">giving GW money" Edition
Any of those anons still around from when broanon gave away all those copies? I'm currently on a 40k fix and am willing to help people get their armies set up and teach the game and shit.
">giving GW money" Edition
Any of those anons still around from when broanon gave away all those copies? I'm currently on a 40k fix and am willing to help people get their armies set up and teach the game and shit.
Other urls found in this thread:
That IS the name.
Any /tg/ groups looking for a player for 3.5e DnD or a PnP rpg and are willing to teach me how to play DnD?
Which is the latest version of it?
money well spent
Is there a better version. I hear thats the best.
Are you functionally retarded?
v8.5 Hotfix 2
It really is and good luck
5th is okay. Streamlined but not as fun to create stupid combos with metamagic and locate city-tier shennanigans.
Also, nigga, you could play dnd on Holla Forums if you seriously wanted to.
I'd actually suggest 2e but I know how much kids these days get triggered by thac0 and thinking.
2e has a lot of positives going for it. THAC0 isn't one of them. It's a bad system that's way more obtuse than it needs to be.
Get X-wing from the workshop
Are there only models for 40K? I want to play Fantasy Battle
If you want to stay D20, get Fantasy Craft instead. Or Pathfinder if you really need something closer to that version. If the latter, at least allow Tome of Battle, Sphere of Power and Psionics
Fuck off reddit
I tried this but man is this fucking confusion. The controls are horribly un-intuitive.
Any advice or shortcuts? I just want to save a fleet, then plop it down. Pulling things out of those little pouches is annoying af
any (((reason))) to not buy this game?
because i've been eyeballing so i can play with a friend and right now it's on sale
Just that its a finicky program. I feel more like i have to have autism level of control and precision to play anything accurately. Also dicking with hidden player boxes and other things can be pretty annoying at times.
One of my nigger friends got me and a bunch of his faggot friends to buy Tabletop Simulator but turns out he's a whiny faggot that never wants to organize a game so now I need to find people who actually want to play the game.
da joos.
You could always attempt to host a game here, I'd be up for some board games.
the problem is would anyone else be
One of my friends bought one of the DLC's for the game, it was the Darkest Night. Shit was pretty fun. I don't like that some of the games are sold as DLC, but I guess that's how they avoid copyright issues.
i meant a reason like shitty developers
like Vlambeer, for example, good games but i won't be giving a single cent to them
Because VASSAL does the same thing for 2d games and is free. gratis and libre
where is it on sale?
oh nevermind found it on humble store
So when can we properly pirate this?
I doubt I'll see any lotr sbg fags on here.
But Isengard is the best force.
Main problem with pirating it is the fact it's a multiplayer Steam game. Pretty sure it's going to be useless when pirated.
But I like painting and converting the miniatures.
I have a copy of some game that some based user from /tg/ described as "Tabletop Monster Hunter" (Nognoth). It comes with instructions to set up on tabletop simulator, naturally. If any are interested I'll upload on vola.
You should literally learn to 3d model
This guy makes amazing tabletop stuff (and then 3d prints it), you may need to mute some of his videos though
Anyone ever find the files for Illuminati: NWO?
Dude, throw it up. I'm super interested.
BSP is a superior system to be honest.