiltrated and broken up into specific things to ensure no one achieves anything. OWS libertarian edition.

Worse. He's a gamergay.

Of all the fetishes an ayy lmao is the one you dont get? Where is your sense of adventure?


The hell is this shit in pic 4
I don't remember that shit.
Ass Effect Andromierda looks like it's going to be a shitheap.

Good shit lad

no nigger it is a off topic comment which is why I didn't bump the tread. Do you honestly think your are opposing liberal progressivism if you you agree with liberal progressive values but just don't agree with particular policy procedures even when you ultimately desire the same egalitarian outcomes?

p1) All Liberalism is left wing
p2) Libertarian is liberalism
c) therefore you a left wing

Acidman is fucking retarded and he ran the board into the dirt.


Fuck off to freech, kiwitard!

Ass Effect: Analdrama

What is this disgusting individual, don't tell me it's the board goblin making an ass out of himself again.


Oh boy, I can hear a few webms flying your way right now.

I don't see the appeal. I can at least understand foot fetishists and piss fetishists, japanese cartoon porn, even fucking cuckoldry. Maybe I was too old by the time SFM porn became a thing so I couldn't learn to like it, I don't know.


It's something new, and in bioware terms that means "stolen just recently".

Fetishes sexualize the asexual. There is nothing to understand.

I'm any one of your bogymen. Just don't like you very much. Stay mad acidcuck.


Oh look, a normalfag. It's time for you to leave!

Right. You're a bioware employee tasked with chan duty. You're obviously running from a script.

Could someone explain that third picture to me? I keep seeing it posted by anti-GG shills.


Libertarianism isn't a useful descriptor. Hoppe would be considered a nationalist in today's political language. Also, he did nothing wrong.


Or aliens in general

Ask and you shall recieve.
There are almost none with that, but a bunch with Wrex for some reason.

There's another Very Boring Reason; if you want it to look convincing it's a total fucking resource hog, because you have to do the collision detection and whatnot. The tomb raider reboot had the option top turn it on, and that was for a short-ish ponytail. The peasants couldn't handle it and even many pcs couldn't.

Plus, it's lower maintenance, useful when you're in bumfuck nowhere colonising. There's a reason armies insist you have short hair (as a man anyway)

You are a true gentlemen

Da fuck?

The original Mass Effect games had helmet hair. It was blatantly obvious in 3 and they didn't patch the bug out.

Libertarianism just means small government. How small the government should be, differs from one subgroup to another(paleo-conservatives, minarchists, anarcho-capitalists for no government). Most of them also subscribe to the notion of free market capitalism and Austrian Economics, unlike say anarcho-communists/syndicalits. There are also left-leaning libertarians(the dude weed lmao crowd that thinks everybody is equal and that there should be free healthcare,education and weed) and right-leaning libertarians such as Hoppe(just want to be left alone by the government in my community with people who have the same culture and race as I have). When I said that libertarianism is right-wing I was just responding to his shiposting with more shitposting.

Vivian was primarily made when we donated money to a vidya maker that wanted to create a videogame idea made by a woman, as a demonstration of inclusivity and progressiveness bullshit. Zoey Quinn, aka Chelsea Manning, aka BDP bitch, decided to fuck them over and we did it to piss her off and make Holla Forums look good as a result. The pic implies Holla Forums did it for the jews and sjws.

aliens and monsters fall under the furry genre yes.


First spore, then starbound, then kerbal space program, then no man's sky and now this garbage. When it will fucking end already? Maybe that's why humanity can't into space, because of corruption and liberal jewery?!

Oh wait, there's more shit to come, fucking Star citizen…

Wait no, fuck, mixed the last name up. Vanvalkenberg. Something jewish. Too much news lately.


Chelsea Manning aka Bradley Manning was the guy who blew the whistle on some military shit and got jailed for it. Then in prison became a tranny

i'd rather play old elite than this shit.
Its a game on one good playthrough. After beating dominators its boring to repeat it again.
It was mediocre as fuck, and much worse than the first.

Yeah, even though they aren't allowed to leave Tuchanka…

EvE stopped being fun five years ago faggot.

This makes even less sense. Since arks apparently left in between 2 and 3, their Genophage hasn't been cured, which means there is essentially no point in bringing any Krogans at all.


I can't remember did the genophage make 1 in 1000 females fertile or make 1 in 1000 babies survive gestation? Whatever the case they could still either bring a very fertile femlae or bring one female and fuck her constantly. It doesn't make sense for a Krogan, let alone a female Krogan to be a ship engineer.

The latter.

The problem is that even Bioware never knew what the genophage does.
In Mass Effect 2 they say it simply increases the chance for miscariage, which would mean everybody is technically still fertile, in ME3 they imply the majority of the population is sterilized.

Or do the sensible thing even we could do with our 20th century technology and do in vitro fertilization. They could easily populate an entire planet by just bringing a crate of frozen eggs with them.


This seems like a fan-trailer, or a b-action movie which it pretty much is
I hope it gets worse.

>no countries means no nations except for Coudenhove-Kalergi's (((spiritual master race)))

How are these mental gymnastics working out for you Holla Forums ?

That's where you are wrong Schlomo. There is no such thing as a freedom of travel as it violates property rights. You can pass through private/public property only with the consent of the owner, otherwise it's considered trespassing which also violates the NAP. Walls are as libertarian as guns are.

Ass Effect Androgynous?

Yeah the world is in a terribly good condition with all these usefull idiot libtards and commies around.

>>>Holla Forums

What are the chances it won't? This is BioWare, the game is chock full of pozz, they've just learned enough to know not to display it so brazenly in the open and scare sane humans away.

The game will still bomb.

They didn't even try to make 1 attractive female character.

I think the least disgusting creature in that trailer was the female turian.

The entire marketing strategy seems to be
name recognition and nothing else.

I guess the people of the future forgot about eugenics.

At least we now know it's completely on purpose.

They sure as fuck aren't gonna sell it on the quality of the game. Inquisition was a single player MMO with the most embarrassing writing in any game to date.


even today its miles better than turdromeda



New dykes will be added as DLCs.

I think this one has potential for r34.



So progressive Bioware

Archon just means "leader" in Greek.

They've shown some gameplay, but I don't care enough to go find it. It was from the same trailer that gave us that awful gun-grabbing animation.



I agree






You're a flexible guy.

revolt pls go and stay go

4 ю



Why does BioWare keep making bipedal aliens?
They always have two nose holes, one mouth, 2 eyes.

Goddamn BioWare, get fucking creative and stop making generic women in constumes!

Engine limitations. Also, they're lazy hacks.

So they can use the same skeleton model for each one, which lets them reuse animations.


How quick will he scream racism on day one? hours after release?


He's been screaming MUH RAYCISM for years, I fail to see why the game getting released would change anything


what are you, some sort of communist?

What I'm wondering is why his twitter hasn't been filled with poo and/or loo memes yet.

The game will bomb harder then Inquisition, Bioware will be dismantled to the point anyone with any connection will not beable to find work anywhere.

Manveer will literally join the Indie dev nobodies with his deep games made with game maker free.

It's a constant stream of his shit opinions.

yea, no wonder Garrus can't get it up

Why would he get blacklisted? He's said he has the approval of Aaryn Flynn, Bioware's general manager, to post anti-white shit on Twitter. EA might tell him to tone it down shortly before the game's launch so it doesn't hurt pre-orders and sales, but he's not going anywhere. Also, Bioware employs only blue-haired SJWs straight out of college because they'll work for peanuts. They'll work for peanuts because Bioware has successfully sold the image to them that the company is a safe space for people like that.

EA also keeps him employed because he lets them execute Operation Hide Behind the Gays for all of their games, which lets them deflect all criticism because they """care""" about LGBLTBBQHAMONRYE.

You do realize you have to pay him for looking at that meme, right? Don't violate the NAP.

It depends on how hard the game will flop, even Heir has to hide behind the dollar eventually.

curry niggers confirmed for aliums

Remember to dismiss.

The sad thing is the plot seems decently simple enough to not possibly fuck up. An entire population you're in charge of desperately needs a home and your job is to make sure they get what they need as an small intergalactic team with expanded romance options. Easy enough set of concepts to center around and real nail down before polish, right?

So what's with the fucking angel? Looks cool I'll admit, but even if BioWare weren't full of retards nowadays, nothing else looks interesting. Music wasn't even memorable. Also, I have no doubt that shit will be paralleled with mudslimes, which will at least help slam it.

She's a bit manly, but it's fitting for a soldier.

It's not simple at all. The main conflict we know so far is about humanity reaching another galaxy. How do you separate that from the everyday scifi alien encounters?

What I fear is that they did take the easy route with this new species and turn it into simple "save the world" scenario again.

post the rest

Bioshill, just fuck off.

The funeral one?

Congrats biodrone, your fears have been fully realized. There is not a single creative enough person left at bioware to do anything else but an shittier rehash of ME1 with this game.

I don't have enough disgust reaction images for this.


I have my doubts BioWare was ever creative.

Even during their "golden age" they produced nothing but derivative trash. KOTOR is the prime example. They were given pretty much a blank paper to do anything they wanted with the setting, it being so far removed from any other Star Wars story by being set far back in the past, and what did they shit out?

Republic against Sith, Sith having Star Destroyer, TIE Fighter and Stormtrooper lookalikes, your PC getting his hands on the not-Millennium Falcon, featuring a droid duo that do fuckall but exist for the fanservice and you being the most special Mary Sue snowflake in a franchise full of Mary Sues.

It was pathetic to see, and the gameplay was complete trash as well.



You remember that Sonic RPG as well?

The ships being called Arks is a misnomer ever since they changed the plot. The Andromeda Initiative is just exploratory now. It's no longer a last-ditch effort by Milky Way species to escape the Reapers by pooling resources together so they can reach another galaxy. I expect they'll try to save face and insist there was no rewrite despite the ships still being called Arks by saying people standing in the shadows at the highest echelons of the project know about the Reapers, but how bold would those people have to be and how stupid would common people in the Initiative have to be to not think there's something fishy about the Biblical reference of the Ark? Bioware-stupid, that's how stupid

Don't forget that these arks are still under construction by the time they arrive in Andromeda and somehow these structures can absorb the huge amount of energy that is accumulated during FTL.
It doesn't make any sense.

I am honestly waiting for some shitty twist about the nature of the Andromeda Initiative. There's also apparently an AI that is connected to cybernetics of the pioneers.

Not to mention, where the fuck did they get FTL that can jump without Relays?

They use what's called the ODSY Drive System which reroutes the static byproduct of FTL drives and sends it back to the engine as power. Additionally, the system uses a ram-scoop that picks up hydrogen along the way and turns it into fuel. This all conveniently hand-waves the traditional limitations of FTL drives and thus trivializing the significance of the mass relays and making the advanced technology of the Reapers look not nearly as advanced anymore. One of the most critical elements of the setting is that the mortal species' FTL technology is beyond primitive compared to the Reapers'. It's why everyone is so fucked when the Reapers show up at the end of a cycle and turn off all the relays. Now that's barely an issue.

Don't forget that the whole Andromeda Initiative doesn't fit into the lore of the original games beyond just hand-waving FTL limitations. It's also an enormous, multi-species project requiring exorbitant funding, and the Initiative recruits publicly, so why the fuck wasn't it mentioned at all in the original trilogy, even if in an off-handed way? Also, you'd think that Cerberus, which by the time of ME3 has a navy that can rival the Alliance's, would've used its spies, which are apparently everywhere, to steal the ODSY Drive System for itself and put it in, oh I don't know, the Normandy SR-2. That doesn't happen, though, because ME:A is a total ass-pull and only works because of savage lore-rape.

They don't even address the heat byproduct of FTL drives, which is just as dangerous as static, because if the engine overheats it explodes. It's part of the reason the SR-2 has huge heatsinks built into it, so it can use its own FTL for longer than other ships of comparable size. It also lets it evade detection through thermal imaging during ship-to-ship combat.

Bet you five bucks Cerberus is already in the new galaxy being evil, racist shitlords.

This is not porn, this is too sentimental!

That makes you better than 79% of the posters here, and you make the board better for doing this. Sincerely, thank you.

Any actual evidence of this? Curry looks like a total pussy, I'd be genuinely surprised if he managed to 'knuck up' anybody without some sort of handicap. Was the person in a wheelchair with two arms tied behind his back?

Or he simply suckerpunched a white dude from behind to show his support of BLM.

That's a possibility. Lefties are getting more and more violent as the days go on, can't wait until everyone else starts fighting back.

Why fight back? Just call the cops on them, they've been itching for some payback for more than a decade.




Jesus fucking Christ, she looks manlier than the twink protagonist.


I learned the other day that both the new mako and the ship (a redesign of the Normandy because it was too hard to come up with something original) have no weapons. Literally "muh peaceful refugees".

Yeah I think Smudboy made a video about that. It's really sad that they decided to take a yuge dump on the established lore. They really don't give a fuck about the IP.

It looks good on young Aryan men and no one else.

Anyways, I figure I might as well bring it up but ME2 is free on origin and you can pirate the DLC easily if anyone cares.

There's Galactic Junk League. F2P, no real pay2win options, they're listening to fans for balance, it's pretty fun, allows for autistic ship building.

I know, man, fucking weebs!

The facial expressions seem as limited as SH Downpour, if anything it seems worse compared to Halo 3 or even Shenmue on Dreamcast.

Also, can someone explain to me why they've only showed off real gameplay once? Why are they showing more story cutscenes instead of the game which you'll spend more than 50% of playtime with? They arent even advertising it much for a game so close to release.

Every single detail from this game is mind numbingly stupid.

apparently she's the illusive man's daughter

I wouldn't mind a sci-fi setting featuring Battletech like Elemental females you could make submit to your dick.

I really have to wonder if the reason for that is them being too inept to code it into the game.

And by now it's kind of embarrassing that no ME game actually features space combat.

Obviously because they're so confident in the gameplay they believe there is no need for more details.

I take it back, that's a fucking dude wearing a padded bra.

Let me in that bed, i'm disgusted too.

Why the fuck is Gabriel Tosh in nu-Mass Effect?


All modern versions of conservatism, including fascism and national socialism, also derive from Liberalism

Not even close to how NAP works, even from a shitposting pov. Also "intellectual property" isn't a natural right.

At least african american on the right has a nice beard.

are you sure about that?
Maybe Ass Erect Androgyna will be more of an "experience" and less "gamey"? Maybe we'll even get the button to skip gameplay, like Hamburger Hepler once envisioned?

Imagine: one button to skip gameplay, another one to skip cutscenes. Sounds like the perfect modern Bioware game to me


Just imagine the speedruns

Cisquisition had a FtM tranny, I bet that this character is trans.

I don't see why space combat should be a thing in a ME game, to me it would be out of place just like the batmobile in Arkham games.

Don't you want to join the police in brutalizing our mutual enemy?

This has to stop.

They're showing as little as possible of the actual game because every time they do all of the hilarious issues come to light. The fucked animation, the shit faces, the bad writing, the empty open world, literally everything in the game is sub-par and unlike other studios they can't even dress up the shit bits with the good bits in advertising. Remember the last E3 demo? People were making fun of everything, from the nonsensical writing, to the fugly characters, to the stink of stronk womyn, to the disarm animation and so on.

They rolled out the 'we're still polishing it up!' excuse, but they put their best foot forward on that one and it was still hilariously awful. I cannot wait for the full release, it will be absolutely delicious.



They said that the loyalty missions will have no impact on the main story so they're getting closer to her dream.

I wouldn't mind having something like Star Trek Online but less boring.

Sucks to be you, that shit is my fetish

Given biowares track record they wouldn't be able to pull any of that off and implement it a way that is actually fun.

It's hard to get a job in the game industry being a programmer and all, but fucks like this can say stupid shit and still find work.
God so help me if I see anyone purchasing this shit when it comes out, I'm going to to pull aside the nearest pen and carefully debate their current decision without violent action

I really hate that hairstyle. Seems every SJW female these days is using it. I like long hair, damn it.

Wait, wait, wait, is one of the characters a tranfreak or something? I mean hi/v/emind be damned but that doesn't look nearly as bad as I'd expected a post cisquinsition game to look.

lol what the fuck is that seriously.

You're better than 70% of the posters and make the board better. Sincerely, I thank you, and hope you continue.

I played 80 hours of Inquisition. Because I had to know if it was shit and after every quest, after all that walking around I had my answer. It was.

That was the point where I'm gonna judge something before I waste my time like that again.

So you need to eat shit so you can know it's shit. Yeah, naw.

Fucking hell user. I gave it maybe three hours and I'm convinced that was two hours too long.

I have copyrighted "Natural Rights." Gibs shekel or my child sex slaves will murder your family.

Good to see Bioshit still couldn't model an attractive female if their lives depended on it.

You're part of the problem, and your analogy is flawed.

I wonder sometimes if they just call certain characters trans because they fuck up the female model so much.


I like short hair and I can't stand it. There's a difference between short hair and these disgusting half buzz cuts on hipsters. They're trying to have a male haircut and a female haircut at the same time as some shitty statement.

To me sounds like you're fucking retarded if you have to play cisquistion to know it's shit, considering I played the fuck out of origins and went halfway on 2, I didn't even need to touch the 3 one to know it was shit.

We live in the age of information, you can look at gameplay videos, go to sites where people who played the game post on and see every feature the game has to offer before even downloading and if you actually have to play a game to know it's shit after all the information you need is right on your fingertips then maybe you are the problem.

This, exactly.

Do you have to play it to know? Not necessarily for the reasons you stated, but having that first hand experience, you know, like the creators of all that information you mentioned have, gives a better understanding of a game's flaws and triumphs than watching any video or parroting anyone else's opinions.

Listen, firsthand experience is the only experience worth a damn but 80 hours? Damn, son.

I know, that's dedication beyond what I can give anymore, and I don't think he should've done it. I appreciate him going through it though, for what little that's worth.

I miss Team Silent
they were fucking wizards


I killed 60 hours easy on Rance 6 this past month, and it's not even my first time playing it. I consider that dedication.

Playing something not only poz loaded but also bland and boring as DAI for 80 hours on the what, hope that they saved the fun mechanics for the finale? I applaud the whole trust but verify mindset but I wouldn't call what he did dedication. Autism or masochism more likely.

Both. I knew I should have quit around 20 hours when they introduced the tranny and rewrote to fricking Qun to include it. But I needed to see the end, I needed to know how bad it was. And yes, it was pretty bad.

I recognize that shepard.

I've played, what, 24 hours and deleted it. The really amazing thing is that I deleted it because I was bored of it.

In those twenty four hours, I restarted twice; as a mage and rogue. It was just empty. Looking at this new Mass Effect it's look exactly the same as DAI; Shallow, boring little game that will waste your time.

I'm not as smug as I could or should be.

It was around 75 hours for me. The game is unnecessary long, and most of the time was spent slowly jogging through empty deserts.

Exactly. That part was just empty space.

a kike

I guarantee this is a bioware writer's self-insert mary-sue fursona

It just fucking reeks of female fedora

Well honestl it's you're fault for "Underestimating" Bioware
Bioware will beat anyone in making the worst game possible that still gets GOTY Awards

And has religious connotations in English, the language this game is written in.

Nevermind the religious iconography / symbolism in the video. I'm going to guess the writers have attempted some sort of allegory for the muslim invasion of europe depicting these religious archons as as a stagnant, corrupt, society led by a tyrant. The game will consist of overthrowing the tyrant (with the help of some traitorous aliens) to open the door to diversity / refugees from our galaxy.

The lesson/agenda that will be pounded into your head is that refugees are a good thing, and not allowing refugees to invade and displace your people makes you badwrongevil. Badwrongevil will of course be depicted with the most extreme of caricatures and strawmen.

There is no writing talent left at Bioware, this is a game made by and for SJW's.

SJW's will not actually buy or play this game of course, because they are mostly women and minorities and don't play videogames. But they'll sure tweet about how fantastic it is.

The game will be yet another dismal monetary failure and may be the very last game Bioware makes.

Don't worry goyim you can change Shepard to be a Transgender of Colour if you wish

Mark went down to that webcam?
Holy shit, he did something good as BO for a change

It's Mark

Could be as simple as "religious redneck right wing christians I mean aliens"

The people we're talking about have very little grasp of nuance or subtlety

Depends, let's take 40k as an Example, Eldar ain't furry but just cocksleave elves in space, Orks are Orks, Tyranid don't have Fur, Tau are gay commies, so if the Space Wolves and in particular the Wolfen count as Ayyluims or Monsters then they are Furries same with Gors

Bioware took rehashed drivel and made some interesting stories with it. The thing about following a trope is that you can upset the trope and it comes across as a refreshing change of pace - unexpected and interesting. Bioware's games have always been formulaic, but they manage to make something out of the details.

Somewhere along the line (I think around Mass Effect 1 / Dragon Age: Origins) this stopped being the case. Now they basically just do formulaic drivel without challenging any tropes/stereotypes or presenting any philosophies that get the player to actually think about what is happening.

Literally pic related

This why Holla Forums is shit.

Care to summarize? I saw some stupid-looking shit in the Holla Forums streams, but got no real sense of the story. I'm guessing there was a final ME3-tier "choice", at least.

I liked both Spore and NMS even if they didn't live up to their potentials. They tried something new at least, that's the one thing missing from AAA games besides trying to make them distinct as games, innovation is underrated.

Where's the picture and music from in that comfy .webm?

So what were they trying to do with this trailer exactly? Were they trying to show anything off particularly? was it supposed to look cool and get normalfags preordering?

They want the Jew Jew Abrams audience.

Honestly, that's all I could think of when I watched this. I genuinely thought "this looks almost exactly like that new Star Trek trailer."

Here's to hoping they don't succeed.

Wish I knew, a reverse search showed someone dumped a few more here: and music webm 93/BdymLOq/41#41

reskinned DAI in space, it will surely make money just from the name alone, DA did not have such great name behind it

Thanks for the link, user.
I love those "contemplative gondola" videos. A shame I can so rarely identify the art and/or music used in them.
Let's see if anyone can identify the song in this one. Just to stay on topic. ;^)

lel what, that looks awful, this is supposed to be video games not movies


At least it makes it easier to identify them so they can be avoided.
Or trigger them if you're feeling frisky.

what went wrong with KSP again?

Go watch Smudboy if you really want to know, but I'll try my best here.

And I just realized how much time this would take, and how much I've forgotten. One thing I will say pisses me off are the pseudo origins that come with picking race and class. I would've loved to have seen the Conclave from multiple perspectives, each one granting different hints and perspective toward the conflict, story, and the players involved. But who cares about that, you've got holes to close and holes to plug.

Don't know about the picture, but the song is called "Child of Cimmeria," by the Finnish metal band Kiuas.

The background is from SNK vs. Capcom: SVC Chaos.

Thank you anons. Have some lewds as a sign of gratitude.

I appreciate them, but you should've known better.

Try this one.

It looks like that space dyke has a 2nd chin at that angle

Sadly this is true.

It's porn with feelings, which is the second best kind of porn.

What's the best kind?

w i d e
