where do I flee to in order to watch my kinos in peace?
Tfw once the anchor baby generation grows up the US will complete its transformation into brazil
Brazil really became shit after the Socialist party was replaced by Socdems. Maybe the solution to this problem is, dare i say, Socialism?
hue hue hue
Poland maybe? Remote parts of Russia? The kikes have been fucking up our lands so much there's pretty much nowhere to go. Even South Africans fleeing the genocide can't even get asylum status while rapist niggers are basically treated as kings by many of our governments.
You guys could try to revolt against the US government but I think you are afraid to.
Nigger, how can I revolt against the US government when I have no guns? Dunblane was an inside job.
Git gunz.
The sun is about to set on the American dream.
No because the economy will crash in the meantime and then things will heat up.
Okay, so a fast decent. Even better, we'll go the way of many post-USSR states.
Kill yourself.
I was being sarcastic you dense fucker.
stop memeing so hard pls
Television and Movies
Get your FFL for $200. You can buy guns at wholesale prices, and you can also own full-auto boomsticks.
They said kino in the OP.
Muh 4d chess.
Ban all the shitposters and the waifufag that make 20 threads at a time and then we'll talk about what's board appropriate or not.
once the hollywood gets flooded with shitskins and inevitably bankrupts under its own incompetency what place will become the next hollywood?
hopefully nowhere, modern filmmaking needs a shakeup like the late 60s/early 70s
>anchor baby generation?
board will moderate itself. if a thread is good the discussion will flourish. We don't need your silly mods
the spic excrement that ruined california and will soon ruin texas
so do they like it or the opposite?
If you're actually very serious about watching high quality kino in a more white environment.
1. Save up money
2. Get a degree in an internationally transferable STEM field. Finance shouldnt be that rough.
3. Aquire girl willing to move with you or in country you'll be moving to.
4. Pick a country in Eastern Europe.
5. Learn Language
6.Get Job in country
7.Leave on Jet Plane with/going to meet Waifu
Become citizen
They're just reacting to the events unfolding I think
cumskins mad cause they going extinct
t. le 26% face
**Who you think is going to repair and keep things running when we're gone? Say goodbye to fried chicken, internet and basketball.
Forget tv, vidya and anime too
Are you saying that when you're getting genocided it isn't the right time to get mad? Is there even a more correct time to get mad?
smh tbh fam
poe's law
fuck off nigger
My ancestors didn't become 56 percenters until after 20th century why should I care?
motherfucker that's nowhere near poe's law, that kind of shitposting has been common here since 2016
stop being a dense motherfucker
You'd be surprised just how many unironic idiots like that there are.
Soon the world will be Brazil ruled over by people like pic-related unless people start doing something about it.
fucking spoiler that shit next time ffs
That's literally what kikes say openly and what they teach in college.
Considering how many corporate marxists there are it's not unreasonable to imagine that one of them found his way here.
What the fuck is she wearing?
More than one. The long march of progress is a real thing. As an example, reddit used to actually be bipartisan and didn't even mind if you said nigger. Now look at it. Same for 4chan, and SA. It's starting here already actually. Just look at how many bitch when you point out SJWs or insane leftist racism. Or bitch when you point out censorship.
This is what Jewish men find attractive.
She's cute in a ratty type of way.
theres a reason why the children are only considered jewish if the mother is a jew
So what? Seriously, so fucking what? Brazil is a decent place to live, barring the class conflict and the occasional murder-homicides.
true, you can murder a pack of niggers and no one will care
Have you seen the favelas? Go watch some mugging videos on youtube or liveleak and they're all from Brazil. I was once in a chatroom with a guy from Brazil and he was like "going to a job interview, don't know if its a set up to mug me" its basically the worst place on earth aside from the middle east and maybe south east asia.
Have you seen the news lately? We are having a military intervention in Rio de Janeiro. Carnaval was a shitshow, people were robbed, killed and beaten up. Soon this situation will be all over Brazil (things are already getting bad in my city). Once the 2000 kids grow up, this place will be as bad as Africa.
We can depend on the Japs for the last two things.
The Japs will probably purge the world once whitey is gone
Either Bollywood of China where the latter will make a huge push to propagandize white women with LYC.
Japs are slowly being shilled at to replace themselves with lower-tier Asians though. And once that happens, they'll probably invite Africans, too, to enrich their shit up.
Look on the bright side. A lot of jews fall for their own bullshit, and they are dying out faster than we are.
Yes, yes, fellow white man.