Other urls found in this thread:
Chris stopped being a human after voting for Hillary
did the last thread go off the catalog, or did the CP derail get even worse?
I need to see if i can find a transformer in my old junk and make a response kek Maybe a gijoe that looks like trump or something.
Why is he trying to draw himself fit and attractive now? How could cuckley gain self esteem? He's a has-been niche joke.
I wish CP was legal again.
The mods cut it before anyone could ask or post anything.
Well that's good, I thought the site was having connectivity issues again.
Anyone got the translated russian comics?
Wow, what a bunch of faggots, I wasn't going to post shit. Just made a mere comment on the side and moved on to post thread related stuff.
We are getting to leddit levels of stupidity and normalfaggotery.
>>>Holla Forums
Just because they're right on most issues doesn't mean they're good.
That's probably the gayest thing about that comic.
That's what a fag would say.
No, a fag would say this >>11783771
Yeah, fair enough. Sometimes they’re decidedly unfunny.
Only fags spoiler.Just kidding you homo.****
That's the only part he got wrong tbqh
Okay, does anyone have that one comic where the kid’s in a hospital bed and his mother comes in and tells him he only has “15…” to live and it’s a sappy piece of shit and ends with her telling him he has 15 centuries to live?
Holy shit, I can’t find it anywhere.
Honestly he's almost always absolutely right, but the way he presents shit is cringey as fuck.
The Gamergate one is 2 panels too long
We all do, user, we all do.
I didn't come here for this.
I'm not talking about the last two, you ape.
You have come for entertainment, but you are my enemy. I shall pierce your heart.
I wish I had artistic ability, I'd totally draw one of these
Steepest floor
Just leave, ignorance is bliss
E.Y.E is a shit game.
Why are you on a vidya dedicated board then?
You obviously you care about vidya, stop trying to be 18 and edgy.
Gotta do sonething with the time.
I'll wear your face as a party mask
The only reason I'm still in this shithole is because it's the only thing I know
Do you enjoy the commodities daddy and mommy, or perhaps, autismbux give you?
Commodities such as a bed, a roof, warmth, food and water?
Well then congrats faggot
You're not a nihilist
>>>Holla Forums
I work for all those things, gbp isn't handed out like candy now that Trump is running things
You're not only wrong, you're stupid to boot
Take your own advice
I thought this meme died in 2014. Get off my board newfag.
Fuck off neet filth.
Guns and Roses third single
It quickly got killed after user talked about cp
You don't even need to eat food, this gives you all the energy your body needs
Woah proxyfag don't cut yourself with all that edge.
College student actually
Its pretty shit, I'm finishing up this year and getting an administration/secretary job.
Fuck academics
I've had the same ID all thread.
Fuck this gay board.
They are just like us!
Oh look another strawman
How about you specify what kind of shitty branch of nihilism do you adopt so I can pick it apart?
I'm sure its real in your mind sonny, but unfortunately for you this ain't ancient Greece and neither do you live in Africa.
NEETs are the future.
Smh craka tbh
Thank god
Just leave you nigger
This is what farmers want you to believe, you are being lied to. They are fattening you up, and soon they will butcher you
I was bitter, but I didn't see everything as faggotry, jewery, or shit, just yet.
Real kangs can't write
Keep going, the further you go the further you prove you're full of shit, just like your house, which was paid for, with work, for the purpose of furfilling your need for comfort.
True enough
I saw normalfags and their heavily emotion/instinct based behaviour, economical interests following the needs of a few and globalism at an accelerated pace though.
I'm using the public library computer. The farmers have taken over my house and are going to tear up my yard in order to grow more of their lies, as an insult to injury
The funny thing about those images is that the "real" nihilism is really just existentialism, since nihilism is essentially a much more pessimistic form of existentialism.
What the fuck
You don't want to know, it was disgusting.
Basically someone dumped a comic of a loli storing things in her uterus and being forced to dispense them, and by stretching her vag she was able to love her adult boyfriend properly, which caused the other user to note that it wasn't that far fetched of a comic because he has some CP of a girl taking a large dick fairly well.
So what?
So do I
Memes don't die.
I don't understand, are these supposed to be funny?
I never thought of that before
Not bad
Why is basically all female humour like this?
It's all just
Is there nothing to their life other than this shit?
You forgot >HIS DICK
It does?
here's a thought for you: it's not just their humor that's devoid of thought, it's their everything
I've never noticed cum staining something, and I've cum on a lot of things.
There used to be quite a bit of good female comedians in the classic show business days, but after the 2nd wave feminism thing most of them got the idea in their head that can't just be funny, they have to be "funny to women", which means telling jokes that they think only women will find funny. Truth is no one finds that stuff funny.
And dropped
Was it ever posted? Or are we being fiddled?
I've got some, lad.
Good ol' flood detection, haven't seen that one in a while.
That's all I have.
I could speak English better than that when I was 11 and I'm Russian.
Wasn't there an anime about an unlucky girl? Something about father getting a heater attack, mother playing around and she getting raped.
To be fair, Sentinel Prime (orange head) is just DIO's The World + Donald Trump's enthusiasm.
Have you forgotten your name? Do you know what the season is? Or the reason why you're in this board holding your keyboard? Are you saying that the only thing you know for real is that there will be shitposting?
This one?
I just cum in my pants and I've never really noticed any stains unless tiny vague spots of white are considered stains now.
As far as I'm aware any stains that occur from such activity are pale yellow in color, and even those usually clean up easily after a wash. As with any other organic stains, hydrogen peroxide should work well, although I'd recommend that you also use some baking soda to remove any excess acid that may just give you a new stain instead.
I unironically thought those Pitch Black comics were funny.
Is this like an actual regular show or just hentai? If it's porn then it is pretty shitty and retarded at that, if it's just a regular show, well its retarded too.
My only complaint is
It's neutron.
That's not asian.
That's a muslim.
Asian is bong newspeak for paki.
Gay Gamerz!
Dream Casterz
I personally think the dreamcast is amazing, but that comic is fucking autistic, personifying inanimate objects is something that literal autistic children do, it's equal to that gay fucking personification of boards, again something that literal homosexual faggots do due to having little to no grip on reality cause they're too busy gripping their daddy's cock
Better watch yourselves before the Reddit Transplants come around and start screaming you're being racist, evil and edgy for not letting autistic pakindian curry-niggers play pretend.
That is because the Bongistani government and media try to make it seem like gooks are the ones raping everyone in the UK and not Muslims because "b-but what if it reinforces stereotypes and proves the racists right?"
I really hope she's faking it like the usual bitches. Still, what a fucked up and hilarious story
cant wait to see that inbred fucker swing from a tree
Mike "I'd sacrifice my children for Israel" Pence
Mike "It's not gay if a kike is fucking me" Pence
Mike "I wish I was one of the chosen ones" Pence
Mike "We need to kill more white soldiers to protect the holy tribe" Pence
Hey I found a kike/reddit transplant meme boy. Hey little shitskin, how you doin'? Gotta meme?
Hello fellow non-white! haha!
Admittedly got a smirk out of me, though I can't really give B^U much credit since every "gamer humor" type thing has made jokes about gamestop already.
Nice memes kike, you're totally an oldfag right?
It was never human. Autism does that to ya.
This is you.
Hi reddit!
Reported for being a faggot.
Well, technically they're interbreeding with their own race. Chances they're distant relatives or close without knowing so. While mix racing is only going to fuck up the races so it's a loss both sides.
Fucking spellcheck, meant inbreeding.
Why did you copy and paste kike from my post?
That's extremely odd there yid heeb my boy. Are you ya-yidz trying to scheme? Trying to force more Reddit Transplants we don't need?
You shitskinned third worlders and kikes too that away from us oldfags, and now it's payback.
Feels good, doesn't it?
Trolling most likely.
Did your other thread get deleted?
deleted it myself
What is going here?
Good, mark is a faggot and would ban you without hesitation instead of deleting your thread.
Cwc should have been bullied to suicide years ago, just for the sake of mercy, it would be a mercy kill.
We could have had saved him, instead he lives, and will continue to live as a twisted damaged human being
I thought the third one was going to be a senator armstrong comic
good thing you didnt get any dubs, i fear what kind of meme magic you would summon with senator armstrong and that australian
i know this is going to sound crazy, but im cleaning my picture folder and found pic related, anyone know where is this ship from? if i remember correctly i THINK its from a lewd manga
holy shit my dude it's a comic calm your fucking mantits
Hi sudocuck. Shouldn't you be shitting up Holla Forums right now?
Holla Forums please leave us alone. Just go back to your own board.
The Aristocrats!
What a time to be alive.
Time to raid /christian/ :^).
wew lad.
Embed related
Agreed, paki larvae must learn about anal sex, the sooner the better.
You're just jumping ahead as usual to try to discredit people.
Do I have to be specific with you people before you start acting rationally? The fuck's wrong with porn other then you pretending it's some sort of jewish scheme or some ridiculous bullshit.
The muslim people are repressed and ignorant. Not saying they should go full faggot and have a 1000 gay partners but goddamn they need to loosen up a little.
Sam really likes jews huh
you cant take a joke
Nothing, now be a good cuck and masturbate.
Why are you looking at that degeneracy?
First cucked thing I saw on the frontpage using a Swedish proxy.
That's just laughably retarded.
What did he mean by this?
Those are the sort of people who tend to have the most self esteem
I need more of lewd gardevoir. Who's the artist.
Why would you fuck a Pokemon when the girls in the pokemon universe are all at leasr a 7/10?
might as well post this again
Delete this
If I click that link,will I be put on a list?
user if your here, you are already on a list.
I love how surreal these are.
he should have said zone
I saw this before but never asked what the story behind it is. Now that I see the bloody arm it's kinda suspicious.
All of the relevant info is in the linked wordpress.
I thought I had more of these.
Prison school
You didn't even post the creepy picture.
Probably pokeymans.
Red, Blue, etc.
they're all creepy pictures
Yeah but.
That one looks like it's from the fucking ring.
and do you find that unattractive?
Something like this?
what a waste
oh well
user, do you know who Chris is? What he's done? If you think voting for Hillary was the worst thing he did, you must not have seen his 'clit'.
Or when he did a hit and run on someone because he didn't like them.
da fuck?
because i want to stick my dick in something that is humanoid yet unique plus she is extremely loyal
i see you are a fucking degenerate
Didn't knew i wanted this
Personally, I am of the opinion two panel would be ideal. Probably with a second party, though, would be too hard to just edit.
The Generals representations are spot on
Does low FPS emotionally hurt the fucking game or something?
Jesus fucking Christ, these are grown-ass adults who claim to have worked on big games and they're making middle school-tier mistakes like confusing "effect" for "affect".
Congratulations on a baby easy, but nonetheless sucessful bait.
Affect is the correct word though.
Didn't it turn out to be like, one shitty mobile game?
Affect is the correct word here user, you're the one making the middle school error
verb: affect; 3rd person present: affects; past tense: affected; past participle: affected; gerund or present participle: affecting
have an effect on; make a difference to.
"the dampness began to affect my health"
synonyms: have an effect on, influence, act on, work on, have an impact on, impact; More
change, alter, modify, transform, form, shape, sway, bias
"this development may have affected the judge's decision"
uh oh you friggin moron! you just got ZAPPED!
Affect and effect come from french, where affect is a verb and effect is not.
Good thing we're using English.
About the potential of running out of usable transmission space by mobile internet providers in US to the point where the connection isn't suitable in terms of QoS criteria for mobile vidyagames or other sorts of things.
What the hell did 8ch just do to the images in my post
They all stacked up on each other
Now it was I who was bullied
Oh sweet justice, blind and completely erring
oy vey
Shit post.
You are weak
They lost all hope after Trump won so they just resorted to shitposting?
What did they mean by this?
He decided to be a butthurt shitskin in an evasive, cuckold way.
I can't wait for the next 4 years to be filled with nothing but overly sensitive, hugbox-loving retards getting completely bent out of shape over even the lightest of jabs aimed at Trump.
Toro has been a SJW for a long time now. He is a hack. He got really asshurt at AVGN for shitting on the new ghostbusters and for other people who called out Rey as a mary sue in star wars.
You communists sure are salty.
So what's that anime called and is it a hentai? I want to masturbate to it.
Bah, as long as he keeps making cool movies with fuckable characters.
Is he missing the part where loads of people do agree with, or at least understand the actions of both "villains" in MGS2? That's far from the perfect example of some obvious evil. It's one of the greyest games in the series, to the point that refusing the mission and even defecting and never getting involved would have been the best choice, had Raiden knew what he was getting involved in. He chose the only game in the series that makes his argument instantly look fucking retarded, and likely because he remembered there was some "evil president" in it.
And this is supposed to be a bad thing? Even the original plans for the game explicitly claimed that Solidus was not going to be a black-and-white villain but instead it that it would intentionally go against the traditional "me good, you evil" understanding of villains.
What the fuck is this shit?
Everytime leftists try to sound smug and clever it backfires impressively.
I didn't post shit, just dropped the comment on the post and moved on. Hell, I didn't even post mildly suggestive pictures of jail-bait or anything like that, only 1 or 2 shitty comics with no sexual content. The mod/volunteer is a colossal faggot.
You do know he wasn't banned for that post, right? That's regular red text
le funny pink haired moe girl xDDDDDDDDDDD
ebin my friend!!! have an upvote!!!
Imaging 8 years of solid shitposting.
How is that man called?
I think he had tons of breathing exercises, but I never bothered checking them out.
I might be mistaking him though.
Kill yourself, you mentally defective degenerate.
Edit for my life.
There is nothing wrong with porn
That's pretty fucking big alright
When you googled Anthony Burch one of the suggested searchs were cuck, right? It got replaced by open relationship apparently, or I remember wrong, but I'm sure I googled Anthony Burch at some point and saw cuck there
sage because low quality post
Wim Hof
The hotpockets do deserve some bullying though, and it's not like these threads have much value anyway.
Holy kek
I need the sauce.