Maybe I need to find a new hobby.
Videogames are now so cucked that villains are now sensible people I can relate to
There is no way you have played even 10% of the worthwhile games that are in existence. Stop fawning over AAA shit, but more importantly, stop trying to make thinly veiled Holla Forums threads.
I think a lot of writers try to do the "Villain with good motives" cliche to make them seem more complex, and in the end just make them more likable
Ebin post
I just want to be the by-the-book classic Dredd officer of the law who arrests career criminals, terrorists, and mistaken old ladies alike.
dubs thread
now check these
This is why you didn't get dubs, faggot.
Don't worry, soon you'll get to be a real life Dredd officer.
If this place offends you, you have the right to leave. The earth. By ending your life. Please.PLEASE
Trying too hard to fit in there, laddie.
The best villains are always the ones who are right. Fuck you op.
check em
This isn't your blog
I want more game where you play as the villain. They're not enough of them.
At least try to hide your asshurt.
Holy shit did you just play video games?
Have you ever played a table top game or read books?
Holla Forums here
Cuckchan is flooding, bully these fuckers.
I know it's more the exception than the rule, since it's meant to be an extreme parody of life under leftist rule and not a realistic scenario. Which just makes it worse at how much the fictional America in the book resembles actual America.
Don't get sucked in by pretty words faggot; that's how they indoctrinate retards like you.
Here's a villain you can relate to, faggot.
Maybe you should OP, maybe you should.
Yeah, what else is new?
nigga what relevancy does your board have
ain't it one of the biggest board on h8chan?
All sociopath faggots will hang.
Gee, I wonder.
never change Holla Forums.
Even Ayn Rand couldn't predict how evil and stupid commies would turn into. Soros and his Anifa makes Rand villains look like Boy Scouts.
DotA 2 is the last stand of implicit white gaming.
It's the only board.
On the other side of the fence, Bioshock is retarded.
You say that like you go to halfchan for everything else.
! ! !
Would you happen to know the artist(s) who do these? They look cool as hell.
I canpretend to represent whatever I want, fuck you.
Check the booru faggot
Nevermind, I mixed it up
Found his Pixiv though
What games?
Why is Bioshock retarded?
Because libertarianism is literally nothing but leftism without balls (for reference, marxism is leftism with balls, because at least then they’re not passive aggressive about their genocide).
The first thing he did wrong as not sucking Guts' dick.
Shit story, shit gameplay, and racist sky city in Infinite. The series is shit.
Found the antifa :^)
Play Wolfenstein the New Order.
Are you retarded?
Still waiting on the Holla Forums doomsday bunker of curated roms and emulators all the way up to the PS2/Gamecube era. I wonder if it'll fit on a 1TB HDD.
China already has one.
Is striped shirt guy from Hong Kong? I thought mainlanders were all apathetic to the suffering of others?
They're more like a colony of ants then a group of humans.
Too bad it's fake.
how can you tell
Wait how is dredd feminist?
Dredd himself isn't, the movie is.
The movie is called Dredd
I know, you autist
Possibly. The entire NTSC-U PSX Library is a whopping 455gb, but we can junk 80% of that and be under 91gb for the top 20% of games. Every other system before PSX combined is like 2GB tops for their complete libraries, Saturn has ~3 good non-weeb exclusives, GC only has about 15 good games, so that leaves us with more than enough room for a couple hundred PS2 games to fit that 1tb cap.
But how is the movie feminist?
They should throw you in the Isocubes for retardation, commoner
He's a fucking Judge.
His name is "Judge Dredd", goddamn it.
The real question is why you don't recognize feminism even when feminists are calling the movie you claim isn't feminist, feminist.
I can't find Swedish women attractive anymore knowing full well that they voted overwhelming in favor of all the socially destructive policies and supported rapefugees.
The idea that Swedish women are lining up to fuck Ackmed and Jamel does my head in, These people used to scourge of the North seas in the 8th century then a economic power house in the Napoleonic era. Does my fucking head in.
I never believed in seizing a gift back after it has been bestowed upon a person or even hereditary punishment, but I'm rapidly warming up to the idea.
Because to a feminist retard, anything they like that is also popular is feminist and anything they don't like is evil oppressive garbage. Feminists are, interestingly enough, the least credible source on what is and isn't feminist
I thought here being thrown while high as shit was to torture her more since the fear of a 20 second drop was extended to a couple of hour drop.
I see your point with the rest.
So why do feminists like Dredd? Nice logic there, faggot.
She smiled the whole way. It is meant to imply to you that it will be bad, but that's not what is shown. You have to watch for what is shown. If it was so bad, why was she smiling the whole time like she didn't care?
Nice logic, idiot.
Because she was detached from reality, such delusions just show how twisted and offensive she is to the norm. Which is what a lot of chaotic villains do. Think of Gollum caressing the ring while they both fall into the lava, or Joker laughing as he falls into his death.
Why would you hate a well thought out villain, personally I think the cliche of the bad guy just being bad is fucking dogshit if it's a story driven game or at least a serious toned one. It just feels like a cartoon when it's just a bad guy doing bad stuff just for being bad, works only for cartoons which isn't bad, but not really that good
I miss overlord, I still want a 3rd one
Your logic is still shit faggot.
Right, and what part of this proves she was in pain the whole way?
Just because SJWs like it doesn't mean it's SJW. You under 20 or something?
Read again what I wrote, retard.
Don't fail to make someone else's point for them and then pretend like you weren't involved.
You wrote something I didn't disagree with. Read the conversation again, or better yet fuck off.
Then you should've already realized that she doesn't need to be in pain. Her smile in death isn't some sort of half-assed mercy-giving from the film makers, it isn't a sign of solidarity for women.
Explain now, how does SJWs liking something prove that the thing is made for SJWs? Are you so deep in your own ideological hugbox that you can't recognize the fact that people have plenty of common universal variables that work on them no matter what half-assed ideology they might wank over?
Dredd shoots a guy in the head with a flare and the guys head burns up, but the feminist icon getting a death where she gets to enjoy hours of smugly smiling as she falls to a death she isn't scared of and of which will be over in an instant when the fall kills her. Yet that means nothing, huh?
Did I say it was made for SJWs? It was made to push feminist ideals onto the audience that watches Dredd. Feminists praised it for that. You claim that "feminists are just retarded, they like and hate shit for retarded reasons" and have repeatedly failed to explain why feminists liked Dredd and why feminists liking Dredd is acceptable when Dredd is supposed to be about a no-nonsense manly man.
Here's a tip, if feminists happen to like something you like then you may want to reevaluate that thing. Not just shrug it off as "feminists are just retardedly random, hurr"
You mean how a multicultural shithole was made even worse when they put a woman in charge?
Fuck off Holla Forums.
Feminists liked the movie because it had a female lead and a female villain, and in their eyes that makes it progressive. That doesn't make Dredd a feminist movie.
Oh yeah, because smiling = happy right? Nobody ever smiles because they're in a state of psychosis, or high on drugs, or anything like that. And there's nothing to indicate the high lasts for as long as the time dilation. She might be smiling for 10 minutes of her subjective time and then spend an hour of subjective time watching the ground rise up towards her. inb4 "th-that's just your opinion." Show me where in the movie it's established that all the effects of the drug last the same amount of time
The other aspect is the psychic Judge, but she is frequently shown as being scared of the situation and at times inept. Dredd gets in and does what he has to do without any qualms, and only begrudgingly takes the recruit along. He ends up single-handedly killing two other Judges by himself, and stalling another long enough for the chick to kill him. Meanwhile the chick only gets lucky because of the DNA thing on her gun, and because she can read minds. So, Dredd uses intuition and intelligence to figure out the other judges are corrupt, the psychic chick gets deus ex machina'd through it.
You complained about Sans. The bait is already inside you.
It's no different from the rest of the west.
Dredd doesn't have enough character to even be the center of his own comics. Dredd's always been more about the supporting cast and the plot, not about Dredd.
She was a junkie, prostitute, and probably had stds. She was hardly a badass, and she had her men do all her work for her.
Her drug made her mind work into over time, increasing the rate at which it processed information and became hyper aware of what was happening around her, but she was still limited by normal physical function. The drug doesn't dull the senses, it increases them.
tl;dr the drug made her a prisoner in her own mind and she had to suffer her death at painfully slow speeds.
Dredd is a force of nature, everyone else in the stories reacts to him. The movie does it too, each scene Dredd is in has him completely dominating everyone else.
And this is something praiseworthy for the feminists? An ugly, psychotic crackwhore that can only make the situation worse for everyone? Guess they saw themselves in her.
Just imagine the dread of the fall, your lizard brain going into overdrive and flooding the body with adrenaline to prepare the body for high impact violence while your conscious brain is flying off the wall in panic because you know you're gonna die. Now magnify that a hundred times as the drug enhances such a state of mind.
Only a cuckold would call that a pleasant death.
There was a 3rd one, you don't want to play it.
Mexico has it worse
There's a reason mexico has never, ever been in a civ game, and the aztecs have been in every one. Spics are a shame on their ancestors, the human sacrifice aside.
t. lying spic
this guy has a point europe had water wheels since the fucking 3rd century
This isn't something new or exclusive to video games go suck dick elsewhere OP.
Well, what did Yurop have during the 15th century?
Pedro, your fucking ass is getting deported soon. Hope you enjoy shitty Mexican internet.
Most devs are commiecucks so no shit.
see >>117999830
You're kidding. Even the mexicans state that those cities were made before they came, they simply took over an abandoned city.
Funnily enough Venice was built in a similar manner as Tenochitlan at around the same time.
Not bad for moroccan niggers.
Snow niggers not welcome. Everyone knows you will cuck yourself out, given half a chance.
And if you think the ruin of modern Sweden isn't enough to get labeled a nigger for the rest of your life, there's a surprise for you.
Feminists don't care about the movie. There was and is 0% controversy over this role being feminist or not. People are just throwing out buzzwords because they want to bait with the idea that mysoggyknees can't handle the idea of a female lead.
The idea of Dredd every being feminist or socjus is laughable to the extreme.
So you admit the movie was appealing to feminists, despite being fucking JUDGE DREDD, but this is the only shit you can come up with? The movie just happens to have two women in it, so feminists love it.
You are trying and failing this badly to defend a movie feminists like. You are okay with feminists liking Judge Dredd. This doesn't bother you at all. Nothing else to say really, you are an ultra cuck.
you're either false-flagging or a retard. Nobody cares what SJWs like, or what feminists like. They might be absolute scum, but I'm not gonna hold my breath because they also breathe.
Oh user, I'm so, so sorry.
What are some well written villains you're not supposed to sympathize with?
I appreciate genuinely sympathetic villains but I'm kind of bored with them at this point.
What a familiar face, I'm thinking about breakfast and waking up.
Kain was one too before you uncover the truth.
That crazy spic from Far Cry 3 was also pretty good, but that had more to do with the voice acting than the character himself, since he was basically just a batshit insane pirate.
Judge Dredd's world is already a crapsack. It doesn't need social justice angles to make it worse.
Who? I'm not representing anyone, faggot. Go back to reddit.
Shallow excuse for liking a movie SJWs think is feminist. Oh, but it totally isn't because you saw Dredd for 15 minutes of the entire movie.
The situation being bad has never stopped leftists from trying to make it worse.
And you think that's a jab at Farage? Sounds more like a jab against his rivals. You know 2000AD shits on most British politicians, right? That they parody the local political climate right?
A lot of comic artists nowadays are cucks who'd deface the history of the comics they work for rather than put their personal politics aside for a moment.
The writing for that Farage one has shitty writing that was obviously written by a lefty, not strong or clever in any way showing him being a big racist bully.
Sure. I totally believe that's the case in the modern comic book industry.
I've heard the writing wasn't the best, it was rushed out for some vote or some such.
2000AD has a long history of shitting on politicians, long before comics got cucked. It was shitting on Thatcher before most modern comic books writers and artists were even born.
Why quote carnage?
What feminist likes Dredd? Now I know you're autistic but she isn't smiling, she's grimacing with fear, hoplessness, crying ie. not enjoying herself. Slow-mo slows the perception of time to 1% normal, someone in the comments of this video calculated that she percieves falling for 26 minutes, and as I said before if you think that she's happy for that time, no-one in your life has ever been happy. Dredd isn't meant to be a character, he's a judge, enforcing the law brutally and effectively. At best he's a blank slate, but not even for the viewer to project on to, he's their for the characters around him. You haven't even posted an example of feminist praise for the movie. As shows, the movie is likely the least cucked thing to happen to Dredd till at least after the comics industry dies.
Yeah, Kain definitely was one of the better bastards.
I find that I usually don't mind the trope of senseless evil/chaos if they're written well.
What the fuck do you mean, the writing is right there and it's obviously from someone with the deluded point of view. It wasn't rushed because if it was rushed by someone with no leftist bias it wouldn't have this much bullshit and shit writing coming from it.
Kain wasn't about chaos though. His (supposed) motivation was petty, but he was a force of order.
I do mind the cliche of the villain doing evil for the sake of evil. I mean, what kind of person thinks they're evil and still keeps doing it? Even if you talk to criminals that have done heinous shit you'll often hear all manner of justifications for their behavior.
No one wants to be the bad guy.
Anyone who sincerely relates to a fucking video game villain of all things is so disconnected with reality that they can only correlate it to entry level "nerd" media as a motivator to care about anything.
Please end your life before you spiral further downwards into nihilism.
They wanted it out before some vote involving Farage.
So in your mind someone hastefully writing something means it would never be shitty and bullshit?
it won't
Keep telling yourself that.
Reminder that Trudeau's mommy is a whore who cucked daddy.
It's a picture user, it's not real.
He was so quick to praise Gastro i wonder why??!?!., It's almost like all secrets and lies are eventually found out.
your shit taste is pretty real though
The last thread on this had some really good responses. Here's one I resonated with.
I wonder how much work it'd take to make a video game hero that is distinct while relatable, as opposed to being either a blank slate or the writer's ideological representation.
This was one of those batshit insane things I thought /fringe/ had cooked up, but then I saw the images and holy shit, them spic genes are strong.
Then again, a leader that is the product of cuckolding leading a nation of intellectual cuckolds is more than fitting.
Shirou is a shit protagonist though. I understand what Nasu was going for, but the justification still makes Shirou a shit character. You want the audience to like the character, and they can't like him if he's bland and uninteresting one moment and a batshit insane moralfag that will save any piece of shit character regardless of the fact they've been written so that the audience wishes them dead.
Kotomine is just a shitty Gary Stu that does everything for the edgy lulz.
why do stormfags keep repostan this cringey bullshit? This is Shadow D Edgehog tier
Modern Dredd is actually fully cucked. I recently read a story where Dredd himself argues that the mutants of the cursed world should have the right to apply for Megacity citizenship. It was also revealed that Dredd has mutant relatives.
if it means anything most people were under the delusion that most immigrants were refugees or from some really poor country and needed help. As more immigrants came it is clear as day these are awful people that should be deported back to the shithole they came from. People who used to argue agains't what they perceived as "Xenophobic" comments online now fear for their own children who have to go to schools close to where immigrants live. I wish hitler was here.
That's bullshit. Most Swedes could give less of a shit about any of that. Like every other good goyim all they care about is the image they project in society, the whole of Sweden is one gigantic circlejerk of cucked liberals trying to one-up each other in terms of tolerance and liberal enlightenment.
As they say, you can't rape the willing.
There was a video on the Johannesburg rapes, which are constant and many, where a guy interviews some rapists. When the guy interviews the various rapists, they all say "we know its wrong, but we were horny" or something like that. People like that exist in real life, they are just as worthless as you might expect.
Shirou in the VN proper was pretty much always depicted as crazy, everyone knew he was crazy, but no one wanted to do anything about it. Honestly, given the nature of his power and how it is supposed to reflect his soul, his line of thinking should be more of "happy as long as someone has a use for him" rather than saving people. A sword is an implement for killing after all.
Agreed, it can be fucking great to be the bad guy and do terrible things because fuck you.
I want a game that starts with the goody goody heroes saving the day (maybe you even play it as a tutorial) and then when you get to the first boss, it suddenly switches and you play as the boss for the tutorial boss fight against the heroes bonus points if you suck ass and you die the game gives a lengthy bullshit cinematic about how the heroes win.
Then the whole game is about you needing to be the badass the world needs to re-shape it to stop being fucked; uprooting military, fucking up governments, terrorizing the common people.
We need a game starring Ridley.
>Samus is a secret boss
>Have to go way out of your way with high ranks to encounter her
>Fight is fucking hard as balls
>Beating her results in her retreating while you're most likely fucked up
I want skin choices while i'm at it.
Sadly, Nasu is shit at writing male protagonists and will always default to the "nice guy", passive, reactive moralfag that induces repeated facepalms in the audience. It would have been interesting to see a batshit crazy Shirou that was all about fulfilling the wish of a particular heroine, no matter how insane it might have been, instead of "I must rescue everyone because autism".
what do you want, villain thats are comicly evil mustache twirling borderline retards?
most games writing is complete and utter trash, but youre complain is just as retarded.
Fair enough. Still, the point is that humanoid shaped creatures like that exist, ones that can enunciate their intentions and desires, even.
And honestly, I am not sure I would go that route. That is a different kind of nice guy. Granted, even magic swords tend to not be picky, so it would be amusing if the route switches were basically someone else picking him up.
For Teotihuacan, Tula, Choula and such, sure, but it was still built by Mesoamericans. None of it was built by mexicans, since, you know, "Mexicans" didn't exist.
Also, i'm talking about Tenochtitlan, which WAS built directly by the aztecs, not just occupied. They literally founded it back when the island it was on was just a swampy shithole. How they got there is actually a really funny story, tl;dr they were nomadic after leaving "Aztlan" which may or may not be a real place in northern mexico/southern US, and were looking for a certain place that fuffilled the condoitions of their prophecy.
Along the way, they acted as mercenarys for other kingdoms and city states in the region, and as a reward for helping him out, they were allowed to settle in territory of his by the king of Culhuacan. They also gave them one of his daughters IIRC for marriage, but it was a misscommuncation and they sacrificed her instead and he litterally walked in on them dancing around in her flayed skin (Because while I praise their citiy building skills there is no denying their religion was fucking crazy). He, understandably, got angry and chased them out and they moved further south and were allowed to settle on the island by the Tepenecs. Eventually, a war of successon broke out in the region and Tenochtitlan (the city the aztecs, though they called themselves the Mexica), along with an alliance of Texoco and Tlacopan, won, and that alliance and the resulting territory they won is what we call the Aztec empire.
Tenochtitlan's population was on par with Constantinople. That's why it's impressive. Aztecs had cities on par with europe's greatest despite only having copper and maybe bronze working (it's not clear) and no beasts of burden. According to the spainish, better plumbing, gardens, temples, and palaces, too.
Yes, it was basically just new world venice, but it had twice as many people in it.
When you think about it, the fatties could just as well depict nationalists as feminists. It's all about overriding meritocracy in favor of "muh rights to be fat/woman"
That's where you're wrong.
This thread is a fucking mess
Those cities with advanced plumbing has been abandoned for eons before the mongoloids, aka your people, aka your beaner relatives bothered crossing the Bering strait.
Stone Age Europeans are the original inhabitants of the Americas, not you idiotic Mexican/Beaner abominations whom your own governement/people admit that yes, said monuments, cities, and other structures were there long before them, and merely took that shit over, kept it poorly maintained, and ultimately descrated the true intentions for the ziggurats by committing sacrifices and such on top of them when that's not what they were meant for. All your kind basically did was carved those ugly fucking drawings on all of it claiming it was yours like the idiotic niggers you are.
This goes for all the monuments found within North America as well, from the plaques found on the two highest mountains in Canada being named Odin and Thor in ancient nordic runes, to the even older than that with the Stone Age europeans as I mentioned previously, who were responsible for almost any megalith and such within the two continents and surrounding islands.
Mexico is a shithole, you're not as 'special' or as 'important' as you thought your ancestors were, then trying to take credit for shit they weren't even responsible for themselves, which is just embarrassing as it is pathetic. When you're idiotic enough to truly believe that a bunch of mongoloids with the IQ of fucking 60 were able to build such grand cities, when again it was proven said cities were abandoned for quite some time, where overgrowth of over a hundred years, if not more was present, and that there's still shit not found due to how long ago shit was made, you know, the stone age.
None of that shit belongs to you, so don't try and cry about Muh Aztecs, Muh Mexican hard working people, when none of that shit is true, the fact you even feel pride for the human sacrifice is just disgusting. Plus if you beaners were the ones to make such plumbing, why the fuck does Mexico have the shittiest plumbing to date like India? Where you motherfuckers can't even flush your shit tickets and even when you illegally migrate to America, you STILL fucking wipe your ass and throw it into the trashcan thinking that's normal, even when it's not your fucking home, which you shouldn't be doing that shit anywhere.
Absolutely disgusting.
kill urself lmao
Are you retarded or just Mexican? Or did you feel you were going to be a little mexican superstar today?
Why would anyone look to partisans of a system to find out how it actually works?
If you want to find out how Communism works, read Solzhenitsyn.
This shit right here is why I never touch Holla Forums.
People there have the most ass-backwards interpretations of otherwise obvious events in movies.
The drug makes things happen slowly. They gave it to that poor sap in the beginning to make his death more horrible. They set this up for you and explained it flat to your face.
wew lad
He's entirely correct. The solutreans are now widely accepted to be europid or proto-europid people in paleoanthropological circles. There's a fairly good chance the PIE-migration started on the Americas roughly 12-15kya and crossed the Bering land bridge heading west, while the Mongolics headed east.
Holla Forums is just filled with autistic tumblrites from Holla Forums who think they're special for coming to Holla Forums in the first place.
You want proof? Look it up yourself, it's literally one click away. The fact you think that I'm a search engine is one thing, but the fact you seem to be unable to educate yourself and look for it without someone holding your hand makes me wonder if you're from 4cuck, or one of those reddit transplants I've been hearing about.
There's too many of you uneducated morons running about on Holla Forums nowadays, to the point I feel we're being raided by third worlders among other things.
It's not anyone's job to do your research for you.
How pathetic. Go back to Holla Forums, you dumb retard.
I'm convinced
You make amazing claims, you provide amazing evidence
Those are using indigenous populations, dumbass.
I'm sorry Holla Forums, when was the last time you worked in a genomics lab?
Tenochtitlan was founded in the 1320's you dumbass, it was the main one with the advanced hydroenginnering stuff.
I haven't, and neither have you.
Either ways, those ancestors went there and racemixed quite fast into the population. Just because the haplogroup has presence there doesn't mean much in practice.
It's not anyone's job to look shit up for you, even more so when another user posted proof for the man-child who was begging me for proof.
Are you still in high school or something? Where you think everyone has to do what you tell them purely because of whatever paper thin fallacy they teach you in debate class in the hopes you can bullshit your way through life? Cause that's not how that works.
Then again you're posting a shitty waifu, further solidifying my thoughts already.
You seem rather emotional over such a thing, how odd.
Again, this isn't grade school, I'm not your teacher, I'm not your friend, I don't need to do what you tell me to do cause I'm not an autistic faggot unlike you who seems to have a hard time understanding the concept of using Google, Yahoo, Dogpile, Duckduckgo, or whatever shitty search engine you prefer.
This is the age of computers, but it's still ever so obvious to know when you're dealing with children when they're too fucking stupid to look up the information themselves and try making up some bullshit clause as to why they can't enlighten and think for themselves for once in their miserable millennial lives.
Go back to 4cuck and while you're at it, please Grow up. Though I don't think that's going to fix your low IQ.
It was built over shit that's been there long before 1320, as with the majority of 'mexican achievements' that I'm sure they'll continue to lie about in this day and age to make themselves feel better about their miserable existence.
Then again, no one gives a shit about Tenochtitlan when if they were such pioneers with "advanced hydroengineering", but managed to lose such information and then magically be unable to flush fucking toilet paper in the current year + 2 to the point it's a habit when they come to America and leave their shit covered TP on the fucking floor and in the trashbin making public restrooms fucking smell so god damned bad it makes you want to puke, especially when it's all that you'd see in public schools where these children just kept doing it, and these are the same little beaner children who were picking up their own feces to draw on the walls and such.
So advanced.
Also, i'm not even a spic, i'm american and my family is from germany.
Are you the same dumbass who posted the solutrean shit in the city building thread from months ago?
Me and somebody else both point out how while the genetic evidence is interesting, your actual argument is completely fucking stupid. You aren't argueing that native amercican's were decscended from solutreans, which would be arguable, you are argueing that there was a distinct solutrean population seperate from the mongoloid ones that crossed over and became the native americans that the solutrean one made all the mesoamerican sites when there's absolutely zero evidence for that.
That's conspiracy theory tier shit, and even if it were true, it doesn't support your ulterior Holla Forums tier motives since back when the solutreans existed or even when the mongoloids crossed over there was no reasonable distinctiom between "european" or "asian" or anything else. It was all pre agriculture.
No, it wasn't. The island was uninhabited till then. Show a single shred of evidence to suggest otherwise that's not blatantly made up or misconstrued and i'll post pictures of myself setting a 5$ bill on fire.
Wrong faggot.
I didn't actually even read what you were arguing this time. I just saw your off-topic faggotry and decided shit it up, because, really, you are just another SJW.
I really doubt it. And it still wouldn't mean much. Maybe you did work there and did so bad that they wanted you out. I mean, there are creationist doctors out there as well.
"Conspiracy theory" just means "not current narrative." It's not a magic wand you can wave to disregard others' arguments.
Aww, lefty's feelings got hurt.
Araya Souren was superior.
You're dumb as fuck, negro.
Jesus christ, dude, remember to keep some sense of subtlety.
Moving the water from one place to another is hardy what anyone would consider advanced.
This shit is truly baby steps, we're talking first tier Civilizations technology here, sure it might let you start up agronomy but it's not like they actually made mills or harvested power out of the current.
Nothing I said was off-topic, you're just an illiterate moron who by the looks of it is another tumblr-tier bandwagon "jojo fan" too.
Now you're the sole individual posting 'off-topic' bullshit by being an emotional autist who doesn't know how to read, let alone see what people are discussing, all you did was zero in on my post because you felt threatened by it. Stupid nigger.
It was indeed built over shit that was there long before the creation of the city in 1320. You want proof, look it up, it's 2017, I think you should be able to use a fucking search engine without anyone holding your autistic "german/american" hand.
Plus you don't seem to understand how IDs work thinking that me and another user are the same. Which makes me think you're just another mexican kid from 4cuck, which we've been getting a lot lately it seems.
trump drinks just like hitler
Sure, and i'm not inherently opposed to believing something like that, you have not only have no evidence to suggest your position but there are mountains of evidence to go against it.
Sorry I got you guys confused then, but
Mesoamerican history is a gigantic hobby of mine and if there was evidence of habitation, much less urbanization, on the island in lake texoco, I would have heard about it. If your implication is that the entire acadmic field covered it up then yes, you have to post evidence to support that.
I'm wanting to give you guys a chance here but you aren't really being conductive to that. I'm not even going to dispute/argue the genetic evidence even though I know of issues with that, I want you to just support your other claims.
Ah I see now, you're just some autistic furry that thinks his opinions matter while spewing cultural marxist bullshit and trying to make up excuses to just dump his diaper for all to smell.
So we're just dealing with another bottom barrel, walmart tier leftist who honestly can't handle the notion of beaners/mongoloids are not 'natives' to America for whatever strange reason to the point he feels threatened enough to retaliate with full on autism. Which makes me think you're Mexican yourself, cause why else would you feel threatened by such truthful claim, perhaps cause it strips away whatever "identity" you have left if I had to guess that allows you to act prideful about being the worlds most obese and worthless parasite in the western world by far. Gotta get that illegal anchor baby furry autism bux.
Shut up you dumb nigger, it's quite arguable if this discussion belongs on Holla Forums in the first place. Secondly, challenging those pretending to be professionals in certain field is not "off-topic", especially when the topic itself is off topic for an off-topic thread.
Jump more at shadows, fucking idiot. Also, posting that "furry" pic is more vidya than anything you have done ITT.
Which board doesn't shit up ours?
Either way, you sure are salty for a libtard furfaggot.
Not really.
Your raging shitposts sure showed it.
Nope. Not one.
Holla Forums here, Holla Forums is gay and so is Holla Forums.
The seeds eating kid had a pussy for a father. It took a real man to teach him a lesson he should have learned years ago with a belt to the ass.
Spare the rod, spoil the child. Simple.
Some people can only learn if you take a hammer to their heads. Bet you next time he'll think twice before he mouths off to old ladies and acts like a spoiled brat.
90% of the PS2 was shovelware, worse than the fucking wii library.
It still has the largest library of good games out of any console. To this day I'm still discovering new diamonds in the rough.
A lot of Nintendo's own software was shovelware on the Wii.
As someone already loading an external bunker drive with games, I can tell you that you can probably get away with all your favorites and essential titles for PS2 and GC. If you've got extra room, maybe delve into some of the Wii Gems, because Wii Emulation is damned good.
You could probably download every game for PS1 and back and still have tons of room, but some PS2 games can get pretty big.
Oh, and don't forget handheld and MAME systems. GBc, GBA, DS, Wonderswan, NeoGeo pocket… all full of superb libraries.
If you want to find out how capitalism works, read Marx.
There are a lot of people who willingly jump to their deaths, but I guess doing it slowly is extra spooky for this toughened criminal, right?
It's a shame that these threads are essentially not-so-thinly-veiled Holla Forums threads. We could have actually had an actual discussion on how a good villain which challenges the morals and viewpoints of the protagonist can make for an extremely interesting and fun game. While at the same time, cartoon villains are sometimes fun as well and give examples of such. This would all be sprinkled with Griffith apologists which are fun to argue against as well as bully.
But you know, god forbid that actually happens.
I posted just to inform you, you are an idiot.
Why the fuck is the Farage in Judge Dredd, and possbly the bad guy?
Suck a chode, kike shill.
Because leftists are children that were never taught not to shit where they eat.
Because wanting tighter immigration control is synonymous with being a white nationalist to liberals.
Pick one and only one.
Be the change you want to be. Make games where you get to be the villain. Make games where you get to be a bad goy that the liberals would think is a villain.
This is why I don't take anyone that likes western comics seriously.
I hope you die.
jesus christ what a retarded rule
I mean sure don't litter but god damn you can't eat a snack?
also did he just get walloped with a hammer
The complaint was specifically about him littering like a nigger.
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
Not like those guys don't shit on the trains already.
Comics are cucked period now and I hope they all burn up.
I mean I get that it was about the littering, but, being unable to eat on the train is my main point of focus. I don't really care that fag boy who speaks uncouthly got smacked by a guy dressed as what looks like a cross between buckethead and dragon ball z Ginyu warriors. None of that shit concerns me more than the poor business guy. The one who can't eat his meager breakfast on the train. Especially when he probably doesn't even have the time to eat it at any other point.
Tough shit.
Trains are enclosed, crowded spaces. Why should everyone else risk having your food smeared on their clothing or stinking of food just so you can eat your breakfast?
The rules are there for a reason.
You could probably get away with eating on a train. My problem with it would be the guy spitting seed shells all over the floor and expect me and everyone else to just sit there near his filth and trash.
You're a pedantic faggot and I hope you choke on your next meal. Nobody is getting food pushed onto them unless its an actual retard.
That's where hammers come into play, user.
Yeah. Get up earlier and eat at home you lazy nigger.
What and lose sleep so my work is affected? Listen guy I am going to eat this fuckin oatmeal bar and drink this cartridge of OJ on the train. Everyone else should have the privilege to do so too, but, I guess everyone is a child when it comes to train riding.
You're that faggot kid in class who argues with the teacher even when he's wrong, aren't you? Again I reiterate that you will choke on your next meal.
Go to bed earlier.
Play Japanese games
This is why I love America.
You eat on the train, and some crazy gook dressed like a powerranger gives you shit? You go Nagasaki on his ass. You don't let some commie-loving gookboy tell you what you are FREE to do! You remind that dirty slant-eyed bastard exactly what FREEDOM means!
Yes, exactly. Thank you, user.
Choke and die, faggot.
Holla Forums is nothing but trump-worshiping idpol pussies
I don't know if this point has been made because this looks like a shit thread and I'm not going to read it, but you should be able to sympathize with the villain in most well written stories. Having a black and white good and evil is a sign of poor writing and it's particularly common in videogames.
If every villain has some bullshit "sad" backstory to make me lenient towards their massacre of innocents, it gets repetitive and boring.
Just because some dude had some injustice done to them in the past, it doesn't justify THEM going on some glorified temper tantrum. If anything, it's more likely to make me hate them. Because they're taking their misery out on the world instead of moving on or ending their lives.
Then go back
Get out
I like villains that sort of share almost the same ideals as the protagonist but somewhere along the line he sort of had them twisted either as a result of his outside forces or just him seeing that it was almost impossible to follow his ideals and instead decided to sort "justify the means."
Villains that used to be protagonists and turned "bad" for the greater good are bretty gud too. Those are the most interesting as they tend to have a lot of controversy behind them due to the fact that although they were the game's villain, they are also ultimately the protagonist due to a real evil being exposed due to their actions.
Apart from Doctor Doom and maybe the "Emperor Knew about the Yuzan-Vong" theory, I feel like that kind of antagonist is all too often used to make the final confrontation into some big group hug bullshit.
The protagonist finally reaches the big evil guy, but it turns out he was just trying to save everyone from an even more eviler guy! Now they have to team up to beat some random enemy nobody's ever seen before, and never will again, and everyone gets to make up and be friends in the end. Maybe there's a few examples of it working well, but for the most part it's just a crutch for weak writers.
Says the Lefty. Do you pretend the IQ gaps between Niggers, Beaners, and Europeans isn't from biology?
Also, both the Soviet Union and Cuba are garbage pits.
And yet they protest colonialism.
I'm sure you say Biocuck games and Legend of Korra have top-notch writing too.
1. God has been axiomatically proven to exist.
2. God creating the universe conflicts in absolutely no way with evolution
3. Keep tipping, kikelover.
Liberals, everyone.
Huh, did you leak from Reddit?
Holy shit, the level of salt from the left.
I thought you of all people in this thread would enjoy the first two Bioshock considering the setting is an underwater civilization where a form of socialism/communism collapses upon itself and becomes a hellhole.
Either way if you want to talk politics go to the gg threads or to whatever Holla Forums you come from.
Bioshock 1 is about a completely libertarian society collapses.
Bioshock 2 is about the socialist movement within that society collapsing and eating itself too once it gained power and drove itself to extremes.
Basically, both of those games have a notion of any given ideology when taken into its extremes can only lead to ruin. Also how human nature clashes against those ideologies.
Bioware didn't do those games.
Whatever you say cuck boi.
Is that a vore reference?
define "proven", and no, your imagination doesn't count as "evidence"
Because you believing that you are able, or even actually being able to neatly and cleanly eat your fucking lollies before autistically collecting any crumbs and other rubbish for later disposal does not actually mean that the common man/subhumans are capable of doing the same. You are not in fact representative of the average public transport passenger, you are part of a tiny minority, and even if you were part of the majority, it doesn't actually take that many people to shit up an area as small as a bus or train cabin. Do you now have an intuitive grasp of why laws and rules are universal even if they don't help in every single hypothetical situation you can sit on your ass and dream up?
Does it take effort to be this retarded?
You do realize that's not a thing, right?
Think about it, hero. For feminists it is "I deserve special privilege for I am a woman!", for nationalists it is "I deserve special privilege for I am a native!"
I think modern day christianity is pretty silly, but burning old wooden churches just boils my blood..
Tell me this, m8, would you let a hobo into your house to sleep in your bed? Remember your housing privilege.
This is what I meant by meritocracy getting trampled. People don't care about the exceptional individuals, everything has to be reduced to mean values. And that, comrade, is authoritarian reductionism, one of the cornerstones of communism, feminism and nazism.
An immigrant doctor or engineer contributing to society through their work and paying large amounts of taxes is infinitely more useful to a nation than a native fry cook with a criminal record paying the barest minimum of taxes.
Why not give the job to a doctor or an engineer with the same credentials from their home country moishe? China doesn't even allow white immigrants to take jobs in their country, they have to be born in China.
God look at all this [CASUAL RACISM AND MISOGYNY] on the Holla Forumsvideo game board. Everything the rest of the internet and MSM said about you is true.
Good advice
Bad advice
Cultural marxism hurts us all. Bypassing meritocracy with ideology leads to worse games, as quality is no longer required.
Their jobs are about to get replaced with robotics anyways.
I don't think I'd ever use China as an example of a place where things are done right.
I think we should try to get more of our people through post-secondary education and improve the nation, but there is no harm in bringing hard-working immigrants who want a better life into the fold. Just need to stop bringing in the shitters who don't give a damn about our values and only want money.
I don't really care about what you think, I know what I want, and that doesn't involve parasites.
I want everyone who cares about politics on imageboards to die. Normalfags everyone of you.
Its just retarded Holla Forums tards with their own /x/ worthy conspiracies.
I had one argue that Japs are actually europeans.
They are the newfaggots of 2007
If you care about politics then you are a normalfag and you need to leave.
I will keep bringing up politics just to spite you.
You were going to anyway, normalfag.
You are the nornalfag, i bet you have a job and/or friends.
Tell us more on how hordes of Niggers and Mudslimes are needed.