Daily Reminder that he did nothing wrong

Daily Reminder that he did nothing wrong.

Daily Reminder this is the type of nuflick that people who watch capeshit and star wars think is art, let alone good.

Is black Phillip the archetypal Jew?

clever girl

He helped make a shitty flick, and then he helped you make a shitty template thread.

how did they get away with this?

daily reminder people who hate kino like the witch are the same retards who will tell you 80s action movies like The Thing is the best horror kino of all time. Its called having an attention span of more than 3 seconds

Oh please, you're probably the sort of cunt that would call something kino just for being made in a language you can't speak.

The 80s flicks this board pines over are trash just like the VVitch

You don't deserve those double dubs.
So what'd you think of Jlaw's Mother! ?