I don't usually like to rub in people faces but….
Ace Combat 7 PC and Xbone version confirmed
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we already have an ace combat thread up, read the damn catalog
So, texture mods to add decals to your planes incoming?
Ni No Kuni 2 as well, I guess Bamco's also making a move on PC and multiplats?
Now all we need is Koei Temco to for Ninja Gaiden and I'm set.
Too bad it's gonna have Denuvo meaning I'll have to wait till it gets cracked before I'll play it.
When is this game coming out, again?
I wanna buy it as a birthday president for a girl I know and I need to know if it comes out before her birthday.
He'll take great care of her user.
No release date yet
You could always buy it and crack it later
We all know Denuvo isn't shit and the only reason it takes so long for the cracks is due to them paying cracker to avoid said games making CPY the only regular Warez scene group to actually focus on it besides the some one/two time offshot groups.
But I don't think they've announced a release date yet.
Also, why are you getting a girl video games? Buy her nice chocolates or something.
Nope, I can't support any game with Denuvo no matter how much I like the series and want PC ports to continue.
She's into vidya, actually.
She really likes machines, she only plays games like Armored Core and World of Tanks. I feel she'd really like Ace Combat.
I bought a PS4 because it has games and is cheap. Build me a 300 euro gaming PC you stupid fuck. And Steam doesn't have enough weebshit.
Christ I used to be a PC gamer in the nineties and I don't remember being an insufferable cunt. Looking at PC community now it's either fags who see games as tech demos for their jewVidia cards or people who just play MOBA all day. No wonder the games industry going to hell.
Does she browse /k/?
Does she draw?
You know a wo/m/an?
Cry more you little bitch
Holy fuck, my sides it keeps getting better
I know she used 4chan, don't know what boards and I'm not sure if she still does.
She draws a bit, not much though. Mostly simple doodles of robots.
She probably went to /m/, yeah.
I'm not gonna fuck her, she's a great friend but she's seriously not my type and I'm not hers.
So is she post-op or is she still on the Spiro?
Two realistic answers.
It was either
Does her art look anything like this?
I'm not supporting Denuvo.
You do know Steam isn't the only place to get games right?
Use your current PSU, RAM, OS, and HDD. You fucking mongrel.
Oh, not at all.
She's nowhere near that good and she never really draws anything other than little robots.
Neither, she's an actual woman. She doesn't come here, though
Fug, it has Denuvo?
Gotta source for that?
Its published by Bamco
You aren't supporting Denuvo by buying a game. You support Denuvo by pirating, though.
They haven't officially stated it but; every Bamco game since God Eater that got a PC port had it and when they announced that the recent Tales game would have it they stated that Denuvo was "necessary" in order to bring it to the PC.
Sorry to sperg out, but for a better path upgrade is absolutely better the new g4560 made by intel if you want to go dirty cheap
Does she at least draw lewd robots?
Probably. I've never seen any that were made with the intent to provocative if she did draw some, I highly doubt she'd ever show me or anybody else. She's not a sexually open person.
Took them look enough, I've been sick of consoleshitters for the longest time.
Giving publishers money so they can fund anti-consumer practices instead of polishing the game is supporting Denuvo.
Publishers get no money, Denuvo becomes an extremely big waste of money and time.
But there is enough stupid goys that will support Denuvo cancer, so it doesn't really matter if I don't buy the game or not.
Denuvo means you can't even mod it unless it's cracked.
Some Denuvo games let you mod, it depends on how fucking jewish the publisher is and Bamco is rivals Capcom in Kikeism
Ok, but that doesn't change the fact that more and more intrusive copy protection systems are going to be introduced as long as piracy continues.
Prove it.
And they'll never stop piracy if they continue to make intrusive copy protection. Hell, they'll never stop piracy in general which is why they need to learn to make products worth buying instead of trying to fuck over consumers.
Don't want to rub it in your face…
Prove it.
it's not like PS VR for Ace Combat wasn't just glorified mouse look to begin with, someone will manage to get VR working on PC Ace Combat easily just by binding the free look in-game to a headset.
Is Ace Combat save again?
Are you fucking serious?
Copy protection exists because piracy exists, the only way to fight copy protection is to not pirate games. Pirating a game justifies it's copy protection, breaking a game's copy protection justifies more extreme copy protection in the future.
Dear God, when they will learn…
Time to stop posting
t. Denuvo Sony kike
Have you even played VR m8? Or are only listen and believe. I have VR and spend so much time on RIGS (inb4 die faggot for your shit taste). I don't have any problems (only with matchmaking; so few people there), nor the graphics are bad, as some retards claim. It is awesome and after playing on VR (like battlezone), I think that this is real future of vidya. Not some moba shit. Not mobile trash or some hybrid handhelds, but VR. But hey! Don't believe me. Try PSVR for yourself (watching jewtube dosen't count, but most people here only judge games on jewtube videos now; they don't even touch games they consider garbage).
Supporting Ace Combat on PC (and in general) means a fuckload more to me than making a negative statement about Denuvo via my wallet, which publishers are too dense to understand anyway. To each his own. It's been ten fucking years since the last real Ace Combat game. I don't want to wait ten more years for the next one.
Heres your reply
Go home, Justin Castro
That's what you get for being too jewish.
Thanks for remind me of the incoming Idols Skins
Now give me the PC version so I can go back to ignoring the shit consoles.
Who are you fucking quoting?
Yeah, I like to uncuck my copies
Imagine the mods, holy shit it can become even more amazing if the right people get working.
Finally some use for my Xbone.
Holy shit user, i can smell the jealousy through your post.
Also was that Paul Eiding at 0:39?
Oh hey is this the first time the setting has officially been called "Strangereal"?
fuck it
i just bought a RX 480 NITRO+ 4gb
im getting the pc edition
Where did everything go so RIGHT?
At least expect free [email protected]/* */ airplane skins.
Yeah boi!
Call me when those jets learn how to transform into battroids
>post low yield bait
Nope. The trend dates back to the PS2 days IIRC, the fanbase took "a strange reality" from a trailer and dubbed the world Strangereal, and afterwards it was officially adopted as the name of the setting.
You can already play Armored Core all the way up to Last Raven on PC.
denuvo with the large chance of namco restricting mods
Are those some of them Otaku murderers I've heard so much about?
Its Idolmaster
They're all worst girls
Then we just wait til the game gets cracked. If everything else is good, then Ace Combat 7 will be the first game actually good that has denuvo.
shut the fuck up do you think you're fucking cheeky smug cunt? you're probably a 500+ ton neckbeard virgin who still jacks off to blue hair SJWs fucking niggers :)))))))))
Chihaya best girl though, relatively.
Say no more, fam.
Where have you been nigga?