Will he make vidya great again?
I see nothing wrong with this.
Which shitty site did you get this article from?
yes please
Polygon, so it's probably not even true.
this too
>liberal game devs slowly redpilled because they're sheep who blend to their environment
>translations begin getting better due to lack of lefty extremism
Kek can meme, and Man can dream.
Also the article literally says nothing, it's speculative fearmongering bullshit. Hell just look at this quote
U.S. President Donald Trump signs the last of three Executive Orders in the Oval Office of the White House in Washington, DC on Monday, January 23, 2017 |Ron Sachs/Getty Images
The Entertainment Software Association is in the process of formulating a plan to deal with the possibility of U.S. President Donald Trump rolling out trade tariffs, a source tells Polygon.
A tariff is essentially a form of tax that is used to make goods and services that are imported in the country more expensive to consumers than the same items made domestically.
Those possible tariffs could have an impact on the cost of game consoles and other hardware, much of which is manufactured overseas.
There were rumblings in the lead up to Trump's election that his team was floating the idea first of a five percent trade tariff, and then a possible 10 percent tariff. On Monday, Trump signed an executive order to withdraw from the Trans-Pacific Partnership. He also met with business and union leaders.
If an across-the-board trade tariff were imposed it would likely impact games and gaming consoles that are imported into the United States, like Nintendo's upcoming Switch console.
See, they put in that "oh noes, dolan drumpf might tax ur nintnedos" bait so that stupid people would regurgitate it as "daniel trampf is gonna ban nintnedos!".
How about you just like make your own game?
On the other hand: you'll have to pay extra for imported computer components, all also manufactured in China.
Oh, user.
Trump will end piracy in the USA
I see no downsides to this.
I said companies will no longer export american workers and studios to Canada. It is a very common money-saving practice. No longer.
This means that instead of a studio moving from location to location after every series installment, they'll have to hole up stateside. This is good for studio stability, and stability is what is going to attract top creative talent.
Did he ever say that?
Either way i'd rather have the shit built here than by the slants or otherwise. Microsoft can just get their asses back here, they're an american company primarily anyways, but Sony and Nintendo are going to be suffering. Sony even moreso because they manufacture more than just consoles, they do other electronics too, and how much of that is manufactured outside the US? They'll be bled out.
Plus, if California actually secedes, the San Fran clique gets fucked over too. Hopefully Wayforward lives, though.
trade tariffs most likely won't apply to canada, industries like auto are too heavily connected with both countries for it to happen. For instance certain parts from Ford will travel between the border 9 times before it's part of a completed product.
Kill yourself.
I don't mind paying more for computer components if in exchange Trump lowers taxes and creates more jobs raising salaries. The money in my hand at the end of the day will be the same or even more.
In exchange by being manufacturing in a not shithole country I get a better quality product.
That's not how tariffs works
How long until mass suicides from these pathetic wastes of space?
Japanese games are worth much more than their American counterparts, so I'm fine with paying a higher price.
Oh hey, more fearmongering over a made up situation that might be bad or good.
A tariff would increase the price of imports.
That's it's definition.
I actually read an article yesterday that was about his press conference being a danger to our very lives… because he wouldn't admit his crowd was smaller than Obama's during the inauguration.
I just hope he really can manage to fuck over the media. I don't care much about politics, but this is getting ridiculous.
Why would he admit to a lie?
Face it, you elected the wrong person.
In 18 months time you'll all be wishing a third party candidate had won.
I'm not saying it wasn't, I'm just saying it's crazy to relate that with the safety of all the people living in America. They made it out like he gave the nuke codes over live television or something.
Hmm I can think of a certain presidential candidate leaking sensitive data endangering the safety of people living in america. People are still projecting their candidates flaws unto trump, they have been doing it the entire fucking election.
What because of tariffs?
Do you understand many countries already have these america doesn't though because corporations have lobbied for years to allow them to hire foreign workers and buy cheaper foreign goods.
These are the same clowns that kept predicting that Hillary would win, the same retards that pushed the "intelligence" report accusing Trump of urinating with prostitutes in Russia.
The MSM and the rest of the establishment are losing their minds because this is the first time in decades they've been seriously challenged, and they lack the emotional maturity to tolerate defeat and setbacks.
I just love how because of the internet the vast corruption of the media has finally become visible for everyone. The media held way too much power before
As I said, hopefully something is done about it. What would be nice is if the media started becoming accountable for the accuracy of their stories and the information they were spreading, because at this point, there's no difference between the sci fi channel and most news stations.
SyFy at least tries to be creative.
The really sad part is that CNN, instead of bowing down and minimizing their losses, decided to play hard with Trump and basically blackmail him by telling him they'd publish fake news about him if he didn't stop.
I see fucking with the president of the US because he dared tell you to stop being retarded is gonna end well for them.
Boy, did they stop laughing fast once things started to not go their way.
So when did Holla Forums become the right-wing SJWs?
Proof he is literally hitler :^)
Don't forget a ban on immigrants and "refugees" from Muslim countries.
Isn't this a good and bad thing? Cucked companies like ubi gets fucked and that's great but import only games like stuff from play Asia gets fucked too. Am I misunderstanding?
Please. Imposing tariffs only hurts the common person. The game studios that people want to be "Hurt" from this are thje same ones being boycotted for whatever reason, so what's the point other than a supposedly faster demise at the cost of your own pockets for when you actually want to import shit on your own terms?
Everyone's going on about how it'll improve vidya, but it's really no different than attempting to ban certain elements from games like in a leftist approach to "improve" vidya.
Now if I can get actual responses instead of reactions that say nothing, I'll be willing to listen.
Fucking retarded cuck, you are like the stupid Roman pleb who would let Nero fuck the entire country up as long as you got your bread at the blood games.
I'm lost as hell. Is this a good thing or a bad thing? I love Trump, but, I won't blindly support literally everything the man does.
I'd rather pay for American products from American industries than cheap shit produced by literal slave labor in China. "B-But muh free trade goy, who cares if your country's industry base collapses"
Except they're fucking not. Do you understand the plague of normalfags into vidya that keep buying shit like nuDoom and Niggerfield?
A fucking trade tariff is not censorship in vidya you retard. Kill yourself.
I rather take redpilled cheeky-breekis instead
The tl;dr is
or nothing until further notice. All tariffs do, like this user says, is hurt the consumer in the short run since companies will just factor the loss in sales the tariff causes into their future prices. The theory is that it will give companies in the US an advantage since they will be cheaper. It works well for say groceries, but not for something like video games where a video game produced by one company is very different in value to one made by another.
It still doesn't feel real, like he's not even president even though he is. Maybe because so used to presidents lying and failing almost every promise like Obama did.
It'll make shitty games from Ubisoft and Bioware cost more, being Canada-based, which means normalfags either pay more or buy less. Basically the foreign game companies will have to double down and either go turbo Jew or actually make good games.
Actually I copied most of that from Holla Forums… Because of the Muslim ban, assumedly mostly whites would come over from the UK.
I don't like that they passed the referendum but their supreme court is screaming how its unconstitutional and needs a second vote
So, piracy will become the new norm.
I can dig that.
Just reinstating the pipelines?
And gagging his employees?
And the US's scientists?
And making abortions dangerous?
And cutting bunches of very important but financially small departments centered around communication and the arts?
And gutting veterans and military assistance?
And gutting medical care?
Oy vey its annuduh shoah. Fuck if japs or canucks want to get around this small tax then bring your studios here. Also why don't we use this as an excuse to make video games great again here in the states. Its just another news article trying to "stump" the trump but I guess defeat must suck.
Which one is it?
To be honest the higher the price the better. Maybe people will finally develop better taste.
I don't know much about American politics but aren't Hillary and her husband pretty much known for being scammers? Why were people voting her, just because she wasn't Trump?
Please let this be true. I want to taste weeb tears when they find out they can't buy their shitty figures with their welfare.
Ah yes, that's why Trump has everything made in China, good show.
Maybe it isn't, but what I was getting at was that now, instead of voting with your own wallets, now you have to give up part of your wallet if you still want something you deem good. This wasn't a solution everyone wanted, and saying it'll "improve vidya" blindly is downright wrong. The bottom line is the gubment is taking your money moreso, while retards are going in full force "VIDYA IS SAVED"
It's not like building iPhones or cars. How much would a vidya studio, which produces an abstract and immaterial product, in the US have to do to get around a potential tariff?
We POTENTIALLY had two choices this election. Both sucked, one appeared to suck a little less. Not voting changed nothing, and you faggots certainly weren't marching on washington with your guns ready so you have no say you lazy cunts.
I'm Canadian.
Also I haven't bought vidya in 3 years
it was a misquote
Good end.
So none of them?
This delusion is amazing. Now they have to spend even MORE for the non cucked versions of games
Let's not forget that SJWism quite literally is a US-born thing, so I'm at a loss really.
Gee it's like I'm back on 4cucks.
You dingalings know that a tariff isn't a ban, right? A lot of you sound as though you think trade will halt entirely.
Welcome to hell
This is what happens when you let underaged memespewing faggots engorge on politics
No, it means I will have to spend $200 just to get a jap game.
m-muh god emperor
I honestly couldn't give a shit, vidya's been shit since before 07. Just as long as he actually gets shit done, and so far he's done quite a lot.
You have no idea what a tariff actually does, do you?