Its not just shitty gameplay

Yeah, glad someone bought it for me.
Back to 1.6 with all the BR BR BR BR BR BR HUE HUE HUE

Ok and? Most people here don't care about CS or already know that GO is shit. What would you like to discuss further?

Eh, I guess a good competitive fps? I feel like asking that is almost impossible.

Oh I also got offered to play H1Z1 King Of The Hill and I said no. Hope I made the right decision.

the new UT is GOAT if you can find a full room.

There's still quake and UT, as well as a regular xonotic thread. Try there friendo.

Here is a reference point
just an example. How is Paladins and Arma 3?

It started out great but as soon as skins came in went past the point of no return.

gas valve

Do you mean to imply that you can only play popular things? also I personally enjoy siege and that's on the list, so maybe give that a try

Oh no, not all. Just thought I would bring it up.

Have you tried not sucking so much dick?


Kill yourself you fucking retard.


I am curious about this game's guardian mode. Has anyone tried it?

Counter-Strike was never good.

Kill yourself.
Old CS was great, but GO has been shit from day one.

You already went full retard after you actually bought the thing.

You wanna get bullied mate?

By old CS I hope you mean 1.6 and not source since source is for babies.

Weenie. i do mean 1.6

Why do people pay money for this game.

You know you can not queue up for maps you don't like, right?
all your other complaints are valid
I wish more people played my favorite maps militia and vertigo

Although really its generally insane how far CS has gone down the shitter, CSGO has so many issues its not even fun to play casually. CSS was shit but at least it kepts all the kiddies/wanna be pros contained to a separate game. Its just sad now. The old Holla Forums server in 1.6 was a hoot though but I doubt its still up/anyone bothers playing it anymore

Counter Strike has always been a casual normalfag game, literally only streamerfags, dudebros, spics and kids play it anymore.

Has anyone at Valve even shot a gun befor? fucking hell.

i liked the one where you're in the office
no one plays that

I don't get it. Why doesn't Steam just incentivize players more to get cheaters banned?

A little ban hammer icon and counter on people's CS:GO profiles would be great.

To prevent people from reporting everyone in every match, either:


More bans = more CS go accounts bought.

You can't stop cheaters at all in FPS games, its simply to hard to combat effectively, by the time you fixed one thing they already found 4 different ways to do it another way. Not even counting the paid ones that only a handful use so it avoids detection entirely outside user error. Even third party clients are completely useless. I generally feel bad for all the kiddies out there who try to follow their esports dreams, if only they knew how bad the "problem" actually was.

So wouldn't valve want more bans?

this is a shitty normalfag game

I've never played CS. I've never bothered with fps games until about late 2015, so I've never really known much anything about CS.

What differences are there, gameplay-wise, between 1.6 and GO? What makes 1.6 so well-liked and GO so reviled? Obviously there are mutliple issues people have with GO, but what does 1.6 do instead to make it so much better? Or are most of the issues with GO just from stuff like comp matchmaking, super low ttks, etc.

Rainbow Six Siege.


Why would you ever want to do that? There is a point in which huge throughput may be counterproducent. At that rate, logic frames are updated faster than the human reaction time world record, and even then, interpolation would do the job at much lower tickrates in 99% of the cases.

It's kind of like complaining about games not running in silky smooth 400FPS. It's overkill, and only something tryhards who think they are just losing because of "muh lags" would do.

Retards that don't understand how games work. Either that or valve is actually so completely incompetent that source ties input to framerate. In a correctly coded game, input should be sampled at a high rate, physics advanced at a fixed rate and graphics drawn at monitor refresh rate. Extra graphics frames do literally nothing. They are just discarded. If you want lower latency, there are several options, most important being not using windows. In order to get the lowest possible latency you'd need a realtime kernel, device drivers and game that utilise the realtime features, a graphics driver that performs exactly zero buffering and a display that follows suit. Unfortunately, everything is opimized for throughput, especially the game itself. Throughput is inversely proportional to latency and thus you get latency. It's still smaller than human reaction time, but 'pros' are drooling retards that genuinely think they have single digit milisecond reaction time.


If you hate dust2 so much… why don't you just untick it?

still makes me sad, especially when the demo showed so much fucking promise and a genuine little story… then the full game comes out and it's the Steven Universe of fucking vidya. Oh well, I just play Mother 3 when I get down about Undertale.

This game is unplayable because of this.

You can only play non-dust and non-office maps in competitive which means you're stuck in a long ass match, even if you just want to drop in and see if you feel like playing this game ever again.

OP here, I was referring to how 128 tick servers was a gimmick and total horseshit so players would stop attacking the shit quality of official servers. I play games between 60-120, anything else is garbage. I only will ever play genesis, snes or nes if I have too. Have not gone near a console since.


Well, I am assuming its cause the players that still play have the whole MOBA mentality and can play the same map over and over and over again.

It's bad but you should've expected that

It's one of the most balanced maps and is the easiest map to learn/play on.

Massive levels of faggotry, I take reflex or quake all day over CSGO, but CSGO is a fun game to play, it's easy to play and hard to master.

CSGO is far superior to any other big competitive game, specially underwatch

Dota has more variety, strategies, and depth than CS:GO ever will. Although Valve has worked it's magic and now it's unplayable garbage.

But that doesn't excuse playing it for so long, jesus christ.

That's like asking why people still play soccer on soccer-fields. To a lot of people, dust2 IS counter-strike. It's a shame, since there are much better maps even within the current pool.

I stopped playing around blue shell patch but I heard they tweaked the numbers to make it playable. what did they do now?

I tried getting into CS:GO and only played dust2 because the game is way more demanding about map knowledge than most FPS and it's hard enough trying to compete with experienced players as is without trying to learn a dozen maps at once.

Yeah, I looked everywhere. Valve has never shot a gun in their lives. I know it is a video game, but to go against basic human nature is fucking pathetic.

I bet you buy skins too, faggot. kys anytime

Its because of shitters like you that we cant have nice things.

How do you even pay for skins?