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I wish the first game wasn't such shit
Denuvo guaranteed
Weebshit finally getting consistent PC releases just in time for Denuvo cancer to become the standard.
it's the only way to get meaningful sales on the platform
looks fun
Nice try, shlomo
Wow that's the quickest I've ever lost interest in a game.
well you could become a meme like undertale, that usually boosts sales. That's mostly luck though.
This way if you want to play the game, you must buy it in the first few months, where most of the sales happen. This will make Holla Forums say the game is shit, because they don't buy games, but when a crack comes out there will be threads on it, absolutely.
it's too bad that the average pirate is not an intellectual, which is why denuvo works so well in the first place, and how it's getting more early sales
I question whether the extra early sales from having denuvo outweigh the cost of having it
Where's muh Vanquish damnit
Wasn't the first game boring as shit?
No, it was a heart warming easy grindfest.
I really hope it's not shitty as the ps3 one.
Also any of my jap bros played the DS version? I emulated and it's quite fun, but having to have the literal book with you to draw out the runes on the touch screen is a pain.
Doesn't sound very good. Was the combat at least fun or was it just standard turn based JRPG?
I don't know why I saged the first post
yeah, it was pretty bland.
it's mostly slavs and chinese. They're probably the most fanatical types I've seen around.
combat was pretty awkward, never really became difficult or interesting, it wasn't standard jrpg combat. Hard to describe but free movement, magic, sorta pokemonish kinda shit going on.
there's also children in general who think they can get free games all the time but when something is not available they cry for fucking hours at their parents to get it for them
I was a victim to this, though he was my brother and my dad forced me to buy it out of my money
the little shit got his steam account banned and acted like he didnt care and never tried to revert it
I remember seeing the trailer for this one a long time ago and thinking "yeah I want to play this".
You ain't getting more sales out of pirates regardless of how long it takes to crack a denuvo game.
People aren't in a rush to play singleplayer games. The only true block is the always online games.
He shoud have said it was a reddit meme
Maybe the AI will be bettwr
Actually that's a pretty good idea, there's a chance the normalfags could google for ree and end up here or cuckchan.
Is that actually Mark? Did he get even fatter?
I never did finish the first one.
It looked nice, but the gameplaywise it was a bit eh.
you know Holla Forums doesn't show up on google right?
wew lads
porn when?
Combat was you an 2 AI teammates.
I use the word "AI" in the loosest possible definition.
Give a team mate a heal spell? They'll auto cast that thing every seconds your health isnt at 100%. If they have a more expensive heal spell they'll use that instead.
Plot was traditional jRPG tier trash.
The only thing redeeming about the first game was the art style. "wow it looks like a Ghibli movie!" was all you could praise the game about.
Of course people like Ghibli movies because of the plot and direction and pacing and stuff like that. Which is why you're better off just watching Spirited Away or Mononoke instead of playing this garabagio cash in.
Where's Shia fucked off to anyway?
He got arrested for beating one of our guys which at that point had dindu nuffin
Oh shit, that guy on Holla Forums? I remember seeing that, didn't hear about him being arrested though.
It's the dawn of a glorious new age, where insane leftists get what they deserve and the national guard is gonna roll into Chicago to pacify the niggers.
Yup. Someone filmed Shia giving an user a one two, a cop user on the scene told him he could press charges for assault and he said he'll do it.
There's like a dozen Holla Forumsacks fucking around, it can get fucking hilarious if you can stand the mindless chanting.
Ace Combat 7 has already been announced for PC. I think that was just announced earlier today. I'll make a thread if there isn't one.
Already a thread up
The year is off to a good start. Now only for Nioh to become multiplat and we're golden.
I know, I was laughing my ass off as I made the thread.
Feels good to be right.
Thanks for the heads up though
I'm pretty damn happy AC7 won't be stuck on that piece of shit console like AC6 is on the 360.
That's a man baby!
Nioh isn't getting ported to PC. Sony is publishing it out of Japan, and treating it like a first-party release.
nope not reading that shit
Yes, and they did it to publish it on all regions at the same time.
Its meaningless, Sony is still treating Nier Automata as an exclusive.
It's really not meaningless. I'd love it on PC too but it's not happening.
It never is, until it does
Sure m8, along with bloodborne
I remember sonycucks saying the exact same thing about Dark Souls.
Dark Souls was a third party game that was also on the 360. Bloodborne is a console exclusive, published by Sony to boot. There's a huge difference, don't be dense.
It was pretty much Quest 64 with party members.
holly shit this is a new low for mark & remember he ate the whole thing
i liked the original
And demon souls
What the fuck did you expect him to do? Answer "It's an epic meme from a marvelous place called Holla Forums full of loving people that you should totally go to"?
No, Mr Nigger, I expect him to die
Bloodborne was directly funded and published by Sony.
Nioh was funded by Koei and is being published by Sony outside Japan to release it on the same timeframe on all regions to coincide with all the marketing provided by Sony **which funnily enough Nier is also enjoying with a confirmed PC release.
Koei still wants all the profits from the Japenese release where they think it will sell better.
They haven't given the project to Sony, its meaningless.
Just watch it happen